Haiku - Sheet Music Publishers

Haiku - Sheet Music Publishers

Haiku - Sheet Music Publishers

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B5{{q=72HAIKU<strong>Haiku</strong> I, for my dear friend, WhoR.H.˙- œ& 2 ˙˙ œj œ œœ j -bœœ˙˙ wwL.H.L.H.-? 2 ∑ ˙ Œ œ ∑ ∑œ-œbœj œ& Ó Ó Œ b bœ˙ œ Œœœ œJ ‰ ˙˙ œ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙-˙?œ∑ & Ó œ bœŒ Ó Œj˙ wœJohn Cage(1950–1951)October 5, 19506{{& 2h=54˙pp ppp p ffz& 2∑ & Ó œ j ‰ Œ ∑ Ó b˙b # n œ j ‰œœ œ ppp -˙- .> r œ& Œœ j˙ œœ 4 ∑œ‰ bœ œbœŒ bbœœÓb b œœœ-pp<strong>Haiku</strong> II, (What stillness!)Ó w - # œffz& B bœ ‰ œ j ‰ Œ bœœ#-Jœ œj ‰œ-Œpp p pp˙ w œ œ # œ#b˙˙bœœww ˙˙ œ -œ.>œR ≈ ‰March 5, 1951Edition Peters 6839551208© 2012 by Henmar Press Inc.Sole Selling Agent, Edition Peters Group.International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved.

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