CARBODAN 10 GR - Makhteshim-Agan

CARBODAN 10 GR - Makhteshim-Agan

CARBODAN 10 GR - Makhteshim-Agan


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<strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong><br />

Reg. No. / Nr. L 7577 Act / Wet No. / Nr. 36 of / van 1947<br />

N-AR 0911<br />

A systemic granule insecticide and nematicide<br />

for the control of pests in crops as indicated.<br />

‘n Sistemiese korrel insek- en aalwurmdoder vir<br />

die beheer van plae in gewasse soos aangedui.<br />

IRAC INSECTICIDE <strong>GR</strong>OUP CODE 1 A IRAC INSEKDODER<strong>GR</strong>OEPKODE<br />


carbofuran (carbamate)……………………….<strong>10</strong>0 g / kg…………………..karbofuran (karbamaat)<br />


…………kg…………..<br />



Reg No 1992 / 001741 / 07<br />

Box / Bus 498<br />

Brackenfell<br />

7561<br />

Tel: 021 – 982 1460<br />

Fax: 021 – 982 58<strong>10</strong><br />

Batch number Lotnommer<br />

Date of manufacture Datum van vervaardiging<br />

<strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> is the registered trade mark of <strong>Makhteshim</strong>-<strong>Agan</strong>, Israel<br />

<strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> is die geregistreerde handelsmerk van <strong>Makhteshim</strong>-<strong>Agan</strong>, Israel<br />



<strong>GR</strong>OUP II Yellow band<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>



2<br />

• Dien met plant toe en moet nie binne 90 dae na toediening oes nie.<br />

- <strong>GR</strong>AANSORGHUM:<br />

• Dien slegs met plant toe.<br />

• Moet nie toelaat dat diere die behandelde sorghum bewei binne <strong>10</strong> weke na<br />

toediening nie.<br />

• Die beheer van stronkboorder mag begin afneem binne 7 – 8 weke na<br />

toediening.<br />


- MIELIES:<br />


• Dien slegs tydens uitplant toe en moet nie binne 11 weke na toediening oes nie.<br />

• Moet nie in kultivars wat vinnig volwassenheid bereik toedien nie.<br />

• Die beheer van ruitrugmot mag begin afneem 7 – 8 weke na toediening.<br />

• Dien slegs tydens plant toe.<br />

• Moet nie toelaat dat diere die behandelde mielies bewei of moet nie kuilvoer<br />

maak binne 8 weke na toediening onder normale reënvaltoestande nie. Indien<br />

droogtetoestande voorkom na toediening, skakel die naaste <strong>Makhteshim</strong>-<strong>Agan</strong><br />

verteenwoordiger voor die plante as voer gebruik word.<br />

• Die beheer van ruitrugmot mag begin afneem 7 – 8 weke na toediening.<br />

• Die beheer van bladspringer (vektor van streepsiekte in mielies) mag nie<br />

voldoende wees nie en streepsiekte mag nog voorkom veral in gevoelige<br />

kultivars, veral in suikermielie-variëteite en moederteellyne by saadmielies. Dit<br />

is veral die geval wanneer streepsiektedruk hoog is as gevolg van nabygeleë<br />

gasheerplante (koring, suikerriet) en mid-somer aanplantings wanneer<br />

natuurlike populasies van bladspringers hoog is en wanneer <strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong><br />

<strong>GR</strong> toegedien word op gronde met ‘n hoë pH.<br />

• Toediening vir die beheer van swartmieliekewer is baie krities. Verseker dat<br />

die toediener korrek gekalibreer is en gaan die vloei van korrels gereeld na<br />

gedurende toediening. Onder toestande van hoë kewerpopulasiedruk mag<br />

gewasskade van tot 20 % of meer nog voorkom na toediening.<br />

• Dien slegs tydens plant, of in die geval van oorstaanriet binne 120 dae na oes<br />

toe.<br />

• Tydens plant moet verseker word dat die steggies ten minste 7,5 cm onder die<br />

grondoppervlak geplaas word.<br />

• Dien slegs een keer per siklus toe en moet nie binne 180 dae na toediening oes<br />

nie.<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

- TABAK:<br />

3<br />

• Dien slegs met plant toe en nie later as een week na plant in ligte sanderige<br />

grond nie.<br />

• Moet nie in tabakplantjies wat uit saailaaie kom toedien nie.<br />

• Moet nie oes binne 80 dae na toediening nie.<br />


• Hanteer uiters versigtig.<br />

• Giftig indien dit met die vel in aanraking kom, ingesluk of ingeasem word.<br />

