Authoring and multimedia - Arthur Phillip High School

Authoring and multimedia - Arthur Phillip High School

Authoring and multimedia - Arthur Phillip High School

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CHAPTER 99<strong>Authoring</strong><strong>Authoring</strong><strong>and</strong><strong>multimedia</strong>Syllabus outcomes5.2.1 Describes <strong>and</strong> applies problem-solving processes whencreating solutions.5.2.2 Designs, produces <strong>and</strong> evaluates appropriate solutions to arange of challenging problems.5.2.3 Critically analyses decision-making processes in a range ofinformation <strong>and</strong> software solutions.OverviewThe chapter examines <strong>multimedia</strong> <strong>and</strong> develops skills in usingauthoring software. First we describe the types of <strong>multimedia</strong>products <strong>and</strong> recognise the features of data types for <strong>multimedia</strong>products. Multimedia software <strong>and</strong> the design principles used in<strong>multimedia</strong> products are examined.

9.1 Multimedia productsMultimedia is the presentation of information using text, graphics,animation, audio <strong>and</strong> video. It uses at least three different datatypes. Multimedia has the potential to provide a better experiencethan any other information medium. It can combine the best oftelevision, film, graphics, animation, books, magazines <strong>and</strong> radio.The result of using authoring software is called a <strong>multimedia</strong>product or a <strong>multimedia</strong> presentation.A key feature of <strong>multimedia</strong> is interactivity. It allows the user tochoose the sequence <strong>and</strong> content of information. A <strong>multimedia</strong>The interactivenature of <strong>multimedia</strong>allows theuser to take partin the experience.It is different fromtelevision <strong>and</strong>video where wehave no controlover theinformation flow.product is often judged on the quantity of interactivity. TheInternet is an example of an interactive environment. Theexpression ‘surfing the Net’ or ‘browsing’ refers to the experience ofjumping from one page to another using interactivity. Interactive<strong>multimedia</strong> accepts input from a mouse, touch screen or keyboard<strong>and</strong> performs some action. Hypertext is used to navigate through a<strong>multimedia</strong> product.Hypertext is a system that allows documents to be cross-linkedin such a way that the user can move from one document to anotherby clicking on text. Hypertext links—or hyperlinks—are usuallyidentified using an underlined text <strong>and</strong>/or a different text colour.The author of the hypertext must specify the destination of thatFigure 9.1 Multimedia on the Internet192 HI Tech: Information <strong>and</strong> Software Technology

link. In a <strong>multimedia</strong> product the link may be to another screen,audio, animation or video. When you click on a link you movefrom one document to another, even if they contain different datatypes. Hypertext provides the interactivity in the <strong>multimedia</strong> product.The developments in information technology have allowedpeople to create <strong>multimedia</strong> products that were once only developedby film professionals. Multimedia products are very dem<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong>require the latest technology, such as a fast processor, large memory,high-resolution screen, quality speakers <strong>and</strong> the latest in storagedevices. Advances in information technology are influencing<strong>multimedia</strong> development. For example, improvements incommunication speed <strong>and</strong> capacity on the Internet have turned itinto a medium to deliver <strong>multimedia</strong> (see Figure 9.1). Multimediais extensively used in education, entertainment <strong>and</strong> information.Lit 2.1EducationMultimedia is very effective at helping people to learn. A good<strong>multimedia</strong> product that uses different data types maintains theuser’s interest. The interactive nature of <strong>multimedia</strong> allows the userto control the learning. It addresses each user’s particular needs.Multimedia also allows training to be carried out at convenienttimes <strong>and</strong> is developed to cater for a wide range of abilities. It is acost effective method of teaching people.Computer based training (CBT) is a type of <strong>multimedia</strong>product used for education <strong>and</strong> training. A person uses CBT attheir own pace. Information is presented using different types ofmedia <strong>and</strong> the user has the opportunity to review misunderstoodconcepts. CBT is designed by experts in their field to cater fordifferent rates of learning. Interactivity in CBT is the basis for anindividual to progress through the system. CBT usually containssome form of assessment to determine whether an individual isready for the next level.EntertainmentMultimedia designed for entertainment is generally classified ascomputer games. Computer games provide a high level ofinteractivity. The responses of the user determine the game beingplayed. The sequence of actions is determined by the gamedesigner. Games tend to be time restricted <strong>and</strong> contain complexanimation. The level <strong>and</strong> amount of text is limited. Depending onthe type of game the navigation may be deliberately hidden untilthe user reaches a certain level. Computer games feature high-9 <strong>Authoring</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>multimedia</strong>193

