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Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214PREFACEThis Delta II Payload Planners Guide (PPG) is issued to the spacecraft user community toprovide information about the Delta II family of launch vehicles and its related systems andlaunch services.This document contains current Delta II information and includes United Launch Allianceplans and projections for Delta II launch services launch vehicle specifications. Included areDelta II family vehicle descriptions, target vehicle performance figures, payload envelopes, anticipatedspacecraft environments, mechanical and electrical interfaces, payload processing, andother related information of interest to our potential customers.As new development in the Delta II program progresses, United Launch Alliance will periodicallyupdate the information presented in the following pages. To this end, you are urged to visitour Web site so that you can download updates as they become available.Recipients are also urged to contact United Launch Alliance with comments, requests forclarification, or requests for supplementary information to this document.Inquiries regarding the content of the Delta II Payload Planners Guide should be directed to:E-mail: contact.us@ulalaunch.comMailing address:United Launch AllianceP.O. Box 277005Littleton, CO 80127-7005U.S.A.24-Hour ULA Launch Information Hotline (Toll-Free): (877) ULA-4321 (852-4321)Visit United Launch Alliance at our Web site: www.ulalaunch.comInquires regarding commercial launch services should be directed to:Boeing Launch Servicesc/o The Boeing Company5301 Bolsa AvenueHuntington Beach, CA 92647-2099U.S.A.E-mail: boeinglaunchservices@boeing.comPhone: (714) 896-5195Visit Boeing Launch Services at their Web site: www.boeing.com/launchiii/iv

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214CONTENTSSection 1Section 2Section 3Section 4INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................I-1LAUNCH VEHICLE DESCRIPTIONS..................................................................1-11.1 DELTA LAUNCH VEHICLES................................................................... 1-11.2 DELTA II LAUNCH VEHICLE DESCRIPTION ...................................... 1-21.2.1 First Stage .................................................................................................... 1-21.2.2 Second Stage................................................................................................1-41.2.3 Third Stage................................................................................................... 1-71.2.4 Payload Attach Fittings................................................................................ 1-81.2.5 Dual- and Multiple-Manifest Capability......................................................1-81.2.6 Payload Fairings (PLF)................................................................................1-81.2.7 Guidance, Control, and Navigation System...............................................1-101.3 VEHICLE AXES/ATTITUDE DEFINITIONS......................................... 1-101.4 LAUNCH VEHICLE INSIGNIA .............................................................. 1-11GENERAL PERFORMANCE CAPABILITY........................................................2-12.1 LAUNCH SITES.......................................................................................... 2-12.2 MISSION PROFILES .................................................................................. 2-12.2.1 First-Stage Flight Profiles............................................................................ 2-22.2.2 Second-Stage and Third-Stage Flight Profiles............................................. 2-22.3 PERFORMANCE CAPABILITY................................................................ 2-62.4 MISSION ACCURACY DATA ................................................................ 2-28PAYLOAD FAIRINGS...........................................................................................3-13.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................ 3-13.2 THE 2.9-M (9.5-FT)-DIAMETER PAYLOAD FAIRING ......................... 3-23.3 THE 3-M (10-FT)-DIAMETER PAYLOAD FAIRING ............................. 3-93.4 THE STRETCHED 3-M (10-FT)-DIAMETER PAYLOADFAIRING -10L........................................................................................... 3-173.5 PAYLOAD FAIRING DOOR LOCATIONS............................................ 3-223.5.1 Delta II Metallic Fairing Door Locations .................................................. 3-223.5.2 Delta II Composite Fairing Door Locations ..............................................3-23PAYLOAD ENVIRONMENTS..............................................................................4-14.1 PRELAUNCH ENVIRONMENTS ............................................................. 4-14.1.1 Payload Air Conditioning and Gaseous Nitrogen (GN 2 ) Purge................... 4-14.1.2 MST White Room........................................................................................ 4-64.1.3 Radiation and Electromagnetic Environments............................................. 4-64.1.4 Electrostatic Potential ..................................................................................4-84.1.5 Contamination and Cleanliness.................................................................... 4-84.2 LAUNCH AND FLIGHT ENVIRONMENTS.......................................... 4-114.2.1 Fairing Internal Pressure Environment ...................................................... 4-114.2.2 Thermal Environment ................................................................................4-134.2.3 Flight Dynamic Environment .................................................................... 4-224.2.4 Payload Qualification and Acceptance Testing .........................................4-314.2.5 Dynamic Analysis Criteria and Balance Requirements.............................4-37v

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02147.2.1 NASA Facilities on South VAFB................................................................7-47.2.2 NASA Facilities on North Vandenberg .....................................................7-107.2.3 Astrotech Space Operations Facilities ....................................................... 7-137.2.4 Spaceport Systems International (SSI) Facilities....................................... 7-137.3 SPACECRAFT TRANSPORT TO LAUNCH SITE................................. 7-147.4 SPACE LAUNCH COMPLEX 2............................................................... 7-147.5 SUPPORT SERVICES............................................................................... 7-257.5.1 Launch Support..........................................................................................7-257.5.2 Operational Safety ..................................................................................... 7-267.5.3 Security ...................................................................................................... 7-267.5.4 Field-Related Services ............................................................................... 7-287.6 DELTA II PLANS AND SCHEDULES.................................................... 7-287.6.1 Mission Plan...............................................................................................7-287.6.2 Integrated Schedules .................................................................................. 7-297.6.3 Spacecraft Schedules ................................................................................. 7-397.7 DELTA II MEETINGS AND REVIEWS.................................................. 7-397.7.1 Meetings.....................................................................................................7-397.7.2 Prelaunch Review Process ......................................................................... 7-40Section 8 PAYLOAD INTEGRATION ..................................................................................8-18.1 INTEGRATION PROCESS......................................................................... 8-18.2 DOCUMENTATION................................................................................... 8-28.3 LAUNCH OPERATIONS PLANNING .................................................... 8-208.4 SPACECRAFT PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS ................................. 8-20Section 9 SAFETY .................................................................................................................. 9-19.1 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... 9-19.2 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 9-19.3 HAZARDOUS SYSTEMS AND OPERATIONS....................................... 9-39.3.1 Operations Involving Pressure Vessels (Tanks) .......................................... 9-39.3.2 Nonionizing Radiation................................................................................. 9-49.3.3 Liquid Propellant Offloading.......................................................................9-49.3.4 Safing of Ordnance ......................................................................................9-49.4 WAIVERS.................................................................................................... 9-5vii/viii

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Figure 2-21 Delta II 7320/7420 Vehicle, Two-Stage Circular Orbit AltitudeCapability— Western Launch Site .................................................................... 2-21Figure 2-22 Delta II 7920 Vehicle, Two-Stage Circular Orbit Altitude Capability—Western Launch Site.......................................................................................... 2-21Figure 2-23 Delta II 7320/7420 Vehicle, Two-Stage Sun-Synchronous Capability—Western Launch Site.......................................................................................... 2-22Figure 2-24 Delta II 7920 Vehicle, Two-Stage Sun-Synchronous Capability—WesternLaunch Site......................................................................................................... 2-22Figure 2-25 Delta II 7320/7420 Vehicle, Two-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—Western Launch Site.......................................................................................... 2-23Figure 2-26 Delta II 7920 Vehicle, Two-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—WesternLaunch Site ........................................................................................................ 2-23Figure 2-27 Delta II 7320/7420 Vehicle, Two-Stage Perigee Velocity Capability—Western Launch Site.......................................................................................... 2-24Figure 2-28 Delta II 7920 Vehicle, Two-Stage Perigee Velocity Capability—WesternLaunch Site ........................................................................................................ 2-24Figure 2-29 Delta II 7326/7426 Vehicle, Three-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—Western Launch Site.......................................................................................... 2-25Figure 2-30 Delta II 792X Vehicle, Three-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—WesternLaunch Site......................................................................................................... 2-25Figure 2-31 Delta II 732X/742X Vehicle, Three-Stage Perigee Velocity Capability—Western Launch Site.......................................................................................... 2-26Figure 2-32 Delta II 792X Vehicle, Three-Stage Apogee Velocity Capability—WesternLaunch Site......................................................................................................... 2-27Figure 2-33 Delta II Vehicle, GTO Deviations Capability—Eastern Launch Site ............... 2-29Figure 3-1 Delta 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Payload Fairing ............................................................. 3-3Figure 3-2 Profile, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Payload Fairing .......................................................... 3-4Figure 3-3 Payload Static Envelope, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Fairing, Three-StageConfiguration (3712 PAF).................................................................................... 3-6Figure 3-4 Payload Static Envelope, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Fairing, Two-StageConfiguration (Various PAFs)............................................................................. 3-7Figure 3-5 Payload Static Envelope, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Fairing, Two-StageConfiguration (6306 PAF) ................................................................................... 3-8Figure 3-6 3-m (10-ft)-dia Composite Fairing........................................................................ 3-9Figure 3-7 Profile, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Composite Fairing........................................................ 3-10Figure 3-8 Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Fairing, Three-StageConfiguration (3712 PAF) ................................................................................. 3-11Figure 3-9 Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Fairing, Two-StageConfiguration (Various PAFs)........................................................................... 3-12Figure 3-10 Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Fairing Two-Stage Configuration(6306 PAF)......................................................................................................... 3-13Figure 3-11 Maximum Payload Envelope for 3.0-m (10-ft)-dia Fairing, Dual-PayloadAttach Fitting ..................................................................................................... 3-14Figure 3-12 Maximum Payload Envelope for 3.0-m (10-ft)-dia Fairing, ReducedHeight Dual-Payload Attach Fitting .................................................................. 3-15x

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Figure 3-13 Detailed Payload Envelope for 3.0-m (10-ft) dia Fairing, Dual-PayloadAttach Fitting and Reduced-Height Dual-Payload Attach Fitting..................... 3-16Figure 3-14 3-m (10-ft) Stretched Composite Fairing (-10L) ............................................... 3-17Figure 3-15 Profile, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Stretched Composite Fairing (-10L) ............................ 3-18Figure 3-16 Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Stretched Composite Fairing (-10L), Three-Stage Configuration (3712 PAF)................................................... 3-19Figure 3-17 Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Stretched Composite Fairing (-10L), Two-Stage Configuration (Various PAFs)............................................... 3-20Figure 3-18 Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft) -dia Stretched Fairing (-10L), Two-Stage Configuration (6306 PAF) ....................................................................... 3-21Figure 3-19 Allowable Access Door Locations for 9.5-ft-dia Metallic Fairing.................... 3-22Figure 3-20 Allowable Access Door Locations for 10-ft-dia Composite Fairing................ 3-24Figure 3-21 Allowable Access Door Locations for 10-ft-dia Stretched CompositeFairing................................................................................................................ 3-24Figure 4-1 Payload Air Distribution System ......................................................................... 4-1Figure 4-2 Environmental Shroud and Payload Workstand (SLC-2).................................... 4-2Figure 4-3 Environmental Shroud and Payload Workstand (SLC-17A and SLC-17B)........ 4-3Figure 4-4 Payload Gas Purge Accommodations (Typical at SLC-2 Shown) ...................... 4-5Figure 4-5 GN 2 Purge System—Typical Interface Details.................................................... 4-6Figure 4-6 Maximum Allowable Payload Radiated Emissions at the Payload/ LaunchVehicle Separation Plane ..................................................................................... 4-8Figure 4-7 Delta II Payload Fairing Compartment Absolute Pressure Envelope................ 4-12Figure 4-8 Predicted Maximum Internal Wall Temperature and Internal SurfaceEmittance (9.5-ft Fairing) .................................................................................. 4-14Figure 4-9 Predicted Maximum Internal Wall Temperature and Internal SurfaceEmittance (10-ft Fairing, Standard or Stretched)............................................... 4-15Figure 4-10 Predicted Maximum and Minimum Internal DPAF Temperature (InternalEmittance ≅ 0.71, 0.85)...................................................................................... 4-16Figure 4-11 Predicted Star-48B Plume Radiation at the Spacecraft Separation Plane vsRadial Distance .................................................................................................. 4-17Figure 4-12 Predicted Star-48B Plume Radiation at the Spacecraft Separation Plane vsBurn Time .......................................................................................................... 4-18Figure 4-13 Predicted Star-37FM Plume Radiation at the Spacecraft Separation Planevs Radial Distance.............................................................................................. 4-18Figure 4-14 Predicted Star-37FM Plume Radiation at the Spacecraft Separation Planevs Burn Time...................................................................................................... 4-19Figure 4-15 Star-48B Motor Case Soakback Temperature for Payload Mass GreaterThan 910 kg (2006 lb)........................................................................................ 4-20Figure 4-16 Star-48B Motor Case Soakback Temperature for Payload Mass Between460 kg (1014 lb) and 910 kg (2006 lb) .............................................................. 4-20Figure 4-17 Star-48B Motor Case Soakback Temperature for Payload Mass Between300 kg (661 lb) and 460 kg (1014 lb) ................................................................ 4-21Figure 4-18 Star-37FM Motor Case Soak Back Temperature............................................... 4-21Figure 4-19Axial Steady-State Acceleration at MECO vs Payload Weight, Two-Stageand Three-Stage Missions.................................................................................. 4-22xi

xiiDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Figure 4-20 Axial Steady-State Acceleration vs Spacecraft Weight at Third-StageBurnout (TECO) ................................................................................................ 4-23Figure 4-21 Predicted Delta II Acoustic Environments for 9.5-ft Fairing Missions............. 4-25Figure 4-22 Predicted Delta II Acoustic Environments for 10-ft and -10L FairingFigure 4-23Missions ............................................................................................................. 4-26Delta II Sinusoidal Vibration Levels (Q=10) Except MECO for all Delta IIVehicles.............................................................................................................. 4-27Figure 4-24 Delta II Recommended MECO Sinusoidal Vibration Levels (Q=10)............... 4-28Figure 4-25 Maximum Flight Spacecraft Interface Shock Environment 3712A, 3712B,3712C, 3715, 3724C Payload Attach Fitting..................................................... 4-29Figure 4-26 Maximum Flight Spacecraft Interface Shock Environment 6306 PayloadAttach Fitting ..................................................................................................... 4-30Figure 4-27 Maximum Flight Spacecraft Interface Shock Environment 6019 and 6915Figure 4-28Payload Attach Fitting ....................................................................................... 4-30Maximum Flight Spacecraft Interface Shock Environment 5624 PayloadAttach Fitting ..................................................................................................... 4-31Figure 4-29 Delta II Star-48B Spin Rate Capability ............................................................. 4-39Figure 4-30 Delta II Star-37FM Spin Rate Capability .......................................................... 4-40Figure 4-31 Maximum Expected Angular Acceleration vs Spin Rate—Star-48B................ 4-41Figure 4-32 Maximum Expected Angular Acceleration vs Spin Rate—Star-37FM............. 4-41Figure 5-1 Delta II Payload Adapters and Interfaces ............................................................ 5-2Figure 5-2 Delta II Dual Payload Attach Fittings.................................................................. 5-3Figure 5-3 3712 Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) ..................................................................... 5-3Figure 5-4 Typical Spacecraft Separation Switch and PAF Switch Pad............................... 5-4Figure 5-5 Capability of 3712 PAF ....................................................................................... 5-6Figure 5-6 Capability of 3724 PAF ....................................................................................... 5-6Figure 5-7 3712 PAF Detailed Assembly.............................................................................. 5-7Figure 5-8 3712A PAF Detailed Dimensions........................................................................ 5-8Figure 5-9 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3712A PAF ....................... 5-8Figure 5-10 Dimension Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3712A PAF (Views C,D, E, and Section B-B) ........................................................................................ 5-9Figure 5-11 3712B PAF Detailed Dimensions...................................................................... 5-10Figure 5-12 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3712B PAF...................... 5-10Figure 5-13 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3712B PAF (Views C,D, and E and Section B-B)................................................................................. 5-11Figure 5-14 3712C and 3724C PAF Detailed Dimensions ................................................... 5-12Figure 5-15 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface 3712C and 3724C PAFs...... 5-12Figure 5-16Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3712C and 3724CPAFs (View C, D, E and Section B-B).............................................................. 5-13Figure 5-17 3712 PAF Interface............................................................................................ 5-14Figure 5-18 3712A Clamp Assembly and Spring Actuator................................................... 5-15Figure 5-19 3712 PAF Bolt-Cutter Detailed Assembly ........................................................ 5-16Figure 5-20 6019 PAF Assembly .......................................................................................... 5-17Figure 5-21 Capability of the 6019 PAF ............................................................................... 5-18Figure 5-22 6019 PAF Detailed Assembly............................................................................ 5-19Figure 5-23 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 6019 PAF ........................ 5-20

xiiiDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Figure 5-24 6019 PAF Spacecraft Assembly ........................................................................ 5-21Figure 5-25 6019 PAF Detailed Dimensions......................................................................... 5-21Figure 5-26 6915 PAF ........................................................................................................... 5-23Figure 5-27 Capability of the 6915 PAF ............................................................................... 5-23Figure 5-28 6915 PAF Detailed Assembly............................................................................ 5-24Figure 5-29 Actuator Assembly Installation—6915 PAF ..................................................... 5-25Figure 5-30 6915 PAF Detailed Dimensions......................................................................... 5-26Figure 5-31 6915 PAF Spacecraft Assembly ........................................................................ 5-27Figure 5-32 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 6915 PAF ........................ 5-28Figure 5-33 6306 PAF Assembly .......................................................................................... 5-30Figure 5-34 Capability of the 6306 PAF ............................................................................... 5-30Figure 5-35 6306 PAF Detailed Dimensions......................................................................... 5-31Figure 5-36 6306 PAF Detailed Dimensions......................................................................... 5-32Figure 5-37 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 6306 PAF ........................ 5-33Figure 5-38 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 6306 PAF ........................ 5-34Figure 5-39 6306 PAF Separation Switch Pad Interface....................................................... 5-35Figure 5-40 6306 PAF Secondary Latch ............................................................................... 5-35Figure 5-41 Capability of the 5624 PAF ............................................................................... 5-36Figure 5-42 5624 PAF Detailed Assembly............................................................................ 5-37Figure 5-43 5624 PAF Detailed Dimensions......................................................................... 5-38Figure 5-44 5624 PAF Clamp Assembly and Spring Actuator ............................................. 5-39Figure 5-45 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 5624 PAF ........................ 5-40Figure 5-46 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 5624 PAF ........................ 5-41Figure 5-47 4717 PAF ........................................................................................................... 5-43Figure 5-48 Capability of 4717 PAF ..................................................................................... 5-43Figure 5-49 4717 PAF Detailed Assembly............................................................................ 5-44Figure 5-50 4717 PAF Detailed Dimension .......................................................................... 5-45Figure 5-51 Spacecraft Separation Switch Interface—4717 PAF......................................... 5-46Figure 5-52 Latch Engagement Post-Clampband Separation—4717 PAF ........................... 5-47Figure 5-53 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 4717 PAF ........................ 5-48Figure 5-54 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 4717 PAF ........................ 5-49Figure 5-55 3715C Payload Attach Fitting............................................................................ 5-50Figure 5-56 Dual-Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) ................................................................ 5-52Figure 5-57 PAFs for Lower and Upper Payloads in Dual-Manifest.................................... 5-52Figure 5-58 Capability of Dual-Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) .......................................... 5-52Figure 5-59 Dual-Payload Attach Fitting 3715C PAF Interface........................................... 5-53Figure 5-60 Dual-Payload Attach Fitting 3715C PAF Separation System Interfaces........... 5-54Figure 5-61Dual-Payload Attach Fitting 3715C PAF Spacecraft SeparationInterface— Electrical Connector Bracket.......................................................... 5-55Figure 5-62 Dual-Payload Attach Fitting 3715C PAF Detailed Dimensions........................ 5-55Figure 5-63 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3715C PAF...................... 5-56Figure 5-64 Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3715C PAF (Views C,D, E, and Section B-B) ...................................................................................... 5-57Figure 5-65 Dual-Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) Allowable Access Hole Locations......... 5-58Figure 5-66 Separating Secondary Payload Standard Launch Vehicle Interface.................. 5-60Figure 5-67 Nonseparating Secondary Payload Standard Mounting Interface ..................... 5-60

xv/xviDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Figure 7-2 Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) Facilities................................................... 7-3Figure 7-3 Spacecraft Support Area ...................................................................................... 7-4Figure 7-4 NASA Telemetry Station (Building 836) ............................................................ 7-5Figure 7-5 Spacecraft Laboratory 1 (Building 836) .............................................................. 7-6Figure 7-6 Spacecraft Laboratory 3 (Building 836) .............................................................. 7-7Figure 7-7 Launch Vehicle Data Center (Building 836) ....................................................... 7-8Figure 7-8 Mission Director Center (Building 836).............................................................. 7-9Figure 7-9 NASA Building 840........................................................................................... 7-10Figure 7-10 NASA Hazardous Processing Facility............................................................... 7-11Figure 7-11 NASA Hazardous Processing Facility (Building 1610) .................................... 7-11Figure 7-12 Control Rooms (Building 1605) ........................................................................ 7-12Figure 7-13 Astrotech Space Operations Facilities ............................................................... 7-13Figure 7-14 Second-Stage Assembly Ground Handling Can and Transporter...................... 7-15Figure 7-15 Space Launch Complex-2 at VAFB—Aerial View Looking West................... 7-16Figure 7-16 SLC-2 Mobile Service Tower/Fixed Umbilical Tower Elevations ................... 7-17Figure 7-17 Level 5 of SLC-2 Mobile Service Tower—Plan View...................................... 7-18Figure 7-18 Level 6 of SLC-2 Mobile Service Tower—Plan View...................................... 7-19Figure 7-19 Spacecraft Work Levels in SLC-2 Mobile Service Tower—VAFB ................. 7-20Figure 7-20 Whiteroom Elevations and Hook Heights—SLC-2 Mobile Service Tower...... 7-21Figure 7-21 SLC-2 Electrical Equipment Building (EEB).................................................... 7-22Figure 7-22 Spacecraft Blockhouse Console—Western Range ............................................ 7-23Figure 7-23Auxiliary Control System Rack (ACSR) Blockhouse-to-RLCC BlockDiagram.............................................................................................................. 7-24Figure 7-24 SLC-2 Spacecraft Rack and Umbilical Adapter J-Box...................................... 7-25Figure 7-25 Launch Decision Flow for Commercial Missions—Western Range................. 7-27Figure 7-26 Typical Mission Plan ......................................................................................... 7-28Figure 7-27 Typical Spacecraft Weighing (T-11 Day).......................................................... 7-30Figure 7-28 Typical Spacecraft/Third-Stage Mate (T-10 Day)............................................. 7-30Figure 7-29 Typical Spacecraft/Third-Stage Final Preparations (T-9 Day).......................... 7-31Figure 7-30 Typical Transportation Can Installation (T-8 Day) ........................................... 7-31Figure 7-31 Typical Spacecraft Erection (T-7 Day).............................................................. 7-32Figure 7-32 Typical Flight Program Verification and Stray Voltage Checks (T-6 Day)...... 7-33Figure 7-33 Typical Ordnance Installation (T-5 Day)........................................................... 7-33Figure 7-34 Typical Fairing Installation (T-4 Day)............................................................... 7-34Figure 7-35 Typical Second-Stage Propellant Loading (T-3 Day) ....................................... 7-35Figure 7-36Typical Beacon and Range Safety Checks/Class-A Ordnance Connect(T-2 Day) ........................................................................................................... 7-36Figure 7-37 Typical Countdown Preparations (T-1 Day)...................................................... 7-37Figure 7-38 Typical Delta Countdown (T-1/T-0 Day).......................................................... 7-38Figure 7-39 Typical Delta Countdown (T-0 Day)................................................................. 7-39Figure 8-1 Typical Mission Integration Process.................................................................... 8-1Figure 8-2 Typical Delta II Agency Interfaces...................................................................... 8-2Figure 8-3 Typical Document Interfaces............................................................................... 8-3Figure 8-4 Typical Integration Planning Schedule.............................................................. 8-19Figure 8-5 Launch Operational Configuration Development.............................................. 8-20Figure 9-1 General Safety Documentation Flow................................................................... 9-3

TABLESDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 1-1 Delta II Four-Digit Designation........................................................................... 1-4Table 2-1 Delta II Typical Eastern Launch Site Event Times* ........................................... 2-5Table 2-2 Delta II Typical Western Launch Site Event Times* .......................................... 2-6Table 2-3 Two-Stage Mission Capabilities.......................................................................... 2-7Table 2-4 Three-Stage Mission Capabilities........................................................................ 2-8Table 3-1 Typical Acoustic Blanket Configurations............................................................ 3-1Table 4-1 Eastern Range Facility Environments.................................................................. 4-3Table 4-2 Western Range Facility and Transportation Environments................................. 4-4Table 4-3 Delta II Transmitter Characteristics..................................................................... 4-7Table 4-4 Cleanliness Level Definitions.............................................................................. 4-9Table 4-5 Payload Center-of-Gravity Limit Load Factors (g) ........................................... 4-24Table 4-6 Spacecraft Acoustic Environment Figure References ....................................... 4-25Table 4-7 Spacecraft Interface Shock Environment Figure References ............................ 4-29Table 4-8 Acoustic Test Levels, Delta II, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Fairing, Three-StageMission, 3-in Blanket Configuration ................................................................. 4-33Table 4-9 Acoustic Test levels, Delta II, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Fairing, Two-StageTable 4-10Mission, 3-in. Blanket Configuration ................................................................ 4-34Acoustic Test Levels, Delta II, 3.0-m (10-ft)-dia Fairing, Two- and Three-Stage Missions, 3-in. Blanket Configuration..................................................... 4-35Table 4-11 Delta II Sinusoidal Vibration Test Levels ......................................................... 4-36Table 4-12 Standard Payload Separation Attitudes/Rates.................................................... 4-37Table 4-13 Third-Stage Mass Properties.............................................................................. 4-42Table 4-14 Nutation Control System Nominal Characteristics............................................ 4-42Table 5-1 Maximum Clampband Assembly Preload ........................................................... 5-4Table 5-2 Notes Used in Configuration Drawings............................................................... 5-5Table 5-3Characteristics of Generic Separating and Nonseparating SecondaryPayloads ............................................................................................................. 5-59Table 5-4 Separation Clamp Assemblies ........................................................................... 5-61Table 5-5 Typical One-Way Line Resistance .................................................................... 5-67Table 5-6 Disconnect Pull Forces (Lanyard Plugs)............................................................ 5-69Table 5-7 Disconnect Forces (Rack-and-Panel Connectors) ............................................. 5-69Table 6-1 Test Console Items............................................................................................... 6-6Table 8-1 Customer Data Requirements .............................................................................. 8-4Table 8-2 Delta Program Documents................................................................................... 8-4Table 8-3 Required Documents............................................................................................ 8-5Table 8-4 Delta II Spacecraft Questionnaire........................................................................ 8-9Table 8-5 Typical Spacecraft Launch-Site Test Plan......................................................... 8-17xvii/xviii

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214GLOSSARY°C ...........................................................................................................................................Celsius°F...................................................................................................................................... Fahrenheitε..........................................................................................................................................emittanceμV ......................................................................................................................................microvoltσ ........................................................................................................................... standard deviationΩ................................................................................................................................................. ohm1 SLS OB ..........................................................First Space Launch Squadron Operations Building30 SW...................................................................................................................... 30 th Space Wing45 SW...................................................................................................................... 45 th Space WingA-50 ...............................................................................................................................Aerozine 50AASHTO ............................... American Association of State Highway and Transportation OfficeAC, A/C ...................................................................................................................air-conditioningACEB.......................................................................................air conditioning equipment buildingACS....................................................................... attitude control system/auxiliary control systemACSR ..................................................................................................auxiliary control system rackADOTS ......................................................................................... advanced Delta ordnance test setADS................................................................analysis description sheet/automatic destruct systemAFB........................................................................................................................... Air Force BaseAFSPCMAN.............................................................................Air Force Space Command ManualAGE .....................................................................................................aerospace ground equipmentAKM ....................................................................................................................apogee kick motorALCS .................................................................................advanced launch vehicle control systemANSI .................................................................................... American National Standards InstituteATF............................................................ Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and ExplosivesAWG................................................................................................................. American wire gageB&W........................................................................................................................ black and whiteB/H.................................................................................................................................. blockhousexix

