Membership Application Form - WACS

Membership Application Form - WACS

Membership Application Form - WACS

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worldchefsNational <strong>Membership</strong>Affiliate <strong>Membership</strong>Associate <strong>Membership</strong>Corporate <strong>Membership</strong><strong>Application</strong> <strong>Form</strong>– Global Voice of the Culinary IndustrySW A Cworldassociationof chefssocieties

worldchefsMember <strong>Application</strong>SW A Cworldassociationof chefssocietiesOur Vision:RethinkingTraditionOn behalf of the Board, the staff, thehundreds of volunteers and the thousandsof chefs throughout the world involved in<strong>WACS</strong>, I want to say thank you for yourdedication and your confidence in <strong>WACS</strong>.Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of thechange you want to see happening in ourculinary world!With culinary friendship and respect,Gissur GudmundssonPresidentthe world association of chefs societiesThe World Association of Chefs Societies, or <strong>WACS</strong> in short, is a global network ofchefs associations first founded in October 1928 at the Sorbonne in Paris. The venerableAuguste Escoffier was named the first Honorary President.Today, this global body has over 90 official member chefs associations that represent10 million professionals worldwide.our missionThe World Association of Chefs Societies is a non-political professional organization,dedicated to maintaining and improving the culinary standards of global cuisines.We accomplish these goals through education, training and professional developmentof our international membership. As an authority and opinion leader on food, <strong>WACS</strong>represents a global voice on all issues related to the culinary profession.national membershipaffiliate membership<strong>WACS</strong> National <strong>Membership</strong> is open to one official culinary associationor federation of a sovereign country. Individual members of thisassociation automatically become members of <strong>WACS</strong>.<strong>WACS</strong> member benefits include:Participating in <strong>WACS</strong> Congresses and Continental MeetingsAttending and participating in <strong>WACS</strong> Culinary CompetitionsReceiving monthly electronic newslettersPosting association news on the website www.worldchefs.orgAttending <strong>WACS</strong> Judging SeminarsEducational opportunitiesNetworking between member chefs across the globeCross cultural training opportunitiesParticipation in Junior Chef activities and moreTo find out who is representing <strong>WACS</strong> in your country please visitour member countries section on www.worldchefs.org.If your country is not represented in <strong>WACS</strong> and you represent anofficial culinary association in your country, your association is eligiblefor National <strong>Membership</strong>. Annual membership fee: 750 EurosAffiliate <strong>Membership</strong> constitutes a temporary, non-voting, fee-payingmembership status not to exceed a five-year period. This provisionwould allow developing associations in new countries to become partof the <strong>WACS</strong> family and, at a later point, become a regular member.Annual membership fee: 200 Euros.corporate/associate membershipCompanies, culinary institutions and associations that wish to becomemembers of <strong>WACS</strong> are eligible for corporate or associate membershipproviding they have a recommendation from the official <strong>WACS</strong>Member Association of their country. <strong>Application</strong>s for admission for a<strong>WACS</strong> Associate <strong>Membership</strong> must be made to the Board of Directors,who will, based on the criteria, vote on its acceptance. Corporate/Associate Members have no voting rights and pay a current annual feeto <strong>WACS</strong>. Corporate/Associate Members will be listed on the official<strong>WACS</strong> list on www.worldchefs.org. Other benefits include receiving<strong>WACS</strong> information and the ability to participate in <strong>WACS</strong> Congressesand other <strong>WACS</strong> events. Corporate/ Associate members may apply forthe use of the <strong>WACS</strong> Corporate/Associate membership logo.Annual membership fee: 1000 Euros.worldchefs310 Rue de la Tour, Centra 278, 94576 RUNGIS, CEDEX FRANCET: +33(0)1 46 87 65 10 E: office@worldchefs.org SKYPE: worldchefs_skype www.worldchefs.org

worldchefsMember <strong>Application</strong>SW A Cworldassociationof chefssocietiesthis is an application for:National <strong>Membership</strong> 750 EurosAffiliate <strong>Membership</strong> 200 EurosAssociate <strong>Membership</strong> 1000 EurosCorporate <strong>Membership</strong> 1000 Euros1. Organisation detailsName ofOrganisationStreetCityPostal CodeWebsiteStateCountry2 Person responsible (President, Director, other ...)NameTel.FaxTitleMobileEmail3. Contact person (If other than above)NameTel.FaxTitleMobileEmail4. Invoice address (If different than above)ContactStreetPostal CodeTitleCity/StateCountry5. Other details (Complete where applicable)PrimarylanguageNo. ofmembersPublication?If yes, nameMain activityNo. ofemployeesNo. ofbranchesCommentsThe global voice of the culinary professionwww.worldchefs.org

worldchefsMember <strong>Application</strong>SW A Cworldassociationof chefssocietiesFor National and Affiliate membership Only6. Details of Culinary Competitions and Trade shows in your country1st Event nameDuration2nd Event nameDuration3rd Event nameDurationOrganiserTime of yearOrganiserTime of yearOrganiserTime of year7. Credentials required to accompany this application (Please attach to this form)Short description of your association and its history.The statutes / constitution / laws of your association.The criteria for electing committee members / leaders in your association.Letter of confirmation from your government confirming the national status of your association.Please specify a date when a <strong>WACS</strong> Continental Director can visit your country to validatethe application. (The cost of which must be borne by your association.)8. Other OptionsYes, I would like to receive a <strong>WACS</strong> Wall plaque. I agree to paying an annual fee of 300 Euros per year.Yes, I would like to receive _____________additional <strong>WACS</strong> Supporter Plaques.Thank you for your interest in <strong>WACS</strong> and taking the time to fill out this application form. It will be sent to the respective authorities, who willrevert on the status of your application within 2 weeks of submission.I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions for <strong>WACS</strong> <strong>Membership</strong>. I certify that I am an authorized agent of theabove-named organisation and have authority to make agreements on its behalf.Signed by Title DateReturn <strong>Form</strong> ToWorld Association of Chefs SocietiesBy Email : office@worldchefs.orgBy Fax : +33 (0)1 70 44 84 18

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