Figure 9.2 Xbox Liveresolution images, audio, animation <strong>and</strong> video. They often usesome form of alternative to the keyboard for input such as ajoystick. Developments in technology have resulted in computergames that are more realistic. Games are increasingly being playedover the Internet (see Figure 9.2).InformationMultimedia provides users with an easy way to display information.The user controls when, how <strong>and</strong> what information will bedisplayed. The interactive nature of <strong>multimedia</strong> allows the user tosearch using related keywords to find specific information. This is adistinct advantage over printed forms of the same material. A<strong>multimedia</strong> encyclopaedia is a good example of <strong>multimedia</strong> beingused to store information. It displays information using text,graphics, audio, animation <strong>and</strong> video. This makes it easier forpeople to underst<strong>and</strong> the information.Multimedia kiosks allow people to use a touch screen <strong>and</strong> selectinformation about an organisation or service. Informationdisplayed depends on the selections of the user. Multimedia kioskscommonly provide information about items, the location of itemsor a map to a particular product or service. They use largenavigation buttons with few options. Kiosks can also be used toprovide information to the organisation. The selections made bythe user are a source of information about the interest in a productor service.194 HI Tech: Information <strong>and</strong> Software Technology

Exercise 9.11 Copy <strong>and</strong> complete the following sentences:a The result of <strong>multimedia</strong> is called a _______b _______ is a key feature of <strong>multimedia</strong>.c Hypertext links are usually identified by an _______.d A <strong>multimedia</strong> _______ is a good example of <strong>multimedia</strong> beingused to store information.2 True or false?a Multimedia requires at least fourdata types.b Multimedia products are verydem<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> require thelatest technology.c CBT is designed by experts intheir field to cater fordifferent rates of learning.d Computer games provide alow level of interactivity.3 What am I?a The presentation ofinformation using text,graphics, animation, audio <strong>and</strong>video.b It is used to navigate through a<strong>multimedia</strong> product.c A type of <strong>multimedia</strong> product used foreducation.d A <strong>multimedia</strong> product that allows people to use a touch screen<strong>and</strong> select information about an organisation or service.4 a Why is the Internet an example of an interactive environment?b What is hypertext?c How are developments in information technology affecting<strong>multimedia</strong>?d Why is <strong>multimedia</strong> very effective at helping people to learn?e Describe some of the features of computer games.f Why is <strong>multimedia</strong> used to display information?Development5 Games have been a driving force for improvements in informationtechnology. Do research into the latest computer games for the PC.What are the system requirements for these games? Describe the<strong>multimedia</strong> features of these games. Write a report thatsummarises your investigation.6 Compare <strong>and</strong> contrast a <strong>multimedia</strong> encyclopaedia with a printencyclopaedia. Describe the data types used in both <strong>multimedia</strong><strong>and</strong> print encyclopaedias. What navigation methods were used inthe <strong>multimedia</strong> encyclopaedia?9 <strong>Authoring</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>multimedia</strong>195