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214BAS................................................................................................................... breathing-air supplyBET.............................................................................................................. best estimate trajectoryBLS ............................................................................................................ Boeing Launch ServicesBtu....................................................................................................................British Thermal UnitC3................................................................................................................................launch energyCAD .....................................................................computer-aided drawing; computer-aided designCCAFS........................................................................................ Cape Canaveral Air Force StationCCAM................................................................. contamination and collision avoidance maneuverCCTV.......................................................................................................... closed-circuit televisionCD....................................................................................................................................countdownCG.......................................................................................................................... center-of-gravityCL ......................................................................................................................................centerlineCLA................................................................................................................coupled loads analysiscm......................................................................................................................................centimeterCRD ....................................................................................................... command receiver decoderCSR.................................................................................................................... control system rackCW .................................................................................................................................... clockwiseDAT .......................................................................................................................digital audio tapedB...........................................................................................................................................decibelDCI...................................................................................................... document change instructiondeg...........................................................................................................................................degreedia.........................................................................................................................................diameterDIS .....................................................................................................Defense Investigative ServiceDMA ...................................................................................................................direct mate adapterDMCO..........................................................................................................Delta mission checkoutDOD............................................................................................................. Department of DefenseDOP.........................................................................................................................dioctyl phthalateDOT ...................................................................................................Department of Transportationxx

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214DPAF ...................................................................................................... dual-payload attach fittingdps....................................................................................................................... degrees per secondDTO ................................................................................................................detailed test objectiveDXF................................................................................................................. data exchange formatECS ....................................................................................................environmental control systemEEB.....................................................................................................electrical equipment buildingEED.............................................................................................................electro-explosive deviceEIA................................................... Electronic Industry Association/electronic initiator assemblyEIRP.............................................................................................effective isotropic radiated powerEl.........................................................................................................................................elevationEMI ......................................................................................................electromagnetic interferenceEMT .....................................................................................................electrical-mechanical testingE-pack ................................................................................................................ electronics packageER ..............................................................................................................................Eastern RangeESA............................................................................................................engineering support areaETA....................................................................................................... explosive transfer assemblyEWR...............................................................................................Eastern and Western RegulationF/O; FO .............................................................................................................................fiber-opticFAA............................................................................................... Federal Aviation Administrationfc ..................................................................................................................................... foot-candleFCC......................................................................................Federal Communications CommissionFED-STD ............................................................................................................... Federal StandardFOTS............................................................................................... fiber-optic transmission systemFRR............................................................................................................... flight readiness reviewFSPO....................................................................................................Flight Safety Project Officerft ...................................................................................................................................................feetFUT................................................................................................................. fixed umbilical towerg.............................................................................................................................................. gravityxxi

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214GCR ...................................................................................................................ground control rackGEM................................................................................................................graphite-epoxy motorGHe...........................................................................................................................gaseous heliumGHz.....................................................................................................................................gigahertzGMT............................................................................................................... Greenwich mean timeGN 2 .........................................................................................................................gaseous nitrogenGPS .......................................................................................................... global positioning systemGSE ........................................................................................................ ground support equipmentGSFC...................................................................................................Goddard Space Flight CenterGTO ...................................................................................................geosynchronous transfer orbitHB........................................................................................................................ Huntington BeachHEPA .................................................................................................high-efficiency particulate airHPF .................................................................................................. hazardous processing facilitiesHTPB ........................................................................................ hydroxyl terminated polybutadieneHz.............................................................................................................................................. hertzi ........................................................................................................................................ inclinationICD......................................................................................................... interface control documentIGES...................................................................................Initial Graphics Exchange SpecificationIIP............................................................................................................instantaneous impact pointin .................................................................................................................................................inchIPF....................................................................................................... integrated processing facilityISDS..................................................................................... inadvertent separation destruct systemI SP ............................................................................................................................ specific impulseJ-box.............................................................................................................................. junction boxkg......................................................................................................................................... kilogramKHz..................................................................................................................................... kilohertzkm ...................................................................................................................................... kilometerKNPR.............................................................................. Kennedy NASA Procedural Requirementxxii

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214KSC...............................................................................................................Kennedy Space Centerlb ..............................................................................................................................................poundlbm ..................................................................................................................................pound massLCC..................................................................................................................launch control centerLCCD.................................................................................................... line charge coupling deviceLEO...........................................................................................................................low-Earth orbitLH 2 ........................................................................................................................... liquid hydrogenLO 2 .............................................................................................................................. liquid oxygenLOCC............................................................................................. launch operations control centerLOP............................................................................................................... launch operations planLPD......................................................................................................launch processing documentLRR............................................................................................................. launch readiness reviewLSIM............................................................................................... launch site integration managerLSRR........................................................................................................ launch site readiness reviewLSTP ..................................................................................................................launch site test planlux ................................................................................................................lumen per square meterLV .............................................................................................................................. launch vehicleLVDC...................................................................................................Launch Vehicle Data Centerm .............................................................................................................................................. meterMD ...........................................................................................................................mission directorMDC ...........................................................................................................Mission Director CenterMECO................................................................................................................. main engine cutoffMEOP ..................................................................................maximum expected operating pressureMHz ..................................................................................................................................megahertzMIC............................................................................................................meets intent certificationMIL .......................................................................................................................................militaryMIL-STD ............................................................................................................... military standardMIM .....................................................................................................mission integration managerxxiii

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214MLV............................................................................................................. medium launch vehiclemm ....................................................................................................................................millimeterMMS ............................................................................................. multimission modular spacecraftMOI..................................................................................................................... moments of inertiaMSPSP ............................................................................ missile systems prelaunch safety packageMSR .............................................................................................................mission support requestMST .................................................................................................................mobile service towermV........................................................................................................................................millivoltN.............................................................................................................................................newtonN/A..............................................................................................................................not applicableN2O4.....................................................................................................................nitrogen tetroxideNASA....................................................................National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNCS..............................................................................................................nutation control systemnmi ................................................................................................................................nautical mileNOAA...................................................National Oceanographic and Atmospheric AdministrationNVR ....................................................................................................................nonvolatile residueOASPL..................................................................................................overall sound pressure levelOB...................................................................................................................... operations buildingOD......................................................................................................................operations directiveOR.................................................................................................................operations requirementOSM.........................................................................................................operations safety managerOSMC ..................................................................................... operations safety manager’s consoleP&C...................................................................................................................... power and controlP/N ................................................................................................................................. part numberPAF ................................................................................................................. payload attach fittingPAM............................................................................................................... payload assist modulePCM ................................................................................................................pulse code modulatedPCS ............................................................................................ probability of command shutdownxxiv

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214PDS ...................................................................................................propellant depletion shutdownPHE..................................................................................................propellant handler’s equipmentPIP........................................................................................................................... push-in-pull-outPLF............................................................................................................................ payload fairingPMA.....................................................................................................preliminary mission analysisPPF.......................................................................................................payload processing facilitiesPPG .............................................................................................................. payload planners guideppm ......................................................................................................................... parts per millionPPRD......................................................................... Payload Processing Requirements DocumentPRD.............................................................................................Program Requirements Documentpsi..................................................................................................................pounds per square inchpsia ................................................................................................. pounds per square inch absolutePSM.......................................................................................................... program support managerPWU.................................................................................................................. portable weight unitQ............................................................................................................................ dynamic pressureR...............................................................................................................................................radiusRAAN ......................................................................................... right ascension of ascending nodeRACS ........................................................................................... redundant attitude control systemRCO ...............................................................................................................Range Control OfficerRCS.............................................................................................................. reaction control systemRF............................................................................................................................. radio frequencyRFA........................................................................................................radio frequency applicationRFI ....................................................................................................... radio frequency interferenceRGA ................................................................................................................... rate gyro assemblyRGEA................................................................................................rate gyro electronics assemblyRHDPAF........................................................................ reduced-height dual-payload attach fittingRIFCA ............................................................................ redundant inertial flight control assemblyRLC..................................................................................................................remote launch centerxxv

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214RLCC ...................................................................................................remote launch control centerROC .......................................................................................................... Range Operations CenterRP-1 .................................................................................................................................... kerosenerpm ................................................................................................................ revolutions per minuteS&A .............................................................................................................................. safe and armSAEF 2................................................Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility Number 2SC, S/C.............................................................................................................................. spacecraftSCA.......................................................................................................... spring cartridge assemblySCAPE .................................................................self-contained atmospheric protection ensemblescfm................................................................................................... standard cubic feet per minutesec .......................................................................................................................................... secondSECO ......................................................................................................second-stage engine cutoffSLC ............................................................................................................. Space Launch ComplexSLS..............................................................................................................Space Launch SquadronSMC ........................................................................................... Space and Missile Systems CenterSMFCO.....................................................................................senior mission flight control officerSOP .....................................................................................................standard operating procedureSRM .....................................................................................................................solid-rocket motorSSI..................................................................................................Spaceport Systems InternationalST..................................................................................................................................... straight tipSTD......................................................................................................................................standardSTEP ..................................................................................... Standard for the Exchange of ProductSTP.......................................................................................................special technical publicationSVAFB....................................................................................... South Vandenberg Air Force BaseSW.................................................................................................................................. Space WingSW/CC ...................................................................................................... Space Wing CommanderTBD.........................................................................................................................to be determinedTECO ..................................................................................................................third-stage burnoutxxvi

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214TIM ....................................................................................................technical interchange meetingTLX....................................................................................................................thin-layer explosiveTM...................................................................................................................................... telemetryTMS ....................................................................................................................... telemetry systemTOPS................................................................................... transistorized operations phone systemTT&C..........................................................................................telemetry, tracking, and commandU.S. .............................................................................................................................. United StatesUDS......................................................................................................Universal Document SystemUHF...................................................................................................................ultra-high frequencyUPS ..................................................................................................... uninterruptible power supplyUSAF ...........................................................................................................United States Air ForceUV..................................................................................................................................... ultravioletV.................................................................................................................................................. voltVAB .........................................................................................................vehicle assembly buildingVAC ............................................................................................................ volts alternating currentVAFB....................................................................................................Vandenberg Air Force BaseVC........................................................................................................................ visible cleanlinessVCR ...................................................................................................................vehicle control rackVDC .................................................................................................................... volts direct currentVIM.............................................................................................vehicle information memorandumVM ..............................................................................................................................video monitorVOS..........................................................................................................................vehicle on standVRR ............................................................................................ vehicle-on-stand readiness reviewW.................................................................................................................................................wattWR ............................................................................................................................Western Rangexxvii/xxviii

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214INTRODUCTIONThis guide describes the Delta II launch system including its background, heritage, and performancecapabilities. Additionally, launch facilities, operations, and mission integration are discussed,as is the payload environment during ascent. Documentation and proceduralrequirements associated with preparing and conducting the launch are also defined herein.The Delta II design evolved from our reliable Delta launch vehicle, developed to provide thedomestic and international user community with an efficient, low-cost launch system. In overfour decades of service, Delta launch vehicle success stems from its evolutionary design, whichhas been steadily upgraded to meet the needs of the user community while maintaining a highreliability record of over 98%.United Launch Alliance (ULA) operates two launch sites within the continental United States(U.S.)—Eastern Range (ER) in Florida and Western Range (WR) in California. The SpaceLaunch Complex (SLC) of the ER is located at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) andconsists of two launch pads, designated SLC-17A and SLC-17B. Maintenance, mission modifications,and launch preparation may be conducted at one pad without impacting operations at theother. This arrangement enables ULA to provide launch-period flexibility, minimizing risk tocustomers’ schedules. The SLC-2 of the WR is located at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB)and is typically used for missions requiring high-inclination orbits, while SLC-17 is used forlow- to medium-inclination orbits. Both launch complexes are open to commercial and governmentcustomers and have been regularly upgraded to meet the increasingly rigorous requirementsof the space community.When providing commercial launch services, ULA acts as the coordinating agent for the customerto interface with the United States Air Force (USAF), National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and any other relevant agencywhen commercial or government facilities are engaged for payload processing. Commercialagreements with the USAF and NASA make available to ULA the use of the launch facilitiesand services in support of Delta II launch services.United Launch Services (ULS) is the single point of contact for all U.S. government customernew-business activities. ULS offers full-service launch solutions using the Delta II and Delta IVfamily of launch vehicles. The customer is supported by an organization consisting of highlyknowledgeable technical and managerial personnel who are dedicated to open communicationand responsive to all customer needs.United Launch Services has ultimate responsibility, authority, and accountability for all DeltaU.S. government customer opportunities. This includes developing mission-unique launchI-1

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214solutions to meet customer needs as well as providing customers with a launch service agreementfor the selected launch services.United Launch Services and the Delta II program work together to ensure that high-level technicalcustomer requirements are fully coordinated. The Delta II program is responsible for thedevelopment, production, integration, test, mission integration, and launch of the Delta IIsystem.For contracted launch services, a dedicated mission integration manager is appointed fromwithin the Delta II program to support the customer. The mission integration manager works withULS early in the process to define customer mission requirements and the appropriate launch solutionand then transitions to provide the day-to-day mission integration support necessary to successfullysatisfy the customer’s launch requirements. The mission integration manager supports thecustomer’s mission from before contract award through launch and postflight analysis.The Delta team addresses each customer’s specific concerns and requirements, employing ameticulous, systematic, user-specific process that addresses advance mission planning and analysisof payload design; coordination of systems interface between payloads and Delta II; processingof all necessary documentation, including government requirements; prelaunch systemsintegration and checkout; launch-site operations dedicated exclusively to the user’s schedule andneeds; and postflight analysis.The Delta team works closely with its customers to define optimum performance for missionpayload(s). In many cases, we can provide innovative performance trades to augment the performanceshown in Section 2. Our Delta team also has extensive experience in supporting customersaround the world. This demonstrated capability to use the flexibility of the Delta launchvehicle and design team, together with our experience in supporting customers worldwide,makes Delta the ideal choice as a launch service provider.I-2

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Section 1LAUNCH VEHICLE DESCRIPTIONSThis section provides an overall description of the Delta II launch vehicle and its major components.In addition, the Delta vehicle designations are explained in Table 1-1.1.1 DELTA LAUNCH VEHICLESThe Delta launch vehicle program was initiated in the late 1950s by the National Aeronauticsand Space Administration (NASA). The Boeing Company, then McDonnell Douglas (previouslyDouglas Aircraft Missiles and Space Systems), was the prime contractor. Boeing developed aninterim space launch vehicle using a modified Thor as the first stage and Vanguard componentsas the second and third stages. The vehicle was capable of delivering a payload of 54 kg (120 lb)to geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO) and 181 kg (400 lb) to low-Earth orbit (LEO). TheBoeing commitment to vehicle improvement to meet customer needs led to the Delta family oflaunch vehicles, with a wide range of increasing capability to GTO (Figure 1-1).Payload to GTO (kg)140001200010000800060004000RevisedMB-3 MainEngine and3rd StageDelta C2000Castor IV SRMsRS-27 Main Engine, 8-ft PayloadFairing, Isogrid Main System9 Castor SRMs6 Castor SRMsStretch Propellant TankUpgrade 3rd Stage3 Castor IISRMs 5-ft dia3 Castor ISRMsDEM3910/PAM-D2914 3914M6 904LO 2 /LH 2 Upper StageGEM-46, 4-m Fuel TankAvionics Upgrades, 10-ft-dia Fairing, OrdnanceThrusters, Extended Air-Lit GEM NozzlesRS-27A Main Engine, Graphite/Epoxy SRMs9.5-ft-dia Payload Fairing, 12-ft Stretch forPropellant Tank, Castor IVA SRMsPayload Assist Module 3rd StageDelta Redundant Inertial Measuring SystemEngine Servo-System Electronics PackageJNew2ndStage3920/PAM-DII6925II7925IIIII89307925-10RS-68 Main Engine,GEM-60 CommonBooster Core, 5-mPayload Fairing, 5-mUpper Stage.GEM-46fromDelta IIIII7420-10II7326II7925H-10IVM+(4,2)IVMIVHeavyIVM+(5,4)IVM+(5,2)060636465686970 71 73 75 80 82 89 90 95 98 98 98Figure 1-1. Heritage of Delta Family010203040708HB5T0720371-1

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The Boeing commitment to continuous improvement in meeting customer needs is evident inthe many configurations developed to date. Delta II has provided customers with a demonstratedworld-class success rate over 98%, and processing times on the launch pad have been reduced.The Delta IV launch system is a continuation of the 45-year evolution, with even more capability.By incorporating heritage hardware, proven processes, and lessons learned, Delta IV providesa broad spectrum of performance capabilities for Medium- to Heavy-class payloads.Boeing is committed to working with our customers to satisfy payload requirements while providingthe best value for launch services across the entire Delta fleet.1.2 DELTA II LAUNCH VEHICLE DESCRIPTIONThe major elements of the Delta II launch vehicle are the first stage with its graphite-epoxymotor (GEM) solid strap-on rocket motors, the second stage, an optional third stage with spintable, and the payload fairing (PLF). The vehicle’s design robustness has made available a numberof configurations suiting customers’ needs while optimizing performance (Figure 1-2).The Delta II launch vehicle series are the 7300, 7400, and 7900; a four-digit system is used toidentify various Delta II configurations (Table 1-1). The three-stage 7925-9.5 and the two-stage7920-10 vehicles shown in Figures 1-3 and 1-4 are representatives of the Delta II family series.The Delta II also has a “Heavy” configuration that employs larger diameter GEM-46 solid straponrocket motors on the 7900-series vehicle to further improve the performance capability ofDelta II. This new configuration is designated as 7920H for two-stage missions and 7925H forthree-stage missions.1.2.1 First StageThe first-stage subassemblies include the RS-27A engine section, liquid oxygen (LO 2 ) tank,centerbody, fuel tank, and the interstage.The Rocketdyne RS-27A main engine has a 12:1 expansion ratio and employs a turbine/turbopump and a regeneratively cooled thrust chamber and nozzle. The thrust chamber and nozzleare hydraulically gimbaled to provide pitch and yaw control. Two Rocketdyne vernier enginesprovide roll control during main-engine burn and attitude control between main-enginecutoff (MECO) and second-stage separation.1-2

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00742REU0.338.1 m/125 ft3-m/10-ft-diaCompositePayload Fairing2.9-m/9.5-ft-diaMetallicPayload Fairing3-m/10-ft-diaCompositePayload FairingThird Stage30.5 m/100 ftAvionicsSecond-StageEngine AJ10-118K22.9 m/75 ft2.44-m/8-ftIsogrid Fuel Tank15.2 m/50 ftIsogrid First-StageLiquid Oxygen Tank7.6 m/25 ft1016-mm/40-in.-diaGraphite-Epoxy Motors1168-mm/46-in.-diaGraphite-EpoxyMotors0RS-27AMain EngineDelta II7326-10Delta II7425-10Delta II7925-10Delta II7925-9.5 (A)Delta II7925H-10(A) 2.9-m/9.5-ft-dia Payload Fairing compatible with all Delta II configurationsFigure 1-2. Some Typical Configurations of the Delta II Launch Vehicle with Optional Third StageThe 792X vehicle configuration includes nine Alliant Techsystems’ solid rocket GEMs toaugment first-stage performance. Six of these GEMs are ignited at liftoff; the remaining threeGEMs with extended nozzles are ignited in flight after burnout of the first six. Ordnance for themotor ignition and separation systems is fully redundant. The 732X and 742X vehicles includethree or four GEMs respectively, all of which are ignited at liftoff.In addition to the standard 40-in.-dia GEM that is flown on the Delta II 732X, 742X, and792X vehicle configurations, the heavier GEM-46 previously flown on Delta III is made availablein a Heavy configuration designated 792XH. The GEM-46 has a 46-in. core dia and burnsapproximately 14 sec longer than the standard GEM-40. Both types of GEMs are flown with afixed nozzle that is canted outboard from the vehicle centerline at 10 deg.1-3

Table 1-1. Delta II Four-Digit DesignationDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Digit Indicates Examples1st Type of first stage engine and 7 RS-27A engine (12:1 nozzle ratio); solid rocket GEM by Alliant Tech.solid rocket motors2nd Number of solid rocket motors 943Nine solid rocket motorsFour solid rocket motorsThree solid rocket motors3rd Type of second stage 2 Aerojet AJ10-118K engine4th Type of third stage 00H55H6 Star-37FM solid motorDashno.Type of fairing -9.5-10-10LNo third stageNo third stage; Heavy configuration with GEM-46 solid rocket motorStar-48B solid motorStar-48B solid motor; Heavy configuration with GEM-46 solid rocket motor2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia x 8.5-m (27.8-ft)-long fairing3.0-m (10-ft)-dia x 8.9-m (29.1-ft)-long fairing3.0-m (10-ft)-dia x 9.2-m (30.4-ft)-long fairingExample: Delta 7925-10DigitIndicates7 RS-27A engine (12:1 nozzle ratio) for first stage augmented by solid rocket GEM9 Nine GEM strap-on solid rocket motors2 Aerojet AJ10-118K engine for second stage5 Star-48B third stage-10 3.0-m (10-ft)-dia x 8.9-m (29.1-ft)-long fairing002167.5The LO 2 oxidizer tank, RP-1 fuel tank, and interstage are constructed of aluminum isogridshells and aluminum tank domes. The centerbody between the fuel tank and LO 2 tank houses thefirst-stage electronic components on hinged panels for easy checkout access and maintainability.The interstage, located between the first stage and second stage, carries the loads from thesecond stage and fairing to the first stage. The interstage provides clearance for the second-stageengine nozzle and contains range safety antennas, exhaust vent for fairing cavity, and six guidedspringactuators to separate the second stage from the first stage.1.2.2 Second StageThe second stage is powered by the proven Aerojet AJ10-118K engine and includes fuel and oxidizertanks that are separated by a common bulkhead. The simple, reliable start and restart operationrequires only the actuation of a bipropellant valve to release the pressure-fed hypergolicpropellants, with no need for a turbopump or an ignition system. Typical two- and three-stagemissions use two second-stage starts, but the restart capability has been used as many as six timeson a single mission, for a total of seven burns. During powered flight, the second-stage hydraulicsystem gimbals the engine for pitch and yaw control. A redundant attitude control system (RACS)using nitrogen gas provides roll control. The RACS also provides pitch, yaw, and roll control duringunpowered flight. The guidance system is installed in the forward section of the second stage.The payload attach fitting (PAF) provides the interface between the second stage and the spacecraftfor two-stage missions.1-4

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00743REU0.4MetallicFairingSpacecraft2.9-m (9.5-ft)-diaMetallic FairingPayload AttachFitting (3712)Third Stage MotorThird StageMotor SeparationClampbandsSpin TableFairingAccessDoorSecond Stage Miniskirt and Support TrussGuidance Section andElectronicsSecond StageAJ10-118K Second Stage EngineHelium Spheres (3)Nitrogen SphereInterstageFirst Stage Fuel TankCenterbody SectionFirst Stage Oxidizer TankGraphite-Epoxy Motor(GEM-40)Engine SectionRS-27A First Stage EngineFigure 1-3. Delta 7925-9.5 Launch Vehicle1-5

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214CompositeFairingSpacecraft3.0-m (10-ft)-diaCompositeFairingHB00746REU0.2Payload AttachFitting (6915)Second Stage Miniskirt and Support TrussGuidanceSection andElectronicsFairingAccessDoorSecond StageAJ10-118K Second Stage EngineHelium Spheres (3)Nitrogen SphereInterstageFirst StageFuel TankCenterbody SectionFirst Stage Oxidizer TankGraphite-Epoxy Motor (GEM-40)Engine SectionRS-27A First Stage EngineFigure 1-4. Delta 7920-10 Launch Vehicle1-6

1.2.3 Third StageDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The Delta II series of launch vehicles offers two optional spin-stabilized third-stage motors.Depending on payload requirements, either a Star-37FM or Star-48B solid-rocket motor (SRM)can be used. These flight-proven motors are produced by Alliant Techsystems. A spin table, containingsmall rockets, mounts the third stage to the second stage and is used to spin up the thirdstage prior to separation. The third-stage payload attach fitting mates the third stage with thespacecraft; this stage can be flown with or without a nutation control system (NCS).Our flight-proven NCS maintains orientation of the spin axis of the SRM/spacecraft duringthird-stage flight until just prior to spacecraft separation. The NCS uses monopropellant hydrazinethat is prepressurized with helium. This simple system has inherent reliability with only onefunctioning component and a leak-free design.An ordnance sequence system is used to release the third stage after spin-up, to fire the motor,and to separate the spacecraft following motor burn. To preclude recontact between the spacecraftand the third stage due to motor residual thrust, a yo-weight system is used to tumble thethird stage after spacecraft separation. If a lower spin rate is desired, the third stage can beequipped with a yo-yo weight system to despin prior to spacecraft separation. In this case, recontactis prevented by increasing the ordnance sequence time between motor ignition and spacecraftseparation, allowing for sufficient residual thrust decay.Star-48B SRM. The long nozzle version of the Star-48B motor has a diameter of 1244.6 mm(49.0 in.) and an overall length of 2032.0 mm (80.0 in.). The motor has two integral flanges, thelower for attachment to the third-stage spin table and the upper for attachment to the 3712 PAF.The motor consists of a carbon-phenolic exit cone, 6AL-4V titanium high-strength motor case,silica-filled rubber insulation system, and a propellant system using high-energy TP-H-3340ammonium perchlorate and aluminum with a hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) binder.The Star-48B motor is available in propellant off-loaded configurations. The motor is currentlyqualified for propellant weights ranging from 2010 kg (4430 lb) to 1739 kg (3833 lb) inthe maximum off-loaded condition. The amount of off-load is a function of spacecraft weightand the velocity requirements of the mission.Star-37FM SRM. The Star-37FM motor has a diameter of 934.7 mm (36.8 in.) and an overalllength of 1689.1 mm (66.5 in.). The motor has two integral flanges, the lower for attachment tothe third-stage spin table conical motor adapter and the upper for attachment to the 3724C PAF.The motor consists of a carbon-phenolic exit cone, 6AL-4V titanium high-strength motor case,silica-filled rubber insulation system, and a propellant system using high-energy TP-H-3340ammonium perchlorate and aluminum with an HTPB binder.1-7

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The Star-37FM motor is also available in propellant off-loaded configurations. The motor iscurrently qualified for propellant weights ranging from 1066 kg (2350 lb) to 1025 kg (2260 lb) inthe maximum off-loaded condition. The amount of off-load is a function of spacecraft weightand the velocity requirements of the mission.1.2.4 Payload Attach FittingsThe spacecraft interfaces with the launch vehicle by means of a payload attach fitting includingthe payload separation system. The Delta II launch system offers a wide selection of standardand modifiable PAFs to accommodate customer needs. Payload separation systems typicallyincorporated on the PAFs include clampband separation or explosive attach-bolt systems asrequired. PAFs and separation systems are discussed in greater detail in Section 5.The customer has the option to provide their own PAF and separation system to interfacedirectly with the Delta II second stage or modified Boeing PAF.1.2.5 Dual- and Multiple-Manifest CapabilityThe Delta II dual-manifest system provides significant cost reduction with payload autonomysimilar to a dedicated launch, via the use of a flight-proven dual-payload attach fitting (DPAF).There are two versions available, the standard-height DPAF and the reduced-height DPAF,which allow for a combination of payload sizes, and enables the launch of two spacecraft with acombined mass of up to 2268 kg (5000 lb) to LEO in a 7920-10 vehicle configuration. Bothspacecraft are fully encapsulated on standard PAF separation interfaces within independent payloadbays. Standard access doors are provided for each payload. The DPAF is discussed in moredetail in Section 5.Multiple-manifest is accommodated by using a dispenser that provides the interface betweenthe launch vehicle and the payloads, while supporting spacecraft deployment in orbit as well.Depending on customer requirements, Boeing currently offers two designs, a platform dispenserand post dispenser, both of which have been flight proven with a 100% success rate. ContactBLS for additional information.1.2.6 Payload Fairings (PLF)The Delta II launch vehicle offers the user a choice of three fairings: a 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia skin-and-stringer center section fairing (bisector), and two versions of a 3-m (10-ft)-dia (bisector)composite fairing with two different lengths. Each of these fairings (Figure 1-5) can be used oneither two- stage or three-stage missions. The stretched-length 3.0-m (10-ft) composite fairing,designated 10L, offers more payload volume. The stretched 3-m (10-ft)-dia composite fairing hasa reshaped nose cone and a cylindrical section 0.91 m (3 ft) longer than the standard 3-m (10-ft)version.1-8

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00744REU0.4mmin.Nose Cone2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Metallic Fairing8488334.2Air-Conditioning Door2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Skin and Stringer CylinderSpacecraft Access Door (as Required)Contamination-Free Separation Joint2.4-m (8-ft)-dia Base, IsogridNose Cone3-m (10-ft)-dia Composite Fairing (-10)8890350Air-Conditioning Door3-m (10-ft)-dia CylinderSpacecraft Access Door (as Required)Second-Stage Access Door (2 Places)Contamination-Free Separation Joint2.4-m (8-ft)-dia BaseNose Cone3-m (10-ft)-dia StretchedComposite Fairing (-10L)9252.4364.3Air-Conditioning Door3-m (10-ft)-dia CylinderSpacecraft Access Door (as Required)Contamination-Free Separation Joint1-92.4-m-dia (8-ft) BaseFigure 1-5. Delta II Payload Fairing Options

