BNRCC Project Backgrounder - Building Nigeria's Response To ...

BNRCC Project Backgrounder - Building Nigeria's Response To ...

BNRCC Project Backgrounder - Building Nigeria's Response To ...


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<strong>BNRCC</strong> BACKGROUNDERPAGE 17Climate Change Information-SharingThe <strong>BNRCC</strong> team is committed toinformation‐sharing, and is pleased toprovide a sampling of the many localand international organizations workingto address climate change in Nigeriaand abroad. The growing depth ofknowledge on Climate Change, and thenumber of organizations around theworld dedicated to its study, are reflectiveof the profound urgency of theClimate Change issue. Stay informedabout the <strong>BNRCC</strong> <strong>Project</strong> and ClimateChange in Nigeria; and find even moreClimate Change resources on our newproject website. Visit us today!www.nigeriaclimatechange.orgNigerian Groups Working on Climate Change"The good news isthat experienceshows that reducingcarbon emissions isprofitable forcompanies doingbusiness inCalifornia.Hundreds ofcompanies havereduced energyconsumption,saving money in theprocess."California governorArnoldSchwarzeneggerWomen Farmers Advancement Network, Kano Nigeria (WOFAN): In December, 2007,WOFAN partnered with IDRC, ARDA, University of Guelph, and DFID to produce a Resource Kiton Climate Change titled “Climate Change and Current Issues Facing the Development ofAgriculture and Rural Livelihoods in Northern Nigeria”.Contact Information: Hajia Salamatu Garba Jibril, National Coordinator – WOFAN, Plot 18,Yahaya Gusau Road, NNDC Quarters, P.O. Box 22 (Gyadi‐Gyadi) Kano Nigeria, Tel.: 234‐64‐665487, Fax: 234‐64‐662199, email: info@wofan.org / Web: www.wofan.orgNigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF): The Nigerian Conservation Foundation is presentlyworking on the “Participatory Renewable Natural Resources Management <strong>Project</strong> ‐ Buru andLaminga”. The project was conceived in 1995 to improve the livelihood of rural people, mostespecially the poorest sectors of Nigerian society.Contact Information: Km 19 Lagos‐Epe Expressway, Lekki, Lagos. P.O. Box 74638, VictoriaIsland, Lagos Nigeria. Tel. +234 1 2642498 / 2600600 Ext. 7901 ‐ 7906, Fax. +234 1 2642497email: info@ncf‐nigeria.org / Web: www.ncf‐nigeria.orgCont...

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