9.2 Data typesWhen creating a <strong>multimedia</strong> product the data is acquired fromanother application or imported using an appropriate file format.The features of the different data types are described below.Lit 2.2Lit 2.3InteractiveTextText is data in the form of letters, numbers <strong>and</strong> other specialcharacters. Text is written using a word processor or within theauthoring software. It is edited in many different ways, such asdeleting, inserting, moving <strong>and</strong> copying. Some common fileformats for text include:• DOC (document) is the format used by Microsoft Word. DOCfiles maintain their formatting <strong>and</strong> can contain other datatypes.• TXT (text) files or ASCII is a st<strong>and</strong>ard format to store text <strong>and</strong>numeric data. It is essentially raw text without any formatting.Each byte in the file contains one character that conforms to thest<strong>and</strong>ard ASCII code.• RTF (rich text format) is a st<strong>and</strong>ard developed by Microsoft forspecifying the format of text documents. RTF files are actuallyASCII files with special comm<strong>and</strong>s to indicate the formatting ofcharacters <strong>and</strong> paragraphs.• PDF (portable document format) is a file format developed byAdobe Systems. A PDF file contains a combination of text <strong>and</strong>graphics. Documents downloaded from the Internet are often inPDF format.GraphicsGraphics are pictures such as drawings, paintings or photographs.Graphics are used to create interest <strong>and</strong> provide information. Theycan be stored, edited <strong>and</strong> transferred in similar ways to text. Graphicsare created using graphics programs or captured using a scanner,digital camera or video camera. All graphics are displayed usingtiny dots called pixels. A pixel (picture element) is the smallest partof the screen that can be controlled by the computer. The totalnumber of pixels on the screen is called its resolution. There aretwo types of graphics: bit-mapped graphics <strong>and</strong> vector graphics.Bit-mapped graphics (raster graphics) store <strong>and</strong> manipulate eachpixel. They produce good quality images where shading <strong>and</strong> finedetail are needed. However, when resized bit-mapped graphicsbecome ragged <strong>and</strong> suffer loss of resolution. Enlarging the graphic196 HI Tech: Information <strong>and</strong> Software Technology

9.3 <strong>Authoring</strong> softwaresystemsMultimedia is created <strong>and</strong> displayed using a range of <strong>multimedia</strong>software such as presentation software, <strong>multimedia</strong> authoring <strong>and</strong>web authoring.Presentation softwarePresentation software is used to make a <strong>multimedia</strong> presentation toa group of people. A presentation consists of a series of slides. Aslide is an individual screen or page of the presentation. Each slidemay contain text, graphics, animation, audio <strong>and</strong> video. Each ofthese elements is treated as an object. A presentation is a group ofobjects positioned on one or more slides. Some popularpresentation software includes Microsoft PowerPoint, LotusFreelance <strong>and</strong> Aldus Persuasion (see Figure 9.6).Presentation software often allows you to create several differenttypes of documents such as:• Onscreen presentations—slides displayed on a monitor orprojected onto a screen. The timing of the presentation iscontrolled either automatically or manually. Automatic requiresthe user to set the timings for each slide so that the slidesadvance by themselves. Slides advance manually by clicking themouse button.Figure 9.6 Microsoft PowerPoint202 HI Tech: Information <strong>and</strong> Software Technology

• Audience h<strong>and</strong>outs—content of one or more slides on a page.H<strong>and</strong>outs are given to people who attend the presentation.• Overhead transparencies—slides printed on transparent film foruse with an overhead projector. They can be in black <strong>and</strong> whiteor colour, <strong>and</strong> in portrait or l<strong>and</strong>scape orientation.• Speaker’s notes—notes the speaker may need to refer to whendiscussing the slides.Multimedia authoringMultimedia authoring software is used to create <strong>and</strong> edit a <strong>multimedia</strong>product. It allows the user to combine the different data typessuch as text, graphics, audio, animation <strong>and</strong> video. Multimediaauthoring software is designed to produce self-contained applicationsfor a CD or DVD, as a part of an information kiosk or to run on theInternet. Multimedia authoring software provides a much greaterlevel of interactivity than presentation software. A <strong>multimedia</strong> productis created by first developing each of the data types. It is often completedby a group of people, each of them specialising in a data type suchas video or audio. They create their part of the project usingseparate applications <strong>and</strong> import files into the authoring software.<strong>Authoring</strong> software also allows the user to create the interactivity.Most authoring software shares similar features. Some popularauthoring software includes:• Macromedia Director—uses a movie to create the <strong>multimedia</strong>product. It treats each file as a cast member of a production.These files will appear at a particular time, position <strong>and</strong> appearfor a certain length of time. A cast window is used to storedifferent data types <strong>and</strong> a store window is used to synchronisethe different elements.• Macromedia Authorware—uses a flowchart to create the<strong>multimedia</strong> product. A flowchart consists of a number of iconsthat represent a specific programming task such as a selection.Macromedia Authorware specialises in creating <strong>multimedia</strong>training courses.• HyperStudio—uses a card-<strong>and</strong>-stack user interface that wasoriginally introduced with Apple’s HyperCard. A <strong>multimedia</strong>product is constructed as a stack of cards. A card represents ascreen <strong>and</strong> contains different data types. Buttons are placed onthe cards to provide the interactivity.• Asymetrix ToolBook—uses a similar interface to HyperStudioexcept a book replaces a stack <strong>and</strong> a page replaces a card. It usesOpenScript as a programming language.Lit 2.59 <strong>Authoring</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>multimedia</strong>203