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The fairings incorporate interior acoustic absorption blankets as well as flight-proven contamination-freeseparation joints. The Delta Program supplies mission-specific modifications tothe fairings as required by the customer. These include access doors, additional acoustic blankets,and RF windows. Fairings are discussed in greater detail in Section Guidance, Control, and Navigation SystemSince 1995, the Delta II launch system has used a modernized avionics suite with single-faulttolerantguidance system, including the redundant inertial flight control assembly (RIFCA) withits integrated software design. RIFCA uses ring laser gyros and accelerometers to provide redundantthree-axis rate and acceleration data. In addition to RIFCA, both the first- and second-stageavionics include a power and control (P&C) box to support power distribution, an ordnance boxto issue ordnance commands, an electronics package (E-pack) that interfaces with RIFCAthrough the P&C box to control the vehicle attitude, and a pulse code modulated (PCM) telemetrysystem that provides vehicle system performance data.The RIFCA contains the basic control logic that processes rate and accelerometer data to formthe proportional and discrete control output commands needed to drive the control actuators andcold gas jet control thrusters; the RIFCA sequences the remainder of the vehicle commandsusing on-board timing.Position and velocity data are explicitly computed to derive guidance steering commands.Early in flight, a load relief guidance mode turns the vehicle into the wind to reduce the angle ofattack, thus relieving structural loads and increasing control ability. After dynamic pressuredecay, the guidance system corrects trajectory dispersions caused by load relief and directs thevehicle to the nominal end-of-stage orbit. Space vehicle separation in the desired transfer orbit isaccomplished by applying time adjustments to the nominal sequence.1.3 VEHICLE AXES/ATTITUDE DEFINITIONSThe vehicle axes are defined in Figure 1-6. The vehicle centerline is the vehicle longitudinalaxis. Axis II is on the downrange side of the vehicle, and axis IV is on the uprange side. Thevehicle pitches about axes I/III. Positive pitch rotates the nose of the vehicle up, toward axis IV.The vehicle yaws about axes II/IV. Positive yaw rotates the vehicle’s nose to the right, towardaxis I. The vehicle rolls about the centerline. Positive roll is clockwise rotation, looking forward(i.e., from axis I toward II). The third-stage spin table also spins in the same direction (i.e., thepositive roll direction).1-10

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00745REU0Note: Arrow shows directionof positive vehicle rotationC LC LRoll+X LVIV+IVIII+Y LV III+Pitch+Z LVYawIIIIIIFigure 1-6. Vehicle Axes1.4 LAUNCH VEHICLE INSIGNIADelta II users may request a mission-specific insignia to be placed on their launch vehicles.The user is invited to submit the proposed design to the Delta Program Office no later than 9months prior to launch for review and approval. Maximum insignia size is 2.4 by 2.4 m (8 by 8ft). Following approval, the Delta Program Office will have the flight insignia prepared andplaced on the uprange side of the launch vehicle.1-11

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Section 2GENERAL PERFORMANCE CAPABILITYThe Delta II can accommodate a wide range of spacecraft requirements. The following sectionsdetail specific performance capabilities of Delta II launch vehicle configurations from theeastern and western ranges. In addition to the capabilities shown herein, our mission designerscan provide innovative performance trades to meet the particular requirements of our customers.2.1 LAUNCH SITESDepending on the specific mission requirement and range safety restrictions, the Delta II7300- 7400- and 7900-series vehicle can be launched from either the eastern range (ER) or westernrange (WR) launch site (7900H series can only use the ER SLC-17B launch pad at present).■ Eastern Launch Site. The ER launch site for Delta II is Space Launch Complex 17 (SLC-17),launch pads A and B, at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) in Florida. This sitecan accommodate flight azimuths in the range of 65 to 110 deg, with 95 deg being the mostcommonly flown.■ Western Launch Site. The WR launch site for Delta II is Space Launch Complex 2 (SLC-2)at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) in California. Flight azimuths in the range of 190 to225 deg are currently approved by the 30th Space Wing, with 196 deg being the most commonlyflown.2.2 MISSION PROFILESTypical profiles for both two- and three-stage missions are shown in Figures 2-1 and 2-2.HB01021REU0HB01022REU0.1RestartHohmannTransferRestartSECO-1SECO-2SECO-2EarthSECO-1MECOThird-StageBurnEarthMECOLaunchLaunchSpacecraftSeparationSeparationFigure 2-1. Typical Two-Stage Mission ProfileNote: Final circular orbit provided by spacecraft propulsionFigure 2-2. Typical Three-Stage Mission Profile2-1

2.2.1 First-Stage Flight ProfilesDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214■ 7300-Series Vehicle. In launches from both the ER and WR, the first-stage RS-27A engineand three strap-on solid-rocket motors (SRMs) are ignited on the ground at liftoff. The solidsare then jettisoned following burnout. The main engine continues to burn until main enginecutoff (MECO) at propellant depletion.■ 7400-Series Vehicle. For customers who require slightly more performance, the 7400- seriesvehicle provides approximately 15% greater performance than the 7300-series vehicle for alow-Earth orbit (LEO). The first-stage RS-27A engine and four strap-on solid-rocket motorsare ignited on the ground at liftoff. The remaining vehicle sequence of events is approximatelythe same as with the 7300 series vehicle.■ 7900-Series Vehicle. The 7900-series vehicle provides the customer with a payload capabilityof approximately 55% greater than the 7400-series vehicle to LEO. In launches from both theER and WR, the first-stage RS-27A main engine and six of the nine strap-on solid-rocketmotors are ignited on the ground at liftoff. Following burnout of these six SRMs, the remainingthree are ignited. The six spent SRMs are then automatically jettisoned in sets of threeafter vehicle and range safety constraints have been satisfied. Jettisoning of the second setoccurs 1 sec after the first set. The remaining three SRMs are jettisoned approximately 3 secafter burnout. The main engine then continues to burn until MECO.■ 7900H-Series Vehicle. At present, the 7900H-series Delta II is available in both two- andthree-stage configurations for launches from the ER launch site only. The Delta 7920H (withnine graphite epoxy (GEM-46) strap-on solid-rocket motors) provides approximately 20%greater performance than the 7900 series to LEO. With the exception of the solid-rocket motorburn durations (which are approximately 14 sec longer), the vehicle sequence of events isapproximately the same as with the 7900-series vehicle.2.2.2 Second-Stage and Third-Stage Flight ProfilesThe remainder of the two- and three-stage mission profiles for the 7300-, 7400-, and 7900-seriesvehicles are almost identical. Eight seconds after MECO, the first stage separates and is expended;the second stage ignites five seconds later. Payload fairing (PLF) separation occurs early in thesecond-stage flight, after an acceptable free- molecular-heating rate has been reached.In the typical two-stage mission (Figure 2-1), the second stage burns for approximately 340 to420 sec, at which time second-stage engine cutoff (SECO 1) occurs. The vehicle then follows aHohmann transfer trajectory to the desired LEO altitude. Near apogee of the transfer orbit, thesecond stage is restarted and completes its burn to inject the payload into the desired orbit. Separationtakes place approximately 250 sec after second-stage engine cutoff (SECO 2) once thespacecraft’s separation attitude requirements have been satisfied.2-2

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The typical three-stage mission to geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO), shown in Figure 2-2,uses the first burn of the second stage to place the payload into a 185-km (100-nmi) circularparking orbit inclined at 28.7 deg. The vehicle then coasts to a position near the equator wherethe second stage is restarted. Following SECO-2, the third stage is spun up, separated, andburned to establish GTO. At apogee altitude, the spacecraft provides the final propulsion to circularizethe orbit to GEO. Depending on mission requirements and spacecraft mass, some inclinationmay be removed or apogee altitude raised to optimize satellite lifetime.After payload separation, the Delta second stage is restarted to deplete any remaining propellants(depletion burn) and/or to move the stage to a safe distance from the spacecraft (evasive burn).If required, the multiple restart capability of the Delta II second stage provides the customerwith a wide range of orbit flexibility and launch of multiple spacecraft.Typical flight sequences using LEO missions for the 7320/7420 vehicles from eastern and westernlaunch sites are shown in Figures 2-3 and 2-4, while sequences for a GTO mission using the7925/7925H vehicles and a polar mission using the 7920 vehicle are shown in Figures 2-5 and 2-6.Typical event times for both two- and three-stage versions of the 7300-, 7400-, 7900-, and 7900Hseriesconfigurations from the eastern and western launch sites are presented in Tables 2-1 and 2-2.HB01023REU0.4Stage II Ignition(278 sec)MECO(264 sec)Fairing Drop(303 sec)SECO-1(664 sec)Restart Stage II(3564 sec)SECO-2(3589 sec)SpacecraftSeparation(3839 sec)Solid MotorDrop (3 or 4)(66 sec)Three or Four SolidMotors Burnout (63 sec)EventLiftoff3 or 4 SRM BurnoutMECOSECO-1SECO-2Velocity (Inertial)73207420(km/sec) (ft/sec) (km/sec) (ft/sec)0.410.935.238.027.341343306017,16226,32024,0840.411.085.478.027.341343353117,95726,32024,084Acceleration7320(g)1.320.946.310.991.097420(g)1.341.016.450.951.07LiftoffMain Engine and Threeor Four Solid Motors IgnitionEquatorEastern Range launch site, flight azimuth 95 deg; maximum capabilityto 28.7-deg inclined orbit, 1019-km (550-nmi) circularFigure 2-3. Typical Delta II 7320/7420 Mission Profile—Circular Orbit Mission (ER Launch Site)2-3

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Stage II Ignition(278 sec)MECO(264 sec)Fairing Drop(293 sec)SECO-1(666 sec)Restart Stage II(3566 sec)SECO-2(3591 sec)SpacecraftSeparation(3841 sec)Solid MotorDrop (3 or 4)(99 or 90 sec)Three or Four SolidMotors Burnout (64 sec)EventLiftoff3 or 4 SRM BurnoutMECOSECO-1SECO-2Velocity (Inertial)73207420(km/sec) (ft/sec) (km/sec) (ft/sec)0.380.674.838.027.341255219115,84726,32024,0840.380.805.108.027.341255263516,73526,32024,084Acceleration7320(g)1.321.006.621.191.297420(g)1.341.026.721.141.31LiftoffMain Engine and Threeor Four Solid Motors IgnitionSouth PoleWestern Range launch site, flight azimuth 196 deg; maximum capabilityto polar orbit, 1019-km (550-nmi) circularHB01024REU0.5Figure 2-4. Typical Delta II 7320/7420 Mission Profile—Polar Orbit Mission (WR Launch Site)MECO(264 sec)Stage II Ignition(278 sec)Fairing Drop(303 sec)SECO-1SECO-2(617 sec) (1306 sec) Stage III Burnout(1483 sec)Restart Stage II(1237 sec)Stage IIIIgnition(1396 sec)SpacecraftSeparation(1596 sec)Solid MotorDrop (3)(132 or 160 sec)SRM Drop (6)(66/67 or 81/82 sec)EventLiftoff6 SRM BurnoutMECOSECO-1SECO-2Stage III BurnoutVelocity (Inertial)79257925H(km/sec) (ft/sec) (km/sec) (ft/sec)0.411.026.087.798.2910.241343333919,94425,56027,19233,5890.411.166.377.798.4910.241343380620,88825,56027,83933,589Acceleration7925(g)1.370.555.910.670.763.247925H(g)1.390.695.550.610.702.80Three Solid Motors Ignition (65.5 or 79 sec)Six Solid Motors Burnout (63 or 77 sec)LiftoffMain Engine andSix Solid Motors IgnitionEquatorEastern Range launch site, flight azimuth 95 deg; maximum capabilityto 28.7-deg inclined GTO, 185-km (100-nmi) perigeeFigure 2-5. Typical Delta II 7925/7925H Mission Profile—GTO Mission (ER Launch Site)HB01025REU0.72-4

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Stage II Ignition(278 sec)MECO(264 sec)Fairing Drop(283 sec)SECO-1(669 sec)Restart Stage II(3569 sec)SECO-2(3594 sec)SpacecraftSeparation(3844 sec)Solid MotorDrop (3)(132 sec)EventVelocity (Inertial)7920(km/sec) (ft/sec)Acceleration7920(g)SRM Drop (6)(86/87 sec)Liftoff6 SRM BurnoutMECOSECO-1SECO-20.380.715.688.027.341255233018,62726,32024,0841.370.596.220.820.92Three Solid Motors Ignition (66 sec)Six Solid Motors Burnout (64 sec)LiftoffMain Engine andSix Solid Motors IgnitionSouth PoleWestern Range launch site, flight azimuth 196 deg; maximum capabilityto polar orbit, 1019-km (550-nmi) circularFigure 2-6. Typical Delta II 7920 Mission Profile—Polar Mission (WR Launch Site)HB01026REU0.6Table 2-1. Delta II Typical Eastern Launch Site Event Times*Vehicle ConfigurationEvent 7320/7420 7920/7920H 7325/7425 7925/7925H 7326/7426 7926/7926HFirst StageMain engine ignition T + 0 T + 0 T + 0 T + 0 T + 0 T + 0Solid-motor ignition (3, 4, or 6) T + 0 T + 0 T + 0 T + 0 T + 0 T + 0Solid-motor burnout (3, 4, or 6) T + 63 T + 63 or 77 T + 63 T + 63 or 77 T + 63 T + 63 or 77Solid-motor ignition (3) N/A T + 66 or 79 N/A T + 66 or 79 N/A T + 66 or 79Solid-motor separation (3, 4, T + 66 T + 66/67 or 81/82 T + 66 T + 66/67 or 81/82 T + 66 T + 66/67 or 81/82or 3/3)Solid-motor burnout (3) N/A T + 129 or 157 N/A T + 129 or 157 N/A T + 129 or 157Solid-motor separation (3) N/A T + 132 or 160 N/A T + 132 or 160 N/A T + 132 or 160MECO (M) T + 264 T + 264 T + 264 T + 264 T + 264 T + 264Second StageActivate Stage I/II separation M + 8 M + 8 M + 8 M + 8 M + 8 M + 8boltsStage II ignition M + 13.5 M + 13.5 M + 13.5 M + 13.5 M + 13.5 M + 13.5Fairing separation M + 39 M + 39 M + 39 M + 39 M + 39 M + 39SECO (S1) M + 400 M + 408 M + 415 M + 353 M + 390 M + 340Stage II engine restart S1 + 2900 S1 + 2900 S1 + 610 S1 + 620 S1 + 610 S1 + 620SECO (S2) S1 + 2925 S1 + 2925 S1 + 631 S1 + 689 S1 + 650 S1 + 710Third StageActivate spin rockets, start N/A N/A S2 + 50 S2 + 50 S2 + 50 S2 + 50Stage III sequencerSeparate Stage II N/A N/A S2 + 53 S2 + 53 S2 + 53 S2 + 53Stage III ignition N/A N/A S2 + 90 S2 + 90 S2 + 90 S2 + 90Stage III burnout N/A N/A S2 + 177 S2 + 177 S2 + 155 S2 + 155SpacecraftSpacecraft separation S2 + 250 S2 + 250 S2 + 290 S2 + 290 S2 + 225 S2 + 225*All times shown in seconds002200.42-5

2-6Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 2-2. Delta II Typical Western Launch Site Event Times*Vehicle ConfigurationEvent 7320/7420 7920 7425 7925 7326/7426 7926First StageMain engine ignition T + 0 T + 0 T + 0 sec T + 0 T + 0 sec T + 0Solid-motor ignition (3, 4, or 6) T + 0 T + 0 T + 0 T + 0 T + 0 T + 0Solid-motor burnout (3, 4, or 6) T + 64 T + 64 T + 64 T + 64 T + 64 T + 64Solid-motor ignition (3) N/A T + 66 N/A T + 66 N/A T + 66Solid-motor separation (3, 4, or 3/3) T + 99 or 83 T + 86/87 T + 83 T + 86/87 T + 99 or 83 T + 86/87Solid-motor burnout (3) N/A T + 129 N/A T + 129 N/A T + 129Solid-motor separation (3) N/A T + 132 N/A T + 132 N/A T + 132MECO (M) T + 264 T + 264 T + 264 T + 264 T + 264 T + 264Second StageActivate Stage I/II separation bolts M + 8 M + 8 M + 8 M + 8 M + 8 M + 8Stage II ignition M + 13.5 M + 13.5 M + 13.5 M + 13.5 M + 13.5 M + 13.5Fairing separation M + 29 M + 19 M + 29 M + 19 M + 29 M + 19SECO (S1) M + 402 M + 405 M + 415 M + 356 M + 390 M + 340Stage II engine restart S1 + 2900 S1 + 2900 S1 + 610 S1 + 620 S1 + 610 S1 + 620SECO (S2) S1 + 2925 S1 + 2925 S1 + 631 S1 + 689 S1 + 650 S1 + 710Third StageN/A N/A S2 + 50 S2 + 50 S2 + 50 S2 + 50Activate spin rockets, start Stage IIIsequencerSeparate Stage II N/A N/A S2 + 53 S2 + 53 S2 + 53 S2 + 53Stage III ignition N/A N/A S2 + 90 S2 + 90 S2 + 90 S2 + 90Stage III burnout N/A N/A S2 + 177 S2 + 177 S2 + 155 S2 + 155SpacecraftSpacecraft separation S2 + 250 S2 + 250 S2 + 290 S2 + 290 S2 + 225 S2 + 225*All times shown in seconds002201.62.3 PERFORMANCE CAPABILITYThis section presents a summary of the performance capabilities of the 7300, 7400, and 7900launch vehicles, from the ER and WR launch sites, while that of the 7900H-series vehicle fromthe ER only.The performance estimates that follow are computed based on the following assumptions:A. Nominal propulsion system and weight models were used on all stages.B. The first stage is burned to propellant depletion.C. Extended nozzle airlit GEMs are incorporated (only airlit GEMs have extended nozzles).D. Second-stage propellant reserve is sufficient to provide a 99.7% probability of commandshutdown (PCS) by the guidance system.E. PLF separation occurs at a time when free-molecular heating rate is equal to or less than1135 W/m2 (0.1 Btu/ft 2 -sec).F. Perigee velocity is the vehicle burnout velocity at 185-km (100-nmi) altitude and zero-degflight path angle.G. Initial flight azimuth is 95 deg from the eastern launch site and 196 deg from the westernlaunch site.H. For two-stage missions, a 6306 payload attach fitting (PAF) is assumed for the 7300/7400-series, and a 6915 PAF is assumed for the 7900/7900H-series. It should be noted that alternatePAFs and the dual-payload attach fitting (DPAF) can be used but will affect thepayload mass capability shown in the respective figures.

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214I. For three-stage missions using a Star-48B third stage, a 3712A PAF with standard nutationcontrol system (NCS) and yo-weight tumble system is assumed. It should be noted thatother three-stage PAFs can be used but will affect the three-stage payload mass capability.If the spacecraft requires a lower spin rate, an NCS with a yo-yo-weight despin systemwould add approximately 4.5 kg (10 lbm) to the standard system.J. For three-stage missions using a Star-37FM third stage, a 3724C PAF with a yo-weighttumble system and without an NCS is assumed. If the spacecraft requires a lower spin rate,an NCS with a yo-yo-weight despin system would add approximately 23.1 kg (51 lbm).K. Capabilities are shown for standard 2.9-m (9.5-ft), 3.0-m (10-ft), and 3.0-m (10-ft)stretched (7900/7900H-series only) PLFs.A summary of maximum performance for common two- and three-stage missions is presentedin Tables 2-3 and 2-4.Table 2-3. Two-Stage Mission Capabilities7300-Series Vehicle2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7400-Series Vehicle2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7900-Series Vehicle2.90-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing3.0L-m (10L-ft) Fairing7900H-Series Vehicle2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingLEO■ CCAFS, i = 28.7 deg■ 185 km/100 nmi circularSpacecraft mass capabilitiesLEO■ VAFB, i = 90.0 deg■ 185 km/100 nmi circularSun-Synchronous Orbit■ VAFB, i = 98.7 deg■ 833 km/450 nmi circularVehicleDesignation (kg) (lbm) (kg) (lbm) (kg) (lbm)7320-9.57320-107420-9.57420-107920-9.57920-107920-10L7920H-9.57920H-107920H-10L2809270331853099503048444805609759595899619459587022683311089106801059313443131371300520631982243623513755363935993.0L-m (10L-ft) FairingNote:7300/7400 baseline uses a 6306 payload attach fitting with a mass of 47.6 kg (105 lbm)7900/7900H baseline uses a 6915 payload attach fitting with a mass of 93.0 kg (205 lbm)454843705370518482778022793416511579196618953123301729843639348143344177688666516578Currently Not Available From WR Launch Site002203.52-7

Table 2-4. Three-Stage Mission CapabilitiesSpacecraft mass capabilitiesGeosynchronous TransferOrbit (GTO)■ CCAFS, i = 28.7 deg■ 185 x 35,786 km/100 x19,323 nmi7300-Series Vehicle■ Star-48B Third Stage− 2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing− 3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7325-9.57325-10N/A*N/A*N/A*N/A*■ Star-37FM Third Stage934 2058− 2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing7326-9.5 898 1979− 3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7326-107400-Series Vehicle■ Star-48B Third Stage− 2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing7425-9.5 1110 2446− 3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7425-10 1073 2366■ Star-37FM Third Stage− 2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing7426-9.5 1058 2331− 3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7426-10 1029 22697900-Series Vehicle■ Star-48B Third Stage− 2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing7925-9.5 1819 4011− 3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7925-10 1747 3852− 3.0L-m (10L-ft) Fairing7925-10L 1739 3833■ Star-37FM Third Stage− 2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing7926 1660 36597926-10 1581 3486− 3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7926-10L 1578 3480− 3.0L-m (10L-ft) Fairing7900H-Series Vehicle■ Star-48B Third Stage− 2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing7925H-9.5 2171 4787− 3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7925H-10 2123 4680− 3.0L-m (10L-ft) Fairing 7925H-10L 2102 4635■ Star-37FM Third Stage− 2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing7926H 1981 43687926H-10 1934 4264− 3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7926H-10L 1916 4224− 3.0L-m (10L-ft) FairingNote:Star-48B uses a 3712A payload attach fitting with a mass of 45.4 kg (100 lbm)Star-37FM uses a 3724C payload attach fitting with a mass of 56.7 kg (125 lbm)*Not available, exceeds maximum allowable Star-48B motor offload capability.Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Interplanetary TransferOrbit■ CCAFS, i = 28.7 deg■ C3 = 0.4 km2/sec2Molniya Orbit■ VAFB, i = 63.4 deg■ 370 x 40,094 km/200 x 21,649 nmi(kg) (lbm) (kg) (lbm) (kg) (lbm)N/A*N/A*629604804779711692126512111207112110651064150814741460133313021290N/A*N/A*138713311772171715681525278926702660247123482346332532493219293928702844N/A*N/A*636611N/A*N/A*734709117711431131105610221012N/A*N/A*14021347N/A*N/A*16181564259425202493232822532230Currently NotAvailable FromWR Launch Site002202.62-8

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The second stage can be flown to propellant depletion shutdown (PDS) if the mission desires aslightly higher performance capability. Depending on the launch vehicle configuration, performanceincreases from 2% to 4% can be achieved.The performance capability for any given mission depends upon quantitative analysis of allknown mission requirements and range safety restrictions. The allowable payload mass shouldbe coordinated with the Delta Program Office as early as possible in the basic mission planning.Preliminary error analysis, performance optimization, and trade-off studies will be performed, asrequired, to arrive at an early commitment of allowable payload mass for each specific mission.EASTERN RANGE LAUNCH SITE■ Two-Stage Performance− Two-stage circular orbit altitude, 7320/7420 Vehicle (Figure 2-7).− Two-stage circular orbit altitude, 7920/7920H Vehicle (Figure 2-8).− Two-stage apogee altitude, 7320/7420 Vehicle (Figure 2-9).− Two-stage apogee altitude, 7920/7920H Vehicle (Figure 2-10).− Two-stage perigee velocity, 7320/7420 Vehicle (Figure 2-11).− Two-stage perigee velocity, 7920/7920H Vehicle (Figure 2-12).■ Three-Stage Performance− Three-stage GTO inclination, 732X/742X Vehicle (Figure 2-13).− Three-stage GTO inclination, 792X/792XH Vehicle (Figure 2-14).− Three-stage launch energy capability, 732X/742X Vehicle (Figure 2-15).− Three-stage launch energy capability, 792X/792XH Vehicle (Figure 2-16).− Three-stage apogee altitude, 732X/742X Vehicle (Figure 2-17).− Three-stage apogee altitude, 792X/792XH Vehicle (Figure 2-18).− Three-stage perigee velocity, 732X/742X Vehicle (Figure 2-19).− Three-stage perigee velocity, 792X/792XH Vehicle (Figure 2-20).WESTERN RANGE LAUNCH SITE■ Two-Stage Performance.− Two-stage circular orbit altitude, 7320/7420 Vehicle (Figure 2-21).− Two-stage circular orbit altitude, 7920 Vehicle (Figure 2-22).− Two-stage sun-synchronous orbit, 7320/7420 Vehicle (Figure 2-23).− Two-stage sun-synchronous orbit, 7920 Vehicle (Figure 2-24).− Two-stage apogee altitude, 7320/7420 Vehicle (Figure 2-25).− Two-stage apogee altitude, 7920 Vehicle (Figure 2-26).− Two-stage perigee velocity, 7320/7420 Vehicle (Figure 2-27).− Two-stage perigee velocity, 7920 Vehicle (Figure 2-28).■ Three-Stage Performance.− Three-stage apogee altitude, 7326/7426 Vehicle (Figure 2-29).− Three-stage apogee altitude, 792X Vehicle (Figure 2-30).− Three-stage perigee velocity, 732X/742X Vehicle (Figure 2-31).− Three-stage perigee velocity, 792X Vehicle (Figure 2-32).2-9

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Circular Altitude (nmi)035001000 2000 3000 4000 5000HB00961REU0.330002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7000Payload (kg)25002000150073207420Note: Performance generated using 6306 PAFPAF562460196915PAF Mass43.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)93.0 kg (205 lbm)+4.5 kg (+10 lbm)–22.7 kg (–50 lbm)–45.4 kg (–100 lbm)6000500040003000Payload (lbm)1000200050095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination47.6-kg (105-lbm) 6306 PAF100000 200004000 6000 8000 10,000Circular Altitude (km)Figure 2-7. Delta II 7320/7420 Vehicle, Two-Stage Circular Orbit Altitude Capability—Eastern Launch SiteCircular Altitude (nmi)064001000 2000 3000 4000 5000HB01010REU0.414,00056002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing12,000Payload (kg)4800400032002400160080095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination93.0-kg (205-lbm) 6915 PAF79207920Hto the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairing performance curve0 00 20004000 6000 8000 10,000Circular Altitude (km)2-10Note: Performance generated using 6915 PAFPAF PAF Mass56246019630643.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)47.6 kg (105 lbm)+49.9 kg (+110 lbm)+22.7 kg (+50 lbm)+45.4 kg (+100 lbm)3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 81.6-kg (180-lbm)Figure 2-8. Delta II 7920/7920H Vehicle, Two-Stage Circular Orbit Altitude Capability—Eastern Launch Site10,0008000600040002000Payload (lbm)

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Apogee Altitude (nmi)0 5000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,0003500HB00960REU0.230002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing7000Payload (kg)2500200015007420Note: Performance generated using 6306 PAFPAF562460196915PAF Mass43.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)93.0 kg (205 lbm)+4.5 kg (+10 lbm)–22.7 kg (–50 lbm)–45.4 kg (–100 lbm)6000500040003000Payload (lbm)10007320200050095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude47.6-kg (105-lbm) 6306 PAF00 10,000020,000 30,000 40,000 50,000Apogee Altitude (km)Figure 2-9. Delta II 7320/7420 Vehicle, Two-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—Eastern Launch SiteApogee Altitude (nmi)064005000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,0001000HB01009REU0.314,00056002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing12,000Payload (kg)4800400032002400160079207920HNote: Performance generated using 6915 PAFPAF562460196306PAF Mass43.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)47.6 kg (105 lbm)+49.9 kg (+110 lbm)+22.7 kg (+50 lbm)+45.4 kg (+100 lbm)3.0-m (10-ft)-dia "Stretched" Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 81.6-kg (180-lbm)to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairing performance curve10,000800060004000Payload (lbm)80095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude93.0-kg (205-lbm) 6915 PAF200000 10,000020,000 30,000 40,000 50,000Apogee Altitude (km)Figure 2-10. Delta II 7920/7920H Vehicle, Two-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—Eastern Launch Site2-11