• Giftig vir visse, bye en wild. Om vergiftiging van voëls te voorkom moet<br />

gesorg word dat alle korrels onmiddellik met grond bedek word. Gee spesiale<br />

aandag aan die eindpunte van plantrye waar vermorsing mag voorkom.<br />

• Stel die werknemers in kennis van die potensiële gevaar en wat om te doen<br />

indien vergiftiging sou plaasvind. Merk die behandelde gebiede met toepaslike<br />

kennisgewings.<br />

• Verseker dat geen eetbare gewas vir minstens <strong>10</strong>0 dae binne <strong>10</strong> m van die<br />

behandelde gebied geplant word nie.<br />

• Die doeltreffendheid van <strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> kan nadelig beïnvloed word as<br />

dit in alkaliese of brak gronde of gronde met pH > 7 gebruik word.<br />

• Moet nie <strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> as ‘n saadbehandeling gebruik nie.<br />

• Berg agter slot en grendel en hou buite bereik van kinders, oningeligte persone<br />

en diere.<br />

• Herbetredingsinterval: Dra rubberhandskoene en rubberstewels as met<br />

behandelde grond gewerk word of as besproei word vir ten minste 30 dae na<br />

toediening.<br />

• In geval van vergiftiging RAADPLEEG ‘n GENEESHEER EN TOON<br />


Alhoewel hierdie middel omvattend onder ‘n groot verskeidenheid toestande getoets is,<br />

waarborg die registrasiehouer nie dat dit onder alle toestande doeltreffend sal wees nie<br />

aangesien die werking en effek daarvan beïnvloed kan word deur faktore soos abnormale<br />

grond-, klimaats- en bergingstoestande; verenigbaarheid met ander stowwe wat nie op die<br />

etiket aangedui is nie en die voorkoms van weerstand van die plaag teen die betrokke middel<br />

sowel as die metode, tyd en akkuraatheid van toediening. Verder aanvaar die<br />

registrasiehouer nie verantwoordelikheid vir skade aan gewasse, plantegroei, die omgewing<br />

of vir nadelige effek op mens of dier of vir ‘n gebrek aan prestasie van die betrokke middel<br />

as gevolg van die versuim van die gebruiker om etiketaanwysings na te kom of as gevolg van<br />

die ontstaan van toestande wat nie kragtens die registrasie voorsien kon word nie.<br />

Raadpleeg die verskaffer in die geval van enige onsekerheid.<br />


• Vermy kontak met die vel of inaseming van stof.<br />

• Dra geskikte beskermende oorklere, rubberstewels en -handskoene, ‘n geskikte<br />

gesigsmakser en gesigskerm wanneer die produk hanteer word. Was besoedelde klere<br />

daagliks.<br />

• Moet nie eet, drink or rook tydens hantering, toediening of voor hande en gesig gewas is<br />

nie.<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

4<br />

• Was hande en gesig met seep en koue water na gebruik of as dit toevallig met die vel in<br />

aanraking kom.<br />

• Voorkom besoedeling van voedsel, voer, drinkwater en eetgerei.<br />

• Voorkom besoedeling van gebiede wat nie behandel moet word nie, gewasse, weiding,<br />

riviere, damme of enige ander waterbron.<br />

• Maak die toediener deeglik skoon na gebruik en gooi die spoelwater uit waar dit nie<br />

gewasse, weiding, riviere of damme sal besoedel nie.<br />

• Hou die leë sak oor die toediener se bak en skud dit uit.<br />

• Vernietig die leë houer en moet dit vir geen ander doel gebruik nie.<br />

• Hou persone sonder beskermende klere uit die werksgebied.<br />

Simptome van menslike vergiftiging:<br />

Hoofpyn, vermoeidheid, flouheid, duiseligheid, oormatige sweet, mislikheid, buikpyn, braking,<br />

belemmerde gesigsvermoë, spiertrekkings, gewoonlik verkleinde pupille, asemhalingsnood,<br />

bewusteloosheid.<br />

Noodhuldbehandeling:<br />

• Verwyder die pasiënt van die bron van vergiftiging en stel hom gerus en hou hom rustig.<br />

