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Franchot BallingerOde to Writer’s Block“Where can I find the man who has forgotten words?”--Chuang TzuO’ you blue-nose nixing every erect sentence,some mornings something sticks like peanut butteron my palette and I can’t tongue it loose.No bubbles rise as from bottom-stirring turtles,or from the decay of thought,or from some diver deep in the coral of inspiration.No diver either.Clouds pass before my eyes.A confusion of inexplicable weather.The sun rises, it snows, thenthe puzzling calligraphy of winter trees.There are words everywhere.Even the waves are somethingthe wind is saying to the water.O,to be a word and flyover the walls of your empty cityand to become!But you arrive like the DEA,throw me up against the wall,hang a sign outside, “closed by order of….”Words scatter. Who knows where?Out open windows. To cellar corners.Fugitives clutchingtheir nickel bags of thought.Isn’t this silencea sickness unto death?Is it true, then--no word, no thing?Can no thing matter?Surely, every thing matters.In certainty I mustmake some thing matter.109

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