Annual report - front page - Jubilee Insurance

Annual report - front page - Jubilee Insurance

Annual report - front page - Jubilee Insurance

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REPORT OF THE DIRECTORSThe Directors submit their <strong>report</strong> together with the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended31st December, 2011 which disclose the state of affairs of <strong>Jubilee</strong> Holdings Limited (the “Company”) and itssubsidiary companies (together the “Group”).Country of IncorporationThe Company is incorporated in the Republic of Kenya under the Companies Act and is domiciled in Kenya.The Company is also registered as a foreign company in the Republic of Uganda and in the United Republic ofTanzania.Principal activitiesThe Company is an investments holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries The <strong>Jubilee</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong>Company of Kenya Limited, The <strong>Jubilee</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> Company of Uganda Limited, The <strong>Jubilee</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> Companyof Tanzania Limited, and The <strong>Jubilee</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> Company Burundi (S.A.), transacts all classes of general and longterm insurance business as defined by the Kenyan <strong>Insurance</strong> Act while <strong>Jubilee</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> (Mauritius) Limitedtransacts all classes of general insurance business. The Group does not engage in industrial life insurance. It alsoowns investment companies in Uganda, Burundi and Tanzania and a fund management company in Kenya (<strong>Jubilee</strong>Financial Services Limited).ResultsThe following is the summary of the results for the year ended 31st December, 2011:2011 2010Profit analysis Kshs’000 Kshs’000Group profit before income tax 2,143,891 2,053,287Income tax expense 233,501 214,163Group profit after income tax 1,910,390 1,839,124Non-controlling interest 107,933 83,363Profit attributable to equityholders of the company 1,802,457 1,755,761DividendAn interim dividend of Kshs 1.00 per share amounting to Kshs 54.45 million (2010: Kshs 49.5 million) waspaid on 7th October, 2011. The Directors recommend a final dividend of Kshs 4.50 per share amounting toKshs 245.025 million (2010: Kshs 222.75 million) for approval by Shareholders. The total dividend for the yearrepresents 110% of the issued share capital as at 31st December, 2011 (2010: 110%).DirectorsThe directors who held office during the year under review and up to the date of this <strong>report</strong> were:Nizar N. Juma (Chairman)Sultan A. Allana *Ramadhani K. Dau **Juma Kisaame ***Lutaf R. KassamSultan K. KhimjiJohn J. Metcalf ****Tom D. Owuor* Pakistani ** Tanzanian *** Ugandan **** BritishAuditorThe Company’s independent auditor, KPMG Kenya, who was appointed during the year in place ofPricewaterhousecoopers, continues in office in accordance with Section 159(2) of the Kenyan Companies Act(Cap. 486).On behalf of the BoardNizar N. JumaChairman29th March, 2012JUBILEE HOLDINGS LIMITED<strong>Annual</strong> Report and Financial Statements 2011 9

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