• Verwyder besoedelde klere en was besoedelde liggaamsdele met baie koue water en seep.<br />

Moet nie die vel skrop nie. Indien in oë beland het, spoel uit vir ten minste 15 minute in<br />

skoon lopende water.<br />

• Indien ingesluk veroorsaak braking deur die agterste gedeelte van die keel te prikkel met<br />

die vinger. Herhaal die proses totdat die braaksel helder is en nie meer na gif ruik nie.<br />

• Pas kunsmatige asemhaling of geslote hartmassering toe indien nodig. Moet nie direkte<br />

mond-tot-mond asemhaling toepas nie. Moet nooit iets per mond aan ‘n bewustelose<br />

persoon gee nie.<br />

• Kry onmiddellik mediese aandag.<br />

Nota aan geneesheer:<br />

Dien atropiensulfaat 2 – 4 mg (volwassene) binneaars toe. Herhaal met <strong>10</strong> minute tussenposes<br />

totdat atropinisasie intree (droë, gloeinde vel en tagikardie). Pralidoxime (2-PAM, Ptotopam) en<br />

ander oksieme moet nie gebruik word nie.<br />

Weerstandswaarskuwing:<br />

<strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> is ‘n groepkode 1A insekdoder. Enige populasie van ‘n spesifieke insek mag<br />

individue insluit wat ‘n natuurlike weerstand teen <strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> of enige ander groepkode<br />

1A insekdoders het. Indien hierdie insekdoders herhaaldelik aangewend word, kan die<br />

weerstandbiedende individue uiteindelik die insekpopulasie oorheers. Hierdie weerstandbiedende<br />

insekte sal waarskynlik nie deur <strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> of enige ander groepkode 1A insekdoder<br />

beheer word nie.<br />

Om weerstand teen insekdoders te vertraag:<br />

• Vermy die eksklusiewe herhaaldelike gebruik van insekdoders met dieselfde groepkode. Wissel<br />

af met produkte in verskillende insekdodergroepkodes.<br />

• Integreer ander beheermaatreëls (chemies, verbouing, biologies) in insekdoderprogramme.<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

5<br />

Vir spesifieke inligting oor weerstandsbestuur kontak die registrasiehouer van hierdie produk.<br />

GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS: Gebruik slegs soos aangedui.<br />

Algemeen:<br />

1) Dien slegs met ‘n geskikte korrek gekalibreerde korreltoediener toe en gaan die lewering<br />

van korrels gereeld na tydens toediening. Die hoek van die afvoerpype van die<br />

korreltoediener moet sodanig wees dat dit ‘n eweredige vry vloei van korrels in die<br />

plantvoor lewer. Verseker dat daar geen blokkasies in die afvoerpype voorkom nie deur dit<br />

gereeld te inspekteer.<br />

2) Genoegsame grondvog moet teenwoordig wees om die aktiewe bestanddeel te aktiveer.<br />

3) ‘n Middel soos SERVUS (Reg. Nr. L 7271) moet toegedien word vir die beheer van<br />

snywurm.<br />

4) Waar hoë infestasies van swartmieliekewer voorkom, mag die beheer daarvan nie<br />

voldoende wees nie.<br />

Verenigbaarheid:<br />

<strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> moet nie met korrelkunsmis gemeng word en met dieselfde toediener<br />