Web authoringWeb authoring software is used to create <strong>and</strong> manage a <strong>multimedia</strong>website. Websites contain a range of data types, such as text,graphics, animation, audio <strong>and</strong> streamed video. The web authoringsoftware will position <strong>and</strong> display objects, as they would be viewedthrough a web browser. Many programs allow the user to manageentire websites using tools that automate repetitive tasks. Somepopular web authoring software includes:• Macromedia Dreamweaver—is the industry st<strong>and</strong>ard used byprofessional designers (see Figure 9.7). It creates HTML(hypertext markup language) code that is efficient <strong>and</strong>compatible with any browser or platform.• Microsoft FrontPage—is used by small business <strong>and</strong> home users.It has an intuitive layout with easy to use templates. Users havethe ability to view <strong>and</strong> edit the HTML code.Web animation software such as Macromedia Flash has developedinto a <strong>multimedia</strong> program. In addition to creating animationssuch programs now include text, graphics, audio <strong>and</strong> video.Macromedia Flash also contains programming languages forcreating interactive applications.Figure 9.7 Macromedia Dreamweaver204 HI Tech: Information <strong>and</strong> Software Technology

Project: Total MusicTotal Music is a local b<strong>and</strong> that would like to create a <strong>multimedia</strong>product of their material. The <strong>multimedia</strong> product is to include theirmusic, video clips of the b<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> interviews with the b<strong>and</strong> members.Imran from MediaCom was chosen by Total Music to develop the product.The problem was solved using the four stages in project development.• Define <strong>and</strong> analyse the problem: A meeting with the b<strong>and</strong> wasarranged to discuss the selection of songs, opportunities to videoa live performance, appropriate topics for the interviews <strong>and</strong> anyideas for design of the product. A project plan was written <strong>and</strong>submitted for approval to the b<strong>and</strong>.• Design possible solutions: Imran investigated the featuresof similar <strong>multimedia</strong> products. He decided on threepossible solutions <strong>and</strong> created a storyboard foreach solution. A feasibility report was written<strong>and</strong> presented to the b<strong>and</strong>. Therecommendation from the feasibilityreport was accepted by the b<strong>and</strong>.• Produce the solution: The <strong>multimedia</strong>product was constructed usingMacromedia Director. Each screen hadthe same layout, format <strong>and</strong> style.Photographs taken of the b<strong>and</strong> attheir last concert were used to createinterest. A music session was used torecord the b<strong>and</strong>’s music <strong>and</strong> film theinterviews with the b<strong>and</strong> members. Eachpiece of data was imported into Director<strong>and</strong> the final product tested.• Evaluate the solution: The <strong>multimedia</strong>product was presented to the b<strong>and</strong>. Theb<strong>and</strong> was pleased with the finalproduct <strong>and</strong> is using it for promotionoutside the local area.ICT 9.1Tasks1 Construct a storyboard that would beappropriate for this project.2 Do research into the features of the latest<strong>multimedia</strong> authoring software. Write a briefreport that summarises your investigation.9 <strong>Authoring</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>multimedia</strong>205

Exercise 9.31 Copy <strong>and</strong> complete the following by replacing the letter in bracketswith a suitable term:Multimedia authoring software is used to (a) <strong>and</strong> (b) a <strong>multimedia</strong>product. It is designed to produce self-contained (c) for a CD orDVD, as a part of an information (d) or to run on the Internet.2 True or false?a Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular web authoring program.b Presentation software allows you to create audience h<strong>and</strong>outs.c Macromedia Director uses a card-<strong>and</strong>-stack user interface.d Web authoring software will position <strong>and</strong> display objects, asthey would be viewed through a web browser.3 Unjumble these words:a etasenoptirn wsarofteb gaouthrin4 a What is the purpose of presentation software?b List some different types of documents that can be created bypresentation software.c How is a <strong>multimedia</strong> product created using <strong>multimedia</strong>authoring software?d What is web authoring software?e Describe Macromedia Dreamweaver.Development5 Create a <strong>multimedia</strong> presentation on a <strong>multimedia</strong> product. Theproduct could be a software application such as an educationalprogram or a computer game. Your presentation should usedifferent data types.6 Investigate the authoring software that you have available in yourschool. Write a report that outlines the steps taken to construct a<strong>multimedia</strong> product. Share your investigation with the class.9.4 Multimedia designA <strong>multimedia</strong> product needs to be carefully designed. It involvesconforming to certain design principles.Lit 2.6Design principlesThe different data types must be combined into one effective<strong>multimedia</strong> product. The design of each screen should be based onthe three basic design principles:• Consistent: Layout, format <strong>and</strong> style should be the samethroughout the <strong>multimedia</strong> product unless different data typesdem<strong>and</strong> a change. Readability is improved when similar items206 HI Tech: Information <strong>and</strong> Software Technology

