summer-2003-Part 2-live - Nieman Foundation - Harvard University

summer-2003-Part 2-live - Nieman Foundation - Harvard University

summer-2003-Part 2-live - Nieman Foundation - Harvard University

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<strong>Nieman</strong> Notes<strong>Nieman</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Announces U.S. and International Fellows for <strong>2003</strong>-04Thirteen U.S. and 12 internationaljournalists were appointed to the 66thclass of <strong>Nieman</strong> Fellows at <strong>Harvard</strong><strong>University</strong>. The new U.S. fellows andtheir areas of interest are:Erin Barnett, reporter, The Oregonian:How identity, socioeconomic status,and race influence peoples’ optionsand sense of control over their<strong>live</strong>s in view of Oregon’s Death WithDignity Act.Carol Bradley, senior writer, GreatFalls (Mont.) Tribune: The growingmovement for the humane treatmentfor animals, the degree of support ithas attracted, and its economic andsociological impact.Alan Cullison, Moscow correspondent,The Wall Street Journal: The historyand politics of the Muslim world,Middle Eastern civilization, and theroots of resentment against the Westand United States.Erik Eckholm, Beijing bureau chief,The New York Times: The role of humanrights in the age of terrorism andquestions of historical memory, accountabilityand catharsis in societiesthat have experienced deep internaltrauma.Indira Lakshmanan, Asia bureauchief, The Boston Globe: The downsidesof development—the cultural andeconomic dislocation of people, theloss of old ways of life, the gap betweenthe newly rich and still poor, and strainson the environment.Santiago Lyon, photo editor forSpain and Portugal, The AssociatedPress: The history of Spain’s relationshipwith the Americas, focusing on thelasting effects of Spain’s colonizationof Latin America as well as the impact ofthe growing number of Spanish-speakingpeople in the United States.Laura Meckler, national staff reporter,The Associated Press: The politicsof child welfare and how policychoices affect abused and neglectedchildren.Susan Orlean, staff writer, The NewYorker: The role animals play in humancivilization—particularly the historyof zoos, the philosophical andethical issues of captivity, and the rightsof animals.Jodi Rave, Native American beatreporter, Lincoln (Neb.) Journal Star:The legal matters affecting nativepeoples and the relationship betweenlocal, state, tribal and federal governments,particularly as these relationshipspertain to minority rights, revenuegeneration, and politicalparticipation. She will hold the LouisStark Memorial Fellowship for journalistswho specialize in labor, workplaceor related issues.Ju-Don Marshall Roberts, healtheducation editor, washingtonpost.com:How the Internet has transformed theway people <strong>live</strong>, work and communicate,and the lessons from the evolutionof radio and television that applyto the development of the Internet.Donald Schanche, Jr., senior reporter,The Macon (Ga.) Telegraph:The evolution of public policy concerningmental illness in the UnitedStates and how those policies convergewith policies on criminal justice andimprisonment.David Stern, Caucasus and CentralAsia correspondent, The FinancialTimes: The nature of religious fundamentalismand why it sometimesevolves into more militant movements.Douglas Struck, Tokyo bureauchief, The Washington Post: America’spolicies on dealing with terrorism andwhether they alienate the rest of theworld and undermine U.S. domesticideals.The U.S. journalists were selected by acommittee that included Fred Barnes(<strong>Nieman</strong> Fellow 1978), executive editorof The Weekly Standard; EvelynnHammonds, professor of the history ofscience and Afro-American studies at<strong>Harvard</strong> <strong>University</strong>; Lindsay Miller(<strong>Nieman</strong> Fellow 1988), senior associateproducer of The Connection onWBUR, Boston’s National Public Radiostation; Rose Moss, author andcreative writing instructor, and BobGiles (<strong>Nieman</strong> Fellow 1966), committeechair and <strong>Nieman</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> Curator.The new international fellows andtheir areas of interest are:Endy Mouzardi Bayuni (Jakarta,Indonesia), deputy chief editor, TheJakarta Post: Terrorism, democracy andthe news media and how much individualsare sacrificing individual libertiesto <strong>live</strong> peacefully. His fellowship issupported by the Ford <strong>Foundation</strong>,the Open Society Institute, and TheAsia <strong>Foundation</strong>.Thierry Cruvellier (Arusha, Tanzania),assistant editor/chief correspondent,Diplomatie Judiciaire: The implicationof international criminaltribunals on history and law and theiruse as tools for diplomacy and conflictresolution.Roza Eftekhari (Tehran, Iran), senioreditor, Zanan Magazine: Genderissues and their impact on religiousscholarship and practice, and the impactof religion on women’s issues inthe various interpretations of Islam aswell as the way other religions havefaced feminism.Masha Gessen (Moscow, Russia),editor in chief, polit.ru: The impact onRussian politics and media of the 1999apartment block bombings in Moscowand the 2002 theater siege along withthe use of terrorism in politics.Jie Lin (Beijing, China), producer,China Central TV: The relationshipbetween the press, politics andeconomy, particularly world trade,since the September 11, 2001 attackson New York and Washington. Herfellowship is supported by the AtsukoChiba <strong>Foundation</strong>, established inmemory of Atsuko Chiba, a <strong>Nieman</strong>Fellow in 1968.Mauricio Lloreda (Bogotá, Colombia),reporter, El Tiempo: Examiningpolicymaking and political accountabilityas they relate to terrorism. He willbe a John S. and James L. Knight <strong>Foundation</strong>Latin American <strong>Nieman</strong> Fellow.Lizeka Noxolo Mda (Johannesburg,South Africa), executive editor, TheStar: The impact of globalization on<strong>Nieman</strong> Reports / Summer <strong>2003</strong> 123

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