toegedien word nie.<br />




Swartmieliekewer<br />

(Heteronychus arator)<br />

Duisendpote<br />

(Diploda spp.)<br />

<strong>GR</strong>AANSORGHUM<br />

Valsdraadwurms<br />

(Tenebrionidae spp.)<br />

Aalwurms<br />

(Verskeie spp.)<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

lineêre rylengte<br />

<strong>10</strong>0 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

lineêre rylengte<br />

150 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

lineêre rylengte<br />

Beperkte beheer vir ‘n beperkte periode kan vir die<br />

beheer van swartmieliekewer en duisendpote verwag<br />

word. Dien slegs met plant aan weerskante van die<br />

plantvoor toe om te verseker dat die korrels eweredig<br />

met die grond bokant die saad vermeng word.<br />

Gebruik ander geregistreerde middels vir beheer later<br />

in die seisoen. Sien die verwysing onder aartappels<br />

en mielies onder WAARSKUWINGS.<br />

Dien met plant in die plantvoor toe met ‘n geskikte,<br />

korrek gekalibreerde korreltoediener. Sal ook<br />

aalwurms onderdruk. Sien die verwysing onder<br />

graansorghum onder WAARSKUWINGS.<br />

Dien met plant in die plantvoor toe met ‘n geskikte,<br />

korrek gekalibreerde korreltoediener. Sal ook<br />

valsdraadwurm beheer en stronkboorder en<br />

swartmieliekewer onderdruk. Sien die verwysing<br />

onder graansorghum onder WAARSKUWINGS.<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

