AnnuAl RepoRt And Accounts - Mobile Tornado

AnnuAl RepoRt And Accounts - Mobile Tornado

AnnuAl RepoRt And Accounts - Mobile Tornado


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Directors’ reportInterest risk – the Group is exposed to interest rate risk as it invests surplus cash in floatingrate deposit accounts. These funds are invested with the objective of maintaining a balancebetween accessibility of funds and competitive rates of return.Liquidity risk – the Group seeks to ensure sufficient liquidity is available to meet itsforeseeable needs. The Board reviews cash flow projections and the headroom position inrespect of its cash balances and banking facilities to ensure the Group is adequately funded.Credit risk – the Group’s exposure to credit risk is limited to the carrying amount of itsfinancial assets at the balance sheet date. In respect of trade and other receivables, the Groupis not exposed to any significant credit risk exposure to any single counterparty or group ofcounterparties having similar characteristics. The Group’s customers are generally companieswith whom the Group has strong trading relationships with no recent history of default. TheGroup continually monitors its trade receivables and incorporates this information into itscredit risk controls.Going concernThe Directors have reviewed the available cash reserves, confirmed financial support in theform of short-term working capital loans available from InTechnology plc and cash projectionsfor the foreseeable future and in particular for the next twelve months. On the basis of thisreview, they have reasonable expectation that the Group will be able to meet its liabilities asthey fall due and continue to trade for the foreseeable future. They therefore have concludedthat the financial statements are appropriately prepared on a going concern basis.EmployeesThe Group places considerable value on the involvement of its employees and has continuedits practice of keeping them informed of matters affecting them as employees and the variousfactors affecting the performance of the Group.The Directors recognise that continued and sustained improvement in the performance of theGroup depends on its ability to attract, motivate and retain employees of the highest calibre.Furthermore, the Directors believe that the Group’s ability to sustain a competitive advantageover the long-term depends in a large part on ensuring that all employees contribute to themaximum of their potential. The Group is committed to improving the performance of allemployees through development and training.The Group is an equal opportunity employer. The Group’s policies seek to promote anenvironment free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation and to ensure that noemployee or applicant is treated less favourably on the grounds of gender, marital status, age,race, colour, nationality or national origin, disability or sexual orientation or is disadvantagedby conditions or requirements, which cannot objectively be justified. Entry into, andprogression within the Group, is solely determined on the basis of work criteria and individualmerit.The Group continues to give full and fair consideration to applications for employment madeby disabled persons, having regard to their respective aptitudes and abilities. The policyincludes, where practicable, the continued employment of those who may become disabledduring their employment and the provision of training and career development and promotion,where appropriate.Share schemesShare ownership is at the heart of the Group’s remuneration philosophy and the Directorsbelieve that the key to the Group’s future success lies in a motivated workforce holding a stakePage 8

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