are grouped. Grouping is achieved by spacing, use of colour forthe text <strong>and</strong> changing the backgrounds or borders.• Navigation: Users need to underst<strong>and</strong> the structure of the<strong>multimedia</strong> product <strong>and</strong> be able to find information they wanteasily. The time taken to respond to a user’s action is important.People become frustrated if they have to wait more than a fewseconds for the next screen or a video clip to load.• Simple: Do not overuse design elements as this will create visualclutter <strong>and</strong> confuse the user. The overuse of colour, sound <strong>and</strong>animations can be distracting.Text should be short, simple <strong>and</strong> relevant. It is better to provide textin concise bursts using short paragraphs (see Figure 9.8). For longersections of text, consider providing a brief introduction <strong>and</strong> theninclude a link to the full version on another page. Design principlesto format text include:• Fonts: Use at most three different fonts. Both sans serif typefaces(such as Arial, Verdana or Georgia) <strong>and</strong> serif typefaces (such asTimes Roman) can be used for text. Care should be taken usingfont variations such as bold <strong>and</strong> italic. Use different sizeheadings to reflect their importance.• Screen layout: Appropriate conventions exist for column width,alignment, line spacing, character spacing, indentation,hyphenation <strong>and</strong> kerning. Long lines of text are difficult to read.Double spacing improves readability. Bullets <strong>and</strong> numbering arecommon ways to organise text in a <strong>multimedia</strong> product.It is tempting touse all the bells<strong>and</strong> whistles of theauthoring software.Remember thatthe message ismore importantthan the media.Figure 9.8 Multimedia website using good design9 <strong>Authoring</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>multimedia</strong>207

• Colour scheme: This contributes to the style <strong>and</strong> theme of a<strong>multimedia</strong> product. Colour draws attention to the text. Somecolours should not be used together as they produce poorcontrast <strong>and</strong> reduce readability. For example, blue text on a redbackground. Too many different colours can be distracting <strong>and</strong>reduce readability. Use colour in a consistent way so users easilyrecognise the different elements.Graphics <strong>and</strong> animations are used to create interest <strong>and</strong> provideinformation. However, they place extra dem<strong>and</strong>s on the <strong>multimedia</strong>product, so need to be used carefully. The position <strong>and</strong> size of agraphic or animation is dependent on its importance <strong>and</strong> balancewith the other design elements. It can support or weaken a<strong>multimedia</strong> product. If too many images are used the product losesits impact. The same goes for animations. Animations should beused sparingly, such as to introduce a new section within the<strong>multimedia</strong> product. Images <strong>and</strong> animations are edited <strong>and</strong>adjusted to suit the screen resolution. The resolution of a graphic isdependent on the screen <strong>and</strong> the number of colours that can bedisplayed. The intention of a graphic must be easily understood.For example, a graphic might guide the user to another section of a<strong>multimedia</strong> product. Titling is the placement of a caption toaccompany the graphic.Audio <strong>and</strong> video are also used to create interest <strong>and</strong> provideinformation. An occasional burst of sound for special effect willfocus the audience on the <strong>multimedia</strong>. However, the frequent use ofsound effects can draw attention away from the main information.Audio <strong>and</strong> video can be excellent media to explain concepts,however, they place extra dem<strong>and</strong>s on the user’s computer system.A decision on the use of sounds <strong>and</strong> video is often made in termsof providing exciting additional elements <strong>and</strong> ensuring the<strong>multimedia</strong> product will function effectively. Audio <strong>and</strong> video filesare usually very large <strong>and</strong> this factor must be taken into accountbefore including them in the <strong>multimedia</strong> product.Script <strong>and</strong> storyboardA script <strong>and</strong> a storyboard are two tools used to organise a<strong>multimedia</strong> product. A script is a printout of all the text, graphics,animation, audio <strong>and</strong> video used in the production. It outlines theinteractivity in the project. A script gives directions for theconstruction of the <strong>multimedia</strong> product. It is a textual method ofrepresenting ideas <strong>and</strong> actions. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, a storyboard is a208 HI Tech: Information <strong>and</strong> Software Technology

