EXECUTION COPY - Edison International

EXECUTION COPY - Edison International

EXECUTION COPY - Edison International

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(b) to evidence the succession of another corporation to the Company, or successivesuccessions, and the assumption by the successor corporation of the covenants, agreements andobligations of the Company pursuant to Article 8 hereof;(c) to add to the covenants of the Company such further covenants, restrictions,conditions or provisions as the Board of Directors shall consider to be for the protection of theHolders of Notes, and to make the occurrence, or the occurrence and continuance of a Default inany such additional covenants, restrictions, conditions or provisions an Event of Defaultpermitting the enforcement of all or any of the several remedies provided in this Indenture asherein set forth; provided that in respect of any such additional covenant, restriction, condition orprovision, such supplemental indenture may provide for a particular period of grace after default(which period may be shorter or longer than that allowed in the case of other Defaults) or mayprovide for immediate enforcement upon such an Event of Default or may limit the remediesavailable to the Trustee due solely to such an Event of Default or may limit the right of theHolders of a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Notes to waive such an Event ofDefault;(d) to cure any ambiguity or to cure, correct or supplement any defective provisioncontained herein or in the Notes, or to make such other provisions in regard to matters orquestions arising under this Indenture or under any supplemental indenture as the Board ofDirectors may deem necessary or desirable, and in any case which the Trustee and the Companyshall determine (i) are not inconsistent with this Indenture and the Notes and (ii) shall notadversely affect the interests of the Holders of the Notes;(e) to modify or supplement this Indenture or any indenture supplemental hereto insuch manner as to permit the qualification thereof under the TIA or any other similar federalstatute hereafter in effect;(f) to provide for the issuance of additional Notes in accordance with the limitationsset forth in this Indenture as of the date of this Indenture; and(g)hereof.to permit or facilitate the issuance of a series of Notes pursuant to the provisionsThe Trustee is hereby authorized to join in the execution of any such supplementalIndenture, to make any further appropriate agreements and stipulations that may be thereincontinued and to accept the conveyance, transfer, assignment, mortgage or pledge of anyproperty thereunder, but the Trustee shall not be obligated to enter into any such supplementalindenture that affects the Trustee's own rights, duties, indemnities or immunities under thisIndenture or otherwise.Any supplemental indenture authorized by the provisions of this Section 7.1 may beexecuted without the consent of the Holders of any of the Notes at the time Outstanding,notwithstanding any of the provisions of Section 7.2 hereof.47

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