6<br />


Stonkboorder<br />

(Busseola fusca)<br />

Stammaaier<br />

(Anatrichus erinaceus)<br />

Astylus larwes<br />

Swartmieliekewer<br />

(H. arator)<br />


Ruitrugmotlarwe<br />

(Plutella xylostella)<br />

Bagrada-besie<br />

(Bagrada hilaris)<br />

MIELIES en<br />


Valsdraadwurms<br />

(Tenebrionidae spp.)<br />

Mieliewortelwurm<br />

(Buphonella<br />

nigroviolacea)<br />

Aalwurms<br />

(Verskeie spp.)<br />

Bladspringer<br />

(Cicandulina mbila)<br />

Grondkalanders<br />

(Protostrophus spp.)<br />

Astylus larwes<br />

Stronkboorder<br />

(B. fusca)<br />

Swartmieliekewer<br />

(H. arator)<br />


Aalwurms<br />

(Verskeie spp.)<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

lineêre rylengte<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

lineêre rylengte<br />

<strong>10</strong>0 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

lineêre rylengte<br />

150 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

lineêre rylengte<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

lineêre rylengte<br />

a) Plantriet:<br />

30 kg / behandelde<br />

ha<br />

Dien met plant in die plantvoor toe met ‘n geskikte,<br />

korrek gekalibreerde korreltoediener. Sal ook<br />

valsdraadwurm en aalwurms beheer. Indien ‘n hoë<br />

druk van swartmieliekewer en Astylus larwes<br />

voorkom, mag die beheer daarvan nie bevredigend<br />

wees nie. Waar sulke infestasies verwag word, moet<br />

saad met ‘n geskikte geregistreerde middel behandel<br />

word. Sien die verwysing onder graansorghum onder<br />


Dien net voor uitplant in die plantvoor toe met ‘n<br />

geskikte korrek gekalibreerde korreltoediener.<br />

Verseker dat die korrels eweredig in die plantvoor<br />

versprei is. Moet nie op vinnig rypwordende kultivars<br />

gebruik nie. Sien verwysings onder koolgewasse<br />

onder WAARSKUWINGS.<br />

Dien net tydens plant in die plantvoor op die saad toe<br />

met ‘n geskikte, korrek gekalibreerde korreltoediener.<br />

Sal ook aalwurm en bladspringers onderdruk. Sien<br />

verwysings onder mielies onder WAARSKUWINGS.<br />

Dien net tydens plant in die plantvoor op die saad toe<br />

met ‘n geskikte, korrek gekalibreerde korreltoedienier.<br />

Sal ook valsdaadwurm en mieliewortelwurm beheer<br />

en stronkboorder en swartmieliekewer onderdruk.<br />

Sien verwysings onder mielies onder<br />


Dien slegs tydens plant in die plantvoor op die saad<br />

toe met ‘n geskikte, gekalibreerde korreltoediener.<br />

Waar hoë populasies Astylus larwes en<br />

swartmieliekewer voorkom, mag beheer daarvan nie<br />

bevredigend wees nie. Waar hoë populasies verwag<br />

word van bogenoemde plae, moet die saad behandel<br />

word met ‘n geregistreerde middel. Valsdraadwurm,<br />

mieliewortelwurm, aalwurms, bladspringers en<br />

grondkalanders sal ook beheer word deur hierdie<br />

behandeling. Sien verwysing onder mielies onder<br />


Dien tydens plant in die plantvoor toe met ‘n geskikte,<br />

korrek gekalibreerde korreltoediener. Maak die<br />

plantvoor direk toe na plant. Die<br />

toedieningshoeveelheid sal afhang van die afstand<br />

tussen rye:<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

7<br />



(Slegs Wes-Kaap)<br />

Blaaspootjie<br />

(Thrips tabacii)<br />

TABAK<br />

Amerikaanse bolwurm<br />

(Helicoverpa armigera)<br />


b) Oorstaanriet:<br />

25 kg / behandelde<br />

ha<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

lineêre rylengte<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

lineêre rylengte<br />

3 g / m lineêre ry vir 1,0 m rywydte<br />

3,6 g / m lineêre ry vir 1,2 m rywydte<br />

4,2 g / m lineêre ry vir 1,4 m rywydte<br />

4,8 g / m lineêre ry vir 1,6 m rywydte<br />

Dien tydens plant in die plantvoor toe met ‘n geskikte,<br />

korrek gekalibreerde korreltoediener in vlak vore (5 -<br />

<strong>10</strong> cm diep) in klam grond. Toediening kan aan een<br />

of beide kante van die plantvoor geskied. Bedek die<br />

korrels met grond. In die somer moet toediening<br />

onmiddellik na sny van riet gedoen word. In riet wat<br />

in die winter (Mei tot Augustus) gesny word, moet<br />

toediening nie later as 120 dae na sny van die riet<br />

gedoen word nie wanneer die eerste lentereën verwag<br />

word.<br />

Die dosis per lineêre meter plantry sal afhang van die<br />

rywydte:<br />

2,5 g / m lineêre ry vir 1,0 m rywydte.<br />

3,0 g / m lineêre ry vir 1,2 m rywydte.<br />

3,5 g / m lineêre ry vir 1,4 m rywydte.<br />

4,0 g / m lineêre ry vir 1,6 m rywydte.<br />

Sien die verwysing onder suikerriet onder<br />


Dien tydens uitplant in die plantvoor of direk na<br />

uitplant in ‘n strook ± 8 cm breed oor die plante toe<br />

met ‘n geskikte korrek gekalibreerde korreltoediener.<br />

In sanderige gronde word voorkeur gegee om oor die<br />

plantry toe te dien mits die aktiewe bestanddeel in die<br />

grond deur reën of besproeiing geloog kan word.<br />

Moet nie op plantjies afkomstig van saailaaie gebruik<br />

nie. Knopwortelaalwurms (Meloidogyne spp.) sal ook<br />

onderdruk word. Sien die verwysings onder tabak<br />

onder WAARSKUWINGS.<br />

Dien tydens uitplant in die plantvoor toe met ‘n<br />

geskikte, korrek gekalibreerde korreltoediener. Moet<br />

nie in plantjies afkomstig van saailaaie gebruik nie.<br />

Sal Amerikaanse bolwurm vir ‘n na uitplant tydperk<br />

van 6 - 7 weke beheer. Sal knopwortelaalwurms<br />

(Meloidogyne spp.) onderdruk. Sien die verwysings<br />

on tabak onder WAARSKUWINGS.<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

- CABBAGES:<br />

8<br />

• Apply only at planting time and do not harvest cabbages within 11 weeks after<br />

application.<br />

• Do not use on quick maturing cultivars.<br />

• Control of Diamond back moth may start declining within 7 – 8 weeks after<br />

application.<br />

- <strong>GR</strong>AIN SORGHUM:<br />

- MAIZE:<br />

- POTATOES:<br />

- SUGARCANE:<br />

• Apply only at planting time.<br />

• Do not allow animals to feed on treated sorghum plants within <strong>10</strong> weeks of<br />

application.<br />

• Control of stalkborer may start declining 7 – 8 weeks after application.<br />

• Apply only at planting time.<br />

• Do not allow animals to feed on treated maize or make silage within 8 weeks<br />

after application under normal rainfall conditions. Should drought conditions<br />

prevail after application contact your nearest <strong>Makhteshim</strong>-<strong>Agan</strong> representative<br />

before using the plants as a fodder.<br />

• Control of stalkborer may start declining 7 – 8 weeks after application.<br />

• Leafhopper (vector of streak disease in maize) control may not be adequate and<br />

streak disease may occur especially on susceptible cultivars, particularly<br />

sweetcorn varieties and parent breeding lines in seed maize. This is particularly<br />

so when streak disease pressure is high as a result of close proximity of host<br />

plants (wheat, sugarcane) and mid-summer planting when natural populations<br />

of leafhoppers are high and <strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> is used in soils of high pH.<br />

