AnnuAl RepoRt And Accounts - Mobile Tornado

AnnuAl RepoRt And Accounts - Mobile Tornado

AnnuAl RepoRt And Accounts - Mobile Tornado


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Notes to the financial statementsFor the year ended 31 December 2011Interest rate risk profile of financial assetsThe interest rate profile of the financial assets of the Group comprise cash of £77,000 (2010:£54,000) as follows:Floating rate31 December 31 December2011 2010£’000 £’000CurrencySterling 38 2US dollar 15 15Euro 12 6Israel Shekel 12 31Total 77 54The sterling, US dollar and euro financial assets relate to cash at bank and bear interest basedon GBP LIBOR, US dollar LIBOR and EURIBOR respectively. There are no fixed rate financialassets (2010: £nil).Interest rate risk profile of financial liabilitiesThe interest rate profile of the financial liabilities of the Group is as follows:Fixed31 December 31 December2011 2010£’000 £’000Fixed rate 10% preference shares 3,000 3,000Total 3,000 3,000Floating31 December 31 December2011 2010£’000 £’000Loans 1,515 865Total 1,515 865All floating rate loans carry an interest rate of 5% above Bank of England base rate.Currency riskThe table below shows the extent to which Group companies have monetary assets andliabilities in currencies other than their local currency.31 December 31 December2011 2010£’000 £’000Functional currency of operation: SterlingUS Dollar (net liabilities) (2,355) (2,869)Euro (net liabilities) (1,832) (2,065)Total (4,187) (4,934)Page 28

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