Diary of a Reluctant Picky Reader - The Reading & Writing Project

Diary of a Reluctant Picky Reader - The Reading & Writing Project

Diary of a Reluctant Picky Reader - The Reading & Writing Project


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<strong>Reading</strong> Standards for Literature K–5Grade 3 students:Grade 4 students:Key Ideas and Details1. Ask and answer questions to demonstrateunderstanding <strong>of</strong> a text, referring explicitly to to thetext as the basis for the answers.1. 1. Refer to to details and and examples in in a a text text whenexplaining what the the text text says says explicitly and and when whendrawing inferences from the the text. text.2. Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and2. 2. Determine a a theme <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> a a story, story, drama, or or poem poemmyths from diverse cultures; determine thefrom details in in the the text; text; summarize the the text. text.central message, lesson, or moral and explainhow it is conveyed through key details in in the the text. text.1. 1.2. 2.3. Describe characters in in a story story (e.g., (e.g., their their traits, traits,motivations,motivations, oror feelings)feelings) andand explainexplain howhow theirtheiractionsactions contributecontribute toto thethe sequencesequence <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong> events.events.CraftCraft andand StructureStructure4. Determine the meaning <strong>of</strong> words and phrases as4. Determine the meaning <strong>of</strong> words and phrases asthey are used in text, distinguishing literal fromthey are used in a text, distinguishing literal fromnonliteral language.nonliteral language.5. Refer to parts <strong>of</strong> stories, dramas, and poems5. Refer to parts <strong>of</strong> stories, dramas, and poemswhen writing or speaking about text, usingwhenterms writing orsuch as speakingchapter, aboutscene, aand text,stanza;usingtermsdescribe such howas eachchapter, successivescene, and partstanza;builds ondescribeearlier sections.how each successive part builds onearlier sections.6. Distinguish their own point <strong>of</strong> view from that <strong>of</strong>6. Distinguish the narrator their or those own <strong>of</strong> point the <strong>of</strong> characters.view from that <strong>of</strong>the narrator or those <strong>of</strong> the characters.Integration <strong>of</strong> Knowledge and Ideas3. 3. Describe Describe in in depth depth a a character, character, setting, setting, or or event eventinin aa storystory oror drama,drama, drawingdrawing onon specificspecific detailsdetailsinin thethe texttext (e.g.,(e.g., aa character’scharacter’s thoughts,thoughts, words,words, ororactions).actions).4. Determine the meaning <strong>of</strong> words and phrases4. Determine the meaning <strong>of</strong> words and phrasesas they are used in a text, including thoseas they are used in a text, including thosethat allude to significant characters found inthat allude to significant characters found inmythology (e.g., Herculean).mythology (e.g., Herculean).5. Explain major differences between poems,5. Explain major differences between poems,drama, and prose, and refer to the structuraldrama,elements and prose,<strong>of</strong> poems and(e.g., refer toverse, therhythm, structuralmeter)andelements drama<strong>of</strong> (e.g.,poems casts(e.g., <strong>of</strong> characters,verse, rhythm, settings,meter)descriptions,and drama (e.g., dialogue,casts stage<strong>of</strong> characters, directions)settings,whenwritingdescriptions, or speakingdialogue, aboutstage a text.directions) whenwriting or speaking about a text.6. Compare and contrast the point <strong>of</strong> view from which6. different Compare stories and contrast are narrated, the point including <strong>of</strong> view the from difference whichbetween different first- stories and are third-person narrated, including narrations. the differencebetween first- and third-person narrations.3.

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