series of frames each representing a different action or screenimage. It is a visual method of representing ideas <strong>and</strong> actions.Storyboards are drawn on paper or involve the use ofstoryboarding tools. They are frequently edited. Multimediastoryboards define each screen <strong>and</strong> the specific data types used.They consist of navigation paths, information <strong>and</strong> graphics. Thereare four basic storyboard layouts (see Figure 9.9):Figure 9.9 Storyboard layouts• Linear—a simple sequential path that is set up quickly. It is anappropriate layout when users are expected to examine eachframe before moving to the next frame.• Hierarchical—a sequential path in a top-down design. It startsat the beginning <strong>and</strong> moves down through the <strong>multimedia</strong>product. This layout allows users to choose their direction <strong>and</strong>explore a particular topic in greater depth.• Non-linear (r<strong>and</strong>om)—no particular structure. It movesbetween different layouts in any direction. This layout is oftenused in <strong>multimedia</strong> encycloaedias as it gives users theopportunity to explore.• Combination—a blending ofthe all these layout types.9 <strong>Authoring</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>multimedia</strong>209

Exercise 9.41 What am I?a A storyboard layout that has no particular structure.b A serif typeface commonly used for text.c A series of frames each representing a different action orscreen image.2 Copy <strong>and</strong> complete the following by replacing the letter in bracketswith a suitable term:The position <strong>and</strong> (a) of a graphic or animation is dependent on its(b) <strong>and</strong> balance with the other design elements. Graphics <strong>and</strong>animations are edited <strong>and</strong> adjusted to suit the screen (c). Titling isthe placement of a (d) to accompany a graphic.3 Copy <strong>and</strong> complete the following sentences:a The layout, format <strong>and</strong> style should be the _______ throughoutthe <strong>multimedia</strong> product.b Bullets <strong>and</strong> _______ are common ways to organise text in a<strong>multimedia</strong> product.c Audio <strong>and</strong> video place extra _______ on the user’s computersystem.d A _______ is a printout of all the text, graphics, animation,audio <strong>and</strong> video used in the production.4 a List the three basic design principles.b Describe the design principles for using fonts.c What is the purpose of a colour scheme?d How should audio <strong>and</strong> video be used in a <strong>multimedia</strong> product?e Describe <strong>multimedia</strong> storyboards.f List the four basic storyboard layouts.ICT 9.2Development5 Do research into at least three websites that offer advice on designprinciples for <strong>multimedia</strong>. Write a report that summarises yourinvestigation.6 Create a <strong>multimedia</strong> product for a kiosk for the foyer of yourschool. The <strong>multimedia</strong> product aims to display information aboutthe school for the community (Exercise 9.2, Question 6):a Construct a storyboard for the <strong>multimedia</strong> product.b Describe the design features used in the product.c Outline any issues that have been raised in developing theproduct, such as privacy <strong>and</strong> copyright.d Display your <strong>multimedia</strong> product to the class.210 HI Tech: Information <strong>and</strong> Software Technology

