Policy Developments 1990-2004 - Centre for Early Childhood ...

Policy Developments 1990-2004 - Centre for Early Childhood ...

Policy Developments 1990-2004 - Centre for Early Childhood ...


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Section 4<strong>Policy</strong> <strong>Developments</strong> <strong>1990</strong>-<strong>2004</strong>Assessing Quality:1. Inspection alone will not ensure quality services. A system of supports to complementinspection must be implemented to ensure quality is achieved and maintained.Supporting Quality:1. The provision of quality childcare is an important element in the supports providedto families, including mothers working outside the home.4.7 InternationalPerspectivesEuropean structural funds began filteringinto the ECCE domain from the mid-<strong>1990</strong>s,largely framed within an equalityperspective regarding female participationwithin the work<strong>for</strong>ce. This financedprojects such as the New Opportunities <strong>for</strong>Women (NOW) Programme and thedissemination of this funding wasdependent on European guidelines.A number of international documentsproviding comparative reviews impingedirectly on policy regarding quality in theIrish context. In 1992, Balaguer et al.produced Quality in Services <strong>for</strong>Young Children – A DiscussionPaper. The following aspects werehighlighted as important in the attainmentof quality:<strong>Policy</strong>;Legislation and standards;Financing and resourcing;Planning and monitoring;Advice and support;Staff training;Inspection of physical resources;Research and development;Integration and co-ordination ofservices (Balaguer et al., 1992).The report further acknowledges that theindividual context of each country was ofparamount importance in theinterpretation and application of suchaspects, yet all were significant in theattainment of quality.In 1996, the European CommissionNetwork on Childcare (1996) producedQuality Targets in Services <strong>for</strong>Young Children, an outline of <strong>for</strong>tytargets which it aspired would be achievedby most countries within a ten-year period.Within this document, quality isunderstood as a relative and subjectiveconcept that cannot be defined succinctlybut instead:…should be seen as a dynamic andcontinuous process, involvingregular review and never reaching afinal, objective statement. (EuropeanCommission Network on Childcare,1996:7)It further states regarding the definition ofquality:That process needs to be dynamicand continuous. It should also bemulti-level, complex and democratic,because the process of definitionneeds to involve a wide range ofgroups with an interest in services<strong>for</strong> young children… (EuropeanCommission Network on Childcare,1996:8)The importance of policy to support qualityimprovement is a recurrent theme of thepublication, stating that “…high qualityservices accessible to all children can onlybe achieved with a national policyframework.” (European CommissionNetwork on Childcare, 1996:10) Otherimportant elements in the achievement ofquality include:37

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