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H021435003000Perigee Velocity (ft/sec)24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 32,000 34,000 36,000 38,0002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingHB00959REU0.27000Payload (kg)25002000150073207420Note: Performance generated using 6306 PAFPAF562460196915PAF Mass43.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)93.0 kg (205 lbm)+4.5 kg (+10 lbm)–22.7 kg (–50 lbm)–45.4 kg (–100 lbm)6000500040003000Payload (lbm)1000200050095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude47.6-kg (105-lbm) 6306 PAF100007 809 10 11 12Perigee Velocity (km/sec)Figure 2-11. Delta II 7320/7420 Vehicle, Two-Stage Perigee Velocity Capability—Eastern Launch SitePerigee Velocity (ft/sec)0 24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 32,000 34,000 36,000 38,0006400HB01008REU0.414,00056002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing12,000Payload (kg)4800400032002400160079203.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 81.6-kg(180-lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve7920HNote: Performance generated using 6915 PAFPAF562460196306PAF Mass43.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)47.6 kg (105 lbm)+49.9 kg (+110 lbm)+22.7 kg (+50 lbm)+45.4 kg (+100 lbm)10,000800060004000Payload (lbm)80095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude93.0-kg (205-lbm) 6915 PAF200007 89 10Perigee Velocity (km/sec)2-12011 12Figure 2-12. Delta II 7920/7920H Vehicle, Two-Stage Perigee Velocity Capability—Eastern Launch Site

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00964REU0.3120010000 5 1015 20 25 30Star-37FM Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing25002000800Payload (kg)6004007426732615001000Payload (lbm)50020095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude56.7-kg (125-lbm) 3724 PAF000 5 1015 20 25 30GTO Inclination (deg)120010000 5 1015 20 25 30Star-48B Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingStar-48B OffloadMax Star-48B OffloadStar-48B Offload25002000800Payload (kg)60040074257325Note: Payload mass less than 567 kg (1250 lbm)may require nutation control systemmodifications that may result in a decreasein performance15001000Payload (lbm)20095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude45.4-kg (100-lbm) 3712A PAF00 5 1015 20 25030GTO Inclination (deg)Figure 2-13. Delta II 732X/742X Vehicle, Three-Stage GTO Inclination Capability—Eastern Launch Site2-13500

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01013REU0.5250020000 5 1015 20 25 30Star-37FM Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing50004000Payload (kg)150010007926H792630002000Payload (lbm)500100095-deg Flight Azimuth3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:28.7-deg InclinationResults in a decrease of up to 31.8-kg185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude(70 lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairing56.7-kg (125-lbm) 3724 PAFperformance curve00 5 1015 20 25030GTO Inclination (deg)250020000 5 1015 20 25 30Star-48B Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing50004000Payload (kg)150010005007925H95-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude45.4-kg (100-lbm) 3712A PAF7925Note: Payload mass less than 567 kg (1250 lbm)may require nutation control systemmodifications that may result in a decreasein performance00 5 1015 20 25030GTO Inclination (deg)2-143.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 31.8-kg(70 lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curveFigure 2-14. Delta II 792X/792XH Vehicle, Three-Stage GTO Inclination Capability—Eastern Launch Site300020001000Payload (lbm)

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00965REU0.40 20 40 60 80 100800700600Star-37FM Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing160014001200500Payload (kg)400300200732674261000800600400Payload (lbm)10095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude56.7-kg (125-lbm) 3724 PAF200000 20 40 60 80 100Launch Energy (km 2 /sec 2 )080020 40 60 80 100Star-48B Third Stage7002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing16003.0-m (10-ft) FairingStar-48B OffloadMax Star-48B Offload1400600Payload (kg)500400300Star-48B Offload73257425Note: Payload mass less than 567 kg (1250 lbm)may require nutation control systemmodifications that may result in a decreasein performance12001000800600Payload (lbm)20010095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude45.4-kg (100-lbm) 3712A PAF400200000 20 40 60 80 100Launch Energy (km 2 /sec 2 )Figure 2-15. Delta II 732X/742X Vehicle, Three-Stage Launch Energy Capability—Eastern Launch Site2-15

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01014REU0.50 20 40 60 80 10016003500Star-37FM Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing14003.0-m (10-ft) Fairing3000Payload (kg)120010008006007926H3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 31.8-kg(70 lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve250020001500Payload (lbm)4007926100020095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude56.7-kg (125-lbm) 3724 PAF500000 20 40 60 80 100Launch Energy (km 2 /sec 2 )0 20 40 60 80 10016003500Star-48B Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing14003.0-m (10-ft) Fairing300012001000Note: Payload mass less than 567 kg (1250 lbm)may require nutation control systemmodifications that may result in a decreasein performance2500Payload (kg)8006007925H3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 31.8-kg(70 lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve20001500Payload (lbm)4007925100020095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude45.4-kg (100-lbm) 3712A PAF500000 20 40 60 80 100Launch Energy (km 2 /sec 2 )Figure 2-16. Delta II 792X/792XH Vehicle, Three-Stage Launch Energy Capability—Eastern Launch Site2-16

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Apogee Altitude (nmi)0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000140013001200GEO AltitudeStar-37FM Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingHB00963REU0.330002800260011002400Payload (kg)10009007326742622002000Payload (lbm)80018007006000Apogee Altitude (nmi)0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,00014001300120095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude56.7-kg (125-lbm) 3724 PAFGEO Altitude50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000Apogee Altitude (km)Star-48B Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingStar-48B OffloadMax Star-48B Offload16001400300028002600Payload (kg)11001000900Note: Payload mass less than 567 kg (1250 lbm)may require nutation control systemmodifications that may result in a decreasein performance7425240022002000Payload (lbm)8007325Star-48B Offload1800700600095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude45.4-kg (100-lbm) 3712A PAF50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000Apogee Altitude (km)Figure 2-17. Delta II 732X/742X Vehicle, Three-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—Eastern Launch Site2-1716001400

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Apogee Altitude (nmi)0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,0002600Star-37FM Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing24003.0-m (10-ft) Fairing2200GEO AltitudeHB01012REU0.555005000Payload (kg)20001800160079267926H3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 31.8-kg(70 lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve450040003500Payload (lbm)14003000120095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude56.7-kg (125-lbm) 3724 PAF25001000050,000 100,000 150,000 200,000Apogee Altitude (km)Apogee Altitude (nmi)0260020,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000Star-48B Third Stage55002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing24003.0-m (10-ft) Fairing22002000GEO AltitudeNote: Payload mass less than 567 kg (1250 lbm)may require nutation control systemmodifications that may result in a decreasein performance50004500Payload (kg)180016001400120010000792595-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude45.4-kg (100-lbm) 3712A PAF7925H3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 31.8-kg(70 lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000Apogee Altitude (km)Figure 2-18. Delta II 792X/792XH Vehicle, Three-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—Eastern Launch Site4000350030002500Payload (lbm)2-18

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H021412001000Perigee Velocity (ft/sec)34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000 42,000 44,000 46,000 48,000Star-37FM Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingHB00962REU0.425002000800Payload (kg)6004007326742615001000Payload (lbm)20095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude56.7-kg (125-lbm) 3724 PAF5000010 1112 13 14 15Perigee Velocity (km/sec)Perigee Velocity (ft/sec)34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000 42,000 44,000 46,000 48,00012001000Star-48B Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingStar-48B OffloadMax Star-48B Offload25002000800Payload (kg)60040073257425Note: Spacecraft Payload mass mass less less than than 567 567kg (1250 lbm)may require nutation control systemmodifications which that may result in in a a decreasein in spacecraft performance mass15001000Payload (lbm)20095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude45.4-kg (100-lbm) 3712A PAF500010 11012 13 14 15Perigee Velocity (km/sec)Figure 2-19. Delta II 732X/742X Vehicle, Three-Stage Perigee Velocity Capability—Eastern Launch Range2-19

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H021425002000Perigee Velocity (ft/sec)34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000 42,000 44,000 46,000 48,000Star-37FM Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingHB01011REU0.550004000Payload (kg)1500100079267926H3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 31.8-kg(70 lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve30002000Payload (lbm)500250095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude56.7-kg (125-lbm) 3724 PAF010 11012 13 14 15Perigee Velocity (km/sec)Perigee Velocity (ft/sec)34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000 42,000 44,000 46,000 48,000Star-48B Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing100050002000Note: Payload mass less than 567 kg (1250 lbm)may require nutation control systemmodifications that may result in a decreasein performance4000Payload (kg)1500100079257925H3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 31.8-kg(70 lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve30002000Payload (lbm)50095-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude45.4-kg (100-lbm) 3712A PAF1000010 11012 13 14 15Perigee Velocity (km/sec)Figure 2-20. Delta II 792X/792XH Vehicle, Three-Stage Perigee Velocity Capability—Eastern Launch Site2-20

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Circular Altitude (nmi)025001000 2000 3000 4000 5000HB00968REU0.32.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing5000Payload (kg)20001500100073207420Note: Performance generated using 6306 PAFPAF PAF Mass56246019691543.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)93.0 kg (205 lbm)+4.5 kg (+10 lbm)–22.7 kg (–50 lbm)–45.4 kg (–100 lbm)400030002000Payload (lbm)500196-deg Flight Azimuth90.0-deg Inclination47.6-kg (105-lbm) 6306 PAF10000 00 20004000 6000 8000 10,000Circular Altitude (km)Figure 2-21. Delta II 7320/7420 Vehicle, Two-Stage Circular Orbit Altitude Capability—Western Launch SiteCircular Altitude (nmi)040001000 2000 3000 4000 5000HB01017REU0.435002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing8000Payload (kg)30002500200015007920Note: Performance generated using 6915 PAFPAF562460196306PAF Mass43.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)47.6 kg (105 lbm)+49.9 kg (+110 lbm)+22.7 kg (+50 lbm)+45.4 kg (+100 lbm)3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 72.6-kg(160-lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve70006000500040003000Payload (lbm)1000500196-deg Flight Azimuth90.0-deg Inclination93.0-kg (205-lbm) 6915 PAF20001000000 2000 40006000 8000 10,000Circular Altitude (km)Figure 2-22. Delta II 7920 Vehicle, Two-Stage Circular Orbit Altitude Capability—Western Launch Site2-21

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Sun-Synchronous Altitude (nmi)0 200 400 600 800 10002500HB00969REU0.374202.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing500020004000Payload (kg)150010007320Note: Performance generated using 6306 PAFPAF PAF Mass56246019691543.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)93.0 kg (205 lbm)+4.5 kg (+10 lbm)–22.7 kg (–50 lbm)–45.4 kg (–100 lbm)30002000Payload (lbm)500Variable Flight AzimuthSun-Synchronous Inclination47.6-kg (105-lbm) 6306 PAF100000 5001000 150002000Sun-Synchronous Altitude (km)Figure 2-23. Delta II 7320/7420 Vehicle, Two-Stage Sun-Synchronous Capability—Western Launch SiteSun-Synchronous Altitude (nmi)0 200 400 600 800 10004000HB01018REU0.43500300079202.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing800070006000Payload (kg)25002000Note: Performance generated using 6915 PAFPAF562460196306PAF Mass43.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)47.6 kg (105 lbm)+49.9 kg (+110 lbm)+22.7 kg (+50 lbm)+45.4 kg (+100 lbm)50004000Payload (lbm)150030001000500Variable Flight AzimuthSun-Synchronous Inclination93.0-kg (205-lbm) 6915 PAF00 500 1000Sun-Synchronous Altitude (km)3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 72.6-kg(160-lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve01500 2000Figure 2-24. Delta II 7920 Vehicle, Two-Stage Sun-Synchronous Capability—Western Launch Site200010002-22

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Apogee Altitude (nmi)025005000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000HB00967REU0.22.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing5000Payload (kg)20001500100073207420Note: Performance generated using 6306 PAFPAF PAF Mass56246019691543.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)93.0 kg (205 lbm)+4.5 kg (+10 lbm)–22.7 kg (–50 lbm)–45.4 kg (–100 lbm)196-deg Flight Azimuth90.0-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude47.6-kg (105-lbm) 6306 PAF400030002000Payload (lbm)50010000 00 10,00020,000 30,000 40,000 50,000Apogee Altitude (km)Figure 2-25. Delta II 7320/7420 Vehicle, Two-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—Western Launch SiteApogee Altitude (nmi)040005000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000HB01016REU0.335002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing8000Payload (kg)300025002000Note: Performance generated using 6915 PAFPAF PAF Mass56246019630643.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)47.6 kg (105 lbm)+49.9 kg (+110 lbm)+22.7 kg (+50 lbm)+45.4 kg (+100 lbm)7000600050004000Payload (lbm)1500792030001000196-deg Flight Azimuth3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:500 90.0-deg InclinationResults in a decrease of up to 72.6-kg1000185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude (160-lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairing93.0-kg (205-lbm) 6915 PAFperformance curve0 00 10,00020,000 30,000 40,000 50,000Apogee Altitude (km)Figure 2-26. Delta II 7920 Vehicle, Two-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—Western Launch Site20002-23

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02142500Perigee Velocity (ft/sec)24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 32,000 34,000 36,000 38,0002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingHB00966REU0.25000Payload (kg)20001500100073207420Note: Performance generated using 6306 PAFPAF562460196915PAF Mass43.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)93.0 kg (205 lbm)+4.5 kg (+10 lbm)–22.7 kg (–50 lbm)–45.4 kg (–100 lbm)400030002000Payload (lbm)500196-deg Flight Azimuth90.0-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude47.6-kg (105-lbm) 6306 PAF100040000 07 89 10 11 12Perigee Velocity (km/sec)Figure 2-27. Delta II 7320/7420 Vehicle, Two-Stage Perigee Velocity Capability—Western Launch SitePerigee Velocity (ft/sec)24,000 26,000 28,000 30,000 32,000 34,000 36,000 38,000HB01015REU0.335002.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing8000Payload (kg)300025002000150010003.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 72.6-kg(160-lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve7920Note: Performance generated using 6915 PAFPAF PAF Mass56246019630643.1 kg (95 lbm)70.3 kg (155 lbm)47.6 kg (105 lbm)+49.9 kg (+110 lbm)+22.7 kg (+50 lbm)+45.4 kg (+100 lbm)196-deg Flight Azimuth500 90.0-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude100093.0-kg (205-lbm) 6915 PAF07 89 10 11012Perigee Velocity (km/sec)Figure 2-28. Delta II 7920 Vehicle, Two-Stage Perigee Velocity Capability—Western Launch Site700060005000400030002000Payload (lbm)2-24

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Apogee Altitude (nmi)0100020,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000HB01007REU0.32200900Star-37FM Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing20008001800Payload (kg)700742616001400Payload (lbm)6007326500196-deg Flight Azimuth90.0-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude56.7-kg (105-lbm) 3724 PAF120010004000 50,0000100,000 150,000 200,000Apogee Altitude (km)Figure 2-29. Delta II 7326/7426 Vehicle, Three-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—Western Launch SiteApogee Altitude (nmi)0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,0001800HB5T0720052.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingPayload (kg)160014001200Note: For Delta II 7925, Payload mass less than 567 kg(1250 lbm) may require nutation control systemmodifications that may result in a decreasein performance3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 40.8-kg(90-lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve35003000Payload (lbm)7925250010007926196-deg Flight Azimuth90.0-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude45.4-kg (100-lbm) 3712A PAF2000800050,000 100,000 150,000 200,000Apogee Altitude (km)Figure 2-30. Delta II 792X Vehicle, Three-Stage Apogee Altitude Capability—Western Launch Site2-25

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00970REU0.31000Perigee Velocity (ft/sec)34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000 42,000 44,000 46,000 48,000Star-37FM Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing20008001500600Payload (kg)40074261000Payload (lbm)73262001000196-deg Flight Azimuth90.0-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude56.7-kg (125-lbm) 3724 PAF010 11012 13 14 15Perigee Velocity (km/sec)Perigee Velocity (ft/sec)34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000 42,000 44,000 46,000 48,000500800Star-48B Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingStar-48B OffloadMax Star-48B Offload20001500Payload (kg)6004007425Note: Note: Spacecraft Payload mass mass less less than than 567 567kg (1250 lbm)may may require require nutation control control system systemmodifications which that may result in in a decreasein in spacecraft performance mass1000Payload (lbm)200196-deg Flight Azimuth90.0-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude45.4-kg (100-lbm) 3712A PAF500010 11012 13 14 15Perigee Velocity (km/sec)Figure 2-31. Delta II 732X/742X Vehicle, Three-Stage Perigee Velocity Capability—Western Launch Site2-26

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H021416001400Perigee Velocity (ft/sec)34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000 42,000 44,000 46,000 48,000Star-37FM Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) FairingHB01019REU0.435003000Payload (kg)12001000800600400200792695-deg Flight Azimuth28.7-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude56.7-kg (125-lbm) 3724 PAF3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 40.8-kg(90-lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve2500200015001000500Payload (lbm)16001400010 11012 13 14 15Perigee Velocity (km/sec)Perigee Velocity (ft/sec)34,000 36,000 38,000 40,000 42,000 44,000 46,000 48,000Star-48B Third Stage2.9-m (9.5-ft) Fairing3.0-m (10-ft) Fairing35003000Payload (kg)12001000800600Note: Payload mass less than 567 kg (1250 lbm)may require nutation control systemmodifications that may result in a decreasein performance3.0-m (10-ft)-dia “Stretched” Fairing:Results in a decrease of up to 40.8-kg(90-lbm) to the 3.0-m (10-ft) fairingperformance curve250020001500Payload (lbm)4002007925196-deg Flight Azimuth90.0-deg Inclination185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude45.4-kg (100-lbm) 3712A PAF1000500010 11012 13 14 15Perigee Velocity (km/sec)Figure 2-32. Delta II 792X Vehicle, Three-Stage Apogee Velocity Capability—Western Launch Site2-27

2.4 MISSION ACCURACY DATADelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214All Delta II configurations employ the RIFCA mounted in the second-stage guidance compartment.This system provides precise pointing and orbit accuracy for both two- and three- stagemissions.For a second-stage PCS of 99.7%, the typical three-sigma (3σ) dispersions for a two-stagemission to low-earth orbit are:■ Perigee altitude: -25.0 km (-13.5 nmi)/+9.3 km (+5.0 nmi).■ Apogee altitude: -9.3 km (-5.0 nmi)/+9.3 km (+5.0 nmi).■ Orbit inclination: ±0.05 deg.In a three-stage mission, the parking orbit parameters achieved are quite accurate. The final orbit(e.g., GTO) is primarily affected by the third-stage pointing and the velocity errors from the thirdstagesolid-motor burn. The pointing error for a given mission depends on the third-stage/spacecraftmass properties and the spin rate. The typical pointing error at third-stage ignition is approximately1.5 deg for the Star-48B and 2.0 deg for the Star-37FM motor based on past Delta experience.Deviations from nominal apogee altitude using the 7300, 7400, 7900, and 7900H launch vehiclesfor GTO mission from ER launch site are shown in Figure 2-33. The transfer orbit inclination erroris typically from ±0.2 to ±0.6 deg over the range shown, while the perigee altitude variation is typicallyabout ±9.3 km (±5 nmi). All errors are 3-σ values.These data are presented as general indicators only. Individual mission requirements andspecifications will be used as the basis for detailed analyses for specific missions. The customeris invited to contact the Delta Program Office for further information.2-28

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01033REU0.320240022 2426 28 301200Deviation From Nominal Apogee Altitude, +3-Sigma (km)2000160012008004007326742679267926H185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude99.7% Second-Stage PCSStar-37FM Third-Stage Motor ErrorsPointing Error (Pitch/Yaw) = 2.00 degSpecific Impulse Error = 0.75%1000800600400200Deviation From Nominal Apogee Altitude, +3-Sigma (nmi)0020 22 2426 28 30GTO Inclination (deg)20240022 2426 28 301200Deviation From Nominal Apogee Altitude, +3-Sigma (km)200016001200800400742579257925H185-km (100-nmi) Perigee Altitude99.7% Second-Stage PCSStar-48B Third-Stage Motor ErrorsPointing Error (Pitch/Yaw) = 1.50 degSpecific Impulse Error = 0.34%1000800600400200Deviation From Nominal Apogee Altitude, +3-Sigma (nmi)0020 22 2426 28 30GTO Inclination (deg)Figure 2-33. Delta II Vehicle, GTO Deviations Capability—Eastern Launch Site2-29

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Section 3PAYLOAD FAIRINGSThe payload is protected by a fairing that shields it from aerodynamic buffeting and heatingwhile in the lower atmosphere. The Delta II launch vehicle currently offers three fairings: a2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia metallic fairing and a 3.0-m (10-ft)-dia composite fairing that comes in twodifferent lengths. A general discussion of the available fairings is presented below, while detaileddescriptions and payload static envelopes for the fairings are presented in following sections.3.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe payload envelopes presented in the following sections define the maximum allowablestatic dimensions of the spacecraft (including manufacturing tolerances) for the spacecraft/payloadattach fitting (PAF) interface. If the spacecraft dimensions are maintained withinthese envelopes, there will be no contact of the spacecraft with the fairing during flight, providedthat the frequency and structural stiffness characteristics of the spacecraft are in accordance withthe dynamic environmental limits specified in Section 4. The envelopes include allowances forrelative static/dynamic deflections between the launch vehicle and spacecraft. Also included arethe manufacturing tolerances of the launch vehicle as well as the thickness of the acoustic blanketinstalled on the fairing interior with billowing effect accounted for. Available blanket configurationsare described in Table 3-1.Table 3-1. Typical Acoustic Blanket ConfigurationsFairingLocation2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Blankets extend from the nose cap to approximately Station 491. The blanket thicknesses are as follows: 38.1by 8.5 m (27.8 ft) mm (1.5 in.) in the nose section, 76.2 mm (3.0 in.) in the 2896-mm (114-in.)-dia section, and 38.1 mm (1.5 in.)longin the upper portion of the 2438-mm (96-in.)-dia section.3-m (10-ft)-dia The baseline configuration for acoustic blankets extends from the aft end of the boattail to station 213.42 inby 8.9 m (29.1 ft) the nose section. These blankets are 76.2 mm (3 in.) thick throughout this region.long3-m (10-ft)-dia The baseline configuration for acoustic blankets extends from the aft end of the boattail to station 201.04 inby 9.2 m (30.3 ft) the nose section. These blankets are 76.2 mm (3 in.) thick throughout this region.long■ These configurations may be modified to meet mission-specific requirements.■ Blankets for the 2.9-m (9.5-ft) Delta fairing are constructed of silicone-bonded heat-treated glass-fiber batt enclosed betweentwo 0.076-mm (0.003-in.) conductive Teflon-impregnated fiberglass facesheets. Blankets for the 3.0-m (10-ft)-dia Deltacomposite fairings are constructed of melamine foam covered with reinforced carbon-loaded kapton facesheets. The blanketsare vented through a 5-µm stainless steel mesh filter, which controls particulate contamination to levels better than a class10,000 cleanroom environment.■ Outgassing of the acoustic blankets meets the criteria of 1.0% maximum total weight loss and 0.10% maximum volatilecondensable material with line-of-sight to payloads for the 2.9-m (9.5-ft) and 3.0-m (10-ft) fairings.0024.83-1

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Clearance layouts and analyses are performed and, if necessary, critical clearances are measuredafter the fairing is installed to ensure positive clearance during flight. To accomplish this, itis important that the spacecraft description (refer to Section 8) include an accurate definition ofthe physical location of all points on the spacecraft that are within 51 mm (2 in.) of the allowableenvelope. The dimensions must include the maximum manufacturing tolerances.An air-conditioning inlet umbilical door on the fairing provides a controlled environment tothe spacecraft and launch vehicle second stage while on the launch stand. A gaseous nitrogen(GN 2 ) purge system can be incorporated to provide continuous dry nitrogen to the spacecraftuntil liftoff.Contamination is minimized by cleaning the payload fairing at the factory prior to shipment tothe launch site. Special cleaning in a cleanroom environment using black light is available uponrequest at the launch site.3.2 THE 2.9-M (9.5-FT)-DIAMETER PAYLOAD FAIRINGThe 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia fairing (Figures 3-1 and 3-2) is an aluminum skin-and-stringer structurefabricated in two half-shells. These shells consist of a hemispherical nose cap, a biconic section,a cylindrical 2896-mm (114-in.)-dia center section (the maximum diameter of the fairing), a30-deg conical transition, and a cylindrical base section having the 2438-mm (96-in.) core vehiclediameter. The biconic section is a ring-stiffened monocoque structure; one-half of which isfiberglass covered with a removable aluminum foil lining to create a radio frequency (RF) window.The cylindrical base section is an integrally stiffened isogrid structure, and the cylindricalcenter section has a skin-and-stringer construction. The fairing has an overall length of 8488 mm(334.2 in.).The half-shells are joined by a contamination-free linear piston/cylinder thrusting separationsystem that runs longitudinally the full length of the fairing. Two functionally redundantexplosive bolt assemblies provide structural continuity at the fairing base ring. Four functionallyredundant explosive bolt assemblies (two each) provide circumferential structural continuity atthe 30-deg transition section between the 2896-mm (114-in.)-dia section and the 2438-mm(96-in.)-dia section.3-2

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00423REU0Figure 3-1. Delta 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Payload Fairing3-3

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00531REU0.5mmAll dimensions are inin.All station numbers are in inchesRF Transparent1/2 Nose Section67626.60 RSta 219.22Two-StrandDetonatingFuseRivets20 deg156261.5015 deg85333.59Sta 299.98BellowsDetail BAir-ConditioningInlet Door(See Figure 4-1)203280.00Sta 333.5Sta 356.9Explosive Bolt(6 Places)30 degSta 413.5Sta 429.1Fairing Split Line39615.59RIFCA Line-of-Sight DoorSta 4913157124.298488334.17457 X 45718 X 18Access Door Base Cylinder(2 Places)AASta 519.9Sta 553.39Fairing Split LineIV (0, 360 deg)243896.00 diaBase Cylinderlll (270 deg)C LAccess DoorBase Cylinder43 deg 52 min42 deg 53 minl (90 deg)2896114 diaCenter CylinderBll (180 deg)View A-AFigure 3-2. Profile, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Payload Fairing3-4CL Air-Conditioning DoorC L Access DoorBase Cylinder

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The fairing half-shells are jettisoned by actuation of the base and transition separation nuts andby the detonating fuse in the thrusting joint cylinder rail cavity. A bellows assembly within eachcylinder rail retains the detonating-fuse gases to prevent contamination of the spacecraft duringthe fairing separation event.Two 457-mm by 457-mm (18-in. by 18-in.) access doors for second-stage access are part of thebaseline fairing configuration (Figure 3-2). To satisfy spacecraft requirements, additional removabledoors of various sizes and locations can be provided to permit access to the spacecraft following fairinginstallation. See Section 3.5 for specific information. It should be noted that the large accessdoors will have acoustic blankets. The quantity and location of access doors must also be coordinatedwith the Delta Program Office.The fiberglass biconic section can be made RF transparent by removal of its aluminum foillining. Location and size of the RF panels must be coordinated with the Delta Program Office.Acoustic absorption blankets are provided within the fairing interior. The typical blanket configurationis described in Table 3-1. Blanket thermal characteristics are discussed in Section 4.2.2.The allowable static spacecraft envelopes for existing PAFs within the fairing are shown inFigures 3-3 through 3-5 and assume that the spacecraft stiffness recommended in Section 4 ismaintained. Usable envelopes below the separation plane and local protuberances outside theenvelopes presented require coordination and approval of the Delta Program Office.3-5

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00532REU0.11Fairing EnvelopeUsable Payload EnvelopeNegotiable Envelope Below Separation PlanePayload Attach FittingMotorNotes:mm1. All dimensions are inin.2. All station numbers are in inchesSta 219.22Sta 229.70523R20.604680184.253. Acoustic blanket thickness is 38.1 mm (1.5 in.)in the nose, 76.2 mm (3 in.) on large cylinder andaft adapter, and 38.1 mm (1.5 in.) on smallcylinder20 deg4. Boeing requires definition of spacecraft featureswithin 50.8 mm (2.0 in.) of payload envelope5. Projections of spacecraft appendages below thespacecraft separation plane may be permitted,but must be coordinated with Delta ProgramOffice2896dia114.0015 deg73328.842540dia100.00200478.90248297.70 dia2540100.00 dia 102124348.93 dia94037.00 dia72428.50 dia4.00511.99Sta 413.95SpacecraftSeparationPlane for3712 PAF8488334.17647732.8825.49 R 3031612.4515deg15degdegSta 413.95 SpacecraftSeparation PlaneSta 553.39243896.00 diaFigure 3-3. Payload Static Envelope, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Fairing, Three-Stage Configuration (3712 PAF)3-6