• Application for black maize beetle is extremely critical. Ensure applicator is<br />

correctly calibrated and flow of granules checked regularly during application.<br />

Under conditions of high beetle population pressure up to 20 % and more<br />

damage of plants may still occur after treatment.<br />

• Apply only at planting time and do not harvest within 90 days after application.<br />

• Apply only at planting time or apply on ratoon cane within 120 days after<br />

cutting previous crop.<br />

• At planting make sure that sets are placed at least 7,5 cm beneath the soil<br />

surface.<br />

• Apply only once per crop and allow at least 180 days between application and<br />

harvest.<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

- TOBACCO:<br />

9<br />

• Apply only at planting and not later than one week after planting in light sandy<br />

soil.<br />

• Do not apply on transplants which were grown in seed trays.<br />

• Do not harvest within 80 days after application.<br />


• Handle with extreme care.<br />

• Poisonous if it comes into contact with the skin, swallowed or inhaled.<br />

• Toxic to fish, bees and wildlife. To prevent poisoning of birds, ensure that all<br />

granules are immediately covered by soil. Take special precautions at the end<br />

of planting rows where spillage may occur.<br />

• Inform labour force of the potential danger of the product and give full<br />

instruction what to do in the case of poisoning. Mark treated areas with<br />

appropriate signs.<br />

• Ensure that no edible crop is planted within <strong>10</strong>0 days within <strong>10</strong> m from the<br />

treated area.<br />

• The efficacy of <strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> can be adversely affected when used in<br />

alkaline or brackish soils with a pH > 7.<br />

• Do not use <strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> as a seed treatment.<br />

• Keep under lock and key and out of reach of children, uninformed persons and<br />

animals.<br />

• Re-entry interval: Wear rubber gloves and boots when working with treated<br />

soil or irrigating, for at least 30 days after application.<br />

• In case of poisoning CALL A DOCTOR AND MAKE THIS LABEL<br />


Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, the<br />

registration holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions because<br />

the action and effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal soil, climatic and<br />

storage conditions, compatibility with other substances not indicated on the label and the<br />

occurrence of resistance of the pest to the remedy concerned as well as by the method, time<br />

and accuracy of application. The registration holder furthermore does not accept<br />

responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment or harm to man or animal, or<br />

for lack of performance of the remedy concerned due to failure of the user to follow the label<br />

instructions, or to the occurrence of conditions which could not have been foreseen in terms<br />

of the registration. Consult the supplier in the event of any uncertainty.<br />


• Avoid skin contact and the inhalation of dust.<br />

• Wear suitable protective clothing, rubber boots and gloves, a suitable respirator and face<br />

shield when handling the product. Wash contaminated clothing daily.<br />

• Do not eat, drink or smoke during handling, applying or before washing hands and face.<br />

• Wash hands and face with soap and cold water after use or in case of accidental skin<br />

contact.<br />

• Prevent contamination of food, feed, drinking water and eating utensils.<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

<strong>10</strong><br />

• Prevent contamination of areas that are not under treatment, crops, grazing, rivers, dams or<br />

any other water source.<br />

• Clean applicator thoroughly after use and dispose of wash water where it will not<br />

contaminate crops, grazing, rivers or dams.<br />

• Empty container completely by shaking it over the applicator’s hopper.<br />

• Destroy the empty container and do not re-use for any other purpose.<br />

• Keep unprotected persons away from operating area.<br />

Symptoms of human poisoning:<br />

Headache, fatigue, faintness, giddiness, excessive sweating, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting,<br />

blurred vision, muscle twitching, usually small pupils, respiratory distress and coma.<br />

First aid treatment:<br />

• Remove patient from source of poisoning and keep patient quiet and reassured.<br />

