First Hand Experiences in Managing Different ... - Weeds Australia

First Hand Experiences in Managing Different ... - Weeds Australia

First Hand Experiences in Managing Different ... - Weeds Australia


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Asparagus asparagoides before treatment <strong>in</strong> grey box grassywoodland, Belair National Park, Mount Lofty Ranges, SAAdditional time is needed <strong>in</strong> acid soils as thechemical is more persistent. Soils rich <strong>in</strong> organicmatter tie up the chemical and prevent it fromaffect<strong>in</strong>g other plants.There is a high level of knowledge and expertiserequired to use metsulfuron-methyl effectively<strong>in</strong> bushland sett<strong>in</strong>gs. Excessively high rates,heavy applications, wet conditions and limitedunderstand<strong>in</strong>g of soil types and native ecology canlead to devastat<strong>in</strong>g off-target damage.Mak<strong>in</strong>g bushcare everyone’s bus<strong>in</strong>essSAIF director, Kieran Brewer, sees bushcare projectsas an opportunity to share knowledge about nativeplants, ecology and weed management.‘You work with people who really know theirplants. Volunteers have got a strong connectionwith their conservation site, their heart’s <strong>in</strong> it,they’ve got <strong>in</strong>timate knowledge and they’re greatto work with.’A project runn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the Mt Lofty Rangesdemonstrates that work<strong>in</strong>g closely with acommunity group can dissem<strong>in</strong>ate skills, buildlong-term capacity and manage fragile species.The Woodcutters Road Environmental ProtectionAssociation, formed to conserve natural heritagevalues across their adjo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g properties, whichconta<strong>in</strong> some high-value bushland, managesthe project. A spectrum of weeds is present<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g A. asparagoides. Weed control bycontractors is <strong>in</strong>to its fourth year. Populations ofGrey box grassy woodland, Belair National Park, Mount Lofty Ranges,South <strong>Australia</strong>nationally endangered p<strong>in</strong>k-lipped spider-orchids(Caladenia behrii Schltdl.) and stiff white spiderorchids(Caladenia rigida R.S.Rogers) are carefullymanaged. An <strong>in</strong>tegral contribution is be<strong>in</strong>g madeby a community member who was mentored by aNRM Officer, received tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g and now monitorsthe progress of every s<strong>in</strong>gle plant, record<strong>in</strong>gpopulation, flower count and seed set.Achiev<strong>in</strong>g successMa<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g focus on the core outcomes ofpreserv<strong>in</strong>g rare species and build<strong>in</strong>g the resilienceof native vegetation has been the key to successwith SAIF’s projects. Weed management isalways conducted with<strong>in</strong> this context and controltechniques are carefully selected and timed to limitdamage to exist<strong>in</strong>g native vegetation.Over the course of weed management, sites arecarefully monitored and documented, us<strong>in</strong>gmultiple photopo<strong>in</strong>ts, mapp<strong>in</strong>g, written reportseach season and site visits with clients to discussprogress. After sufficient time has passed to showweed control objectives have been met, a f<strong>in</strong>al<strong>in</strong>spection with the client usually concludesthe sign-off process. Long-term monitor<strong>in</strong>g andma<strong>in</strong>tenance is then cont<strong>in</strong>ued by the client, oftenby a dedicated community group.‘Instead of weeds you see all the native plant coveryou’d ever want.’99

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