North Dakota Outdoors Magazine August-September 2012 ...

North Dakota Outdoors Magazine August-September 2012 ...

North Dakota Outdoors Magazine August-September 2012 ...

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FIELD HUNTthe decoys even before the lasts tufts ofstubble were stuffed in layout blinds; geesedecoying readily, sometimes with duckscircling at the same time, waiting for thebig birds to land so they could start theirown approach; plenty of shooting chancesso everyone got birds to contribute to thepost-hunt meal; plenty of missed shots tostrengthen resolve for improvements thenext time out.Who knows if the <strong>2012</strong> BOW waterfowlweekend October 6-7 will provideanywhere near the same experiences, butthe images from that weekend last yearshould give all of us who hunt ducks andgeese a boost in enthusiasm as we countdown the days until the opener.CRAIG BIHRLE is the Game and FishDepartment’s communications supervisor.<strong>August</strong>-<strong>September</strong> <strong>2012</strong> ND <strong>Outdoors</strong> 21

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