Issue No. 67 - November to December 2011 - DOH

Issue No. 67 - November to December 2011 - DOH

Issue No. 67 - November to December 2011 - DOH

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y blocking certain nerves. Doc<strong>to</strong>rsuse it in very small doses.How about laugh linesaround the mouth and deeperforehead grooves? A populartreatment involves injecting cosmeticwrinkle fillers in<strong>to</strong> the face. Cosmeticwrinkle fillers are soft tissue fillersinjected in<strong>to</strong> the skin <strong>to</strong> give theface a smoother con<strong>to</strong>ur. The filler isalso used <strong>to</strong> plump lips, ala AngelinaJolie. Results are temporary, about sixmonths, depending on the filler used,because the body eventually absorbsthem. Cost starts from P25,000.Wrinkle fillers are madeof various types of materials suchas collagen and hyaluronic acid gel,and some include a combination ofproducts. Some products also containlidocaine, which numbs the skin at theinjection site.As with any medicalprocedure, Bo<strong>to</strong>x and fillers pose riskswith possible side effects of allergicreaction, infection, bruising and raisedbumps on the skin. It is very importantthat a skilled and trained skin carephysician does the procedure.Honing on HormonesAnti-aging hormone supplementsare said <strong>to</strong> work wonders, giving youyouthful looks and generally making you feelhealthier. These treatments are a cocktailof prescription-only hormones includinghuman growth hormone (HGH), estrogen,tes<strong>to</strong>sterone, Dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA) and pregnenolone.Hormones, chemical messengersneeded <strong>to</strong> keep the body working properly,affect metabolism, reproduction, growthand immune function, among others. Theirlevels dwindle in middle age and this naturalOUR CONTRIBUTOR: Dr. Risa C. De Leon, a diplomate of thePhilippine Association of Primary Skin Health Physicians, Inc.and member of the World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine and askin care consultant at Vanity Skin Aesthetics Derma<strong>to</strong>logy Clinicslocated at the Ground Floor, One Ecom Center, Ocean Drive, Mall ofAsia Complex, Pasay City and 5th Level, SM Manila.slowdown has prompted an interest in theuse of synthetic hormones <strong>to</strong> stave off therealities of old age.The use of anti-aging hormonesis still shrouded in controversy. Their longtermeffects are still unknown. There arestudies suggesting a link between HGHand cancer, diabetes and joint pain. DHEAand pregnenolone may cause irregularheartbeats and irreversible hair loss. Takinghormone replacement drugs or supplementsshould be done strictly under medicalsupervision.Small short-term studies by the USNational Institute of Aging show that dailyHGH injections can add muscle mass butdon’t translate in<strong>to</strong> greater strengthor function. Patients receiving HGHreport lesser pain, better flexibility anda sense of well being they did not havebefore. Thicker skin, enhance immunesystem, more energy, cholesterolbalance shifted in a positive way, andmore calcium deposited on bones areother said benefits.Over-the-counter dietary pillsupplements, known as HGH releasers,and HGH in spray form are currentlymarketed as low-cost back-ups. Butclaims of their anti-aging effects, likeall those regarding HGH, are arguable.Tes<strong>to</strong>sterone in men regulatessex drive (libido), bone mass, fatdistribution, muscle mass andstrength, and production of redblood cells and sperm. FDA-approvedtes<strong>to</strong>sterone drugs come in the formof patches, injections, and <strong>to</strong>picalgels. Tes<strong>to</strong>sterone supplementation isthe standard treatment for men whoproduce little or no tes<strong>to</strong>sterone ontheir own only. Although other menreport bigger muscles, sturdier bones,and a higher sex drive, more rigorousstudies are needed <strong>to</strong> see if possiblebenefits outweigh its potential risks.Estrogen in women helpsmaintain bone strength and may cut riskof heart disease and memory problemsbefore menopause. For more than half acentury, drugs with estrogen have relievedmenopausal symp<strong>to</strong>ms, like hot flashes andvaginal dryness, and prevented or treatedbrittle bones or osteoporosis. However,some studies show that estrogen maycause thickening of the lining of the uterusand raise the risk of endometrial cancer,and hike the risk for developing dementia(Alzheimer’s disease).DHEA supplement advocates <strong>to</strong>utthat the hormone improves energy and22 HEALTHbeat I <strong>No</strong>vember - <strong>December</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

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