Reuters Group PLC Annual Report and Form 20 ... - Thomson Reuters

Reuters Group PLC Annual Report and Form 20 ... - Thomson Reuters

Reuters Group PLC Annual Report and Form 20 ... - Thomson Reuters

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32 <strong>Reuters</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Form</strong> <strong>20</strong>-F <strong>20</strong>02Operating <strong>and</strong> financial reviewcontinuedSterling trade-weighted exchangerate index<strong>20</strong>02 <strong>20</strong>01 <strong>20</strong>00115In addition, <strong>Reuters</strong> has short-term uncommitted bank borrowingfacilities denominated in various currencies, the sterling equivalentof which was approximately £185 million. Drawings under theselines was £10 million at 31 December <strong>20</strong>02. Instinet has access tothe equivalent of US$717 million short-term uncommitted bankfacilities of which US$31 million was drawn at 31 December <strong>20</strong>02.JFM AM JJASO N110105100DThe following table summarises the <strong>Group</strong>’s principal contractualfinancial obligations at 31 December <strong>20</strong>02, certain of which aredescribed in the consolidated financial statements <strong>and</strong> notes. The<strong>Group</strong> expects to be able to fund such obligations from ongoingoperations <strong>and</strong> its external facilities.Payments due by periodLessthan 1-3 4-5 After 5Contractual obligations Total 1 year years years yearsShort-term debt 440 440 – – –Long-term debt 352 – 352 – –Operating leases 735 91 149 119 376Unconditional purchase obligations 152 63 89 – –Total contractual obligations 1,679 594 590 119 3766. Treasury managementThe key objectives of <strong>Reuters</strong> <strong>Group</strong> treasury management are toensure sufficient liquidity exists to meet funding needs <strong>and</strong> to managethe interest rate <strong>and</strong> currency risks arising from the <strong>Group</strong>’s operations<strong>and</strong> its sources of finance.<strong>Reuters</strong> borrows in many currencies, at both fixed <strong>and</strong> floating rates<strong>and</strong> uses derivative contracts to create the desired currency <strong>and</strong>interest rate basis. Historically, most funding was converted intosterling. However some debt may be left in, or converted to, othercurrencies to match asset exposures that arise from time to time.Derivatives used are principally interest rate swaps, forward rateagreements, interest rate caps <strong>and</strong> collars, currency swaps, forwardforeign exchange contracts <strong>and</strong> currency options.The main risks managed by the <strong>Group</strong> Treasurer, under policiesapproved by the Board are foreign currency risk, interest rate risk,liquidity <strong>and</strong> refinancing risk <strong>and</strong> counterparty credit risk. A TreasuryCommittee of the Board periodically reviews <strong>Reuters</strong> treasury activities,policies <strong>and</strong> procedures. All treasury activity takes place within aformal control framework. A separate treasury department existswithin Instinet.Almost 90% of <strong>Group</strong> revenue is denominated in non-sterlingcurrencies. The <strong>Group</strong> also has significant costs denominated inforeign currencies with a different mix from revenue. <strong>Group</strong> profitsare, therefore, exposed to currency fluctuations. The approximateproportions of operating profit excluding goodwill amortisation <strong>and</strong>currency gains attributable to each key currency group was as follows:Year to 31 December<strong>20</strong>02 <strong>20</strong>01 <strong>20</strong>00Operating profit by currency % % %Continental EuropeEuro <strong>and</strong> legacy currencies 296 133 107Other 54 25 18US dollar (71) 66 57Japanese yen 53 26 22SterlingDepreciation (140) (63) (58)Other (143) (97) (66)Other 51 10 <strong>20</strong>Total 100 100 100

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