Due Diligence Report - Fonterra

Due Diligence Report - Fonterra

Due Diligence Report - Fonterra


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Pre-condition 1: The Committee has concluded that this pre-conditionis able to be satisfied as of the date of this report on the following basis:(a) The Authorised Fund will be the Fund as described in theBlueprint and the Fund will meet the requirements ofthe definition of an Authorised Fund under the Form BConstitution. The Fund will be a unit trust established underthe Unit Trust Act 1960.iiiThe FSM rules which have been agreed with NZX (butwhich are awaiting approval from the FMA) and containdetailed requirements in relation to market conduct.The FSM will be a registered market and will be operated as aregistered exchange under the Securities Markets Act1988 which will require it to adopt and comply withcontinuous disclosure requirements.(b) The Fund will be established at or about the launch of TAF.(c) The Fund will have appropriate mechanisms, rulesand governance structures (which are summarised bymanagement in the Management <strong>Report</strong> and describedin detail in the Blueprint). The Committee’s advisors haveendorsed this view.(d) Terms sheets and other documents relating to the Fund havebeen reviewed by Mr. Oldfield and he has confirmed that heknows of no reason why the Fund cannot be established onthe terms presently contemplated at the date of this report.(e) Based on advice from Rothschild/Cameron, the Fund isreasonably likely to have sufficient number and dispersion ofFund units on issue so as to facilitate trading in those Fundunits. This view is endorsed by the Committee’s finance/markets advisors.(f) Rothschild/Cameron has advised that a Fund size of at least$500 million would provide a deep and liquid market.This view is also endorsed by the Committee’s finance/markets advisors.(g) The Committee’s advisors have confirmed that they arenot aware of any reason why this pre-condition has notbeen satisfied.Pre-condition 2: The Committee has concluded that thispre-condition is able to be satisfied as of the date of this reporton the following basis:(a) The market for trading Co-operative shares will be the FSMas described in the Blueprint and the FSM will meet therequirements of the definition of the FSM under the FormB Constitution. The FSM will be operated by NZX Limited(“NZX”).(b) The FSM will allow for trading of Co-operative shares in themanner set out in the Form B Constitution.iii The trading platform has been developed by NZX and isbased on the trading platform used by NZX for its own publicexchanges. The trading platform has been independentlyreviewed and confirmed by <strong>Fonterra</strong>’s capital markets advisor,Oliver Wyman.iv The share registry function for the FSM will, at the launchof TAF, include appropriate controls and functionality toenable trading activity and compliance with constitutionaland other limits and thresholds to be monitored.(d) Term sheets relating to the FSM have been reviewed byMr. Oldfield and he has confirmed that he knows of no reasonwhy the FSM cannot be established on the terms set out inthe term sheets.(e) Based on advice from its advisors and advice from <strong>Fonterra</strong>’scapital markets advisors, the Committee considers thatsufficient number and dispersion of Co-operative shares willbe on issue such that the FSM is reasonably likely to provide areliable and effective platform for the trading of Co-operativeshares. The Committee’s advisors have endorsed this view.(f) Liquidity in the FSM will be assisted by the RVP and by theability of farmer shareholders and the RVP to readily andwithout cost convert shares into units and vice-versa. TheRVP will be under obligations to buy and sell shares in theFSM within a defined maximum spread on a substantiallycontinuous basis. <strong>Fonterra</strong> has sought independent advicefrom Oliver Wyman, a leading international advisor in thisarea, on how to best structure the role of the RVP to enhanceliquidity in the FSM. This advice, which was reviewed andcommented on by the Committee’s financial/markets advisors,has provided the Committee with confidence that farmers willbe able to buy and sell shares in the FSM when they wish atprices that reflect a well informed and liquid market.(g) The Committee’s advisors have confirmed that they are notaware of any reason why this pre-condition has not been satisfied.(c) The FSM has appropriate mechanisms, rules and governancestructures (including as to liquidity, market conduct anddisclosure) which are summarised by management in theManagement <strong>Report</strong> and described in detail in the Blueprint.These mechanisms, rules and structures include:12

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