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00533REU0.10Fairing EnvelopeUsable Payload EnvelopePayload Attach FittingNotes:mm1. All dimensions are inin.2. All station numbers are in inches3. Acoustic blanket thickness is 38.1 mm (1.5 in.)in nose, 76.2 mm (3.0 in.) on large cylinder andaft adapter, and 38.1 mm (1.5 in.) on smallcylinder4. Boeing requires definition of spacecraft featureswithin 50.8 mm (2.0 in.) of payload envelope5. Projections of spacecraft appendages belowthe spacecraft separation plane may bepermitted, but must be coordinated withDelta Program OfficeSta 219.2220 deg523R20.6015 deg73328.846871270.51Payload Attach FittingsHeight Spacecraft Separation PlanePAF (mm/in.) (in.)6019* 488/19.20 Station 481.016915* 381/15.00 Station 485.215624* 610/24.00 Station 476.214717* 419/16.48 Station 483.733715* 453/17.84 Station 482.37*Note: Contact the Delta Program Office forclampband release and installation stay-out envelopedimensions; separation nut installation and secondarylatch release stay-out envelope dimensions.2896dia114.002540dia100.002184dia86.00193476.13195376.9130812.128488334.17Spacecraft Separation PlaneSta 500.21Second StageInterface PlanePAFHeightSta 553.392438dia96.00Figure 3-4. Payload Static Envelope, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Fairing, Two-Stage Configuration(Various PAFs)3-7

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072001.2Fairing EnvelopeUsable Payload EnvelopePayload Attach FittingNotes:mm1. All dimensions are inin.2. All station numbers are in inches3. Acoustic blanket thickness is 38.1 mm (1.5 in.)in nose, 76.2 mm (3.0 in.) on large cylinder andadapter, and 38.1 mm (1.5 in.) on small cylinder4. Boeing requires definition of spacecraft featureswithin 50.8 mm (2.0 in.) of payload envelope5. Projections of spacecraft appendages belowthe spacecraft separation plane may bepermitted, but must be coordinated withDelta Program OfficeSta 219.2220 deg523R20.6015 deg73328.846719264.512896dia114.002540dia100.00195376.918488334.1730812.12Sta 494.21Separation Planefor 6306 PAFSta 500.21Second StageInterface Plane4.0015 deg2184dia86.001960.977.20 dia1604.763.18 dia178170.13Sta 553.392438dia96.00Figure 3-5. Payload Static Envelope, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Fairing, Two-Stage Configuration(6306 PAF)3-8

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02143.3 THE 3-M (10-FT)-DIAMETER PAYLOAD FAIRINGThe 3-m (10-ft)-dia fairing is available for spacecraft requiring a larger envelope. The fairing(Figures 3-6 and 3-7) is a composite sandwich structure that separates into bisectors. Each bisectoris constructed in a single co-cured layup, eliminating the need for module-to-module manufacturingjoints and intermediate ring stiffeners. The resulting smooth inside skin enables theflexibility to install mission-unique access doors almost anywhere in the cylindrical portion ofthe fairing. An RF window can be accommodated, similar to mission-unique access doors. Allthese requirements must be coordinated with the Delta Program office.The bisectors are joined by a contamination-free linear piston/cylinder thrusting separationsystem that runs longitudinally the full length of the fairing. Two functionally redundant explosivebolt assemblies provide the structural continuity at the fairing base ring. The fairing bisectorsare jettisoned by actuation of the base separation nuts, and by the detonating fuse in thethrusting joint cylinder rail cavity. A bellows assembly within each cylinder rail retains the detonating-fusegases to prevent spacecraft contamination during the fairing separation event.Two standard 457-mm (18-in.)-dia access doors are part of the baseline fairing configurationfor second-stage access (Figure 3-7). To further meet customer needs, additional 610-mm(24-in.)-dia doors can be provided in the fairing cylindrical section for spacecraft access afterencapsulation. See Section 3.5 for specific information. The quantities and locations of additionalaccess doors must be coordinated with the Delta Program Office.HB5T072030Figure 3-6. 3-m (10-ft)-dia Composite FairingAcoustic absorption blankets are provided onthe fairing interior. Typical blanket configurationsare described in Table 3-1.The allowable static spacecraft envelopeswithin the fairing are shown in Figures 3-8through 3-10 for the three- and two-stage configurations.For dual-payload missions, two configurationsof the dual-payload attach fitting (DPAF)are used for spacecraft interfaces to the launchvehicle. The allowable static envelope for lowerand upper spacecraft is shown in Figures 3-11through 3-13. The prescribed static envelopes arevalid provided that the spacecraft stiffness recommendedin Section 4 is maintained. Any protuberanceoutside the envelopes requirescoordination with and approval of Delta ProgramOffice.3-9

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00534REU0.4C L of Air-Conditioning Door I (90 deg)43 deg 23 minmmin.II (180 deg)IV (0-360 deg)Contamination-FreeSeparation JointIII (270 deg)293R11.54View A-ASta 203.39AASta 324.90Air-ConditioningInlet Door Sta 356.908890350.003693145.38610-mm (24-in.)-dia SpacecraftAccess Door (as required)Sta 470.28Sta 506.30457-mm(18-in.)-diaAccess Door(2 Places)9.75 degSta 553.39Outside Skin Dimensions2.4-m (8-ft)-dia BaseFigure 3-7. Profile, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Composite Fairing3-10

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00535REU0.10Fairing EnvelopeSta 203.99305RSta 213.4212.00Usable Payload EnvelopeNegotiable Envelope BelowSeparation PlanePayload Attach FittingMotor6176Acoustic BlanketsR243.14Notes:mm1. All dimensions are inin.2. All station numbers are in inches3. Acoustic blanket thickness is Sta 321.3076.2 mm (3 in.)4. Boeing requires definition ofspacecraft features within 50.8 mm(2.0 in.) of payload envelope2743dia5. Projections of spacecraft appendagesbelow the spacecraft sepa-108.00ration plane may be permitted, butmust be coordinated with Delta3056diaProgram Office120.30Sta 413.95Spacecraft SeparationPlane for 3712 PAF2743dia108.00124348.93 dia2438940dia96.0102Inside Skin Dimensions7244.0028.50 dia235392.655028197.96Sta 500.214695184.85Sta 553.39Sta 215.99Sta 366.7537.00 dia 7327911.0040616.00Sta 413.95 SpacecraftSeparation Plane15 deg647R25.4915 deg2.88Figure 3-8. Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Fairing,Three-Stage Configuration (3712 PAF)3-11

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00536REU0.11Fairing EnvelopeUsable Payload EnvelopePayload Attach FittingAcoustic BlanketsNotes:mm1. All dimensions are inin.2. All station numbers are in inches3. Acoustic blanket thickness is76.2 mm (3 in.)4. Boeing requires definition ofspacecraft features within50.8 mm (2.0 in.) of payloadenvelope5. Projections of spacecraft appendagesbelow the spacecraft separationplane may be permitted,but must be coordinated withDelta Program OfficeSta 203.99Sta 213.426176R243.14305R12.007219284.21Sta 215.99Sta 321.30Payload Attach FittingsHeight Spacecraft Separation PlanePAF (mm/in.) (in.)6019* 488/19.20 Station 481.016915* 381/15.00 Station 485.215624* 610/24.00 Station 476.214717* 419/16.48 Station 483.733715* 453/17.84 Station 482.372743108.00 dia 46954544178.91Sta 366.75*Note: For clampband interfaces, contact the DeltaProgram Office for clampband release and installationstay-out envelope dimensions; separation nutinstallation and secondary latch release stay-outenvelope dimensions.3056120.30 diaSpacecraft Separation PlaneSta 500.21Second-StageInterface PlanePAFHeight184.85Sta 553.39243896.00 diaFigure 3-9. Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Fairing,Two-Stage Configuration (Various PAFs)3-12

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072002.1Fairing EnvelopeUsable Payload EnvelopePayload Attach FittingAcoustic BlanketsNotes:mm1. All dimensions are inin.2. All station numbers are in inches3. Acoustic blanket thickness is76.2 mm (3 in.)4. Boeing requires definition ofspacecraft features within50.8 mm (2.0 in.) of payloadenvelope5. Projections of spacecraft appendagesbelow the spacecraft separationplane may be permitted,but must be coordinated withDelta Program OfficeSta 203.99Sta 213.426176R243.14305R12.007067278.22Sta 215.99Sta 321.3027434392172.91Sta 366.75Sta 494.21Spacecraft SeparationPlane for 6306 PAFSta 500.21Second-StageInterface Plane108.00 dia 46953056120.30 dia1960.977.20 dia4.0015 deg1604.763.18 dia9.75 deg1837.21Sta 487.00184.85Sta 553.39243896.00 diaFigure 3-10. Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft)-dia. Fairing Two-Stage Configuration (6306 PAF)3-13

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01057REU0.5Fairing EnvelopeUsable PayloadEnvelope3-m/10-ft-diaComposite FairingNegotiable EnvelopeBelow SeparationPlaneDPAF EnvelopeAcoustic BlanketsNotes:1. All dimensions are in2. All station numbers are ininches3. Boeing requires definition ofspacecraft features within50.8 mm (2.0 in.) of payloadenvelope4. Projections of spacecraftappendages below thespacecraft separation planemay be permitted but mustbe coordinated with DeltaProgram Office3662144.18mmin. Sta 500.2198738.87305R12.006176R243.142743dia108.00Sta 215.994695184.85Sta 321.30Sta 366.75Sta 360.17Upper PayloadSeparation PlaneDPAF2743-mm/108-in. diamaxSta 553.39A(See Figure 3-13)250698.67 dia 1411233091.71 diaSta 360.17Upper PayloadSeparation Plane143656.55 dia137 deg22 min48519.10Sta 377.50Sta 396.6055.57Sta 465.57Dual Payload Attach Fitting(DPAF) Separation PlaneSta 484.42Lower PayloadSeparation PlaneB(See Figure 3-13)3-14146 deg42 min44617.5637314.69Sta 500.21Guidance SectionInterfaceSta 452.17Sta 466.86Figure 3-11. Maximum Payload Envelope for 3.0-m (10-ft)-dia Fairing, Dual-Payload Attach Fitting

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072004.3Fairing EnvelopeUsable PayloadEnvelopeNegotiable EnvelopeBelow SeparationPlaneDPAF EnvelopeAcoustic BlanketsNotes:1. All dimensions are inmmin.2. All station numbers are ininches3. Boeing requires definition ofspacecraft features within50.8 mm (2.0 in.) of payloadenvelope4. Projections of spacecraftappendages below thespacecraft separation planemay be permitted but mustbe coordinated with DeltaProgram OfficeSta321.30305R12.006176R243.142743108.03-m/10-ft-diaComposite FairingdiaSta 215.995055199.01238093.704695184.85Sta 366.75Sta 215.99DPAF2743-mm/108-in.dia maxSta 500.21Sta 553.39Sta 415.05Upper PayloadSeparation PlaneA(See Figure 3-13)2506.298.67diaSta 415.05Upper PayloadSeparation PlaneSta 465.57Dual Payload Attach Fitting(DPAF) Separation Plane143656.55dia146 deg42 min137 deg22 min1321.652.03Sta 484.42Lower PayloadSeparation Plane Sta 500.21B(See Figure 3-13)3-15Guidance SectionInterfaceFigure 3-12. Maximum Payload Envelope for 3.0-m (10-ft)-dia Fairing,Reduced Height Dual-Payload Attach Fitting

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072023.3Negotiable EnvelopeBelow SeparationPlaneDPAF EnvelopeNotes:1. All dimensions are inmmin.2. All station numbers are ininches3. Projections of spacecraftappendages below thespacecraft separation planemay be permitted but mustbe coordinated with DeltaProgram Office939.837.00dia349.313.752743108.01429.956.291242.848.932x 15.0 degdiadiadia101.64.00723.928.50dia247.59.74914.436.002x 15.0 deg2 x 47.37 deg2x 38.0 degUpper DPAF AssemblyView AFrom Figures 3-11 and 3-12Sta 415.05 for Figure 3-12Sta 360.17 for Figure 3-11939.837.00dia1429.956.291242.848.93diadia723.928.50dia349.313.75101.64.00247.59.742x 15.0 deg2x 38.0 degSta 500.21Lower DPAF AssemblyView BFrom Figures 3-11 and 3-12Figure 3-13. Detailed Payload Envelope for 3.0-m (10-ft) dia Fairing, Dual-Payload Attach Fittingand Reduced-Height Dual-Payload Attach Fitting3-16

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02143.4 THE STRETCHED 3-M (10-FT)-DIAMETER PAYLOAD FAIRING -10LThe stretched 3-m (10-ft)-dia fairing, designated -10L, is available for payloads requiring alonger envelope than the 3-m (10-ft)-dia fairing described in Section 3.3. The -10L fairing (Figures3-14 and 3-15) is also a composite sandwich structure that separates into bisectors. The cylindricalsection is lengthened by 0.979 m (3.21 ft), making the overall length 0.36 m (1.19 ft)longer than the 3-m (10-ft)-dia fairing.Other than the difference in length, the discussion in Section 3.3 also applies to the stretched3-m (10-ft)-dia fairing. The dual-payload attach fitting (DPAF) is also available for the stretched3-m (10-ft)-dia (-10L) fairing. Contact the Delta Program Office for envelope definition.The allowable static spacecraft envelopes are shown in Figures 3-16 through 18 for the threeandtwo-stage configurations, assuming that the spacecraft stiffness recommended in Section 4 ismaintained. Any protuberance outside the envelopes requires coordination with and approval ofthe Delta Program Office.HB5T072031Figure 3-14. 3-m (10-ft) Stretched Composite Fairing (-10L)3-17

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00537REU0.6C L of Air-Conditioning Door I (90 deg)43 deg 23 minmmin.II (180 deg)IV (0-360 deg)Contamination-FreeSeparation Joint285R11.21III (270 deg)View A-A3-m (10-ft)-dia Stretched Fairing -10LSta 189.12AASta 286.34Air-ConditioningInlet Door Sta 356.909252364.273-m (10-ft)-dia Cylinder4672183.94610-mm (24-in.)-dia SpacecraftAccess Door (as required)Sta 470.28Sta 506.30457-mm(18-in.)-diaAccess Door(2 Places)9.75 degSta 553.392.4-m (8-ft)-dia BaseOutside Skin DimensionsFigure 3-15. Profile, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Stretched Composite Fairing (-10L)3-18

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00538REU0.10Fairing EnvelopeUsable Payload EnvelopeSta 189.74305R12.00Sta 201.04Sta 201.74Negotiable Envelope BelowSeparation PlanePayload Attach FittingMotorAcoustic BlanketsNotes:mm1. All dimensions are inin.2. All station numbers are in inches3. Acoustic blanket thickness is76.2 mm (3 in.)4. Boeing requires definition of spacecraftfeatures within 50.8 mm (2.0 in.)of payload envelope5. Projections of spacecraft appendagesbelow the spacecraft separationplane may be permitted, butmust be coordinated with DeltaProgram OfficeSta 283.774442R174.892743dia108.003056dia120.30Sta 329.263307130.185390212.215695224.219237363.65Sta 413.95Spacecraft SeparationPlane for 3712 PAF2918114.872743108.00 dia 279124348.93 dia94037.00 dia 737241024.00243896.0diaInside Skin Dimensions28.50 dia Sta 413.95 SpacecraftSta 553.3911.0040616.00Separation Plane15 deg647R25.4915 deg2.88Figure 3-16. Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Stretched Composite Fairing (-10L),Three-Stage Configuration (3712 PAF)3-19

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00539REU0.11Fairing EnvelopeUsable Payload EnvelopePayload Attach FittingmmAcoustic Blankets in.Notes:1. All dimensions are in2. All station numbers are in inches3. Acoustic blanket thickness is76.2 mm (3 in.)4. Boeing requires definition ofspacecraft features within50.8 mm (2.0 in.) of payloadenvelopemm5. Projections of spacecraft in. appendagesbelow the spacecraft separationplane may be permitted,but must be coordinated withDelta Program OfficeSta 189.74305R12.004442R174.89Sta 201.04Sta 201.74Sta 283.772743108.00 dia 2918Payload Attach FittingsHeight Spacecraft Separation PlanePAF (mm/in.) (in.)6019* 488/19.20 Station 481.016915* 381/15.00 Station 485.215624* 610/24.00 Station 476.214717* 419/16.48 Station 483.733715* 453/17.84 Station 482.373056120.30 diaSta 329.265498216.447581298.479237363.65*Note: For clampband interfaces, contact the DeltaProgram Office for clampband release and installationstay-out envelope dimensions; separation nutinstallation and secondary latch release stay-outenvelope dimensions.114.87Spacecraft Separation PlaneSta 500.21Second-StageInterface PlanePAFHeightSta 553.392438dia96.00Inside Skin DimensionsFigure 3-17. Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft)-dia Stretched Composite Fairing (-10L),Two-Stage Configuration (Various PAFs)3-20

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5072003.2Fairing EnvelopeUsable Payload EnvelopePayload Attach FittingAcoustic BlanketsNotes:mm1. All dimensions are in in.2. All station numbers are in inches3. Acoustic blanket thickness is76.2 mm (3 in.)4. Boeing requires definition ofspacecraft features within50.8 mm (2.0 in.) of payload mmenvelopein.5. Projections of spacecraft appendagesbelow the spacecraft separationplane may be permitted,but must be coordinated withDelta Program OfficeSta 189.74305R12.004442R174.89Sta 201.04Sta 201.74Sta 283.772743108.00 dia 29183056120.30 diaSta 329.265162203.237429292.479237363.65114.87Sta 494.21Spacecraft SeparationPlane for 6306 PAFSta 500.21Second-StageInterface Plane4.0015 deg1960.977.20 dia1604.763.18 dia1837.219.75 degSta 487.00Sta 553.392438dia96.00Inside Skin DimensionsFigure 3-18. Payload Static Envelope, 3-m (10-ft) -dia Stretched Fairing (-10L),Two-Stage Configuration (6306 PAF)3-21

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02143.5 PAYLOAD FAIRING DOOR LOCATIONSEach Delta II payload fairing can accommodate multiple access doors to support spacecraftservicing while on the pad. Because it is understood that customers may need access to itemssuch as payload ordnance devices, electrical connectors, and fill-and-drain valves for payloadsusing liquid propellants, additional access doors can be installed on a mission-unique basis. Also,differing diameters or shapes for the access doors can be accommodated on a mission-uniquebasis. Access doors typically do not have acoustic blankets attached to their inboard surfaces, butcan have them, on a mission-unique basis, to provide additional acoustic attenuation. Accessdoor locations and sizes should be coordinated with Boeing Launch Services.3.5.1 Delta II Metallic Fairing Door LocationsFor the Delta II 9.5-ft-dia metallic fairing (-9.5), three door size types can be installed: 21.48by 25 in., 21.86 by 25 in., and 25 by 25 in. These doors can be installed in the payload fairing asfollows (Figure 3-19):■ Axial location− Circumferential centerline for the 21.48-by-25-in. door must be located at Delta II Station400.48.− Circumferential centerline for the 21.86-by-25-in. door must be located at Delta II Station346.42.− Circumferential centerline for the 25-by-25-in. doors must be located at Delta II Station373.22 or 389.22.HB5T072034.2ForwardStation 346.429.5-ft diameter center cylinder (large doors), view looking inboard (stringer and ring frame centerlines shown)0˚/360˚Quad IVFairing Bi-Sector, Light Half90˚Quad I28.74˚ 102.25˚180˚A/C Door Quad II157.38˚Fairing Bi-Sector, Heavy Half270˚Quad III208.74˚ 331.26˚0˚/ 360˚Quad IV333.78349.23Station 373.22Station 389.22Station 400.48151.26˚36.78˚ minimum between large door centers for any station type.Doors are centered between stringers and are located in 6.125˚ increments.21.86-in. x 25.00-in. Door 25.00-in. x 25.00-in. Door 21.48-in. x 25.00-in. Door365.23381.23397.23413.28Figure 3-19. Allowable Access Door Locations for 9.5-ft-dia Metallic Fairing3-22

■ Circumferential locationDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214− 21.48-by-25-in. door and 25-by-25-in. door (located at Station 389.22) axial centerlinesmust be 28.74 deg to 151.26 deg for the light half and between 208.74 deg and 331.26 degfor the heavy half (Quad IV = 0 deg, Quad I = 90 deg) in increments of 6.13 deg (6.1 in.).− 21.86-by-25-in. door and 25-by-25-in door (located at Station 373.22) axial centerlines mustbe 28.74 deg to 102.25 deg and 157.38 deg (located at Station 373.22) for the light half andbetween 208.74 deg and 331.26 deg for the heavy half (Quad IV = 0 deg, Quad I = 90 deg)in increments of 6.13 deg (6.1 in.). The 25-by-25-in. door (located at Station 373.22) mayalso be located at 157.38 deg.■ Door-to-door spacing: Circumferential center-to-center spacing between doors must be aminimum of 36.8 deg (36.6 in.).■ Door orientation: Rectangular doors are oriented with their 21.48/21.86-long sides parallel tothe axial direction.3.5.2 Delta II Composite Fairing Door LocationsFor the Delta II 10-ft-dia composite payload fairings (-10 and -10L), standard 24-in. diameteraccess doors can be installed, and can be located only in the cylindrical section of the fairing asfollows (Figures 3-20 and 3-21):■ Axial location: Door circumferential centerlines must be located at least 45.72 cm (18.0 in.)above the boattail transition and at least 45.72 cm (18.0 in.) below the nose cone transition.■ Circumferential location: Door axial centerlines must be at least 59.31 cm (23.35 in.) fromQuad II and IV axial centerlines, with the exception (for -10 only) that doors with circumferentialcenterlines between 45.72 cm (18.0 in.) and 143.51 cm (56.5 in.) aft of the nose conetransition must have axial centerlines at least 107.32 cm (42.25 in.) from the Quad II and IVaxial centerlines. Door axial centerlines must be at least 51.44 cm (20.25 in.) from the airconditioningdoor doubler edge.■ Door-to-door spacing: Center-to-center spacing between doors (axial and/or circumferential)must be at least 121.92 cm (48 in.).3-23

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072035.5Forward59323.35(Sta 324.90)107342.25(22.25˚)2939111.774207165.62(133.38˚)(157.75˚)107342.25(202.25˚)3727146.7259323.354207165.62(337.75˚)(Sta 342.90)203680.153x 225888.88(Sta 381.40)(Sta 390.13)24-in. Access DoorCenterline LimitA/C Door24-in. AccessDoor (Example)24-in. Access DoorCenterline Limit2x 3235127.38(Sta 452.58)2x 45718.00Quad IV0˚/360˚Quad I90˚Quad II180˚Quad III270˚Quad IV0˚/360˚Forward(Sta 470.28)Dimensions measured on inside surface of shell (R= 60.15 in.)View Looking InboardFigure 3-20. Allowable Access Door Locations for 10-ft-dia Composite Fairing59323.35(Sta 286.34)107342.25(22.25˚)2x 42072939 165.62111.77(133.38˚)(157.75˚)107342.25(202.25˚)3727146.7259323.354207165.62mmin.HB5T072036.4(337.75˚)(Sta 304.34)(Sta 310.93)4047159.35A/C Door24-in. AccessDoor (example)2x 4215165.94203680.1524-in. Access DoorCenterline Limit(Sta 390.13) (Sta 381.40)24-in. Access DoorCenterline Limit3x 225888.88(Sta 452.28)2x 45718.00Quad IV0˚/360˚(Sta 470.28)Quad I90˚Quad II180˚Quad III270˚Dimensions measured on inside surface of shell (R= 60.15 in.)View Looking InboardDoors in hatched area(s) must be coordinated with Delta Program Office.3-24mmin.Quad IV0˚/360˚Figure 3-21. Allowable Access Door Locations for 10-ft-dia Stretched Composite Fairing

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Section 4PAYLOAD ENVIRONMENTSThis section describes the launch vehicle environments to which the spacecraft is exposed duringprelaunch activities and launch. Section 4.1 discusses prelaunch environments for processingfacilities at both eastern and western ranges. Section 4.2 presents the Delta II launch and flightenvironments for the spacecraft.4.1 PRELAUNCH ENVIRONMENTS4.1.1 Payload Air Conditioning and Gaseous Nitrogen (GN2) PurgeThe environment experienced by the payload during its launch site processing is carefully controlledfor temperature, relative humidity, and cleanliness. This includes the payload processingconducted before it is installed in the ground handling can (see Figures 6-5 and 7-14). The groundhandling can, with the payload inside, is subsequently transferred to the launch pad and hoistedinto the mobile service tower (MST) white room. Before the spacecraft is mounted on to the launchvehicle, the MST white room is closed and the white room air-conditioning is stabilized. Mating tothe second stage is completed, and the ground handling can is disassembled in sections. Payload Air ConditioningAir-conditioning is supplied to the spacecraft via an umbilical after the payload fairing ismated to the launch vehicle. The payload air-distribution system (Figure 4-1) provides air at therequired temperature, relative humidity, and flow rate as measured at the end of the fairing ducthardline in the fixed umbilical tower (FUT). The air-distribution system uses a diffuser on theinlet air-conditioning duct at the fairing interface. The air-conditioning inlet is in the Quad I halfof the fairing. Unique mission requirements or equipment should be coordinated with the DeltaProgram Office. If required, a deflector can beHB00881REU0installed on the inlet to direct the airflow awayFairing WallLanyard(Inside)Disconnectsfrom sensitive spacecraft components. The aircan be supplied to the payload between a rate ofAir-ConditioningAir FlowDuct1300 to 1700 scfm. The air flows downwardaround the spacecraft and is discharged belowAir-ConditioningInlet Diffuserthe second stage through vents in the interstage.The air-conditioning umbilical is pulled away at Air Flowliftoff by lanyard disconnects, and the accessdoor on the fairing automatically closes.If an environmental shroud is required aroundAir-conditioning duct and diffusersystem is ejected at liftoffthe spacecraft prior to fairing installation, it receivesthe same fairing air. TheFigure 4-1. Payload Air Distribution Systemenvironmental4-1

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214shroud and payload work stand for Space Launch Complex-2 (SLC-2) are shown in Figure 4-2. Asimilar system for SLC-17 is shown in Figure 4-3.The fairing air hardline downstream of the high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter containsan inline particle counter for continuous particle count sampling. A separate backup environmentalcontrol unit is also provided for fairing air-conditioning redundancy. This unit isoperated in a hot standby mode for automatic transfer during launch day. Both fairing air environmentalcontrol units are backed up by diesel generator power. If auxiliary air-conditioning(drag on) is required in addition to the fairing air, a battery cooling unit is available for supplementalcooling during pad processing prior to fairing closeout.HB00897REU0.1Sliding RoofClean Enclosure Outline(Upper Section)5.5 m (18 ft) InsideSpacecraftLevel 6 Adjustable(Approximately 4.2 m (14 ft))Level 6Adjustable StairsSlidingFrontDoors4.8 m (16 ft) InsideLevel 5Clean EnclosureOutline (Lower Section)Figure 4-2. Environmental Shroud and Payload Workstand (SLC-2)4-2

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01031REU0.1Hard CoverStructureReinforced PlasticStatic-DissipatingFilm CurtainLevel 9CTo FUTSpacecraftAir-Conditioning DuctLevel 9BView Looking EastFigure 4-3. Environmental Shroud and Payload Workstand (SLC-17A and SLC-17B)At SLC-17, the battery cooling unit is located on the MST and provides low-temperature air withlimited humidity control through a 6-in. interface at level 9B. The system capabilities are detailed inTable 4-1. At SLC-2, a battery cooling system is available that can provide a maximum of 240 scfmthrough the T-0 umbilical on the second stage. System capabilities are detailed in Table 4-2.Table 4-1. Eastern Range Facility EnvironmentsSLC-17 Facility EnvironmentsPayload Environment Temperature (1) Relative Humidity (1) Flow Rate Cleanliness (2)Handling Can Not controlled Not controlled (3) N/A Not controlledMST White Room 65°F to 75°F30% to 50% N/A Class 100,000(all doors closed) (18.3°C to 23.9°C)Environmental shroud 45°F to 80°F (4)(7.2°C to 26.7°C)Controlled within ±2°F(±1°C)30% to 50%,Controlled within ±5%1000 to 1700 scfm,Controlled within±100 scfmClass 10,000 (5)45°F to 80°F (4)Payload fairing interiorPropellant Loading (6) prior to 2nd Stage (7.2°C to26.7°C)Controlled within ±2°F(±1°C)Payload fairing interiorduring and after (11.7°C to 22.8°C)53°F to 73°F (4)2nd Stage Propellant Controlled within ±2°FLoading (7) (±1°C)Battery cooling air (6) 50°F to 80°F(10.0°C to 26.7°C)Controlled within ±5°F(±2.8°C)30% to 50%,Controlled within ±5%30% to 50%,Controlled within ±5%90% max(not controlled)1300 to 1700 scfm,Controlled within±100 scfm1300 to 1700 scfm,Controlled within±100 scfmClass 10,000 (5)Class 10,000 (5)0 to 600 scfm Class 10,000 (5)Notes:(1)Temperature and relative humidity requirements can be accommodated between the ranges stated for each location.(2)Reference FED-STD-209E, Airborne Particulate Cleanliness Classes in Cleanrooms and Clean Zones, except as noted.(3)Dry nitrogen gas purge per MIL-P-27401C, Type 1, Grade B, during transport.(4)Fairing air temperatures outside of the specified ranges must be coordinated with the Delta Program Office.(5)Fairing interior cleanliness levels cleaner than class 10,000 must be coordinated with the Delta Program Office.(6)All conditions specified are inlet conditions. Temperatures and relative humidity are measured in the FUT at the flexible airconditioning duct inlet.(7)Measured inside the payload fairing.4-3

