How Cordova Bay Got Its Name - Cordova Bay Association for ...

How Cordova Bay Got Its Name - Cordova Bay Association for ...

How Cordova Bay Got Its Name - Cordova Bay Association for ...


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Page 6 SPINDRIFT July, 1954ASIDESPAY DUES NOW!COMING EVENTSC.B. United Church Evening Service, 7: 30 Aug.C.B.C.C. General Meeting, Hall, 8 p.m Aug.I have a small parable to tell whichun<strong>for</strong>tunately is true. It involves twonew Saanich residents. One of them L.A. Guides & Brownies Meeting,Mrs. Mills' ~wihom I shall call Mr. X told me of theAug.incident himself.St. David's W.G. Meeting, Mrs. A. E.Taylor's_ Sept.Mr. X had recently moved into his newhome. Shortly thereafter Mr. Y took possessionof his house next door. Both were contractors are not honest. On the conpleasedwith and proud of their new trary the majority no doubt are, else theyhomes, as is natural. But Mr. Y's pleasure would not stay in business. The gooddid not remain unmarred. It soon became word and the bad can travel with equalapparent that something was wrong with ease.the septic tank drainage. Nor do I mean to cast aspersionsHe complained to his contractor and against the municipal employees. Forin return received a lovely set of prom- doubtless they hold their positions by atisesbut no ·action. In the meantime Mr. tending to their duties.X learned of 'the situation as indeed did I do, how~ver, intend to raise a questheneighborhood generally through the tion about the organization in the Munisimplemedium of the nose. cipal Hall. Surely someone there shouldIt came to pass that Mr. X and Mr. Y be responsible <strong>for</strong> such cases as this Idiscussed the situation and decided that have cited. Surely the municipality canboth would do some 'phoning to Royal hold an axe over the head of any business­Oak, Mr. Y on behalf of himself and Mr. man who flagrantly or covertly evades hisX on behalf of the neighbors.honest obligations.Now Mr. X was a man who had had It sounds rather juvenile to me thata similar experience in another munici- no one would take the responsibility ofpality. Judging by his experience he was Idealing with this case immediately. Oneconfident that one call to the municipal telephone call should hav'e done it.office would suffice to .settle the matter. Apparently all possible situations needOn that <strong>for</strong>mer occas~on he had been to be listed and placed in special cateassuredthat unless hIS contractor cor- gories so that each will know exactlyrected the fault post haste, he would lose what is in his domain. That too seemshis license to do business in that commun- juvenile. Perhaps one of these'mer: shouldmunity.be in charge of the whole picture then<strong>How</strong>ever, when Mr. X reported the there could be no doubt as to who wassituation to Royal Oak he was referred to responsible.the Sanitary Inspector. This gentleman I don't pretend to know the ins andpassed him on to the Building Inspector outs of the set up nor would I have muchsince he said new construction was out of idea of how to improve or reorganize. Buthis own department. The. B.uil~i~g I~- I do think something is amiss. What'sspector denied powers of JUrISdIctIon IIIthe matter and suggested another department.your opinion?From here Mr. X was sent backto the Sanitary Inspector.. (I may havethe titles of these officers wrong but itdoesn't alter the case.) Mr. Y, the owner, <strong>Cordova</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Public Bowlingmet with similar results. The run-around2 p.m. to 9 p.m.couldn't hav'e been more perfect if it had Own Woods 20cbee~u~~an~:e:tment is not without its Club Woods 30chumorous aspect but un<strong>for</strong>tunately thematter was a serious one, both from thestandpoint of health and of businessethics.Mr. Y couldn't let the thing go andundertook to do the job himself. With alittle digging he found that his contractorhad installed twenty-odd feet of tileinstead of the hundred (I believe) requiredby Saanich, and covered it. Thushe saved the expense of further labor andtile on the job, though he was being paid<strong>for</strong> it. lVIr. Y on the other hand had todo the job himself, thereby paying <strong>for</strong> ittwice. He may have been reimbured since.I haven't heard; but that is beside thepoint. He shouldn't have been left tocope with the problem in the first place.I am not inferring from this that ourA. L. Anstey.Greenper hourper hour+----- IM_IIN IlIl IIll_Illt IIlI_·tf·I FILM AND CAMERA "IIjDeveloping , Printing , Enlargingi ! THE FILM SHOP !! 748 Fort St. Victoria, B.C. !+"-I111-IlI-_U-IIl-III-.._IIIl llIt-sa_._Il:ll_n+-.;·------------·i·1 I IDEAL MEAT MARKET _I 702 JOHNSON ST. 4-4187 I4 0 "Where Service and ~uality Count"SUPPLIED THROUGH II, Phone' 9,4390 .-30 0 WHITTAKER'S STORE 114 .:.~~~~)~~o_

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