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Call To Pure Living - Christian Hope Church Home

Call To Pure Living - Christian Hope Church Home


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5. <strong>To</strong> illustrate how He came to fulfill the Lawto its fullest extent, Jesus says in verse 18.…..18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earthpass away, one jot or one tittle will by no meanspass from the law till all is fulfilled.What is “a jot?” A “jot” was the tiniest LETTER inthe Hebrew alphabet. A jot represented anythingthat was extremely small.What is “a tittle.” A “tittle” was the tiniestSTROKE of a pen. A period…..a comma…..or the dotting of the letter “i” would be examplesof “a tittle.”So what Jesus was saying was this: “Not thecrossing of a single “t” or the dotting of a single“i” will disappear from the Law until the Law iscompletely fulfilled.So has the LAW been fulfilled? YES! Through Jesus’ sinless lifeand sacrificial death, the PENALTY FOR SIN has been paid.CHRIST provided a way of SALVATION that meets all the all theOld Testament requirements and demands. CHRIST HASFULFILLED THE LAW!JESUS FULFILLED THE LAW IN HIS SINLESS LIFE.AND JESUS FULFILLED THE LAW IN HIS SACRIFICIAL DEATH.After speaking of His relationship to the Law, Christ nowspeaks of……….

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