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 4-2. Western Range Facility and Transportation EnvironmentsSLC-2 Facility EnvironmentsLocation Temperature (1) Relative Humidity (1) Flow Rate Cleanliness (2)Handling Can Not controlled Not controlled (3) N/A Not controlledMST White Room (all 65°F to 75°F30% to 60%,N/A Class 100,000doors closed)(18.3°C to 23.9°C) Controlled within ±5%Environmental shroud 55°F to 70°F (4)(12.8°C to 21.1°C)Controlled within±5°F (±2.8°C)30% to 50%,Controlled within ±5%1000 to 1700 scfm,Controlled within±100 scfmClass 10,000 (5)Payload fairing interiorprior to 2 nd Stage55°F to 70°F (4)Propellant Loading (6)(12.8°C to 21.1°C)Controlled within±5°F (±2.8°C)Payload fairing interiorduring and after (12.8°C to 21.1°C)55°F to 70°F (4)2 nd Stage Propellant Controlled withinLoading (7)±5°F (±2.8°C)Battery cooling air (6) 45°F to 70°F(7.2°C to 21.1°C)Controlled within±5°F (±2.8°C)30% to 50%,Controlled within ±5%1300 to 1700 scfm,Controlled within± 100 scfm1300 to 1700 scfm,30% to 50%,±5% (8) ±100 scfmControlled within Controlled within

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00955REU0.3FUTFairingFairing A/CDuct7.6-mm x 9.65-mm (25-ft x 0.38-in.) Flex Hose (Typical)Level 15Gas PurgeUmbilicalT-0 Plug carrier12.7-mm (0.50-in.) Stainless Supply LineMiniskirtLevel 13Gas PurgeUmbilicalPurge Gas Control PanelFurnished by SpacecraftAir-ConditionedEquipment Building(ACEB)Dedicated Tube TrailerPanel Interface to Level 13Approximately 61 m (200 ft)Figure 4-4. Payload Gas Purge Accommodations (Typical at SLC-2 Shown)4-5

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The spacecraft GN 2 purge connection must be located in the Quad I half of the fairing so thatthe tubing can be routed through the A/C inlet door. The purge connection must be within 5 degof the Quad I fairing centerline and parallel to Quad I. An access door is required for mating thepurge tube to the connector. No surrounding spacecraft intrusions are allowed within a 30-deghalf-cone angle separation clearance envelope at the mated interface. The location of the spacecraftpurge connector interface as measured radially from vehicle centerline is typically 32-in. to46-in. for the 9.5-ft fairing and 42-in. to 51-in. for the 10-ft composite fairing. Details of a typicalpurge system interface is shown in Figure 4-5.1.524 ±0.1270.060 ±0.0051.520.06+0.12719.05–0.0000.750 +0.005–0.000Spacecraft InterfaceRType R = 42 in. to 51 in.(For 10-ft Composite Fairing)Type R = 32 in. to 46 in.(For 9.5-ft Fairing)View A15˚ 0’+0.0516.604–0.000diameter0.260 +0.002–0.0006330˚Half-Cone Angle(Separation ClearanceEnvelope)SpacecraftStayout ZoneCres TubeHB5T072033.2mminForwardAOutboard(0.750)10-ft Composite FairingConvoluted Teflon TubeFigure 4-5. GN 2 Purge System—Typical Interface Details4.1.2 MST White RoomLocated at the upper levels within the MST, the environmentally controlled white room hasprovisions for maintaining spacecraft cleanliness. White room environments are listed in Table4-1 for pads A and B at SLC-17 and in Table 4-2 for SLC-2 at Vandenberg Air Force Base(VAFB).4.1.3 Radiation and Electromagnetic EnvironmentsThe Delta II transmits launch vehicle telemetry and beacon signals on several frequencies tothe appropriate range tracking stations. It also has uplink capability to onboard command receiverdecoders (CRDs) for command destruct capability. Two S-band telemetry systems areprovided (one each on the second and third stages), as well as two CRD systems on the second4-6

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214stage and a C-band transponder (beacon) on the second stage. The radiation characteristics ofthese systems are shown in Table 4-3. The RF systems are switched on prior to launch and remainon until stage separation and battery depletion. Payload launch environment data, such aslow- and high-frequency vibration, acceleration transients, shock velocity increments, and healthstatus, may also be obtained from the launch vehicle telemetry system.Table 4-3. Delta II Transmitter CharacteristicsSecond-stageT/M RadiationCharacteristicsThird-stageT/M RadiationCharacteristicsSecond-stageC-band BeaconCharacteristicsTransmitterNominal frequency 2241.5 MHz 2252.5 MHz 5765 MHz (transmit)5690 MHz (receive)Power output 2.0 W min 5.0 W min 400 W minModulation bandwidth ±160 kHz at 20 dB±70 kHz at 20 dB6 MHz at 6 dB±650 kHz at 60 dB±250 kHz at 60 dBStability +67 kHz max +68 kHz max 3 MHz maxAntennaType Cavitybacked slot Circumferential belt Transverse slot, dipole loadedPolarizationEssentially linear parallel to Essentially linear parallel to Left-hand circularbooster roll axisbooster roll axisPattern Nearly omnidirectional Nearly omnidirectional Nearly omnidirectionalGain +2.35 dB max +3 dB max +6 dB maxAt both the eastern and western ranges, the electromagnetic environment that the payload isexposed to includes emissions resulting from general purpose RF emitters such as broadcast services,cellular phones and facilities 2-way communications radios; emissions derived from thelaunch vehicle transmitter systems and their associated antennas; and emissions due to the operationof on-site range radars.The general purpose on-site RF emitters are generally controllable, however, off-site emitterssuch as maritime emitters, broadcast emitters and overhead flying aircraft emitters generally arenot. The launch pads are typically exposed to a controllable on-site RF emitter environment of20 V/m maximum at frequencies from 14 KHz to 40 GHz from general purpose emitters. Fromonboard launch vehicle S-band and C-band emitters, the RF field value is typically 40 V/mmaximum at the payload separation plane.Onsite S-band and C-band range radars are generally controlled to a maximum of 40 V/m atthe launch vehicle including during ascent. The maximum radar derived RF environment at thelaunch site is controlled through coordination with the range and with protective masking ofrange radars. If reduced levels from the on-site range radars are desired, they should be identifiedearly in the integration process and coordinated with the range.The maximum allowable spacecraft radiated emissions at the spacecraft/vehicle separationplane are provided in Figure 4-6. Spacecraft are permitted to radiate inside the fairing providedthat the emissions do not exceed the maximum level deemed safe for launch vehicle avionics andordnance circuits. Operation times during launch processing must be coordinated with the DeltaProgram Office to evaluate noninterference/safety concerns. The RF field strength inside the4-7

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214fairing is a function of the antenna’s gain, location, and other physical characteristics of thespacecraft; and the RF properties of the fairing with the acoustic blanket accounted for. Uponrequest, the Delta Program Office will calculate these levels as early as possible in the integrationprocess using spacecraft-supplied data, empirical and analytic formulas that account for cavityresonances and other influencing factors if applicable. Analysis is also required if thespacecraft does not intend to radiate within the fairing, but cannot verify a dual-inhibit designpreventing inadvertent radiation. An RF compatibility analysis is also performed to verify thatthe vehicle and satellite transmitter frequencies do not have interfering intermodulation productsor image rejection problems.1 GHzHB00882REU0.2157.575V/mdB µV/m14014 KHz408 MHz - 430 MHz (UHF)38.5 (Three-Stage Configuration)36 (Two-Stage Configuration)5.687 GHz - 5.693 GHz (C-Band)94.9 (Three-Stage Configuration)92.4 (Two-Stage Configuration)13 GHzFrequency (Hz)Figure 4-6. Maximum Allowable Payload Radiated Emissions at the Payload/Launch Vehicle Separation Plane4.1.4 Electrostatic PotentialDuring ground processing, the spacecraft must be equipped with an accessible ground attachmentpoint to which a conventional alligator-clip ground strap can be attached. Preferably, theground attachment point is located on or near the base of the spacecraft, at least 31.8 mm (1.25in.) above the separation plane. The vehicle/spacecraft interface provides the conductive path forgrounding the spacecraft to the launch vehicle. Therefore, dielectric coating should not be appliedto the spacecraft interface. The electrical resistance of the spacecraft to the payload attachfitting (PAF) interface surfaces must be 0.0025 ohm or less and is verified during spacecraft-to-PAF mating. (Reference MIL-B-5087B, Class R.)4.1.5 Contamination and CleanlinessDelta II payloads cleanliness conditions represent the minimum available. The followingguidelines and practices from prelaunch through spacecraft separation provide the minimumclass 100,000 cleanliness conditions (per Federal Standard 209E):4-8

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214A. Precautions are taken during manufacture, assembly, test, and shipment to prevent contaminantaccumulations in the Delta II upper-stage area, fairing, and PAF.B. Encapsulation of the payload into the handling can is performed at the payload processingfacility that is environmentally controlled to class 100,000 conditions. All handlingequipment is cleanroom compatible and is cleaned and inspected before it enters the facility.These environmentally controlled conditions are available for all remote encapsulationfacilities and include SLC-17 and SLC-2. The handling can that is used to transport thepayload to the white room provides environmental protection for the payload.C. The fairing is cleaned using alcohol and then inspected for cleanliness prior to spacecraftencapsulation. Six levels of cleanliness are defined below. The standard level for a typicalmission using the 9.5-ft fairing is VC2, and the standard level for a typical mission usingthe 10-ft fairing is VC3. Other cleanliness levels are available but need to be coordinatedwith the Delta Program Office. Table 4-4 provides Boeing Cleanliness SpecificationSTP0407 visible cleanliness (VC) levels with their NASA SN-C-0005 equivalency.D. The payload attach fitting and second-stage guidance section are cleaned to VC2.Boeing STP0407-0XVC 1VC 2VC 3VC 4VC 5VC 6VC 7Table 4-4. Cleanliness Level DefinitionsNASA SN-C-0005NoneVC Standard (9.5-ft fairing)VC Highly Sensitive, Standard Level (10-ft fairing)VC Sensitive + UV (Closest equivalent, Boeing is more critical)VC Highly SensitiveVC Highly Sensitive + UVVC Highly Sensitive + NVR Level ACleanliness Level DefinitionsVC 1—All surfaces shall be visibly free of all particulates and nonparticulates visible to thenormal unaided/corrected-vision eye. Particulates are defined as matter of miniature size withobservable length, width, and thickness. Nonparticulates are film matter without definite dimension.Inspection operations shall be performed under normal shop lighting conditions at a maximumdistance of 0.915 m (3 ft).VC 2—All surfaces shall be visibly free of all particulates and nonparticulates visible to thenormal unaided/corrected-vision eye. Particulates are defined as matter of miniature size withobservable length, width, and thickness. Nonparticulates are film matter without definite dimension.Inspection operations shall be performed at incident light levels of 538.2 lux (50 footcandles[fc]) and observation distances of 1.52 m to 3.05 m (5 ft to 10 ft).VC 3—All surfaces shall be visibly free of all particulates and nonparticulates visible to thenormal unaided/corrected-vision eye. Particulates are identified as matter of miniature size withobservable length, width, and thickness. Nonparticulates are film matter without definite4-9

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214dimension. Incident light levels shall be 1076.4 lux to 2152.8 lux (100 fc to 200 fc) at an observationdistance of 45.2 cm (18 in.) or less.VC 4—All surfaces shall be visibly free of all particulates and nonparticulates visible to thenormal unaided/corrected-vision eye. Particulates are identified as matter of miniature size withobservable length, width, and thickness. Nonparticulates are film matter without definite dimension.This level requires no particulate count. The source of incident light shall be a 300-Wexplosion-proof droplight held at distance of 1.52 m (5 ft), maximum, from the local area ofinspection. There shall be no hydrocarbon contamination on surfaces specifying VC 4cleanliness.VC 5—All surfaces shall be visibly free of all particulates and nonparticulates visible to thenormal unaided/corrected-vision eye. Particulates are identified as matter of miniature size withobservable length, width, and thickness. Nonparticulates are film matter without definite dimension.This level requires no particulate count. Incident light levels shall be 1076.4 lux to 2152.8lux (100 fc to 200 fc) at an observation distance of 15.2 cm to 45.7 cm (6 in. to 18 in.). Cleaningmust be done in a class 100,000 or better cleanroom.VC 6—All surfaces shall be visibly free of all particulates and nonparticulates visible to thenormal unaided/corrected-vision eye. Particulates are identified as matter of miniature size withobservable length, width, and thickness. Nonparticulates are film matter without definite dimension.This level requires no particulate count. Incident light levels shall be 1076.4 lux to 2152.8lux (100 fc to 200 fc) at an observation distance of 15.2 cm to 45.7 cm (6 in. to 18 in.). Additionalincident light requirements are 8 W minimum of long-wave ultraviolet (UV) light at15.2-cm to 45.7-cm (6-in. to 18-in.) observation distance in a darkened work area. Protectiveeyewear may be used as required with UV lamps. Cleaning must be done in a class 100,000 orbetter cleanroom.VC 7—All surfaces shall be visibly free of all particulates and nonparticulates visible to thenormal unaided/corrected-vision eye. Particulates are identified as matter of miniature size withobservable length, width, and thickness. Nonparticulates are film matter without definite dimension.This level requires no particulate count. Incident light levels shall be 1076.4 lux to 2152.8lux (100 fc to 200 fc) at an observation distance of 15.2 cm to 45.7 cm (6 in. to 18 in.). Cleaningmust be done in a class 100,000 or better cleanroom. The nonvolatile residue (NVR) is to be onemicrogram or less per square centimeter (one milligram or less per square foot) of surface area asdetermined by the laboratory using a minimum of two random NVR samples per quadrant perbisector or trisector.4-10

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214E. Personnel and operational controls are employed during spacecraft encapsulation to maintainspacecraft cleanliness.F. The customer may place a protective barrier (bag) over the spacecraft prior to encapsulationin the handling can.G. A contamination barrier (bag) is installed around the handling can immediately followingencapsulation operations. An outer bag is installed for transportation. A nitrogen purge isprovided to the handling can during transport.H. A payload environmental shroud can be provided in the white room for the spacecraft priorto fairing installation. This shroud enables the spacecraft to be showered with class 10,000fairing air at the Western Range and class 5,000 at the Eastern Range.4.2 LAUNCH AND FLIGHT ENVIRONMENTS4.2.1 Fairing Internal Pressure EnvironmentAs the Delta II vehicle ascends through the atmosphere, the fairing is vented through leakpaths in the vehicle and a dedicated vent opening on the interstage. The extremes of internalpressure during ascent are presented in Figure 4-7 for all Delta II vehicles (732X, 742X, 792XH,and 792X), including any dual-payload mission where a dual-payload attach fitting (DPAF) isutilized. The maximum expected pressure decay rate inside the compartment is -0.6 psi/sec.4-11

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00883REU0.31614Absolute Compartment Pressure (psia)1210864Minimum PressureMaximum Pressure200 10 20 30 40 50 60 70Flight Time (sec)Flight Time(sec)02468101214161820222324252627282930MinimumPressurePmin (psi)14.3414.3114.2314.0713.8513.5813.3113.0312.6912.2911.8411.3311.0610.7810.4910.109.709.308.918.43MaximumPressurePmax (psi)14.9714.9714.9314.8714.7814.6614.5114.3214.0813.8113.5113.1712.9912.8112.6212.4212.2212.0011.7811.55Flight Time(sec)3132333435363738394041424344454647484950MinimumPressurePmin (psi)8.117.817.437.076.636.275.995.665.385.114.834.564.284.013.743.493.232.992.752.52MaximumPressurePmax (psi)11.3511.1210.9010.6610.4510.2210.039.799.579.339.038.748.458.177.907.637.377.116.876.63Flight Time(sec)51525354555657585960616263646566676870MinimumPressurePmin (psi) (psi)6.396.175.955.735.525.325.124.934.754.574.404.234.073.923.783.643.513.393.15Figure 4-7. Delta II Payload Fairing Compartment Absolute Pressure Envelope4-12

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02144.2.2 Thermal EnvironmentPrior to and during launch, the Delta II payload fairing and upper stages contribute to thethermal environment of the spacecraft. Payload Fairing Thermal Environment. Upon payload fairing (PLF) installation,air-conditioning is provided at a typical temperature range as stated in Tables 4-1 and 4-2,depending on mission requirements. Variations in temperature range can be accommodated andshould be coordinated with the Delta Program Office.The ascent thermal environments of the Delta II fairing surfaces facing the payload, based onhistorical flight data, are shown in Figures 4-8 and 4-9. Temperatures are provided for both thePLF conical section and the cylindrical section. PLF inboard-facing surface emissivity values arealso provided. All temperature histories presented are based on a worst-case trajectory, ignoringexpansion cooling effects of ascent.The acoustic blankets provide a relatively cool radiation environment by effectively shieldingthe spacecraft from ascent heating in blanketed areas. Figures 4-8 and 4-9 depict the areas of thevarious Delta II fairings that are typically blanketed. There may be slight variations in blanketcoverage areas based on mission-unique requirements. Inclusion of an RF window in the 2.9-m(9.5-ft) PLF conical section results in a local increase in acoustic blanket temperature inboard ofthe RF window, as shown in Figure 4-8.The fairing skin temperature is representative of the radiation environment to the spacecraft inunblanketed areas such as the air-conditioning inlet door, unblanketed access doors, and blanketcutout regions. Maximum skin temperatures are shown in Figures 4-8 and 4-9.The 2.9-m (9.5-ft) fairing frame temperatures are somewhat less severe than skin temperatures.Information regarding frame locations, exposure, and temperature history is available on request.Unless otherwise requested, fairing jettison will occur shortly after the theoretical free molecularheating for a flat plate normal to the free stream drops below 0.1 Btu/ft 2 -sec (1135 W/m 2 )based on the 1962 U.S. standard atmosphere. On-Orbit Thermal Environment. During coast periods, the launch vehicle can beoriented to meet specific sun angle requirements. A slow roll during a long coast period can alsobe used to moderate orbital heating and cooling. The roll rate for thermal control is typically between1 and 3 deg/sec. Payload/Launch Vehicle Interface. The customer is required to provide interfacegeometry, thermal properties, and temperatures for the injection period assuming an adiabaticinterface. The Delta Program Office will provide launch vehicle interface temperatures based onpayload interface and preliminary mission analysis (PMA) or detailed test objective (DTO) sunangledata.4-13

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00884REU0.2Sparesyl Insulation onNose Cap and Cone38.1-mm (1.5-in.)-ThickAcoustic BlanketCone1 Aluminum Sector/1 Fiberglass SectorRF Window*(Aluminum Foil RemovedFrom Fiberglass Cone)76.2-mm (3.0-in.)-ThickAcoustic Blanket2.9-m (9.5-ft) Cylinder38.1-mm (1.5-in.)-ThickAcoustic Blanket2.4-m (8-ft) CylinderSparesyl Insulationon Separation Rail*Size and location vary with spacecraft600Internal Surface EmittanceNose cap, aluminum cone,fiberglass cone with aluminum foilRF window (fiberglass cone without foil)2.9-m (9.5-ft) cylinder2.4-m (8-ft) cylinderAcoustic blanket0.100.900.100.250.863005002.9-m (9.5-ft) Cylinder Skin2504002.4-m (8-ft) Aft Cylinder Skin200Temperature (˚F )300Cone Skin150Temperature (˚C )200Blanket at RF WindowCone Blanket10050100Cylinder BlanketSpacecraft at 21.1˚C (70 ˚ F) with emittance of 0.1000 50 100 150 200 250 300Time From Liftoff (sec)Figure 4-8. Predicted Maximum Internal Wall Temperature and InternalSurface Emittance (9.5-ft Fairing)4-14

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00885REU0.5Sparesyl Insulation onNose Cap and Cone(Skin and Separation Rail)76.2-mm (3.0-in.)-ThickAcoustic BlanketSparesyl Insulation onSeparation RailInternal Surface EmittanceNose Cap, Cone, Unblanketed Skin 0.90Acoustic Blanket 0.90Unblanketed Rail 0.10220200180Separation Rail Inner SurfaceNose Cap and Unblanketed SkinNose Cone 3.0-BlanketCylinder 3.0-in. BlanketBoattail 3.0-in. BlanketSpacecraft Separation10080Temperature (˚F)16014012060Temperature (˚C)1004080600 50 100 150Time (sec)4-15Spacecraft at 70˚F with Emittance of 0.1200250 300Figure 4-9. Predicted Maximum Internal Wall Temperature and InternalSurface Emittance (10-ft Fairing, Standard or Stretched)20

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02144.2.2.4 Dual Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) Thermal Environment. The DPAF isencompassed by the 3-m (10-ft) composite fairing, and the initial internal DPAF thermal environment(until fairing separation) is based on the fairing environment as detailed in Section transfer orbit thermal environments of the Delta II internal DPAF surfaces are shown inFigure 4-10. Maximum and minimum temperatures for the internal surface, based on worst-casesun angles, are predicted for the time of fairing separation until DPAF separation. Missionspecifictemperatures will be determined based on PMA or DTO sun-angle data.From the time of fairing separation to DPAF separation, the lower spacecraft will experience athermal radiation environment represented by the internal DPAF temperatures shown in Figure4-10.HB00886REU0.312046100806040DPAF Cylinder MaxDPAF Lower Cone MaxDPAF Upper Cone MaxContamination Barrier Max3626166Contamination Barrier = 0.71DPAF Upper Cone = 0.85DPAF Cylinder = 0.85DPAF Lower Cone = 0.85Temperature (˚F)200-20-40DPAF Lower Cone MinContamination Barrier Min-4-14-24-34-44Temperature (˚C)UpperS/CContaminationBarrier-60-54DPAF Upper Cone Min-80-64LowerS/C-100-74DPAF Cylinder Min-120-840 1800 3600 5400 7200Time (sec)DPAF Bottom PAFFigure 4-10. Predicted Maximum and Minimum Internal DPAF Temperature(Internal Emittance ≅ 0.71, 0.85)DPAFUpperConeDPAFCylinderDPAFLowerCone4.2.2.5 Third-Stage Induced Thermal Environments. The payload receives convectiveheat energy from the third-stage spin rocket plumes during burn and radiant heat energyfrom the third-stage motor plume during burn. The third-stage spin rocket plumes subject thespacecraft to a maximum heat flux of 2840 W/m 2 (0.25 Btu/ft 2 -sec) at the payload/third stage4-16

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214separation plane for the Star-48B motor and 4771 W/m 2 (0.42 Btu/ft 2 -sec) for the Star-37FM using1KS190 spin rockets. For the 1KS210 spin rockets, maximum heat flux is 6248 W/m 2 (0.55Btu/ft 2 -sec) at the payload/third-stage separation plane for the Star-48B motor and 10451 W/m 2(0.92 Btu/ft 2 -sec) for the Star-37FM. This heat flux is a pulse of 1-sec duration.The Star-48B third-stage motor plume subjects the payload to a maximum heat flux of 2044W/m 2 (0.18 Btu/ft 2 -sec) during the 87-sec burn. Plume heat flux is plotted versus radial distancein Figure 4-11. The variation of the heat flux with time during third stage burn is shown in Figure4-12. The Star-37FM third-stage motor plume subjects the payload to a maximum heat fluxof 3634 W/m 2 (0.32 Btu/ft 2 -sec) during the 65-sec burn. Plume heat flux is plotted versus radialdistance in Figure 4-13. The variation of the heat flux with time during third-stage burn is shownin Figure 4-14.0.20HB00887REU0.40.180.16BtuRadiative Heat Flux ( )ft 2 sec0. 48BSpacecraftSeparationPlane83.8 in.L0.040.02C L14.73 in.025 30 35 40Radius from Centerline (in.)45 50 55 60Figure 4-11. Predicted Star-48B Plume Radiation at the Spacecraft SeparationPlane vs. Radial Distance4-17

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02141.0HB00888REU0.20.90.8Q/Q max0.70.60.50 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90Burn Time (sec)0.35Figure 4-12. Predicted Star-48B Plume Radiation at the SpacecraftSeparation Plane vs. Burn Time0.33500BtuRadiative Heat Flux (ft 2 )sec0. PlaneL1731.2 mm(68.16 in.)30002500200015001000WQ max ( )m 20.05C L310.6 mm(12.23 in.)5000635 mm(25 in.)762 mm(30 in.)889 mm(35 in.)1016 mm 1143 mm(40 in.) (45 in.)Distance From Vehicle Centerline, L4-181270 mm(50 in.)1397 mm(55 in.)Figure 4-13. Predicted Star-37FM Plume Radiation at the Spacecraft SeparationPlane vs. Radial Distance1524 mm(60 in.)HB00889REU0.5

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02141.2HB00890REU0.110.8Q/Q max0.60.40.200 10 20 30 40 50 60 70Burn Time (sec)Figure 4-14. Predicted Star-37FM Plume Radiation at the SpacecraftSeparation Plane vs. Burn TimeAfter third-stage motor burnout, the titanium motor case temperature rises rapidly, as shown inFigures 4-15 through 4-18. The temperature history shown is the maximum expected along theforward dome of the motor case and corresponds to both the Star-48B and Star-37FM motors.Figure 4-15 corresponds to a 7925 Delta II-class payload weight of 910 kg (2006 lb) and greater.Figures 4-16 and 4-17 correspond to lighter payloads that produce a greater amount of slag andresult in greater titanium dome temperatures. Figure 4-18 corresponds to the Star-37FM, andtitanium dome temperature is not dependent on spacecraft weight. The external surface emissivityfor the Star-48B and Star-37FM motors is 0.34 and 0.2, respectively. Mission users shouldcontact the Delta Program Office for more details.The hydrazine thruster plume of the third-stage nutation control system (NCS) does not introducesignificant heating to the payload interface plane. Any appendages that protrude below theinterface plane should be evaluated for proximity to the NCS thruster. Information regarding thisplume can be provided upon request.4-19

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214700HB01244REU0.1600500Temperature (˚F)400300Forward DomeCylinderAft DomeForward Dome TemperatureFrom A to BAB66 deg2001000 100200300400500 600Time From Third-Stage Ignition (sec)Figure 4-15. Star-48B Motor Case Soakback Temperature for Payload MassGreater Than 910 kg (2006 lb)800HB01245REU0700600Temperature (˚F)500400300Forward DomeCylinderAft DomeForward Dome TemperatureFrom A to BAB66 deg2001000 100200300400500 600Time From Third-Stage Ignition (sec)Figure 4-16. Star-48B Motor Case Soakback Temperature for Payload Mass Between460 kg (1014 lb) and 910 kg (2006 lb)4-20

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01246REU0900800700Temperature (˚F)600500400Forward Dome TemperatureFrom A to B66 deg300Forward DomeCylinderAft DomeAB2001000 100200300400500 600Time From Third-Stage Ignition (sec)Figure 4-17. Star-48B Motor Case Soakback Temperature for Payload Mass Between300 kg (661 lb) and 460 kg (1014 lb)700HB01247REU0.3600500Temperature ( ºF)400300Forward Dome TemperatureFrom A to B27 in.200100AB00 100200300400500Time From Third-Stage Ignition (sec)Figure 4-18. Star-37FM Motor Case Soak Back Temperature4-21

4.2.3 Flight Dynamic EnvironmentDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The acoustic, sinusoidal, and shock environments provided in Sections,, and4.2.3.5 are based on maximum flight levels for a 95 th percentile statistical estimate. Steady-State Acceleration. For the two-stage Delta II vehicle, the maximum axialacceleration occurs at the end of the first-stage burn main engine cutoff (MECO). For thethree-stage Delta II vehicle, the maximum steady-state acceleration occurs at the end of thirdstageflight for payloads up to 890.6 kg (1963 lb) for the Star-48B and 610.0 kg (1345 lb) for theStar-37FM. Above this weight, the maximum acceleration occurs at MECO. A plot of steadystateaxial acceleration at MECO versus payload weight is shown in Figure 4-19 and is representativefor the acceleration at MECO for the 2.9-m (9.5-ft) fairing as well as the standard andstretched 3-m (10-ft) fairings. Steady-state axial acceleration versus payload weight at third-stagemotor burnout is shown in Figure 4-20.8.0HB00891REU0.8Steady-State Acceleration (g) Second-stage payload weight is defined asthe sum of the weights of the spacecraft, PAF,third stage, and spin table. The PAF, fullyloaded third stage motor, and spin table weightis 2308.8 kg (5090 lb) for the Star-48B and1308 kg (2882.9 ib) for the Star-37FM.3-Sigma High5.55.0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000Weight of Second-Stage Payload (lb)0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000Weight of Second-Stage Payload (kg)Second-StageNominal 3-Sigma HighPayload WeightAcceleration (g) Acceleration (g)(lb) (kg)5001000300050007000900011000226.8453.61360.82268.03175.14082.34989.5Figure 4-19. Axial Steady-State Acceleration at MECO vs. Payload Weight,Two-Stage and Three-Stage Missions4-

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H021418HB00892REU0.41614Steady-State Acceleration (g)121086Star-48B 3-Sigma HighStar-48B Nominal42Star-37FM 3-Sigma HighStar-37FM Nominal0500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500Spacecraft Weight (lb)200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000Spacecraft Mass (kg)Weight (lb)50010001500200025003000350040004500Spacecraft (Star-37FM Motor)Mass (kg)226.8453.6680.4907.21134.01360.81587.61814.42041.2NominalAcceleration (g) HighAcceleration (g) (lb)50010001500200025003000350040004500Spacecraft (Star-48B Motor)Mass (kg)226.8453.6680.4907.21134.01360.81587.61814.42041.2NominalAcceleration (g)15.410. HighAcceleration (g)Figure 4-20. Axial Steady-State Acceleration vs. Spacecraft Weight at Third-Stage Burnout (TECO) Combined Loads. Dynamic excitations, which occur predominantly during liftoff andtransonic periods of flight, are superimposed on steady-state accelerations to produce combinedaccelerations that must be used in the spacecraft structural design. The combined spacecraft accelerationsare a function of launch vehicle characteristics as well as spacecraft dynamic characteristicsand mass properties. To prevent dynamic coupling between the launch vehicle and thespacecraft in the low-frequency range for the three-stage Delta 792X and 792XH configurations,the spacecraft structural stiffness should produce fundamental frequencies above 35 Hz in thethrust axis and 15 Hz in the lateral axes. For three-stage Delta II 732X or 742X configurations, thespacecraft structural stiffness should produce fundamental frequencies above 35 Hz in the thrustaxis and 20 Hz in the lateral axes of the spacecraft. For all two-stage Delta II configurations, thespacecraft structural stiffness should produce fundamental frequencies above 35 Hz in the thrust16.711.

