Accounting for Intangible Assets and Reporting ... - Icabr.com

Accounting for Intangible Assets and Reporting ... - Icabr.com

Accounting for Intangible Assets and Reporting ... - Icabr.com


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The basic difference between Czech <strong>and</strong> international accounting st<strong>and</strong>ards isrepresented by their respective legal frameworks. Both IFRS <strong>and</strong> US GAAP focus onprinciples, <strong>and</strong> thus do not defined exact accounting procedures. The Czech accountingst<strong>and</strong>ards, on the other h<strong>and</strong>, are part of the legislation binding <strong>for</strong> all <strong>com</strong>paniesregistered in the Czech Republic. The appearance of Czech accounting is considerablyaffected by the tax legislation, which may be a source of certain inflexibility of the system<strong>and</strong> may lead to acceptance of st<strong>and</strong>points based on tax considerations rather than onthe concept of faithful <strong>and</strong> fair reflection of a transaction in its essence. The Czechaccounting system is <strong>for</strong>mulated by legislators, which both IFRS <strong>and</strong> US GAAP are<strong>for</strong>mulated by non-governmental non-profit organisation. The Czech accountingregulations are focused on accounting from the tax viewpoint <strong>and</strong> partly from theinvestor viewpoint. On the other h<strong>and</strong> both international accounting systems areprimarily focused on reflection of the reality <strong>for</strong> use by investors.Tab. 1 Selected differences in reporting of intangible assetsArea IFRS US GAAP Czech accountinglegislationDefinitionEvaluationCapitalizationof R&DDepreciationSource: authors resultsEconomic sourcemanaged by a<strong>com</strong>pany that is usedto profitAll costs directly linkedto creation of capital<strong>and</strong> its usageAllowed only costs indevelopmentIt has no physicalvalue, <strong>com</strong>pany willretain na economicadvantage in thefutureAll costs necesseryro register <strong>and</strong>establish legalcontractsForbiddenNot always <strong>com</strong>pulsory Necessery to writeoff capital that has acertain expirationdateNo definition, list anumber of itemsAll direct <strong>and</strong> indirectcosts linked toexploitationAllowed <strong>for</strong> costsboth R&DFollowing regulationsexpressed in the lawThe differences between the Czech <strong>and</strong> the international regulations begin with the verydefinition of intangible assets. While the Czech accounting legislation defines this termby a list of items meting the definition, both IFRS <strong>and</strong> US GAAP define intangible assetsby their properties. Both international systems emphasize the absence of physicalessence of intangible assets, <strong>and</strong> IFRS in addition mention three signs of intangibleassets – they are identifiable, controllable <strong>and</strong> bring future economic benefits. TheCzech st<strong>and</strong>ards on the other h<strong>and</strong> emphasize usable life longer than one year <strong>and</strong> thefact that the asset value is higher than a limit specified by the <strong>com</strong>pany.The list of intangible asset items of the Czech intangible asset definition includeestablishment costs, recognised directly in costs by both international accountingsystems, <strong>for</strong> pursuant to their interpretation they do not bring <strong>and</strong> future benefits to the<strong>com</strong>pany.If the assets are not purchased but developed in-house, the Czech accountingst<strong>and</strong>ards appreciate them on the basis of in-house costs of development. This isconditioned by the purpose of the asset, which is its trading. IFRS distinguish betweenthe research <strong>and</strong> the development stage in this asset type. Only the development stagerelated costs may be activated <strong>and</strong> only after fulfilment of certain conditions (<strong>com</strong>pletionis feasible, the <strong>com</strong>pany possesses sufficient resources <strong>for</strong> the <strong>com</strong>pletion etc.).

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