Mathematics Challenge Wiskunde-uitdaging Umceli ... - AMESA

Mathematics Challenge Wiskunde-uitdaging Umceli ... - AMESA

Mathematics Challenge Wiskunde-uitdaging Umceli ... - AMESA

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<strong>Mathematics</strong> <strong>Challenge</strong>GRADE 6 FINAL ROUND14 OCTOBER 2003NOTE:• Answer the questions according to the instructions onthe answer sheet.• You may use a calculator.• The questions test insight. Complex calculations willtherefore not be necessary.• We hope you enjoy it!<strong>Wiskunde</strong>-<strong>uitdaging</strong>GRAAD 6 FINALE RONDE14 OKTOBER 2003LET OP:• Beantwoord die vrae volgens die instruksies op dieantwoordblad.• Jy mag ’n sakrekenaar gebruik.• Die vrae toets insig. Omslagtige berekeninge is dusonnodig en tydrowend.• Ons hoop jy geniet dit!<strong>Umceli</strong>-mngeni NgezibaloGRADE 6 UMJIKELO WOKUGQIBELA14 OKTHOBHA 2003QAPHELA:• Phendula imibuzo ngokwemigaqo ekwiphephaolinikiweyo• Ungayisebenzisa i-Calculator• Imibuzo ivavanya ukuqonda kwakho. Izibalo ezide,ezixhakaxhaka aziyomfuneko.• Siyathemba uyakulonwabela!1. If the figure shown is folded to make a cube, thenwhat is the letter opposite the T?1. As die figuur hieronder gevou word om ’n kubus tevorm, watter letter sal oorkant die T wees?S T UV W X1. Ukuba lo mzobo uthe wagotywa ukuze wokheityhubhu, ingaba kengoko iyakuba ngowuphiunobumba ozakuhlala ujongane nonobumba T?(A) S (B) U (C) V (D) W (E) X2. How many different triangles (of all sizes) are in thisfigure?2. Hoeveel verskillende driehoeke (van alle groottes) isdaar in hierdie figuur?2. Bangaphi oonxantathu abangalinganiyo abakhoyokulo mzobo?(A) 8 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 14 (E) 163. How many whole numbers divide exactly into 100? 3. Hoeveel heelgetalle deel presies in 100 in? 3. Mangaphi amanani azeleyo ohluleka ngqo kwi 100?(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 10 (E) 9

4. Which of the following divisions has the smallestremainder?Grade 6 (Final Round) page 2 of 54. Watter van die volgende deelprobleme het diekleinste res?4. Ingaba yeyiphi kwezi eneyona ntsalela incinci?(A) 3 ÷ 4 (B) 4507 ÷ 5 (C) 6604 ÷ 6 (D) 775 ÷ 7 (E) 8887 ÷ 85. What is the smallest number (except 1) that leaves aremainder of 1 when divided by any of 2, 3, 4, 5 or6?5. Wat is die kleinste getal (behalwe 1) wat ’n res van 1laat as dit gedeel word deur enige van 2, 3, 4, 5 of 6?5. Leliphi elona nani lincinane (lilikhulu kunesi 1)linokushiya intsalela esisi 1 xa lohlulwa ngelinyelalamanani 2, 3, 4, 5 okanye 6?(A) 2×3×4×5×6 + 1 (B) 2×3×4×5 + 1 (C) 3×4×5×6 + 1 (D) 3×4×5 + 1 (E) 4×5×6 + 16. The year 2003 is not divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or9. When is the next year this will happen?6. Die jaar 2003 is nie deelbaar deur 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of9 nie. Wat is die volgende jaar waarin dit sal gebeur?(A) 2005 (B) 2006 (C) 2007 (D) 2009 (E) 20116. Unyaka ka 2003 ulinani elingohlulekiyo nge 2 ,3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8 okanye isi 9. Ngowuphi unyaka olandelayoekuya kuphinda kwenzeka lonto?7. What number is exactly halfway between 81 and 101 ? 7. Watter getal is presies halfpad tussen 81 en 101 ? 7. Leliphi elona nani liphakathi kanye kwesi 81 no 101 ?1(A)809(B)401(C)181(D)99(E)808. Which of the following inequalities is false? 8. Watter van die volgende ongelykhede is onwaar? 8. Ingaba ngowuphi kule milinganiso ongeyonyani?(A)5 16 < (B)12 364 25 < (C)5 303 16 < (D)7 357 22 < (E)13 3910 29

