Advanced NDT Technologies - TCR Engineering Services

Advanced NDT Technologies - TCR Engineering Services

Advanced NDT Technologies - TCR Engineering Services


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ExhibitionA technical exhibition will be held in conjunction with thetechnical sessions within the conference venue. Theexhibition is intended to provide an opportunity forcompanies, consulting and research organizations todisplay and demonstrate their activities and services relatedto Nondestructive testing field. Interested organizations areencouraged to participate in the exhibition.Stand Size and FittingsThe exhibition stands are 3m wide and 2m deep with 2.5mheight. Stand fittings will consist of a system stand, twofluorescent lights, and fascia board in English, one electricalpower point and sufficient tables and chairs. In addition eachexhibitor will avail the following benefits:• A brief resume / profile (8–10 lines) with company logo ofeach exhibitors will be included in the official exhibition guideand the CD of the conference proceedings which will becirculated to all invited government officials, VIP visitors,conference participants and other visitors to the exhibitionduring the conference period.The names of the exhibitor will also be published in theconference website.• Advertising space will also be available in the ExhibitionGuide and final conference program at discountedcosts as below. This booklet will be distributed to allparticipants, VIPs and visitors during the conferenceperiod:A4 size full page full colour BD. 250 US$ 675A4 size full page black & white BD. 200 US$ 540A4 size half page full colour BD. 150 US$ 405A4 size half page black & white BD. 100 US$ 270• Wide publicity will be given in the Gulf region about theexhibition to attract consultants. Contractors andGovernment officials to visit the exhibition booths duringthe conference period.• Each Exhibitor is entitled to one full conference packagewith free admittance in the conference technicalsessions.• Each Exhibitor will be provided with a sufficient numberof Visitor/VIP invitations for their customers and VIPguests.Stand CostOne full exhibition stand with the above fittings will cost BD.750 or US$ 2025.Exhibition space without fittings- BD. 120 or US$ 320 per sq.mtr. with minimum space booking of 6 sq. mtr.Customs ClearanceThe Conference Committee has appointed “Circle FreightInternational” as the official clearing agent to clear all displayitems imported for this Conference & Exhibition. They areproviding Door to Door collection and delivery servicethrough their offices all over in the world. Exhibitors wishingto import display items for the exhibition may contact themto their below address. For more information please contactthem directly.Mr. SunilLogistic SpecialistCircle Freight InternationalP.O. Box: 5069, Manama, Kingdom of BahrainTel: +973 17 735355 / 17731904, Fax: +973 17 735193,E-mail: cfibah@batelco.com.bhExhibition TimingSunday 7:00 pmOpening CeremonyMonday & Tuesday,th thNovember 5 & 68:00 am - 6:00 pmthWednesday, November 78:00 am - 2:00 pmFor Exhibition Stands BookingConference Secretariat<strong>NDT</strong> 2007P.O. Box 835, ManamaKingdom of BahrainTel: +973 17 727100Fax: +973 17 827475 / 17 729819E-mail: bseng@batelco.com.bhPayment Method1. Full payment of the exhibition stand should be paid inadvance.2. Acceptable forms of payment include US Dollars/ BahrainiDinar by Banker’s Draft payable to Bahrain Society ofEngineers or Credit Card Mail Order. Payment can also bemade by direct bank transfer payable to:A/C No. - 99065991A/C Name - Bahrain Society of EngineersBank Name - National Bank of BahrainSwift Code - NBOBBHBMwww.4mendt2007.org

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