lake travis isd policy for random student drug testing

lake travis isd policy for random student drug testing

lake travis isd policy for random student drug testing


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2004 - 2005LAKE TRAVIS ISDSTUDENT DRUG TESTING CONSENT FORM FOR STUDENT AGE 18 OR OLDERI, ______________________________________________, a <strong>student</strong> enrolled in Lake TravisISD and receiving a parking permit allowing me to park my vehicle on school property duringthe school day, have read and understand Lake Travis ISD’s <strong>policy</strong> regarding <strong>random</strong> <strong>student</strong><strong>drug</strong> <strong>testing</strong>.I understand that I will be asked to provide a urine sample <strong>for</strong> <strong>drug</strong> analysis, and I consent tosuch <strong>testing</strong> conducted as part of the District’s <strong>drug</strong> <strong>testing</strong> <strong>policy</strong>.I also understand that while I cannot be compelled to produce a specimen; the giving of aspecimen, when requested by the District, is a condition of my continued privilege of parking onschool property during the school day. I understand that if I test positive, the consequences willinclude termination of parking privileges and the loss of other privileges such as participation inextracurricular activities. I understand that refusal to submit to a test will have the sameconsequence as if I had tested positive.________________________________________Student Signature____________________________DateParent AcknowledgmentAs the parent or guardian of _______________________________________________, I haveread and understand Lake Travis ISD’s <strong>policy</strong> regarding <strong>random</strong> <strong>student</strong> <strong>drug</strong> <strong>testing</strong>. Iacknowledge such <strong>testing</strong> is conducted as part of the District’s <strong>drug</strong> <strong>testing</strong> <strong>policy</strong>. I understandthat if my child tests positive, the consequences <strong>for</strong> my child will include termination of parkingprivileges and the loss of other privileges such as participation in extracurricular activities. Iunderstand that refusal to submit to a test will have the same consequence as if my child hadtested positive.________________________________________Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________DateLake Travis ISD 10

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