11. The table represents the relationship between x andy. What is the missing number in the table?Grade 6 (Final Round) page 3 of 511. Die tabel stel die verband tussen x en y voor. Wat isdie ontbrekende getal in die tabel?(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9 (E) 10x2346y35?1711. Le tafile ibonisa ukuzalana okukhoyo phakathi ko xkunye no y. Lingubani inani elingachazwanga kuletafile?12. Peter, Tom, Dick and Harry are standing in a queueat the post office. If Peter leaves, Tom is in thesecond place. If Dick leaves, Peter is first in thequeue. Who is fourth in the queue?12. Peter, Tom, Dick en Harry staan in ’n tou in dieposkantoor. As Peter loop, is Tom in die tweedeplek. As Dick loop, is Peter voor in die tou. Wie isvierde in die tou?12. U Peter, u Tom, u Dick kunye no Harry bame kuluhlukwikhawuntala yase Posini.Ukuba u Peter uye wahambau Tom uba kwindawo yesibini. Ukuba u Dick uyewahamba u Peter uba kwindawo yokuqala kuluhlu.Ngubani okwindawo yesine kuluhlu?Not enough information(A) Harry (B) Peter (C) Dick (D) Tom (E) Te min inligtingIngxelo enikiweyo ayonelanga13. Three consecutive numbers multiplied together give3360. What is the sum of the three numbers?13. Drie opeenvolgende getalle word met mekaarvermenigvuldig en die antwoord is 3360. Wat is diesom van die drie getalle?13. Isithathu samanani alandelelanayo xaephindaphindiwe akhupha ama 3360. Xaedityanisiwe akhupha eliphi inani?(A) 45 (B) 40 (C) 65 (D) 80 (E) 2914. Study the following pattern.What is P 30 ?14. Bestudeer die volgende patroon.Wat is P 30 ?14. Funda olu luhlu lulandelayo.Liliphi elingu P 30 ?P 1 = 5 P 2 = 7 P 3 = 9(A) 90 (B) 61 (C) 63 (D) 36 (E) 6515. If a glass is full of milk, the total mass is 370 g.When the glass is half full of milk, the mass is 290 g.What is the mass of the glass?15. Wanneer ’n glas vol melk is, is die totale massa370 g. Wanneer die glas halfvol melk is, is die massa290 g. Wat is die massa van die glas?15. Ukuba iglasi izele lubisi, ubunzima bayo bungama370 g. Xa leglasi izele sisiqingatha sobisi ubunzimabayo buba ngama 290 g. Kengoko ingaba ubunzimabalegilasi xa ingenalo ubisi bungakanani?None of these(A) 80 g (B) 100 g (C) 160 g (D) 210 g (E) Nie een hiervan nieAyiko kwezi

