'The Eagle Experience' - Whitley County Consolidated Schools

'The Eagle Experience' - Whitley County Consolidated Schools

'The Eagle Experience' - Whitley County Consolidated Schools

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AttendanceThe CCHS current attendancerate is 96.38%. Attendanceat CCHS is very important.It is our goal to increaseour attendance percentagewith the State ofIndiana this school year. Ifyour child is absent fromCCHS, please call the AttendanceOffice at 244-6136,Extension 3211 on the dayof absence. Your child willbe considered truant if Mr.Davis does not hear from theparent within 24 hours. Youmay also fax a note to Mr.David Davis at 260-244-7326or email davisdw@wccs.k12.in.us.It isschool board policy that allabsences must be excusedwith a written parental note.Turkey Run Meals a Success!WCCS recently collected money and/or food items to help feed families in<strong>Whitley</strong> <strong>County</strong> for Thanksgiving. CCHS donated 44 meals, and WCCS, as awhole, collected 87 meals! Classrooms, clubs, athletic teams, activity groupsand individuals participated in this program. The meals will be distributed betweenSt. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church and Grace Lutheran Church foodbanks.We want to thank all who participated in this program sponsored by the CCHSStudent Council under the direction of Kristin Rentschler and Rob Bell.Delays/ClosingsListen to WOWO,WPTA, WBTU, WBCL,WAJI, WMEE, Q-101 orTV stations for delays orclosings. All school delaysare two (2) hours. A decision isusually made by 6:30am whether toclose school or not.WCCS also activates the corporationdialer to call student/staffhomes. Please keep your child’sschool updated on phone numbers.“The Zone” CalendarThe CCHS website displays“The Zone”, an updated calendarof events and activities. Simplygo to:http://wccs.k12.in.us/cchs/ anddouble click on the 3rd tab onthe left, “The Zone” Calendars.Go to the window “SchoolSearch” and type in “ColumbiaCity” on 1st line, “Indiana” on2nd line and “46725” on 3rdline and click on the “SEARCH”button and then double click“Columbia City H.S.” The recentweek will be viewable. Toview later dates, click on“Calendar” and choose the weekyou wish to view.This also helps when planningan event to avoid any conflictingdates/activities.Page 2‘The <strong>Eagle</strong> Experience’

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