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214axis and 12 Hz in the lateral axes. The spacecraft should meet these criteria, while being hardmountedat the separation plane (without compliance from the PAF and separation clampband). Inaddition, secondary structure mode frequencies should be above 35 Hz to prevent undesirable couplingwith launch vehicle modes and/or large fairing-to-spacecraft relative dynamic deflections.The spacecraft design-limit load factors presented in Table 4-5 are applicable for spacecraft meetingthe above fundamental frequency criteria. For very flexible, lighter weight, or dual-manifestedspacecraft, the combined accelerations and subsequent design-limit load factors could be higherthan shown. The customer should consult the Delta Program Office so that appropriate analysescan be performed to better define loading conditions.Table 4-5. Payload Center-of-Gravity Limit Load Factors (g)362.8–680.3 kg(800–1500 lb)680.3–907.2 kg(1500–2000 lb)907.2–1134.0 kg(2000–2500 lb)Payload weight1134.0–2268.0 kg(2500–5000 lb)2268.0–2812.2 kg(5000–6200 lb)2812.2 kg(6200 lb)Axial Lateral Axial Lateral Axial Lateral Axial Lateral Axial Lateral Axial LateralLiftoff/Aero +2.8/ ±4.5 +2.8/ ±4.0 +2.8/ ±3.5 +2.8/ ±3.0 +2.8/ ±2.5 +2.8/ ±2.0-0.2-0.2-0.2-0.2-0.2-0.2MECO X±0.6 ±0.2 X±0.6 ±0.2 X±0.6 ±0.2 X±0.6 ±0.2 X±0.6 ±0.2 X±0.6 ±0.2TECO Y ±0.1 Y ±0.1 Y ±0.1 Y ±0.1 Y ±0.1 Y ±0.1Notes:1 Positive axial denotes compression.2. Lateral load factor provides proper bending moment at the spacecraft-to-launch-vehicle interface.3. Refer to Figures 4-19 and 4-20 for 3-sigma steady-state axial accelerations for MECO and TECO.4. Assumes that spacecraft meets minimum frequency guidelines specified in paragraph and spacecraftcenter-of-gravity (CG) offset from the vehicle centerline is less than 20.3 mm (0.8 in.)5. TECO: Third-stage burn-out. Acoustic Environment. The maximum acoustic environment for the payloadoccurs during liftoff and transonic flight. The duration of the maximum environment is less than10 sec. The payload acoustic environment is a function of the configuration of the launch vehicle,the fairing, and the fairing acoustic blankets. Section 3 defines the fairing blanket configurations.Table 4-6 identifies figures that define the payload acoustic environment for severalversions of the Delta II. The maximum flight level payload acoustic environments for the blanketedregion for different Delta II launch vehicle configurations are defined in Figures 4-21 and4-22 based on typical spacecraft with payload bay fills up to 60%. Launch vehicles with payloadbay fills above 80% will experience approximately 1-1/2 dB higher levels. The overall soundpressure level (OASPL) for each acoustic environment is also shown in the figures.4-24

Delta II launch vehicleconfiguration73207325, 73267425, 7426742079207925, 79267320-10, -10L7325-10, -10L7326-10, -10L7420-10, -10L7425-10, -10L7426-10, -10L7920-10, -10L7925-10, -10L7926-10, -10LTable 4-6. Spacecraft Acoustic Environment Figure ReferencesDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Mission typeFairingconfigurationFairing acoustic blanketconfigurationSpacecraft acousticenvironmentTwo-stage and three-stage 2.9-m dia (9.5-ft) dia 76.2-mm (3-in.) configuration See Figure 4-21Two-stage and three-stage3.0-m (10-ft) dia and3.0-m (-10L)stretched fairings76.2-mm (3-in.) configuration See Figure 4-22Sound Pressure Level (dB)1501401301201101007900 Two-Stage7400 Two-Stage7400 Three-Stage7900 Three-Stage9031.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000One-Third Octave Center Frequency (Hz)Notes:1) 7300 vehicle configuration environments are 0.5 dB lower than7400 vehicle configuration environments2) For 792XH vehicle configuration environments, contact theDelta Program OfficeOne-ThirdOctave CenterFrequency(Hz)31.5405063801001251602002503154005006308001,0001,2501,6002,0002,5003,1504,0005,0006,3008,00010,000OASPLDuration7900Three-StageMission121.5124.0127.0127.5128.5129.0129.5129.5130.0130.0130.0129.0126.5124.0121.0117.0114.5112.0109.5108.0106.5104.5104.0103.0102.5102.5139.810 sec7900Two-StageMission121.5124.0127.0127.5128.5129.5130.5131.0132.0133.0135.0139.0140.5138.0133.0131.0130.5130.5128.5127.0127.0125.0124.0120.5119.5118.5146.610 sec7400Three-StageMission119.9122.5127.0126.1127.2127.8128.3128.4129.0129.1129.1128.2126.5124.0121.0117.0114.5112.0109.5108.0106.5104.5104.0103.0102.5102.5138.910 secFigure 4-21. Predicted Delta II Acoustic Environments for 9.5-ft Fairing MissionsHB00956REU0.47400Two-StageMission119.9122.5127.0126.1127.2128.3129.3129.9131.0132.1134.1138.2140.5138.0133.0131.0130.5130.5128.5127.0127.0125.0124.0120.5119.5118.5146.210 sec4-25

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Sound Pressure Level (dB)14090 3,1504,000111.0Maximum Flight Levels (dB)7900 Vehicle, Two-Stage and Three-Stage One-Third Octave130120Center Frequency(Hz)31405063801001251602007900Configuration119.5122.5126.5128.0130.0130.0130.0130.5131.57400 Vehicle, Two-Stage and Three-Stage250132.5110315131.5400128.0500630800125.0122.0120.01001,000118.01,250117.01,6002,0002,500116.5116.0115.031 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 80005,000107.0One-Third Octave Center Frequency (Hz)6,300103.0Notes:8,000100.01) 7300 vehicle configuration environments are 0.5 dB10,00098.0lower than 7400 vehicle configuration environments2) For 792XH vehicle configuration environments, contactOASPLDuration140.65 secthe Delta Program OfficeHB00957REU0.57400Configuration119.5122.5125.5127.0129.0129.0129.0129.5130.5131.5130.5127.0124.0122.0120.0118.0117.0116.5116.0115.0113.5111.0107.0103.0100.098.0139.75 secFigure 4-22. Predicted Delta II Acoustic Environments for 10-ft and -10L Fairing MissionsThe acoustic environments shown here for missions with a 10-ft fairing also envelop those formissions with a 10-ft-long (-10L) fairing or with a DPAF. The acoustic environment producesthe dominant high-frequency random vibration responses in the payload. A properly performedacoustic test offers the best simulation of the acoustically-induced random vibration environment.(See Section No significant high-frequency random vibration inputs at thePAF/spacecraft interface are generated by the Delta II launch vehicle; consequently, a randomvibration environment is not specified at this interface. Sinusoidal Vibration Environment. The payload will experience sinusoidal vibrationinputs during flight as a result of launch, ascent transients, and oscillatory flight events.The maximum flight level sinusoidal vibration inputs are defined in Figures 4-23 and 4-24.These sinusoidal vibration levels envelope low-frequency flight dynamic events such as liftofftransients, transonic/maximum Q oscillations, pre-MECO sinusoidal oscillations, MECO transients,and second/third-stage events. The levels provided in Figures 4-23 and 4-24 are limitlevelacceleration and should be multiplied by the appropriate qualification factor when used forspacecraft qualification.4-26

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Acceleration (g)Acceleration (g) Delta II VehiclesMaximum Flight Levels, Thrust AxisMaximum Flight Levels, Lateral Axis10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110Frequency (Hz)Three-Stage Delta II Vehicles1.51.4Maximum Flight Levels, Thrust Axis1.3Maximum Flight Levels, Lateral Axis1. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110Frequency (Hz)Note: For DPAF missions contact the Delta Program Office.AxisThrustLateralFrequency(Hz)56.2202560801005102025354550100MaximumFlight Levels(g)0.641.001.000.400.400.600.600.400.401.201.200.500.500.700.70HB5T072021.2Notes:1) Lateral accelerations to be applied in anyspacecraft lateral direction2) Vibration inputs are defined at the base ofthe payload attach fittingAxisThrustLateralFrequency(Hz)56.22550901005405080100MaximumFlight Levels(g)0.641.001.000.300.300.400.500.500.300.200.20Notes:1) Lateral accelerations to be applied in anyspacecraft lateral direction2) Vibration inputs are defined at the top ofthe payload attach fittingFigure 4-23. Delta II Sinusoidal Vibration Levels (Q=10) Except MECO for all Delta II Vehicles4-27

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Acceleration (g)Acceleration (g) Delta II Vehicles and Lower DPAFMaximum Flight Levels, Thrust AxisMaximum Flight Levels, Lateral AxisMaximum Flight Levels, Thrust AxisMaximum Flight Levels, Lateral AxisAxisThrustLateralFrequency(Hz)HB5T072022.260 70 80Notes:1) Lateral accelerations to be applied in anyspacecraft lateral direction90 100 110 120 130 140 1502) Vibration inputs are defined at the base ofFrequency (Hz)the payload attach fitting3) For upper DPAF, please contact the DeltaProgram OfficeThree-Stage Delta II VehiclesAxisThrustLateral85901051101201408590105110120140Frequency(Hz)110125110125MaximumFlight Levels(g)1.301.751.752.202.201.500.350.500.650.850.850.45MaximumFlight Levels(g)0.500.500.200.20Notes:1) Lateral accelerations to be applied in anyspacecraft lateral direction2) Vibration inputs are defined at the top ofthe payload attach fitting0.20.10.090 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170Frequency (Hz)Figure 4-24. Delta II Recommended MECO Sinusoidal Vibration Levels (Q=10)The sinusoidal vibration levels in Figures 4-23 and 4-24 are not intended for use in the designof spacecraft primary structure; limit load factors for spacecraft primary structure design arespecified in Table 4-5.The sinusoidal vibration levels should be used in conjunction with the results of the coupleddynamic loads analysis to aid in the design of secondary structure (e.g., solar arrays, antennae,appendages) that may experience dynamic loading due to coupling with the launch vehicle lowfrequencydynamic oscillations. Notching of the sinusoidal vibration input levels at spacecraftfundamental frequencies may be required during testing and should be based on the results of thevehicle coupled dynamic loads analysis. (See Section Shock Environment. The maximum shock environment at the PAF/spacecraft interfaceoccurs during spacecraft separation from the launch vehicle and is a function of the PAF/4-28

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214spacecraft separation system configuration. Table 4-7 lists the figures that define the shock environmentat the spacecraft interface for various missions, PAF configurations, and types of separationsystems. Shock levels at the PAF/spacecraft interface due to other flight shock events,such as stage separation, fairing separation, and engine ignition/shutdown, are not significantcompared to the spacecraft separation shock environment.Table 4-7. Spacecraft Interface Shock Environment Figure ReferencesMission Type PAF Configuration Spacecraft Separation System Type Spacecraft Interface Shock EnvironmentThree-stage3712A 939.8-mm (37-in.)-dia V-block clamp See Figure 4-253712B3712C3724CTwo-stage 3715 939.8-mm (37-in.)-dia V-block clamp See Figure 4-25Two-stage 6306 1600-mm (63-in.)-dia V-block clamp See Figure 4-26Two-stage 6019 1524-mm (60-in.) diaSee Figure 4-27Three explosive separation nutsTwo-stage 6915 1752.6-mm (69-in.) diaSee Figure 4-27Four explosive separation nutsTwo-stage 5624 1422.4-mm (56-in.)-dia V-block clamp See Figure 4-28The maximum flight level shock environments at the PAF/spacecraft interface defined in Figures4-25 through 4-28 are intended to aid in the design of spacecraft components and secondarystructure that may be sensitive to high-frequency pyrotechnic-shock. As is typical for this type ofshock, the level dissipates rapidly with distance and the number of joints between the shocksource and the component of interest. A properly performed system-level shock test offers thebest simulation of the high-frequency pyrotechnic shock environment. (See Section Response Spectrum1500 Hz4100 g3000 HzQ=10Peak Acceleration Response (g)100010040 g1010 100 1000 10000Frequency (Hz)Figure 4-25. Maximum Flight Spacecraft Interface Shock Environment 3712A, 3712B, 3712C, 3715,3724C Payload Attach Fitting4-29

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H021410000Shock Response SpectrumHB01029REU0.1Q=10800 Hz3000 gPeak Acceleration Response (g)10001003000 Hz1010 100 1000 10000Frequency (Hz)Figure 4-26. Maximum Flight Spacecraft Interface Shock Environment 6306 Payload Attach FittingHB01028REU0.110000Shock Response Spectrum4000 Hz5500 gQ=102500 g5000 HzPeak Acceleration Response (g)1000100350 Hz1700 Hz2000 g1010 100 1000 10000Frequency (Hz)Figure 4-27. Maximum Flight Spacecraft Interface Shock Environment 6019 and6915 Payload Attach Fitting4-30

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H021410000Shock Response SpectrumHB01030REU0Q=10900 Hz3000 gPeak Acceleration Response (g)100010050 g3000 Hz1010 100 1000 10000Frequency (Hz)Figure 4-28. Maximum Flight Spacecraft Interface Shock Environment 5624 Payload Attach Fitting4.2.4 Payload Qualification and Acceptance TestingThis section outlines a series of environmental system-level qualification, acceptance, andprotoflight tests for payloads launched on Delta II vehicles. The tests presented here are, bynecessity, generalized so as to encompass numerous payload configurations. For this reason,each payload should be critically evaluated for its own specific requirements and detailed testspecifications developed and tailored to its particular requirements. Coordination with the DeltaProgram Office during the development of test specifications is encouraged to ensure the adequacyof the payload test approach.The qualification test levels presented in this section are intended to ensure that the payloadpossesses adequate design margin to withstand the maximum expected Delta II dynamic environmentalloads, even with minor weight and design variations. The acceptance test levels areintended to verify adequate spacecraft manufacture and workmanship by subjecting the flightspacecraft to maximum expected flight environments. The protoflight test approach is intendedto combine verification of adequate design margin and adequacy of spacecraft manufacture andworkmanship by subjecting the flight spacecraft to protoflight test levels, which are equal toqualification test levels with reduced durations. Structural Load Testing. Structural load testing is performed by the user to demonstratethe design integrity of the primary structural elements of the spacecraft. These loads are4-31

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214based on worst-case conditions as defined in Sections and Maximum flight loadswill be increased by a factor of 1.25 to determine qualification test loads.A test PAF is required to provide proper load distribution at the spacecraft interface. The customershall consult the Delta Program Office before developing the structural load test plan andshall obtain concurrence for the test load magnitude to ensure that the PAF will not be stressedbeyond its load-carrying capability.When the maximum axial load is controlled by the third stage, radial accelerations due to spinmust be included. Spacecraft combined-loading qualification testing is accomplished by a staticload test or on a centrifuge. Generally, static load tests can be readily performed on structureswith easily defined load paths, whereas for complex spacecraft assemblies, centrifuge testingmay be the most economical. Acoustic Testing. The maximum flight level acoustic environments defined in Section4.2.3.3 are increased by 3.0 dB for spacecraft acoustic qualification and protoflight testing.The acoustic test duration is 120 sec for qualification testing and 60 sec for protoflight testing. Forspacecraft acoustic acceptance testing, the acoustic test levels are equal to the maximum flightlevel acoustic environments defined in Section The acoustic acceptance test duration is60 sec. The acoustic qualification, acceptance, and protoflight test levels for several of the Delta IIlaunch vehicle configurations are defined in Tables 4-8, 4-9, and 4-10.The acoustic test tolerances are +4 dB and -2 dB from 50 Hz to 2000 Hz. Above and belowthese frequencies, the acoustic test levels should be maintained as close to the nominal test levelsas possible within the limitations of the test facility. The OASPL should be maintained within+3 dB and -1 dB of the nominal overall test level.4-32

One-third octavecenter frequency(Hz)Table 4-8. Acoustic Test Levels, Delta II, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Fairing,Three-Stage Mission, 3-in. Blanket Configuration7900 configuration** 7400 configuration*Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Acceptancetest levels (dB)Qualificationtest levels (dB)Protoflight testlevels (dB)Acceptance testlevels (dB)Qualificationtest levels (dB)31.5 121.5 124.5 124.5 119.9 122.9 122.940 124.0 127.0 127.0 122.5 125.5 125.550 127.0 130.0 130.0 127.0 130.0 130.063 127.5 130.5 130.5 126.1 129.1 129.180 128.5 131.5 131.5 127.2 130.2 130.2100 129.0 132.0 132.0 127.8 130.8 130.8125 129.5 132.5 132.5 128.3 131.3 131.3160 129.5 132.5 132.5 128.4 131.4 131.4200 130.0 133.0 133.0 129.0 132.0 132.0250 130.0 133.0 133.0 129.1 132.1 132.1315 130.0 133.0 133.0 129.1 132.1 132.1400 129.0 132.0 132.0 128.2 131.2 131.2500 126.5 129.5 129.5 126.5 129.5 129.5630 124.0 127.0 127.0 124.0 127.0 127.0800 121.0 124.0 124.0 121.0 124.0 124.01000 117.0 120.0 120.0 117.0 120.0 120.01250 114.5 117.5 117.5 114.5 117.5 117.51600 112.0 115.0 115.0 112.0 115.0 115.02000 109.5 112.5 112.5 109.5 112.5 112.52500 108.0 111.0 111.0 108.0 111.0 111.03150 106.5 109.5 109.5 106.5 109.5 109.54000 104.5 107.5 107.5 104.5 107.5 107.55000 104.0 107.0 107.0 104.0 107.0 107.06300 103.0 106.0 106.0 103.0 106.0 106.08000 102.5 105.5 105.5 102.5 105.5 105.510000 102.5 105.5 105.5 102.5 105.5 105.5OASPL 139.8 142.8 142.8 138.9 141.9 141.9Duration 60 sec 120 sec 60 sec 60 sec 120 sec 60 sec*Note: 7300 vehicle configuration environments are 0.5 dB below 7400 configuration vehicle environments.**For 792XH vehicle configuration environments, contact the Delta Program Office.Protoflight testlevels (dB)4-33

One-thirdoctave centerfrequency(Hz)Table 4-9. Acoustic Test levels, Delta II, 2.9-m (9.5-ft)-dia Fairing,Two-Stage Mission, 3-in. Blanket Configuration7900 configuration** 7400 configuration*Acceptancetest levels(dB)Qualificationtest levels(dB)Protoflighttest levels(dB)Acceptancetest levels(dB)Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Qualificationtest levels(dB)Protoflighttest levels(dB)31.5 121.5 124.5 124.5 119.9 122.9 122.940 124.0 127.0 127.0 122.5 125.5 125.550 127.0 130.0 130.0 127.0 130.0 130.063 127.5 130.5 130.5 126.1 129.1 129.180 128.5 131.5 131.5 127.2 130.2 130.2100 129.5 132.5 132.5 128.3 131.3 131.3125 130.5 133.5 133.5 129.3 132.3 132.3160 131.0 134.0 134.0 129.9 132.9 132.9200 132.0 135.0 135.0 131.0 134.0 134.0250 133.0 136.0 136.0 132.1 135.1 135.1315 135.0 138.0 138.0 134.1 137.1 137.1400 139.0 142.0 142.0 138.2 141.2 141.2500 140.5 143.5 143.5 140.5 143.5 143.5630 138.0 141.0 141.0 138.0 141.0 141.0800 133.0 136.0 136.0 133.0 136.0 136.01000 131.0 134.0 134.0 131.0 134.0 134.01250 130.5 133.5 133.5 130.5 133.5 133.51600 130.5 133.5 133.5 130.5 133.5 133.52000 128.5 131.5 131.5 128.5 131.5 131.52500 127.0 130.0 130.0 127.0 130.0 130.03150 127.0 130.0 130.0 127.0 130.0 130.04000 125.0 128.0 128.0 125.0 128.0 128.05000 124.0 127.0 127.0 124.0 127.0 127.06300 120.5 123.5 123.5 120.5 123.5 123.58000 119.5 122.5 122.5 119.5 122.5 122.510000 118.5 121.5 121.5 118.5 121.5 121.5OASPL 146.6 149.6 149.6 146.2 149.2 149.2Duration 60 sec 120 sec 60 sec 60 sec 120 sec 60 sec*Note: 7300 vehicle configuration environments are 0.5 dB below 7400 configuration vehicle environments.**Note: For 792XH vehicle configuration environments, contact the Delta Program Office.4-34

One-thirdoctave centerfrequency(Hz)Table 4-10. Acoustic Test Levels, Delta II, 3.0-m (10-ft)-dia Fairing,Two- and Three-Stage Missions, 3-in. Blanket ConfigurationAcceptance testlevels(dB)7900 Configuration** 7400 Configuration*Qualification test Protoflight test Acceptance test Qualification testlevelslevelslevelslevels(dB)(dB)(dB)(dB)Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Protoflight testlevels(dB)31.5 119.5 122.5 122.5 119.5 122.5 122.540 122.5 125.5 125.5 122.5 125.5 125.550 126.5 129.5 129.5 125.5 128.5 128.563 128.0 131.0 131.0 127.0 130.0 130.080 130.0 133.0 133.0 129.0 132.0 132.0100 130.0 133.0 133.0 129.0 132.0 132.0125 130.0 133.0 133.0 129.0 132.0 132.0160 130.5 133.5 133.5 129.5 132.5 132.5200 131.5 134.5 134.5 130.5 133.5 133.5250 132.5 135.5 135.5 131.5 134.5 134.5315 131.5 134.5 134.5 130.5 133.5 133.5400 128.0 131.0 131.0 127.0 130.0 130.0500 125.0 128.0 128.0 124.0 127.0 127.0630 122.0 125.0 125.0 122.0 125.0 125.0800 120.0 123.0 123.0 120.0 123.0 123.01000 118.0 121.0 121.0 118.0 121.0 121.01250 117.0 120.0 120.0 117.0 120.0 120.01600 116.5 119.5 119.5 116.5 119.5 119.52000 116.0 119.0 119.0 116.0 119.0 119.02500 115.0 118.0 118.0 115.0 118.0 118.03150 113.5 116.5 116.5 113.5 116.5 116.54000 111.0 114.0 114.0 111.0 114.0 114.05000 107.0 110.0 110.0 107.0 110.0 110.06300 103.0 106.0 106.0 103.0 106.0 106.08000 100.0 103.0 103.0 100.0 103.0 103.010000 98.0 101.0 101.0 98.0 101.0 101.0OASPL 140.6 143.6 143.6 139.7 142.7 142.7Duration 60 sec 120 sec 60 sec 60 sec 120 sec 60 sec*Note: 7300 vehicle configuration acoustic environments are 0.5 dB below 7400 configuration environments.**Note: For 792XH vehicle configuration environments, contact the Delta Program Office. Sinusoidal Vibration Testing. The maximum flight-level sinusoidal vibration environmentsdefined in Section are typically increased by 3.0 dB (a factor of 1.4) forspacecraft qualification and protoflight testing. For spacecraft acceptance testing, the sinusoidalvibration test levels are equal to the maximum flight level sinusoidal vibration environments definedin Section The sinusoidal vibration acceptance, qualification, and protoflight testlevels for all Delta II launch vehicle configurations are defined in Table 4-11. Contact the DeltaProgram Office for MECO environment testing guidelines.4-35

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 4-11. Delta II Sinusoidal Vibration Test LevelsTwo-Stage Delta II VehiclesSine Test Axis Frequency (Hz) Test Levels Sweep RateAcceptance Thrust/Lateral 5 to 100 Figure 4-23 4 octaves/minProtoflightThrust 50.64 g4 octaves/min7.41.40 gQualification7.4 to 100 Figure 4-23 + 3.0 dBLateral 5 to 100 Figure 4-23 + 3.0 dB 4 octaves/minThrust 50.64 g2 octaves/min7.41.40 g7.4 to 100 Figure 4-23 + 3.0 dBLateral 5 to 100 Figure 4-23 + 3.0 dB 2 octaves/minNotes: (1) Lateral accelerations to be applied in any spacecraft lateral direction.(2) Vibration inputs are defined at the base of the payload attach fitting.Three-Stage Delta II VehiclesSine Test Axis Frequency (Hz) Test Levels Sweep RateAcceptance Thrust/Lateral 5 to 100 Table 4-7 4 octaves/minProtoflightQualificationThrust 57.47.4 to 100Lateral 55.25.2 to 100Thrust 57.47.4 to 100Lateral 55.25.2 to 100Notes: (1) Lateral accelerations to be applied in any spacecraft lateral direction.(2) Vibration inputs are defined at the top of the payload attach fitting.0.64 g1.40 gFigure 4-23 + 3.0 dB0.64 g0.70 gFigure 4-23 + 3.0 dB0.64 g1.40 gFigure 4-23 + 3.0 dB0.64 g0.70 gFigure 4-23 + 3.0 dB4 octaves/min4 octaves/min2 octaves/min2 octaves/minThe spacecraft sinusoidal vibration qualification test consists of one sweep through the specifiedfrequency range using a logarithmic sweep rate of 2 octaves per minute. For spacecraft acceptanceand protoflight testing, the test consists of one sweep through the specified frequency range using alogarithmic sweep rate of 4 octaves per minute. The sinusoidal vibration test input levels should bemaintained within ±10% of the nominal test levels throughout the test frequency range.When testing a spacecraft with a laboratory shaker, it is not within the current state of the artto duplicate at the shaker input the boundary conditions that actually occur in flight. This is notablyevident in the spacecraft lateral axis during test, when the shaker applies large vibratoryforces to maintain a constant acceleration input level at the spacecraft fundamental lateral testfrequencies. The response levels experienced by the spacecraft at these fundamental frequenciesduring test are usually much more severe than those experienced in flight. The significant lateralloading to the spacecraft during flight is usually governed by the effects of spacecraft/launchvehicle dynamic coupling.Where it can be shown by a spacecraft launch vehicle coupled-dynamic-loads analysis that thespacecraft or PAF/spacecraft assembly would experience unrealistic response levels during test,the sinusoidal vibration input level can be reduced (notched) at the fundamental resonances ofthe hardmounted spacecraft or PAF/spacecraft assembly to more realistically simulate flightloading conditions. This has been accomplished on many previous spacecraft in the lateral axisby correlating one or several accelerometers mounted on the spacecraft to the bending moment at4-36

