Joint Sewer and Town Council Meeting 11/27/12 Minutes

Joint Sewer and Town Council Meeting 11/27/12 Minutes

Joint Sewer and Town Council Meeting 11/27/12 Minutes


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<strong>Town</strong> of Winfield 10645 R<strong>and</strong>olph Street Winfield, IN 46307MINUTESWinfield <strong>Joint</strong> <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Sewer</strong> Board <strong>Meeting</strong><strong>Meeting</strong> date: Tuesday, November <strong>27</strong>, 20<strong>12</strong>preference. There was a discussion in regard to the work that had not been completed <strong>and</strong>continues not to get completed, along with a discussion that took place that determined that thedeveloper was not going to plow the final two streets they were still responsible for. JimSimmons made a motion to authorize Clerk-Treasurer, Rick Anderson, to pull the four DoubletreeEstates West Phase 7 <strong>and</strong> 8 Letters of Credit that are currently set to expire on December 22, 20<strong>12</strong><strong>and</strong> March 13, 2013. Gerald Stiener seconded the motion along with stating that there was beenno cooperation with Doubletree or the Receiver or evidence that the work would be completed in atimely manner. A roll call vote was conducted by Rick Anderson: Don Samburg, yes; DaveAnderson, yes; Jim Simmons, yes; Gerald Stiener, yes; <strong>and</strong>, Paulette Skinner, yes. Motion passed.Rick Anderson will follow-up on initiation of the claim.Don Samburg advised that there continues to be a problem with the Erie Drive sewer line beingfilled with debris including rocks <strong>and</strong> chunks of asphalt. Don stated that the <strong>Town</strong> cannot affordto put any additional load onto the downstream side of Erie Drive sewer line. Don Samburg madea motion to place a new construction building moratorium on Doubletree East, namely Phases 15,16, 17 <strong>and</strong> 9 <strong>and</strong> incorporate the un-platted proposed townhomes <strong>and</strong> condominiums on CountyLine Road, effective immediately. Jim Simmons seconded the motion. Attorney Austgeninquired if this deficiency was noted by John Phipps, of NIES Engineering. Don Samburg statedthat John has been on site in regard to this matter. Individuals also noted on site include KevinMisch <strong>and</strong> Bob Gertzen of Utility Services, who are all in agreement that there is a seriousproblem in regard to this line. With no further discussion, Paulette Skinner requested RickAnderson to conduct a roll call vote: Jim Simmons, yes; Dave Anderson, yes; Don Samburg, yes;Gerald Stiener, yes; <strong>and</strong>, Paulette Skinner, yes. Motion carried to initiate a new constructionbuilding moratorium on Doubletree East, Phases 15, 16, 17 <strong>and</strong> 9, effective immediately.10. Update on 104 th <strong>and</strong> R<strong>and</strong>olph St., LightThis subject was discussed under Old Business, Item #7, see above.<strong>11</strong>. Update of Police Protection <strong>and</strong> Animal Control contractsDon Samburg advised that both contracts need to go before the Lake County Commissioner forapproval first <strong>and</strong> hereby requested this subject be deferred to the December regularly scheduledmonthly meeting. As a side note, the contract changes are now for three-years term, at a fixed 3%escalator each year, <strong>and</strong> taking off the restriction of hiring off-duty officers in order to controlv<strong>and</strong>alism issues <strong>and</strong> traffic control problems.NEW BUSINESS:1. Consideration of Change Order #4, Walsh & Kelly roadwork, deduct $177,558.49Anthony Kenning stated the work has been completed <strong>and</strong> the change order brings the contractdown $177,558.49. This is a result of changes that were made throughout the time frame thatwork was completed. This brings a final contract amount of $1,007,781.26. Anthony Kenningsrecommended approval of Change Order #4 at this time so that there can be a final considerationof payment. Gerald Stiener made a motion to approve Change Order #4 to Walsh & Kellydeducting $177,558.49. Dave Anderson seconded the motion. A roll call vote was conducted byPage 5 of 8

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