16. Of the 35 learners in the Grade 6A class, 18 learnershave a dog and 24 have a cat, while 6 have no pets.How many of the learners have a dog and a cat?Grade 6 (Final Round) page 4 of 516. Daar is 35 leerlinge in die graad 6A-klas.18 Leerlinge het ’n hond en 24 het ’n kat, terwyl6 geen troeteldier het nie. Hoeveelleerlinge in die klas het ’n hond én ’n kat?16. Kubafundi abangama 35 kwiklasi yebanga lesi 6A,abafundi abali 18 bafuye inja baze abangama 24bafuya ikati, ngelixa aba 6 bengafuyanga zilwanyanazasekhaya. Bangaphi kubafundi abafuye inja nekati?None of these(A) 13 (B) 7 (C) 6 (D) 3 (E) Nie een hiervan nieAyiko kwezi17. Jane has a bottle of orange juice concentrate. If shemixes one part concentrate with four parts water shegets 60 glasses of orange juice. If she mixed one partconcentrate with five parts water how many glassesof orange juice could she make?17. Jane het ’n bottel lemoensapkonsentraat. As sy eendeel konsentraat met vier dele water meng, kry sy60 glase lemoensap. As sy een deel konsentraat metvyf dele water sou meng, hoeveel glase lemoensapkan sy maak?(A) 61 (B) 72 (C) 75 (D) 80 (E) 8117. UJane unebhotile yomxube wokwenza i orange-juice.Ukuba uxuba isinye salo mxube nesine samanzikuphuma iiglasi ezingama 60 ze orange juice. Ukubauxube isinye salo mxube nesihlanu samanzi zingaphiiglasi ze orange juice anokuzenza?18. 2000 – 1999 + 1998 – 1997 + … + 2 – 1 = 18. 2000 – 1999 + 1998 – 1997 + … + 2 – 1 = 18. 2000 – 1999 + 1998 – 1997 + … + 2 – 1 =(A) 2000 (B) 1999 (C) 1000 (D) 0 (E) 119. What is the sum of all the numbers in the sequence1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, …, 99, 100?19. Wat is die som van al die getalle in die ry1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, …, 99, 100?19. Ngubani isiphumo sokudibanisa onke amanani akoluluhlu?1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, …, 99, 100?(A) 500 (B) 4800 (C) 5000 (D) 5050 (E) 510020. What is the sum of all the digits in the sequence1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, …, 99, 100?Note: the sum of the digits, not the numbers!20. Wat is die som van al die syfers in die ry1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, …, 99, 100?Let op: die som van die syfers, nie die getalle nie!20. Ngubani isiphumo sokudibanisa zoonke iidijithizalamanani onke akolu luhlu?1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, …, 99, 100?(A) 460 (B) 855 (C) 857 (D) 900 (E) 90121. One article costs R6 more than another. Two of eachof them cost R22 in total. How much does thecheaper article cost?21. Een artikel kos R6 meer as ’n ander. Twee van elkvan die artikels kos R22 in totaal. Hoeveel kos diegoedkoper artikel?Qwalasela: isiphumo sokudityaniswa kwee dijithi,hayi amanani!21. Into ethile ixabisa ngaphezulu nge R6 kunenye. Xakudityaniswa ixabiso lezimbini kwinto nganyekufumaneka ama R22. Ingaba ixabiso leyona ntoixabisa ngezantsi kwezi liyimalini?None of these(A) R8,50 (B) R3,25 (C) R3,85 (D) R3,95 (E) Nie een hiervan nieAyiko kwezi

22. If two dice are thrown, what is the most likelydifference between the top two numbers?Grade 6 (Final Round) page 5 of 522. As twee dobbelstene gegooi word, wat is die meeswaarskynlike verskil tussen die boonste twee getalle?22. Ukuba ama dayisi amabini aphosiwe, ingangubaniowona mahluko mkhulu phakathi kwamananiamabini ahleli ngaphezulu?One cannot say(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 (E) Onmoontlik om te sêAsinakukwazi kakuhle ukuchaza23. Study this pattern:1 = 1 × 11 + 3 = 2 × 21 + 3 + 5 = 3 × 31 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 4 × 4Now calculate:1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + … + 25 + 27 + 2923. Bestudeer hierdie patroon:1 = 1 × 11 + 3 = 2 × 21 + 3 + 5 = 3 × 31 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 4 × 4Bereken nou:1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + … + 25 + 27 + 2923. Fundisisa le pateni:1 = 1 × 11 + 3 = 2 × 21 + 3 + 5 = 3 × 31 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 4 × 4Bala apha:1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + … + 25 + 27 + 29None of these(A) 841 (B) 196 (C) 144 (D) 225 (E) Nie een hiervan nieAyiko kwezi24. I picked a bunch of white, blue and yellow flowers.All but 6 were white, all but 6 were blue, all but 6were yellow. How many flowers were in the bunch?24. Ek pluk ’n bos wit, blou en geel blomme. Almalbehalwe ses is wit, almal behalwe ses is blou, almalbehalwe ses is geel. Hoeveel blommeis daar in die bos?24. Ndathi ndakha umxube wentyatyambo ezimhlophe,eziluhlaza kunye nezimthubi. Zonke ngaphandlekwezi 6 zazimhlophe, zonke ngaphandle kwezi 6zaziluhlaza, zonke ngaphandle kwezi 6 zazimthubi.Zazingaphi iintyatyambo endandinazo kulo mxube?Not enough information(A) 12 (B) 18 (C) 24 (D) 9 (E) Nie genoeg inligting nieAkukho nkcazelo yaneleyo25. In question 24, how many white flowers were in thebunch?25. In vraag 24, hoeveel wit blomme is daar in die bos? 25. Kumbuzo 24, zingaphi iintyatyambo ezimhlopheezazikulomxube?Not enough information(A) 6 (B) 9 (C) 12 (D) 3 (E) Nie genoeg inligting nieAkukho nkcazelo yaneleyo

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