• Remove contaminated clothing and wash contaminated body area with plenty of cold water<br />

and soap. Do not rub skin. If in eyes rinse out for at least 15 minutes in clean running<br />

water.<br />

• If swallowed induce vomiting by tickling the back part of the throat. Repeat until vomit is<br />

clear and free from smell of poison.<br />

• Administer artificial respiration or closed cardiac massage if necessary. Do not apply<br />

direct mouth-to-mouth respiration. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious<br />

person.<br />

• Get medical attention immediately.<br />

Note to physician:<br />

Give atropine sulphate 2 – 4 mg (adult) applied intravenously, repeated by <strong>10</strong> minute intervals until<br />

atropinization (dry, flushed skin and tachycardia) appears. Pralidoxime (2-PAM, Protopam) and<br />

other oximes are contra-indicated.<br />

Resistance warning:<br />

For resistance management, <strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> is a group code 1A insecticide. Any insect<br />

population may contain individuals naturally resistant to <strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> and other group<br />

code 1A insecticides. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if<br />

these insecticides are used repeatedly. These resistant insects may not be controlled by<br />

<strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> or any other group code 1A insecticide.<br />

To delay insecticide resistance:<br />

• Avoid exclusive repeated use of insecticides from the same insecticide group code. Alternate<br />

with products from different insecticide group codes.<br />

• Integrate the control methods (chemical, cultural, biological) into insect control programmes.<br />

For specific information on resistance management contact the registration holder of this product.<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

11<br />

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as indicated.<br />

General:<br />

1) Apply only by using a correctly calibrated granular applicator. Check delivery of granules<br />

several times during application. The downpipes of the applicator should be set at an angle<br />

which ensures a free, even flow of granules into the plant furrow. To avoid blockages<br />

regular checks should be made.<br />

2) Sufficient soil moisture must be present to activate the active ingredient.<br />

3) A remedy like SERVUS (Reg. No. L 7271) should be applied for the control of cutworm.<br />

4) Under conditions of high pressure, black maize beetle might not be controlled sufficiently.<br />

Compatibility:<br />

<strong>CARBODAN</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong> should not be mixed with granular fertilizer and applied with the same<br />

applicator.<br />




Diamond back moth<br />

larvae<br />

(Plutella xylostella)<br />

Bagrada bug<br />

(Bagrada hilaris)<br />

<strong>GR</strong>AIN SORGHUM<br />

False wire worms<br />

(Tenebrionidae spp.)<br />

Nematodes<br />

(Various spp.)<br />

Stalkborer<br />

(Busseola fusca)<br />

Shootfly<br />

(Anatrichus erinaceus)<br />

Astylus larvae<br />

Black maize beetle<br />

(Heteronychus arator)<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

linear row<br />

<strong>10</strong>0 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m linear<br />

row<br />

150 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m linear<br />

row<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

linear row<br />

Apply immediately before transplanting with a<br />

correctly calibrated granular applicator. Ensure that<br />

the granules are distributed evenly in the plant<br />

furrow. Do not use on quick maturing varieties.<br />

Refer to section under Cabbages under WARNINGS.<br />

Apply at planting in the plant furrow with a correctly<br />

calibrated granular applicator. Will also suppress<br />

nematodes. Refer to section under grain sorghum<br />

under “WARNINGS”<br />

Apply at planting in the plant furrow with a correctly<br />

calibrated granular applicator. Will also control false<br />

wire worm and suppress stalk borer and black maize<br />

beetle. Refer to section under grain sorghum under<br />

“WARNINGS”.<br />

Apply at planting in the plant furrow by means of a<br />

correctly calibrated granular applicator. Will also<br />

control false wire worm and nematodes. Under<br />

conditions of high infestation levels black maize<br />

beetle and Astylus, control might not be sufficient.<br />

Where high infestations are expected, seed should be<br />

treated with a suitable registered remedy. Refer to<br />

section under grain sorghum under “WARNINGS”<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

