Analysis of Structures - Baustatik-Info-Server

Analysis of Structures - Baustatik-Info-Server

Analysis of Structures - Baustatik-Info-Server

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2.7. LOOP FOR REPETITIONS Page 23n = 10# factorial inputp = 1 # result variable must be initalized by 1for i in range(2,n+1): # the counter runs from 2 up to np *= i# here we perform the productprint "%3d! = %10d" % (n,p) # write the result into the console>>>... console window ...10! = 3628800The second loop type, the while loop is working implicit with a boolean expression, which controls thebreak condition. If we want to implement the factorial using the while loop we get the following code.n = 10# factorial inputp = 1 # result variable must be initalized by 1i = 2# the counter runs from 2 up to nwhile i >>... console window ...10! = 3628800The next example shows a nested loop. Very important is the correct code block indent.for i in range(0,4):# outer loopfor j in range(0,2):# inner loopprint "i:%2d, j:%2d" % (i,j) # print counter variables>>>... console window ...i: 0, j: 0i: 0, j: 1i: 1, j: 0i: 1, j: 1i: 2, j: 0i: 2, j: 1i: 3, j: 0i: 3, j: 1For the detailed controlling <strong>of</strong> the loops cycles two statements are available.• continueIf the continue statement is used a cycle is immediately stopped and the next cycle is started.• breakIf the break statement is used a cycle is immediately stopped and the loop is exited.The next example shows an application <strong>of</strong> the continue statement. A loop is performed with the values0 · · · 4. The cycle with the counter 2 is prematurely canceld.2.12.2011

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