Part A: Multiple choice questionsSelect the alternative (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answers each question.1 Which of the following statements isincorrect?a Multimedia uses at least threedata typesb Data types of the <strong>multimedia</strong>product are created within theauthoring softwarec Interactivity is a key feature of<strong>multimedia</strong>d Multimedia products are verydem<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> require the latesttechnology2 Which of the following describeshypertext?abcdAllows documents to be crosslinkedin such a way that the usercan move from one document toanotherData in the form of letters,numbers <strong>and</strong> other specialcharactersUsed to create <strong>and</strong> manage a<strong>multimedia</strong> websitePopular <strong>multimedia</strong> authoringsoftware3 Which of the following is a commonfile format used for bit-mappedgraphics?a PDFb DOCc MPGd JPG4 Which of the following describesvector graphics?a Store pictures as a collection ofobjects such as shapes <strong>and</strong> linesb Are created using a paintingprogramc Is the movement of an objectd Store <strong>and</strong> manipulate each pixelrather than as shapes <strong>and</strong> lines5 Which of the following is not acommon file format for video?a MPGb SWFc AVId WMV6 Which of the following is an exampleof web authoring software?a Microsoft PowerPointb HyperStudioc Asymetrix ToolBookd Macromedia Dreamweaver7 Which of the following statements isincorrect?abcdPresentation software provides amuch greater level of interactivitythan <strong>multimedia</strong> authoringsoftwareA presentation consists of a seriesof slides that may contain text,graphics, animations, audio <strong>and</strong>videoMultimedia authoring software isdesigned to create self-containedapplications for a CDWeb authoring software willposition <strong>and</strong> display objects asthey would be viewed through aweb browser8 Design principles to format textinvolve using which of thefollowing?a More than three different fontsb Either a sans serif typeface or aserif typefacec Font variations freely to improvereadabilityd The same size headings9 <strong>Authoring</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>multimedia</strong>211

9 A series of frames each representinga different action or screen image isknown as which of the following?a Storyboardb Scriptc Screen layoutd Navigation10 Which of the following designprinciples is incorrect?abcdLayout, format <strong>and</strong> style should beconsistent throughout the<strong>multimedia</strong> productDo not overuse design elements asthis will create visual clutter <strong>and</strong>confuse the userSimple navigation through the<strong>multimedia</strong> product is animportant design principleReadability is improved by using arange of different coloursPart B: Matching the termFor each of the following statements (1 to 10), select from the list of terms (a to j)the one that most closely fits the statement.Statements1 The presentation of information usingtext, graphics, animation, audio <strong>and</strong>video.2 A key feature of <strong>multimedia</strong>. Itallows the user to choose thesequence <strong>and</strong> content of information.3 Graphic file format to store <strong>and</strong>manipulate each pixel rather than asshapes <strong>and</strong> lines.4 Graphic file format to store picturesas a collection of objects such asshapes <strong>and</strong> lines.5 Animation process of generating theintermediate frames between twoobjects.6 Software used to make a <strong>multimedia</strong>presentation to a group of people.7 Software used to create <strong>and</strong> edit a<strong>multimedia</strong> product.8 Software used to create <strong>and</strong> managea <strong>multimedia</strong> website.9 A printout of all the text, graphics,animation, audio <strong>and</strong> video used inthe production.10 A series of frames each representinga different action or screen image.Termsa Bit-mapped graphicb Interactivityc Multimediad Multimedia authoring softwaree Presentation softwarefghijScriptStoryboardTweeningVector graphicWeb authoring software212 HI Tech: Information <strong>and</strong> Software Technology

Part C: Extended response questionsWrite at least one paragraph for each of the following:1 Define <strong>multimedia</strong>. What makes<strong>multimedia</strong> different to otherinformation media such asnewspapers <strong>and</strong> radio?2 What are the three areas of use for<strong>multimedia</strong> products? Briefly describethose areas.3 Multimedia products use acompressed file format for graphic,audio <strong>and</strong> video. Name <strong>and</strong> describetwo compressed file formats for eachof these data types.4 There is a range of authoringsoftware for <strong>multimedia</strong>. Thissoftware is constantly being upgradedwith new features. Describe threepopular software packages that areavailable for <strong>multimedia</strong>.5 Outline the three basic designprinciples for an effective <strong>multimedia</strong>product. Illustrate your answer withsketches.6 Creating a <strong>multimedia</strong> productrequires a logical approach. Describetwo tools used to organise a<strong>multimedia</strong> product.e TesterProject: Electronic yearbookCreate a <strong>multimedia</strong> product that is a snapshot of your cohort for this year.Suggested material could include features of your school, issues, aspirations ofstudents, famous quotes, embarrassing moments, poems, photographs, current music<strong>and</strong> movies, cultural events, excursions, videos or results of surveys. This is a groupproject that requires each member of the group to create a separate section. Yoursolution is to be developed using the four stages in project development.Project 2.1Project 2.2Project 2.39 <strong>Authoring</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>multimedia</strong>213

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