Red & Gray Magazine: Focus on Service Learning - The Fessenden ...

Red & Gray Magazine: Focus on Service Learning - The Fessenden ...

Red & Gray Magazine: Focus on Service Learning - The Fessenden ...

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CLASS NOTESday to go into small towns and to bird. I wassaddened by the death of Sam Howes ’48 acouple of years ago. He and I roomed togetherfor two years, the last year of which was atWebster House. He and I had always maintainedat least some sort of c<strong>on</strong>tact. In recentyears we had stayed with him and and hiswife Susan a number of times. We have f<strong>on</strong>dmemories of these visits. (October 2008)Rick and Susan Mohun in northeastern Iceland.1949Buzzy Schleybuzzman1@netzero.com72 Trumbull RoadEast Falmouth, MA 025361950Roger Gaines ’50 (gainesrq@aol.com) hasretired in Olympia, Washingt<strong>on</strong>, and enjoystravel with and without grandchildren.(November 2009)1951Bob Withingt<strong>on</strong>P.O. Box 1183Norwich, VT 050551952George Bodman ’52 (blrclgdr@aol.com) is verybusy in the dec<strong>on</strong>taminati<strong>on</strong> of nuclear andfossil fuel boiler business. He is also doinglitigati<strong>on</strong> cases as an expert witness. He travelsextensively and is “just having a greattime” with two farms and two houses inNew England, New Jersey and Texas.(November 2009)John Shewmaker ’52 (johnshewmaker@earthlink.net) writes from Columbia,driving around Missouri with our s<strong>on</strong> goingto various and sundry fiddle c<strong>on</strong>tests, whichhe sometimes wins, sometimes not … This isolder, much older and stranger music [thanbluegrass] … Folks who like Nashville musicare entitled to their choices: this is ours …I have, acting as a lawyer, created a numberof n<strong>on</strong>-profit educati<strong>on</strong>al and arts corporati<strong>on</strong>s,including two private elementaryschools, <strong>on</strong>e inner-city art school, … andthe Nati<strong>on</strong>al Federati<strong>on</strong> of CommunityBroadcasters. I have [been involved in]Precisi<strong>on</strong> Teaching, which is a way of measuringacademic and other accomplishmentas a student proceeds, as a navigati<strong>on</strong> tool,day by day, with accuracy, far superior tothe usual educati<strong>on</strong>al metric of ‘percentscorrect.’” (November 2009)1953Ned Tatentate@tateandfoss.com825 Central RoadP.O. Box 276Rye Beach, NH 03871William Brown ’53 (bbbrown@verm<strong>on</strong>tel.net) is semi-retired in Graft<strong>on</strong>,Verm<strong>on</strong>t, as a master carpenter, cabinet makerand furniture maker. He enjoys skiing andmotorcycle touring and plans to ride toOreg<strong>on</strong> this coming summer. He has been avolunteer firefighter for twenty-five years. Inadditi<strong>on</strong> to his volunteer firefighter post, hehas held several community positi<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> theSchool Building Committee, Capital BudgetCommittee and Planning Board, and has beena Flood Z<strong>on</strong>ing Administrator. He currentlyserves <strong>on</strong> the Flood Z<strong>on</strong>ing Board, Graft<strong>on</strong>Improvement Associati<strong>on</strong> and Graft<strong>on</strong>Fireman's Associati<strong>on</strong> and is also aQuartermaster for <strong>The</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Red</str<strong>on</strong>g> Knights Int.Motorcycle Club, Verm<strong>on</strong>t II Chapter.(November 2009)Robert Chapin ’53 (rchapin@chapinlaw.com)writes from Delray Beach, Florida,“Life is good for me and my family: [my]wife and our three daughters. We are blessedwith good health. I enjoy my membership inAmerican College of Trust and EstateCounsel and in the Internati<strong>on</strong>al Academy ofTrust and Estate Counsel. We enjoy coolsummers in the mountains in western NorthCarolina.” Bob practices law in Delray Beachand serves his community in many ways,including leadership positi<strong>on</strong>s at his church,Old School Square Cultural Arts Center,Bethesda Memorial Hospital, the city council,Human Relati<strong>on</strong>s Committee, and Chamberof Commerce. (November 2009)Alan “Pete” Tenney ’53 (pete10e@ttc-cmc.net)writes from White Sulphur Springs, M<strong>on</strong>tana,“I’m a freelance film, televisi<strong>on</strong> and outdoorwriter (<str<strong>on</strong>g>Red</str<strong>on</strong>g>-Eye Producti<strong>on</strong>s) and split mytime between my home in the south centralM<strong>on</strong>tana Rockies, where I hunt and fish; andmy home in a little fishing village two-thirdsof the way down the Baja Peninsula <strong>on</strong>Mexico’s Sea of Cortez where I write, fishand explore the Central Sierra which formsBaja’s spine. I’m fascinated by ancient pre-Columbian cave paintings which, some havingbeen carb<strong>on</strong>-dated at over 15,000 yearsold, far predate anything from the Mayans,Aztecs, Caribs or Anasazi.” (November 2009)1954Bayard Livingst<strong>on</strong> ’54 (buliving@aol.com)writes, “I have d<strong>on</strong>e a fair amount of travelwith my wife in past m<strong>on</strong>ths. We took acruise through the Panama Canal in April. InAugust we spent time in Paris and took acruise <strong>on</strong> the Seine, highlighted by a visit tothe battlefields in Normandy. In January, wetravel to Australia and New Zealand for am<strong>on</strong>th, and then in June we are planning tovisit the Canadian Rockies. In between, Ihave been traveling to Little Rock to attend tomy Trustee duties for Heifer Foundati<strong>on</strong> … an<strong>on</strong>-profit organizati<strong>on</strong> whose missi<strong>on</strong> is toend world hunger and poverty while caringfor the earth. www.heifer.org” (November2009)20 w w w . f e s s e n d e n . o r g

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