Issue 14

Issue 14

Issue 14

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ISSUE <strong>14</strong> CULTURAL EXCHANGEwww.chemchina.com.cnFirst Chemical Industry Museum Opened in ChinaM a y 9 t h i s t h ea n n i v e r s a r y o f t h efounding of ChemChinaas well as the date ofopening of the ChinaC h e m i c a l I n d u s t r yMuseum. The photoshows President RenJianxin unveiling themuseum.The discovery of fire marked the beginning of ancient chemistryand the chemical industry. Pottery is the first chemical producthumankind manufactured chemically. Metallurgy, metal smelting andcasting technology gradually brought China from the late Neolithicinto the metal ages including the "Bronze Age" and "Iron Age." Evenpapermaking was gradually spread throughout the world. However,invention of gunpowder is an industrial and economic progress.Science fans of the intricate chemical world now have theirmuseum as the country's first central displays on the chemicalindustry opened to the public in Beijing recently.Founded by China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina), themuseum's exhibits detail the development history of China's chemicalindustry and offer a glimpse of its future.The establishment of the museum aims to show the public thehistory of Chinese chemical industry through hi-tech.As a museum that popularizes science, it is also a good place toteach basic chemistry to the youth, which in turn should aid furtherdevelopment of the country's chemical industry, museum organizerssaid.On the third floor of ChemChina headquarters building inZhongguancun, a hi-tech area in Haidian district, its exhibitions cover2,540m 2 .The museum includes displays on ancient chemical production,the modern industry and future trends, as well as an exhibit on thehistory and development of ChemChina.In addition to written materials, pictures, graphics, models andreplicas of equipment used from ancient to modern times, themuseum offers interactive experiences to visitors using touch screensand videos.Professionals in the chemical industry can learn more detailedknowledge through a multimedia database.Among the interesting displays is equipment that was phased outduring China's industrial and economic reforms.The exhibition hall of ChemChina showcases the history of thecorporation.The hall tells the story of ChemChina from its inception andincludes sectors on advanced and specialty chemicals, oil processing,raw materials, agro-chemicals, rubber processing and science sector,all which show the scale of ChemChina and the contributions thecorporation has made to national industry.F o u n d e d i n 1 9 1 9 ,Jinan Yuxing ChemicalPlant was one of thee a r l i e s t d o m e s t i cplants to produce cyandye.October 20087

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