12<br />


MAIZE and<br />


False wire worms<br />

(Tenebrionidae spp.)<br />

Maize rootworm<br />

(Buphonella<br />

nigroviolacea)<br />

Nematodes<br />

(Various spp.)<br />

Leafhopper<br />

(Cicadulina mbila)<br />

Ground weevils<br />

(Protostrophus spp.)<br />

Astylus larvae<br />

Stalk borer<br />

(B. fusca)<br />

Black maize beetle<br />

(H. arator)<br />


Black maize beetle<br />

(H. arator)<br />

Millipedes<br />

(Diploda spp.)<br />


Nematodes<br />

(Various spp.)<br />

<strong>10</strong>0 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

linear row<br />

150 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

linear row<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

linear row<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

linear row<br />

a) Plant cane:<br />

30 kg / treated ha<br />

b) Ratoon cane:<br />

25 kg / treated ha<br />

Apply only at planting in the plant furrow onto seed<br />

by means of a correctly calibrated granular<br />

applicator. Will also suppress nematodes and<br />

leafhopper. Refer to section under Maize under<br />

“WARNINGS”<br />

Apply only at planting in the plant furrow onto seed<br />

by means of a correctly calibrated granular<br />

applicator. Will also control false wire worm and<br />

maize root worm and suppress stalk borer and black<br />

maize beetle. Refer to section under maize under<br />


Apply only at planting in the plant furrow onto seed<br />

by means of a correctly calibrated granular<br />

applicator. Under conditions of high population<br />

pressure of Astylus larvae and black maize beetle,<br />

control might not be sufficient. Where high infection<br />

pressures of the above mentioned pests are expected,<br />

the seed should be treated with a registered remedy.<br />

False wire worm, maize root worm, nematodes,<br />

leafhoppers and ground weevils will be controlled by<br />

this treatment. Refer to section under maize under<br />

“WARNINGS”<br />

Limited control for a limited period of time can be<br />

expected for the control of black maize beetle and<br />

Millipedes. Apply only at planting on both sides of<br />

the plant furrow to ensure thorough mixing of the<br />

granules with the soil above the seed. Use other<br />

registered chemicals for further control later in the<br />

season.<br />

Refer to section under potatoes and maize under<br />


Apply at planting in the plant furrow by means of a<br />

suitable correctly calibrated granular applicator.<br />

Cover furrow immediately after planting. The rate per<br />

linear meter plant row depends on the row spacing:<br />

3,0 g / m linear row for 1,0 m spacing<br />

3,6 g / m linear row for 1,2 m spacing<br />

4,2 g / m linear row for 1,4 m spacing<br />

4,8 g / m linear row for 1,6 m spacing<br />

Apply by means of a suitable correctly calibrated<br />

granular applicator in a shallow furrow (5 - <strong>10</strong> cm<br />

deep) in moist soil to one or both sides of the furrow.<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

13<br />



(Western Cape only)<br />

Thrip<br />

(Thrips tabacii)<br />


American bollworm<br />

(Helicoverpa armigera)<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

linear row<br />

200 g / <strong>10</strong>0 m<br />

linear row<br />

Cover granules with soil. Application should take<br />

place in summer immediately after cutting the crop<br />

while in crops cut in winter (May to August),<br />

application should take place not later than 120 days<br />

after cutting the crop when the first spring rain is<br />

expected.<br />

The rate per linear meter plant row depends on the<br />

row spacing:<br />

2,5 g / m linear row for 1,0 m spacing.<br />

3,0 g / m linear row for 1,2 m spacing.<br />

3,5 g / m linear row for 1,4 m spacing.<br />

4,0 g / m linear row for 1,6 m spacing.<br />

Refer to section under sugarcane under WARNINGS.<br />

Apply at transplanting in the plant furrow or<br />

immediately after planting in a band ± 8 cm wide<br />

over the plants by means of a suitable correctly<br />

calibrated granular applicator. Where sandy soils<br />

occur preference is given to applying over the plant<br />

row provided the active ingredient is leached into the<br />

soil by rain or overhead irrigation. Do not use on<br />

transplants from seed trays. Root knot nematodes<br />

(Meloidogyne spp.) will also be suppressed. Refer to<br />

section under tobacco under WARNINGS.<br />

Apply at transplant in the plant furrow by means of a<br />

suitable correctly calibrated granular applicator. Do<br />

not use on transplants from seed trays. Will control<br />

bollworm for a period of up to 6 - 7 weeks after<br />

planting. Will suppress root knot nematodes<br />

(Meloidogyne spp.) Refer to WARNINGS in the<br />

tobacco section.<br />

Carbodan <strong>10</strong> <strong>GR</strong>

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