Finite Element Method - The Basis (Volume 1)

Finite Element Method - The Basis (Volume 1)

Finite Element Method - The Basis (Volume 1)


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20 A direct approach to problems in elasticityyu i (V i )it = t xt yu i (U i )emjxFig. 2.1 A plane stress region divided into ®nite elements.It is desirable to obtain results in a general form applicable to any situation, butto avoid introducing conceptual di culties the general relations will be illustratedwith a very simple example of plane stress analysis of a thin slice. In this a divisionof the region into triangular-shaped elements is used as shown in Fig. 2.1. Relationshipsof general validity will be placed in a box. Again, matrix notation will beimplied.2.2.1 Displacement functionAtypical®niteelement,e, is de®ned by nodes, i, j, m, etc., and straight line boundaries.Let the displacements u at any point within the element be approximated as a columnvector, uà :8u ^u ˆ X>:a ia j.9e>=ˆ Na e>;…2:1†in which the components of N are prescribed functions of position and a e represents alisting of nodal displacements for a particular element.

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