April Unity - TWU 556

April Unity - TWU 556

April Unity - TWU 556


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which is coincidental. The Union does notpay their vacation weeks; this is paid by theCompany. Sick calls are paid from theFlight Attendant’s sick bank, not by theUnion. This places the Officers’ annualsalary in a range of $85K to 92K beforetaxes. The Grievance Staff has a widerrange due to their more varied rates ofpay. Their salaries fall between $45K to$70K before taxes.”“I heard the retainer we pay the lawyer torepresent us is $500 a month. If he has to doany legal work it is more. Same lawyerwho represented the Union in previous lawsuits.”I contacted attorney Ed Cloutman for helpanswering this question. Mr. Cloutmanreported that both of the above statementsare true. In the early 1990’s, EdCloutman was on retainer with what wasthen known as the Ramp, Ops andProvisioning Association (ROPA) ofSouthwest Airlines which later became <strong>TWU</strong>Local 555. In the mid-1990’s <strong>TWU</strong> <strong>556</strong> waslooking for an attorney and the ROPALeadership recommended Mr. Cloutman.He has been with us ever since then. Wepay him $500 per month as retainer (abouthalf of the standard rate). He is availableto give us legal advice via telephone,proofread documents, etc. anytime at noadditional cost. If we require him to representus in court or at arbitration or somethingof that nature there is an additionalcost associated with the work.CONCLUSIONSo, now what? I’ve heard a few FlightAttendants say over the PA system, “Besure and tell a friend that we were earlytonight, because I know you would tellthem if we were late!” Come on; spreadthis information, will you? And in the future,if you hear something about your Union orits Leadership that you would like to knowmore about, talk to someone who knows,call the Union Office or call Cuyler; I maynot know the answer but I know someonewho does. Well, my head has healed nicely,thanks for asking, but I never did rememberthe name of the guy that kept me frombeing electrocuted by my cell-phone. I’msure I’ll be on his jumpseat in a few yearsand foolishly ask him if he’s still with theVenezuelan pilot.WANTEDTwo highly motivated, hard working FlightAttendants who have a good knowledgeof our Contract, are willing to learn, workwell with a Team, and who are willing to standup for the Membership of <strong>TWU</strong> Local <strong>556</strong>.What position are we looking to fill? Injust over a year, our Contract will becomeamendable, and the time is drawing near toassemble our 2008 Contract Negotiating Team.According to the <strong>TWU</strong> Local <strong>556</strong> Bylaws, theNegotiating Team is comprised of thePresident, 2 Flight Attendants appointed by theExecutive Board, and 2 Flight Attendants electedby the Membership. In July, your ExecutiveBoard will be appointing 2 Members, and atthe August Membership Meetings, nominationswill be taking place for the 2 Flight Attendantswho will be elected by the Membership.If you are interested in being consideredfor appointment by the Executive Board,please send a letter of interest along with aresume to:Thom McDaniel, President<strong>TWU</strong> Local <strong>556</strong>7929 Brookriver Drive, Suite 750Dallas, TX 752492007 TransportationDay of Action!Everyone is welcomed to practice their lobbyingskills on Capitol Hill, May 17, 2007and participate in the "2007 TransportationDay of Action." Transportation Unions are comingtogether from around the United States toWashington, DC to lobby transportation issues.Come join <strong>TWU</strong> and represent <strong>TWU</strong> Local Local<strong>556</strong> at this very important event.For more information call:Portia Reddick White at (202)638-6154 orThom McDaniel at (800) 969-793218

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