AHSCH 2011 AR-Newsletter 15ƒ.indd - AHISD ¦ Alamo Heights ...

AHSCH 2011 AR-Newsletter 15ƒ.indd - AHISD ¦ Alamo Heights ...

AHSCH 2011 AR-Newsletter 15ƒ.indd - AHISD ¦ Alamo Heights ...


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EDUCATOR’S CIRCLE (cont’d)<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Krenger<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Lammers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lang<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Rick LePere<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Wilhelm Liebmann<br />

David and Letty Lew Lloyd Family Charity Fund<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Lotz, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Low<br />

Malitz Construction, Inc<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Maloy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Mann<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brent Marshall<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Marshall<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ritchie McCulloch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kirk McDonald<br />

Mr. & Mrs. G. Lott McIlhenny<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark McLiney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. McRae<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. McSween, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. McSween III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David H. Meaden<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Menchaca<br />

Mr. & Mrs. De Miller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Miller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Monnich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lew Moorman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brad Noe<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon Nugent<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott O’Brien<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stacy Oelsen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Boyce Oliver<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Tobin Olson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Orr III<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Palmer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Scott Palmer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Park<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Peacock, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gardner Peavy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Peveto<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Phillips<br />

Mr. Randy Pollock<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Register<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Robb<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Roensch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Sachanowicz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Sanders<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George V. Shaw III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Shetler<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Scherrer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Shub<br />

Gary Shults, D.D.S.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Smith<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Lon Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Madison A. Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Corbin Snow<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Soules<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Souter<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Spears<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Spoor<br />

Felix L. & Jo Stehling Foundation<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Don Stephens<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Byron Stone<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Walter Strash<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stan Studer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James O. Thompson, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Tichy<br />

Mrs. Terry W. Touhey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Uhl III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Vanham<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Vasquez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Vaughan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael N. Venson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Doyle T. Walsh<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Tullos Wells<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Duane L. Westerman<br />

Mr. Steve Whitmore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Youngblood<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Zeigler<br />


Mr. James Arthur<br />

Mrs. Frances Billups<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dawson Bremer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bubel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Tim Caff rey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brock Coleman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Darr<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Doggett<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Duffi n<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Dullnig<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Durbin, Jr.<br />

Dr. Maria Felix-Ortiz & Mr. Felipe De La Garza<br />

Mr. Adrian Fernandez<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John T. Fitch, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Foster<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gilbert<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Halff<br />

Mrs. T. Maxey Hart, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hill<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Scott Horn<br />

Mr. Robert A. Keahey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Kennedy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lara<br />

Dr. & Mrs. J. Fletcher Lee<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lennard Lewis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Locke, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Long<br />

The Lynch Foundation<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Elkin McGaughy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Meador<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Monroe<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Doug Neil<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Osborne<br />

Mrs. Tom Pawel<br />

Mrs. Martha Peterson<br />

Mr. Craig Rosenstein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rubin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Parker Scott<br />

Dr. and Mr. Mickey Seger<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Sehres<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Sheesley<br />

Dr. & Mrs. J. Marvin Smith III<br />

Mr. L.T. Solomon<br />

Ms. Christa M. Stephens<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Stephens<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Stich<br />

Joe R. and Emilie F. Straus Charitable Trust<br />

Mr. Patrick H. Swearingen, Jr.<br />

Dr. Frances R. Swinny<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tamez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Waldron<br />

Blue & Gold Club (cont’d)<br />

Ms. Teri Wenglein-Callender<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lacey Whitten<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Barclay Wong<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Forrest R. Word<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wright<br />

Mr. & Mrs. W. Richey Wyatt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Yoxall<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Zacarias<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Josh Zeller<br />


AH Association of Texas<br />

Professional Educators<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Adams<br />

Mrs. Barbara Wheless Altgelt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Ames III<br />

Ms. Peggy Miller Arnold<br />

Ms. Lara Bain<br />

Ms. Claudia Abbey Ball<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Bergin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Billups<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Herb Bradshaw<br />

Dr. Harold Brannan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Hutch Bryan<br />

Mr. Brian Callahan & Ms. Laurie Pomerantz<br />

Mrs. Martha Coerver<br />

Ms. Brooke Connolly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Doug Cooper<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Cox<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Craig<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Crosley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff rey Davidson<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Larry R. Davis<br />

Ms. Ellen S. Engelke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dean Faulkner<br />

Dr. & Mrs. William P. Fitch III<br />

Ms. Jennifer Flores<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Freed<br />

Frost National Bank<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Haugen<br />

Ms. Dana Hawkes<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hayne<br />

Mr. Peter J. Hennessey Jr.<br />

Mrs. Cornelia Herff<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Hill, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Ingle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ingle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jaeckle<br />

Jeff erson Bank<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Kahan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Tim Kelley<br />

Ms. Marion Yturria Kimbro<br />

Mr. Jon King<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kinnison, Jr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Allan Kownslar<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kreager<br />

Dr. Julie La Barba & Mr. Robert Miggins<br />

Mrs. Lorraine Lancaster<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Will Langmore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. D. Capwell Lawton, Jr.<br />

Ms. Deborah Legros<br />

Century Club (cont’d)<br />

Dr. & Mrs. James Lehmann<br />

Dr. Michael Linder & Dr. Catherine Spezia<br />

Loopy Limited Partnership<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mako<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur L. Matthews II<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David K. McAllister<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Joe McFarlane<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Angus McLeod<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Meador<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Conley Meredith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John C Mineo<br />

Mrs. Laurie M. Miracle<br />

Col. Alphonzo L. Newby<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Noble<br />

Mr. & Mrs. McCann H. Northington<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Eloy Ochoa<br />

Ms. Shawn L. Orton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Pasztor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ed Patton<br />

Mr. Steve J. Pritchard<br />

Mr. Eugene Reed<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Richter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raul Rios<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Tim Salmon<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Frank C. Sammis III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Sauer III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Sepulveda<br />

Shafer Services, Inc.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith<br />

Mr. Steve Spears<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Spector<br />

<strong>AHSCH</strong> <strong>2011</strong> <strong>AR</strong>-<strong>Newsletter</strong> <strong>15ƒ</strong>.<strong>indd</strong> 13 11/11/11 10:30:11 AM<br />


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