Reuters Group PLC Annual Report and Form 20 ... - Thomson Reuters

Reuters Group PLC Annual Report and Form 20 ... - Thomson Reuters

Reuters Group PLC Annual Report and Form 20 ... - Thomson Reuters

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22 <strong>Reuters</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Form</strong> <strong>20</strong>-F <strong>20</strong>02Statement of directors’ responsibilitiesFinancial reportingThe directors are required by UK company law to prepare financialstatements for each financial year, which give a true <strong>and</strong> fair view ofthe state of the affairs of the company <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Group</strong> as at the end ofthe financial year <strong>and</strong> of the loss <strong>and</strong> cash flows of the <strong>Group</strong> for theperiod. <strong>Reuters</strong> <strong>Group</strong> is also required to prepare financial statements<strong>and</strong> provide additional disclosures in accordance with the requirementsof the SEC.The <strong>Group</strong> has complied with both UK <strong>and</strong> US disclosure requirementsin this report in order to present a consistent picture to all shareholders.In preparing the financial statements, applicable accounting st<strong>and</strong>ardshave been followed, suitable accounting policies have been used <strong>and</strong>applied consistently <strong>and</strong> reasonable <strong>and</strong> prudent judgments <strong>and</strong>estimates have been made.The directors have reviewed the <strong>Group</strong>’s budget <strong>and</strong> cash flowforecast for the <strong>Group</strong> <strong>and</strong> the company for the year to 31 December<strong>20</strong>03 <strong>and</strong> outline projections for the subsequent year in the light ofthe <strong>Group</strong>’s financial position <strong>and</strong> borrowing facilities at 31 December<strong>20</strong>02. On the basis of this review the directors are satisfied that the<strong>Reuters</strong> <strong>Group</strong> is a going concern <strong>and</strong> have continued to adopt thegoing concern basis in preparing the financial statements.Risk management <strong>and</strong> internal controlsThe directors acknowledge their responsibility for the <strong>Group</strong>’s systemof internal control <strong>and</strong> confirm they have reviewed its effectiveness.In doing so, the Board has taken note of the Turnbull guidance fordirectors on internal control, Internal Control: Guidance for Directorson the Combined Code, which is applicable to all UK listed companies.The Board confirms that it has adopted a process for identifying,evaluating <strong>and</strong> managing significant risks the <strong>Group</strong> faces. Thisprocess, which accords with the Turnbull guidance, has been in placefor the full financial year <strong>and</strong> is ongoing. The overall internal controlsystem includes written policies <strong>and</strong> control procedures, clearly drawnlines of accountability <strong>and</strong> delegation of authority, <strong>and</strong> comprehensivereporting <strong>and</strong> analysis against approved budgets. There are supportingpolicies <strong>and</strong> procedures for reporting <strong>and</strong> management of controlbreakdowns. The Board considers that the control system is appropriatelydesigned to manage, rather than eliminate, the risk of failure toachieve business objectives <strong>and</strong> can only provide reasonable <strong>and</strong>not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. Theconcept of reasonable assurance recognises that the cost of a controlprocedure should not exceed the expected benefits.Using a common risk management framework throughout theorganisation, each of the principal business <strong>and</strong> functional unitsidentifies the significant risks that could impede the achievementof their objectives <strong>and</strong> records them in a ‘Risk Register’. For eachsignificant risk, line managers document an overview of the risk,consider the effectiveness of the current controls in place <strong>and</strong> identifyany improvement actions required. In addition to the continuousmonitoring processes embedded within the business, the <strong>Group</strong>Operating Committee monitors all significant operating risks. Thereis also a regular schedule of <strong>Group</strong> Risk Registers (covering significantoperational, financial <strong>and</strong> strategic risks) submitted twice a year forreview to the <strong>Group</strong> Management Committee <strong>and</strong> the Audit Committee.A common risk assessment process has also been adopted as an integralpart of major programmes such as the restructuring programme.Instinet <strong>and</strong> TSI, which are both listed on Nasdaq, have their ownsystems of risk management <strong>and</strong> internal controls on which theyeach report publicly to their shareholders. The boards of Radianz <strong>and</strong>Factiva, which include <strong>Reuters</strong> representatives, have responsibility foradopting processes for identifying, evaluating <strong>and</strong> managing significantrisks in their respective businesses. <strong>Reuters</strong> assessment of the mainrisks relating to its affiliate companies are considered by the membersof the <strong>Group</strong> Management Committee <strong>and</strong> included where requiredin the Chief Executive’s report to the Audit Committee.In addition to the self-assessment <strong>and</strong> management review procedures,the company monitors its internal financial control system through aprogramme of internal audits. Internal auditors independently reviewthe controls in place to manage significant risks <strong>and</strong> report to theAudit Committee twice a year. The Audit Committee reviews theassurance procedures, including compliance controls, on a biannualbasis <strong>and</strong> reports their findings to the Board.The <strong>Group</strong>’s external auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers, haveaudited the financial statements <strong>and</strong> have reviewed the work ofinternal auditors <strong>and</strong> the internal control systems to the extent theyconsider necessary to support their audit report. The Audit Committeehas met internal auditors <strong>and</strong> PricewaterhouseCoopers to discuss theresults of their work.During <strong>20</strong>02, the directors were not aware of any control failures thatresulted in a material loss to the <strong>Group</strong>.Disclosure controls <strong>and</strong> proceduresWithin the 90-day period prior to the filing of this report, an evaluationwas carried out under the supervision <strong>and</strong> with the participation of<strong>Reuters</strong> management, including the Chief Executive <strong>and</strong> FinanceDirector, of the effectiveness of the design <strong>and</strong> operation of the<strong>Group</strong>’s disclosure controls <strong>and</strong> procedures which are defined as thosecontrols <strong>and</strong> procedures designed to ensure that information requiredto be disclosed in reports filed under the Securities Exchange Actof 1934 is recorded, summarised <strong>and</strong> reported within specific timeperiods. As of the date of the evaluation, the Chief Executive <strong>and</strong>Finance Director concluded that the design <strong>and</strong> operation of thesedisclosure controls <strong>and</strong> procedures were effective. No significant changeswere made in the <strong>Group</strong>’s internal controls or in other factors thatcould significantly affect these controls subsequent to their evaluation.By order of the BoardRosemary MartinCompany Secretary24 February <strong>20</strong>03In connection with the preparation of the statement on internal controlin this report, the <strong>Group</strong> Management Committee formally considersthe operation <strong>and</strong> effectiveness of <strong>Reuters</strong> risk management <strong>and</strong>internal control systems. This review includes consideration of selfassessmentreports from line management <strong>and</strong> covers each of themost significant risks faced <strong>and</strong> how well these are controlled <strong>and</strong>managed. The Chief Executive <strong>and</strong> Chief Operating Officer report onthe results of this review to the Audit Committee. Since October <strong>20</strong>02a Disclosure Committee, chaired by the Chief Executive, has alsosupported the process by reviewing disclosure controls <strong>and</strong> procedures.

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