January 16, 2013 Open letter via fax 613-941-6900 and ... - CAW

January 16, 2013 Open letter via fax 613-941-6900 and ... - CAW

January 16, 2013 Open letter via fax 613-941-6900 and ... - CAW

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KEN LEWENZA SYLVAIN MARTIN PETER KENNEDYNational President Quebec Director National Secretary-TreasurerPrèsident national Directeur québécois Secrétaire-trésorier national205 PLACER COURT, TORONTO, ONTARIO M2H 3H9PHONE (4<strong>16</strong>) 497-4110 FAX: (4<strong>16</strong>) 495-6559<strong>January</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2013</strong><strong>Open</strong> <strong>letter</strong> <strong>via</strong> <strong>fax</strong> <strong>613</strong>-<strong>941</strong>-<strong>6900</strong> <strong>and</strong> email Stephen.harper@parl.gc.caThe Right Honourable Stephen HarperPrime Minister of CanadaHouse of CommonsOttawa, ON K1A 0A6Dear Prime Minister Harper:The Canadian Auto Workers union is urging your government to restore full EImaternity, parental <strong>and</strong> compassionate care benefits for all Temporary ForeignWorkers.When <strong>CAW</strong> first wrote to you in 2007 about our concerns with the expansion of theTemporary Foreign Worker program <strong>and</strong> in particular the ‘low skill’ stream, it wasalready clear that this was the wrong road for Canada to travel. The problems wereevident in industries as varied as mining, meat packing, aerospace, hotels <strong>and</strong> fishprocessing, which include some <strong>CAW</strong>-represented workplaces.The program has emerged as deeply flawed labour market policy, deeply flawedimmigration policy <strong>and</strong> deeply flawed human rights policy. Now, as a result of theDecember 6, 2012 announcement, which limits eligibility for EI special benefits to thoseholding a current Social Insurance Number, we’re adding deeply flawed EmploymentInsurance policy to the list.We have not heard a reasonable explanation for excluding workers who contribute <strong>and</strong>otherwise qualify for such EI benefits. This restriction excludes many employed in theTemporary Foreign Worker program, throwing a spotlight on their lack of job security<strong>and</strong> status rights. This is no small matter - tens of thous<strong>and</strong>s work as temporary foreignworkers in Canada. It is worth noting that many agricultural workers return, season afterseason, even though their Social Insurance Number expires at the end of each contract.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation <strong>and</strong> General Workers Union of Canada (<strong>CAW</strong>-Canada)Syndicat national de l’automobile, de l’aérospatiale, du transport et des autres travailleurs et travailleuses du Canada (TCA-Canada)

And where does it stop? With this announcement Human Resources Minister DianeFinley declared a new core principle for the EI program, namely “temporary incomesupport so that individuals can transition back into the Canadian labour market”. Whilemost will return to work, a guarantee of continuing labour market attachment has neverbeen a requirement for special benefit claimants. This approach has the potential toundermine the rights of the growing number of Canadians involuntarily working intemporary jobs <strong>and</strong> short term contracts.This announcement also confirms problems with the new regulation-setting powers thegovernment gave itself in the 2012 Budget. We first saw those unilateral powers used toset extraordinary new job search rules that may force some workers to take jobs paying30% less <strong>and</strong> outside their normal occupation. It seems it is a whole lot easier to moveon a cheap labour agenda when there is no Parliamentary oversight or debate.The <strong>CAW</strong> believes your Government needs to take immediate steps to solve thisgrowing problem:1. We urge your government to immediately restore EI parental <strong>and</strong> compassionatecare benefits for all Temporary Foreign Workers. They have paid for the benefits<strong>and</strong> they need them as much as other workers. It is unconscionable to limit the rightsof some of the most vulnerable members of Canada’s workforce, fostering evenmore abuse <strong>and</strong> exploitation. Justice requires recognition of the inherent equality ofall workers.2. We call on your government to turn its attention to the urgent work of improving EIbenefits <strong>and</strong> access, especially for those in temporary <strong>and</strong> precarious jobs, includingthe Temporary Foreign Worker program. This is the time to exp<strong>and</strong> workers’ accessto EI benefits, not restrict them. The latest EI Coverage Survey states that the rate ofeligibility for receiving regular EI benefits has actually declined to its lowest level innearly a decade, mainly because of the increase in EI contributors who holdtemporary positions which makes it difficult to secure sufficient hours. Canada’sunemployment insurance system has proven itself adaptable to new labour marketneeds over the years, including earlier expansions to cover public sector workers<strong>and</strong> others who were excluded. It is a matter of political will. We repeat our call torescind the very damaging EI changes in the 2012 Budget bills <strong>and</strong> regulations.3. We urge you to call a Good Jobs Summit <strong>and</strong> consult with business <strong>and</strong> labour on acoherent strategy to address the long term needs of Canada’s labour market <strong>and</strong> putquality jobs at the heart of the economic recovery, as G20 leaders committed to atthe 2009 Pittsburgh Summit. We need to end the preoccupation with ‘making iteasier, faster <strong>and</strong> less costly for employers to hire temporary foreign workers’ as oneHRSDC web site stated.

4. Finally, we need to restore Canada’s reputation for welcoming migrants <strong>and</strong> thoseseeking to become residents. In consultation with business, labour <strong>and</strong> immigrantrights organizations, we urge you to develop an immigration <strong>and</strong> refugee system thatprovides better access for people who want to live here but who do not have eliteskills or large bank accounts. Our country was built on contributions like theirs.Yours truly,Ken LewenzaNational Presidentkl:rlcope343copy:Honourable Diane Finley, Human Resources <strong>and</strong> Skills Development MinisterHon. Thomas Mulcair, NDP LeaderHon. Bob Rae, Liberal Leader

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