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ResourcesPersonal InterviewsAlesia Adams, Project Director, Center to End Adolescent Sexual Exploitation (CEASE)Barbara Brown, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of InvestigationCinzia Coleman, Senior Probation Officer, DeKalb County Juvenile CourtHerman Glass, Lieutenant, Vice Unit, Atlanta Police DepartmentYolanda Graham, Medical Director, Inner Harbour and Angela’s HouseNina Hickson, Former Chief Juvenile Judge, Fulton County Juvenile CourtSanford Jones, Chief Juvenile Judge, Fulton County Juvenile CourtNikki Marr, Former Juvenile Judge, DeKalb County Juvenile CourtAlisa Porter, Director of Funding and Development, Covenant House GeorgiaJames Sellers, Major, Special Enforcement Section, Atlanta Police DepartmentJennifer Towns, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of InvestigationLinda Watson, Probation Officer, DeKalb County Juvenile CourtD.M. Williams, Sergeant, Child Exploitation Unit, Atlanta Police DepartmentS*Kaycee** “street names”Published and Unpublished Written SourcesAlan Guttmacher Institute, (1994). Sex and America’s Teenagers, New York: AGI.American Psychological Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders, 4th ed., text revision, 2000Boxill, N.A. & Richardson, D.J. (20<strong>05</strong>). “A Community’s Response to the SexTrafficking of Children”. Child Welfare League of America, The Link, 3(4):1-9.Brannigan, A, Van Brunschot, E.G. (1997). Youth Prostitution and Child Sexual Trauma.International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 20(3):337-354.Chesney-Lind M, Sheldon R. (1992). Girls, Delinquency, Juvenile Justice. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.Conduct Disorder Fact Sheet. National Mental Health Association, retrieved June 25, 20<strong>05</strong> fromhttp://nmha.org/infoctr/factsheets/74.cfm.Cunningham R.M., Stiffman A.R., Dore P., Earls F. (1994). The association of physical and sexual abusewith HIV risk behavior in adolescence and young adulthood: implications for health. Child Abuseand Neglect,18:233-245.DuRant, R.H., Altman, D., Wolfson, M., Barkin, S., Kreiter, S., Krowchuk, D. (2000). Exposure to violenceand victimization, depression, substance abuse, and the use of violence by young adolescents.Journal of Pediatrics, 137(5):707-713.Emerson, B. (20<strong>05</strong>, April 9). Stripper Ministry. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution retrieved July 15, 20<strong>05</strong>from http://perimeter-community.followers.net/ In_The_News___.AJC_-_Stripper_Ministry_-_4-8-<strong>05</strong>.38

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