Rune-Magic, by Siegried Adolf Kummer - Aryan Kristian Literature

Rune-Magic, by Siegried Adolf Kummer - Aryan Kristian Literature

Rune-Magic, by Siegried Adolf Kummer - Aryan Kristian Literature


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<strong>Rune</strong>-<strong>Magic</strong>, <strong>by</strong> <strong>Siegried</strong> <strong>Adolf</strong> <strong>Kummer</strong>7/7/11 12:15 AMThis <strong>Rune</strong>-sign also has the following sound formulas:de-di-do-du.Fig. 4. Here, too, the <strong>Rune</strong>r proceeds as with the previous exercises -- bendthe thumb and forefinger of the extended hand so that the fingertips touch,as Fig. 4 shows. Sing the o-o-o-formula in the manner already explained.Soon you will feel a circulating vibration of energies in your hand. Thenproceed as already explained for the previous signs. This is the sign ofOdem, Ode and breath. This has an effect especially rich and in spiritualblessings for the conscientious <strong>Rune</strong>r. Often after this exercise the smellof ozone can be detected from the hand. The astral color vibration isbright violet.Fig. 4Fig. 5 shows the Rit-<strong>Rune</strong> hand-sign. The <strong>Rune</strong>r should observe thepreviously stated methods <strong>by</strong> raising the left arm, assuming the handposition of Fig. 5, and purring r-r-r in siren fashion (i.e. with rising andfalling tone and volume, as in the previous exercises). Inner thoughts arefocused on higher counsel, on inborn right and cosmic rhythm. This <strong>Rune</strong>hand-sign produces a rhythmic warming of the hand and makes possible theengagement in the cosmic World-rhythm through which the higher centersare strongly stimulated and magical abilities unfold in the <strong>Rune</strong>r. Also, aconscious, willed circulation of the power through the entire body shouldnot to be neglected here. As astral vibrational colors I was able to detecthttp://www.american-buddha.com/cult.runemagic.kummer.htmPage 38 of 64

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