Chambers Directories and Submission Process

Chambers Directories and Submission Process

Chambers Directories and Submission Process


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<strong>Chambers</strong> <strong>Directories</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>Submission</strong> <strong>Process</strong>

What do we measure?• Sophistication of work• Client service• Depth of team• Value for money• Culture/Accessibility• Commercial awarenessHow do we measure it?• Factual research: Work, submissions, widermarket research• Qualitative feedback: Interviews withclients, lawyers <strong>and</strong> independent marketobservers

Research <strong>Submission</strong>sUses:• Springboard for research• Reference for commentary• Feedback on guideTips:• Use the online submission site• Meet the deadline• Use submission form or closely follow thesubmission guidelines• Keep your submission short, contextual <strong>and</strong>relevant• Keep to the facts

CONFIDENTIALITYOur submission templates provide clear spaces in which toindicate varying degrees of confidentialityIf it’s marked confidential, it WILL be treated as such.• Mark confidential information clearly throughout• Ensure partners know which matters are confidential <strong>and</strong> donot contradict message• If in doubt, leave it outHigh levels of confidentiality also apply to our contact with yourclients. We will never tell you which clients have beeninterviewed <strong>and</strong> which have not. Client quotes in the guides arenever attributed.

Client Referees• Tie to work highlights wherever possible• Select clients that know the team <strong>and</strong> the market• Clients that will respond – probably not CEOs• Let them know that <strong>Chambers</strong> will be in touch byemail <strong>and</strong> telephone• Quality not quantity (ten maximum per practicearea)• Not just clients – especially some practice areas• Use unaltered referee spreadsheet

Are we always right?• Be constructive in your criticism• Be realistic• Consider the structure of the chapter• Use the submission to suggest new categories orsubsections

Common Misconceptions• The biggest deals <strong>and</strong> clients are always the best• It’s all about statistics• <strong>Chambers</strong> favours international firms• If I don’t have an interview, my ranking willsuffer• Researcher turnaround means that theinformation I gave last year is wasted• <strong>Chambers</strong> cares about the rankings in otherdirectories• <strong>Chambers</strong> researchers might be prejudiced bysour grapes from other firms• Longer submissions are better submissions

Recent Research Developments• More detailed client research• Independent client sources• Increased focus on regions• Regular GC seminars around the world• Industry sector information to be includedonline

We spend hours speaking to your clients, collecting informationon your firms <strong>and</strong> individual lawyers. No organisation does thekind of in-depth research we do.MAKE USE OF IT. There is no better third party endorsementthan the editorial <strong>and</strong> rankings we produce because it is based onclient feedback.This is not us or you saying you are good. It is your clients.We encourage you to use the editorial <strong>and</strong> rankings in marketingmaterial <strong>and</strong> client briefings. Clients take notice of what we say,so make sure they see the parts that relate to you…

What is <strong>Chambers</strong> Global?• More practice areas• Stronger focus on individuals: “Foreign Experts”• Forthcoming information on foreign desks• Comparison tables providing clients with asnapshot of all firms ranked in a jurisdiction• Information of Global legal networks• Global-wide rankings <strong>and</strong> editorial• Full coverage of jurisdictions not covered inregional guides: i.e. Africa <strong>and</strong> the Middle East

What do I have to do for<strong>Chambers</strong> Global?• Within your normal submissions, provideinformation on your foreign experts <strong>and</strong> foreigndesks• Keep the international in mind when havinginterviews• Provide a mix of international <strong>and</strong> domestic clientswhere appropriate• Respond to <strong>Chambers</strong> requests relating to industrysectors, networks <strong>and</strong> associations, number ofpartners etc…N.B. You never have to submit separatelyfor Global

<strong>Chambers</strong> Confidential• Give your firm the advantage• <strong>Chambers</strong> now offers, on a bespoke basis, detailedfeedback reports about law firms. This is the juicyresearch that doesn’t get printed! Confidentialreports include both positive <strong>and</strong> negative quotesfrom peers <strong>and</strong> clients (non-attributed), as well ascomparative studies

New! Global Practice Guides• Offering clients a print <strong>and</strong> online overview of particulartopics or areas of legal practice• Focus on the law, not lawyers• Material provided by Contributing Editors; lawyers identifiedby the <strong>Chambers</strong> Guides as amongst the very best in theirfield• Guides distributed free of charge to clients in relevantindustry sectors• Online product offering searchable content including practicalinsights <strong>and</strong> business advice• For more information on the <strong>Chambers</strong> Global PracticeGuides, including information on how we select contributingeditors, please email:ThePracticeGuides@chambers<strong>and</strong>partners.co.uk

ANY QUESTIONS?Jonathan RubinEditor, <strong>Chambers</strong> UK+44 207 778 1614Jonathan.rubin@chambers<strong>and</strong>partners.comJames CowdellBar Editor, <strong>Chambers</strong> UK+44 207 778 1677JamesC@chambers<strong>and</strong>partners.comJoanna ThomasManaging Editor+44 207 778 1483JoannaT@chambers<strong>and</strong>partners.comBrad SirottBusiness Development Director+44 207 778 1627BradS@chambers<strong>and</strong>partners.comFor further information:

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