4-37Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214the PAF/spacecraft separation plane. The bending moment is then limited by (1) introducing anarrow-band notch into the sinusoidal vibration input program or (2) controlling the input by aservo system using a selected accelerometer on the spacecraft as the limiting monitor. A redundantaccelerometer is usually used as a backup monitor to prevent shaker runaway.When developing the sinusoidal vibration test plan, the customer should coordinate with theDelta Program Office. Shock Testing. High-frequency pyrotechnic shock levels are very difficult to simulatemechanically on a shaker at the spacecraft-system level. The most direct method for this testingis to use a Delta II flight configuration PAF/spacecraft separation system and PAF structurewith functional ordnance devices. Spacecraft qualification and protoflight shock testing are performedby installing the in-flight configuration of the PAF/spacecraft separation system and activatingthe system twice. Spacecraft shock acceptance testing is performed in a similar manner byactivating the PAF/spacecraft separation system once.4.2.5 Dynamic Analysis Criteria and Balance RequirementsStandard payload separation attitude and rate dispersions are shown in Table 4-12. Dispersionsare defined for each vehicle configuration and consist of all known error sources. Dispersions areaffected by spacecraft mass properties and center of gravity (CG) offsets. Mission-specific attitudeand rate dispersions are defined in the payload/expended stage separation analysis.Table 4-12. Standard Payload Separation Attitudes/RatesPayload separation attitude and rate dispersions (3-σ values)Configuration Spinning PAFAttitude(deg)Rate(dps)MomentumvectorConeangleTwo StageNo 6306, 6019, 6915 (1) ,4717 (1)

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214and must be coordinated with the Delta Program Office. For missions using all other separationsystems, i.e., springs, the 2-in. lateral CG offset requirement does not apply and mission-specificanalysis is required to quantify the maximum allowable spacecraft lateral CG offset.Two-Step Separation System. For missions in which there is a critical constraint on separationtipoff angular rate, a two-step (secondary latch) separation system can be employed. The6306, 6019, 6915, and 4717 PAFs support secondary latch systems. The second stage and spacecraftare held together by loose-fitting latches following primary separation of the nuts and boltsor clampbands. After a sufficient time (30 sec) for the angular rates to dissipate, the latches arereleased and the second-stage retro thrust provides the required relative separation velocity fromthe spacecraft.Second-Stage Roll Rate Capability. For some two-stage missions, the spacecraft may requirea low roll rate at separation. The Delta II second stage can command roll rates up to 5 rpm (30deg/sec) using control jets. Higher roll rates are also possible; however, accuracy is degraded asthe rate increases. Roll rates higher than 5 rpm (30 deg/sec) must be assessed relative to specificspacecraft requirements. Significantly higher roll rates may require the use of a spin-tableassembly. Three-Stage Missions. Three-stage missions employ a spin-stabilized upper stage.The spin table, third-stage motor, PAF, and spacecraft combination are accelerated to the initialspin rate prior to third-stage ignition by the activation of two to eight spin rockets mounted onthe spin table. Two rocket sizes are available to achieve the desired spin rate.Spin Balance Requirements. To minimize the cone angle and momentum vector pointingerror of the spacecraft/third-stage combination after second-stage separation, it is necessary thatthe imbalance of the spacecraft alone be within specified values. The spacecraft should be balancedto produce a 3-σ maximum CG within 1.3 mm (0.05 in.) of the centerline, and a 3-σmaximum principal axis misalignment of less than 0.25 deg with respect to the centerline. Thespacecraft centerline is defined as a line perpendicular to the separation plane of the spacecraftthat passes through the center of the theoretical spacecraft/PAF diameter (refer to Section 5).A composite balance of the entire third-stage/spacecraft assembly is not required. It has beenshown analytically that the improvements derived from a composite balance were generallysmall and do not justify the handling risk associated with spacecraft spin balance on a live motor.For most spinning spacecraft, it has been demonstrated that the static and dynamic balancelimits defined herein can be satisfied. For missions where such a constraint may be difficult tosatisfy, the effects of broadened tolerances are analyzed on a per-case basis.The angular momentum/velocity pointing errors and cone angle are highly dependent upon thespacecraft spin rate, CG location, moments and products of inertia, NCS operation during4-38

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214upper-stage motor burn and coast periods, and the spacecraft energy dissipation sources. The DeltaProgram Office, therefore, should be consulted if the above constraints cannot be met. Pointingerrors and cone angles are estimated as required for the mission-specific spacecraft characteristics.Spin Rate Capability. Spin-up of the third stage/spacecraft combination is accomplished byactivating small rocket motors mounted on the spin table that supports the payload. Spin directionis clockwise, looking forward. Spin rates from 30 to 110 rpm are attainable for a large range ofspacecraft roll moments of inertia (MOI) as shown in Figure 4-29 for the Star-48B third stagemotor and 30 to 60 rpm as shown in Figure 4-30 for the Star-37FM third-stage motor. Nominalspin rates can be provided within ±5 rpm for any value specified in the region of spin rate capability.Once a nominal spin rate has been determined, 3-σ variations in relevant parameters will causea spin rate prediction uncertainty of ±15% about that nominal value at spacecraft separation.120HB00893REU0.1100Spin Rate (rpm)806040Region ofSpin Rate Capability200100 200 300 400 500 600 700Spacecraft Roll MOI (slug-ft 2 )136 271 407 542 678 813 949Spacecraft Roll MOI (kg-m 2 )Figure 4-29. Delta II Star-48B Spin Rate Capability4-39

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00894REU0.1605040Region ofSpin Rate CapabilitySpin Rate (rpm)302010050 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500Spacecraft Roll MOI (slug-ft 2 )136 271 407 542 678Spacecraft Roll MOI (kg-m 2 )Figure 4-30. Delta II Star-37FM Spin Rate CapabilityBecause orbit errors are dependent upon spin rate, the magnitude of the orbit errors must beassessed relative to the mission requirements and spacecraft mass properties before final resolutionof the spin rate for a specific spacecraft mission is accomplished.For three-stage missions requiring low to zero spin rate at spacecraft separation, a yo-yodespin system can be employed to reduce the spin rate prior to spacecraft separation. Negativespin rates can be targeted with the despin system to compensate for the effects of residual spinningof propellants in the spacecraft tanks. The uncertainty in the spin rate after despin is afunction of the uncertainty in the spacecraft spin MOI. Three-sigma spin rate uncertainties of ±5rpm can be achieved for spacecraft spin MOI uncertainties of ±5%. If a tighter spin rate toleranceis required, measurement of the spacecraft spin MOI may be required.Angular Acceleration. The maximum angular acceleration loads imparted to the spacecraftoccur during spin-up. The maximum angular acceleration that will occur while attaining adesired spin rate is fixed by spin motor thrust characteristics.The Delta II spin system uses two different spin motors in various combinations to attain specifiedspin rates. Figures 4-31 and 4-32 show the maximum angular acceleration that could beincurred by the system for the Star-48B and Star-37FM motors, respectively. Two curves areshown on each figure, one for a nominal propellant temperature condition of 70°F (21.1°C) and theother for a maximum spin rocket allowable temperature of 130°F (54.4°C) and +3-σ burn rate.4-40

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H021416HB00895REU0.114Angular Acceleration (rad/sec 2 )1210864Normal+3-Sigma230 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110Spin Rate (rpm)8Figure 4-31. Maximum Expected Angular Acceleration vs. Spin Rate—Star-48BHB00896REU0.17Angular Acceleration (rad/sec 2 )6543Normal+3-Sigma230 40 50 60Spin Rate (rpm)Figure 4-32. Maximum Expected Angular Acceleration vs. Spin Rate—Star-37FM4-41

4-42Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Figures 4-28 and 4-29 are based on the maximum motor thrust, which occurs for a duration ofapproximately 30 msec during ignition. If the maximum acceleration is excessive, a detailed angularacceleration history can be provided for customer evaluation. If not tolerable, special provisionssuch as sequential firing of spin motors can be considered.Spacecraft Energy Dissipation During Coast Periods. Dissipation of energy caused byspacecraft nutation dampers, fuel slosh in the propellant tanks, inertial propellant waves, flexibleantennas, etc., can cause divergence in the cone angle between the spin axis of the spacecraft/third-stagecombination and its angular momentum vector when the spin MOI is less thanthe transverse MOI, affecting orbit accuracy, clearance between the spacecraft and the PAF duringseparation, and spacecraft coning/momentum pointing after separation.The effect of energy dissipation is highly dependent on the mass properties and spin rate of thespacecraft/third stage combination. In order for Boeing to evaluate the effect on a particular mission,the customer must provide a worst-case energy dissipation time constant for the combinedthird stage and spacecraft for conditions before and after third-stage burn. Time constants of150 sec (pre-burn) and 50 sec (post-burn) are the design goal, but additional analysis would berequired for values below 150 sec and 50 sec. Mass properties for the Star-48B and the Star-37FM third stages are shown in Table 4-13.Table 4-13. Third-Stage Mass PropertiesStar-48BStar-37FMBefore motor After motorBeforeAfter motorignitionburnout motor ignition burnoutWeight (kg/lb) 2227/4910 206/454 1245/2745 172/380CG aft of spacecraft separation plane780/30.7 815/32.1 709/27.9 676/26.6(mm/in.)Spin MOI (kg-m 2 /slug-ft 2 ) 390/288 50/37 141/104 34/25Transverse MOI (kg-m 2 /slug-ft 2 ) 457/337 95/70 199/147 58/43NCS nominal characteristics are listed in Table 4-14. For Star-48B missions, spacecraftweights less than 1250 lb may require additional NCS modifications due to the high third-stageburnout acceleration.Propellant weightHelium prepressureThrustMinimum Isp (pulsing mode)Pressure at end of blowdownTransverse rate thresholdTable 4-14. Nutation Control System Nominal Characteristics2.72 kg/6.00 lb2.26 10 6 N/m 2 /400 psia164.6 N/37 lb202.5 sec9.7 x 10 5 N/m 2 /141 psia2 deg/secNutation Control System. The NCS is designed to maintain small cone angles of the combinedupper stage and spacecraft and operates during the motor burn and post-burn coast phase.The NCS is required for missions using the yo-yo despin system.The NCS design concept uses a single-axis rate gyro assembly (RGA) to sense coning and amonopropellant (hydrazine) propulsion module to provide control thrust. The RGA angular ratesignal is processed by circuitry that generates thruster on/off commands.

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Section 5PAYLOAD INTERFACESThis section presents the detailed descriptions and requirements of the mechanical and electricalinterfaces between the payload and the Delta II family of launch vehicles for two- and threestagemissions. Boeing uses a heritage design approach for its payload attach fittings (PAFs);hence, unique interface requirements can be accommodated through natural extension of provendesigns.5.1 DELTA II PAYLOAD ATTACH FITTINGSThe Delta II vehicle offers several PAFs for use with three available payload fairings (Figures5-1 and 5-2). The first two digits of each PAF’s designation indicate its payload interface diameterin inches, and the last two digits indicate the PAF’s height in inches. All PAFs are designedsuch that payload electrical interfaces and separation springs can be located to accommodatespecific customer requirements. Because of the development time and cost associated with a customPAF, it is advantageous to use existing PAF designs. Selection of an appropriate PAF shouldbe coordinated with the Delta Program Office as early as possible.5.1.1 Customer-Provided Payload Attach FittingsSpacecraft customers may use their own PAF instead of using a Delta-provided one. If thecustomer prefers to use its own PAF, rather than selecting a Delta-provided PAF, special interfacerequirements must be coordinated with the Delta Program Office. In addition to the typicallaunch vehicle flight interface requirements, there are special hardware provisions required foroperations, including spacecraft transport to the pad and mating to the launch vehicle. Requirementsinclude but are not limited to index holes and specific holes with attached nuts or insertson the spacecraft side of the interface. These features facilitate proper clocking during the matingoperation with the launch vehicle. It is strongly recommended that the customer coordinatewith the Delta Program Office early in the mission-design process.5.2 PAYLOAD ATTACH FITTINGS FOR THREE-STAGE MISSIONSThere are four standard PAFs available for three-stage missions. The 3712 PAF (Figure 5-3)comes in three forward flange configurations, designated 3712A, 3712B, and 3712C. The 3724PAF is available with one forward flange configuration, designated 3724C. The maximumclampband flight preload for the 3712 and 3724 configurations is given in Table 5-1.The Delta II vehicle third stage consists of either an Alliant Techsystems Star-48B or Star-37FM solid rocket motor, a cylindrical PAF with a clamp assembly and four separation springactuators, a nutation control system (NCS) that is standard with the Star-48B and optional for theStar-37FM, an ordnance sequencing system, and a yo-weight system for tumbling the stage afterspacecraft separation. If required, a yo-yo weight despin system can be incorporated into the5-1

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Model/Mass3712A3712B3712C45.4 kg/100 lb3724C56.7 kg/125 lb562443.1 kg/95 lb630647.6 kg/105 lb601970.3 kg/155 lb691593.0 kg/205 lb471781.6 kg/180 lb371586.2 kg/190 lbNote: All dimensions are in mm(in.)Electrical Disconnect(two places)Noted diaSeparationMechanismNoted diaClampband,Springs5-2FeaturesThree-Stage Missions: Two instrumented studsverify clampband preload. Retention systemprevents clampband recontact. Four matchedspring actuators reduce separation-induced tipoffrates. Two 37-pin spacecraft interface electricalconnectors across the separation plane.Note:945.3dia for 3712A(37.215)958.9dia for 3712B, 3712C, and 3724C(37.750)1423.21423.2 Two-Stage Missions: Two instrumented(56.030) dia (56.030) dia studs verify clampband preload. Retentionsystem prevents clampband recontact. FourClampband, matched spring actuators reduce tipoff rates.Springs Two 37-pin spacecraft interface electricalconnectors across the separation plane.Instrumented Bolt and Cutter (two places) 1604.7 Two-Stage Missions: Two instrumented studs(63.178) dia verify clampband preload. Retention systemMarmonprevents clampband recontact. Secondary latchClampClampband1604.7system minimizes tipoff rates. Second stageAssemblyand(63.178) diabacks away using helium retro system to preventSecondary recontact after spacecraft separation. Up to twoRetainersLatch System 37-pin spacecraft interface electrical connectorsfrom the PLF to the spacecraft.Separation Bolt Interface (three places) Three Two-Stage Missions: Three hard-pointSeparation attachments released by redundantly initiatedBolts and explosive nuts. Secondary latch systemSecondary minimizes tipoff rates. Second stage backs away1524diaLatch System using helium retro system to prevent recontact(60.00)after spacecraft separation. Up to two 37-pinBolt-Circlespacecraft interface electrical connectors fromthe PLF to the spacecraft.Four Two-Stage Missions: Four hard-point attachments1742.2Separation(68.590) dia released by redundantly initiated explosive nuts.Bolts and Secondary latch system or four matched springSecondary actuators may be used based on tipoff rateLatch System requirements. Second stage backs away usingor Springs helium retro system to prevent recontact afterspacecraft separation if secondary latch systemused. Up to two 37-pin spacecraft interface electricalconnectors from the PLF to the spacecraft.1215dia(47.8)Saab 1194Clampband958.9(37.750) diaElectricalDisconnects(Two places)1215dia(47.8)Clampband& SecondaryLatchSystem orSprings958.3(37.750) diaClampband,SpringsFigure 5-1. Delta II Payload Adapters and InterfacesHB01147REU0.11Two-Stage Missions: SAAB 1194 separationsystem. Two instrumented spacers verifyclampband preload. Secondary latch system orfour matched spring actuators may be used basedon tipoff rate requirements. Second stage backsaway using helium retro system to preventrecontact after spacecraft separation if secondarylatch system used. Up to two 37-pin spacecraftinterface electrical connectors from the PLF to thespacecraft for secondary latch use, or two 37-pinspacecraft interface electrical connectors acrossseparation plane.Two-Stage Missions: Two instrumented studsverify clampband preload. Retention systemprevents clampband recontact after spacecraftseparation. Four matched spring actuatorsreduce separation-induced tip off rates. Two37-pin spacecraft interface electrical connectorsacross the separation plane.

Model/MassDual-PayloadAttachFitting(DPAF)362.9 kg/800 lbReducedHeightDual-PayloadAttachFitting(RHDPAF)308.4 kg/680 lbUpper3715C PAFAssembly609.6dia24.00AccessDoorDPAF LCCDSeparationSystemLower3715C PAFAssemblyDelta llGuidanceSectionUpper3715C PAFAssemblyDPAF LCCDSeparationSystemLower3715C PAFAssemblyDelta llGuidanceSectionNote: All dimensions are in mm(in.)Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214958.937.750 dia 958.9Dual-Manifest Missions: Common(37.750) dia spacecraft interface on both upper and lowerHB5T072015.3SeparationMechanismFeatures958.937.750 dia 958.9Dual-Manifest Missions: Common(37.750) dia spacecraft interface on both upper and lower(two places) Clampband, PAF assemblies. Two instrumented studsUpper Springs verify clampband preload. Retention systemDPAFprevents clampband recontact. Four matchedAssemblyspring actuators reduce separation-inducedtipoff rates. Line charge coupling deviceDPAFSeparationCartridgeAssembly(six places)(LCCD) separates the DPAF structurecircumferentially. DPAF structure pushedaway using six matched spring cartridgeassemblies. Two 37-pin spacecraft interfaceconnectors across the separation plane.Lower DPAFAssembly(two places) Clampband, PAF assemblies. Two instrumented studsUpper Springs verify clampband preload. Retention systemDPAFprevents clampband recontact. Four matchedAssemblyspring actuators reduce separation-inducedtipoff rates. Line charge coupling deviceDPAF(LCCD) separates the DPAF structureSeparationcircumferentially. DPAF structure pushedCartridgeaway using six matched spring cartridgeAssemblyassemblies. Two 37-pin spacecraft interface(six places)connectors across the separation plane.Lower DPAFAssemblyFigure 5-2. Delta II Dual Payload Attach FittingsHB00773REU0.2stack as a nonstandard option in place of the yoweightsystem to despin the spacecraft prior toseparation. The pre- and post-burn mass propertiesof the stage are summarized in Table 4-17,Section 4.In general, the component, sequencing, andseparation system designs are the same for allthree-stage applications. The spacecraft is fastenedto the PAF by a two-piece V-block-typeclamp assembly, that is secured by two instrumentedstuds for clampband tensioning. Spacecraftseparation is initiated by actuation ofFigure 5-3. 3712 Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) ordnance cutters that sever the two studs.5-3

Table 5-1. Maximum Clampband Assembly PreloadDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214PAF Max flight preload (N/lb) NCS BlowdownSpacecraft PAF flangeangle (deg)3712A 30,248/6800 Yes 153712B/3712C 17,348/3900 Yes 203724C 14,679/3300 No 20002250.3Clampband assembly design is such that cutting either stud will permit spacecraft separation.Springs assist in retracting the clampband assembly into retainers after release. A relative separationvelocity ranging from 0.6 to 2.4 m/s (2 to 8 ft/sec) is imparted to the spacecraft by fourspring actuators.Specific mission-oriented pads may be provided on the PAF at the separationplane to interface with spacecraft separation switches (Figure 5-4). A yo-weight tumble systemimparts a coning motion to the expended third-stage motor 2 sec after spacecraft separation toprevent recontact with the spacecraft.All hardware necessary for mating and separation (e.g., PAF, clampband assembly, studs,explosives, and timers) remains with the PAF upon spacecraft separation. Table 5-2 applies tothe various PAF configuration drawing notes that accompany this section.HB01255REU0.2Preferred ConfigurationAlternative ConfigurationSeparation SwitchSpacecraftSpacecraftSeparation ClampPAFPAFNote: Switch centerline to be within3.56 mm (0.14 in.) of separationspring centerlineFigure 5-4. Typical Spacecraft Separation Switch and PAF Switch Pad5-4

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 5-2. Notes Used in Configuration Drawings1. Interpret dimensional tolerance symbols in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Y14.5M-1982. Thesymbols used in this section are as follows:FlatnessCircularityParallelismPerpendicularity (squareness)⊥Angularity∠Circular runoutTotal runoutTrue positionConcentricityProfile of a surfaceDiameter2. Unless otherwise specified, tolerances are as follows:Decimalmm 0.X = ±0.70.XX = ±0.38in. 0.XX = ±0.030.XXX = ±0.015Angles= ±0 deg. 30 min3. Dimensions apply at 69°F (20°C) with interface in unrestrained condition.1254. All machine surface roughness is per ANSI B46.1, 1985.5. The V-block/PAF mating surface is chemically conversion-coated per MIL-C-5541, Class 3.Figures 5-5 and 5-6 show the capabilities of the 3712 and 3724 PAFs in terms of spacecraftweight and CG location above the separation plane. The capability of a specific spacecraft (withits own unique mass, size, and flexibility) may vary from that presented; therefore, as the spacecraftconfigurations finalized, the Delta Program will initiate a coupled-loads analysis to verifythat launch vehicle structural capability is not exceeded. The flange configurations and their associatedspacecraft interface requirements are shown in Figures 5-7 through 5-19.For spacecraft that require a longer PAF to eliminate interference with the third stage, a cylindricalextension adapter with customized length can be inserted between the PAF and the thirdstage. The extension adapter reduces the spacecraft allowable CG capability by approximatelythe length of the adapter.Note that the discussion herein provides only a guideline for PAF selection, the actual PAFused for the mission is selected after detailed discussions with the customer since other requirementsinvolving separation such as tip-off rates, spring forces, etc. are also considered.002249.35-5

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214CG Distance from Separation Plane (in.)80604020Spacecraft Mass (kg)HB01256REU0.6907.2 1134.0 1360.8 1587.6 1814.4 2041.2 2268.01002.5Note: The capability is provided as a guidefor spacecraft design and is subject toverification by coupled loads analysis.3712B/C PAF w/NCS blowdownPreload = 17,348 N (3,900 lb)3712A PAF w/o NCS blowdownPreload = 14,679 N (3,300 lb)3712A PAF w/NCS blowdownPreload = 30,248 N (6,800 lb)3712B/C PAF w/o NCS blowdownPreload = 14,679 N (3,300 lb) Distance from Separation Plane (m)02000 2500 3000 3500Spacecraft Weight (lb)Figure 5-5. Capability of 3712 PAF0.04000 4500 5000CG Distance from Separation Plane (in.)804020HB01257REU0.4Spacecraft Mass (kg)181.4 272.1 362.8 453.6 544.3 635.0 725.7 816.4 907.11203.0Note: The capability is provided as a guidefor spacecraft design and is subject to100verification by coupled loads analysis.2.5603724 PAF w/ or w/o NCS blowdownPreload = 14,679 N (3,300 lb) Distance from Separation Plane (m)0400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 18000.02000Spacecraft Weight (lb)Figure 5-6. Capability of 3724 PAF5-6

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00769REU0.8mmin.Bolt-Cutter(2 Places)III12˚ 30'22˚ 30'BatteryOrdnance SequencingSystem PanelConing ControlAssemblyClampbandRetainer(10 Places)KeywayIV825.50Ø32.500NutationControl SystemThruster ArmII4 x 45˚ 0'2˚ 30’ degNutationControlSystemTankØ 1219.2048.000Clamp AssemblyTelemetry Control BoxSpacecraftElectricalDisconnectBracket(2 Places)IRate GyroSpring Actuator(4 Places)Detail A (See Figures 5-8, 5-11, and 5-14)304.8012.000Ø 940.0537.010Side View of 3712 PAF WithoutMounted ComponentsFigure 5-7. 3712 PAF Detailed Assembly5-7

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00865REU0.5+0.00939.80 –0.13O37.000+0.000–0.005-A-0.03/0.001±15˚ 0'0˚ 15'Chemical ConversionCoat per MIL-C-5541,Class ± 0.0760.230 ± 0.00345 deg63Do Not BreakSharp Edges1.521.400.0600.0557.60.3016.00.633.560.1403.3R0.13R9.530.37520.570.81View A From Figure 5-7945.26 ± 0.076Ø37.215 ± 0.0036.350.2500.051/0.0026.350.25016.00.631.273xR0.050A0.64 ± 0.120.025 ± 0.0052.362.210.0930.087mmin.Figure 5-8. 3712A PAF Detailed DimensionsHB00866REU0.5mmin.SpacecraftDSee Figure 5-10SeparationPlanePAF-B-876.30 ± 0.254Ø34.500 ± 0.010945.26 ± 0.076Ø37.215 ± 0.0030.050/0.002A4 x Ø 50.8/2.00 Areafor 340-lbf Separation SpringØ 0.254/0.010 MBASSection A-A 0.050/0.002CIV See Figure 5-10AMS 3464E37-50S(or MS 3424E37-50S)Electrical Connectoron Spacecraft Side(Typ 2 Places)(Area extends from the separationplane and forward 7.11/0.280)See Figure 5-10IIIBB825.50Ø32.500Ø 1219.2048.000Keyway onOutboard Side(Typ 2 Places)IA22˚ 30'4 x 45˚A2 x Ø 182.88/7.20Area for Spacecraft/PAFElectrical Connectors(Area extends from theseparation plane andforward 50.8/2.00)Ø 0.762/0.030SBASIIView Looking ForwardFigure 5-9. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3712A PAF5-8

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00867REU0.930˚ ±0˚ 30’+0.13mm5.5460˚ 0’-0.00in.+0˚ 15’+0.005-0˚ 0’0.218-0.000Chord LineFor Section MarkedArea = 492 mm 2 /0.763 in. 2 15%I = 45,784 mm 4 /0.110 in. 4 15%Applicable Length, L = 25.4 mm/1.0 in.2 x R0.25 ±0.130.010 ±0.005View CFrom Figure 5-917.480.688+0.25-0.00+0.010-0.0009.650.38939.80Ø37.0009.530.3755.84 ±0.0760.23 ±0.00330 deg3.560.1407.620.30R 1.270.050L15˚ 0˚ 15’– B ––A–+0.13940.94-0.00Ø+0.00537.045- 0.00063ER 1.27/0.050160.63945.26 ±0.076Ø37.215 ±0.003Chemical Conversion Coatper MIL-C-5541, Class 3View DFrom Figure 5-90.03/0.001Over 16.0/0.63Wide Surface1.780.070+0.13-0.00+0.005-0.0002 x R 0.13 +0.13-0.00+0.0050.005- 0.0003.56 +0.13-0.000.140 +0.005-0.0002 x 0.254 +0.13-0.00+0.0050.010 -0.000View E7.110.2800.76R0.03- B -R 0.38/0.015 Full Relief0.64/0.025 Deep23.27Ø0.91625.81Ø1.016Ø 48.671.916 minSection B-BFrom Figure 5-93.810.150Figure 5-10. Dimension Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3712A PAF(Views C, D, E, and Section B-B)5-9

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Do Not Break Sharp Edgesmmin.20º 0'± 0º 15'3.23 ± 0.0760.127 ± 0.00363Chemical ConversionCoat per MIL-C-5541,Class 32.362.210.0930.0871.521.400.0600.055R 2.290.090R ± 0.076Ø37.750 ± 0.00311.43*0.45*0.130.252 X R0.0050.010R 9.70.384.600.181View AFrom Figure 5-70.050/0.002 A954.02 + 0.000 – 0.127Ø– A –37.560 + 0.000 – 0.005876Ø 0.381/0.015 A34.505.330.2107.620.300160.6345º ± 5ºx 0.120.025/0.001*Ø940.05Ø 0.254/0.010 S A S37.010Figure 5-11. 3712B PAF Detailed Dimensions*Applicable over11.43 dimension as noted0.45HB00868REU0.6HB00869REU0.6mmin.SeparationPlaneSpacecraftPA-B-DSee Figure 5-13876.30 ± 0.254Ø34.500 ± 0.010958.85 ± 0.076Ø37.750 ± 0.0030.050/0.002ASection A-A 0.050/0.002AØ 0.254/0.010 MB4 x Ø 50.8/2.00 Area for340-lbf Separation Spring(Area Extends from theSeparation Plane andForward 7.11/0.280)A SIVCSee Figure 5-13MS 3464E37-50S(Or MS 3424E37-50S)Electrical Connectoron Spacecraft Side(Typ 2 Places)See Figure 5-13BB1219.20Ø48.000Keyway onOutboard Side(Typ 2 Places)IIIA22˚ 30'825.50Ø32.500AI2 x Ø 182.88/7.20Area for Spacecraft/PAFElectrical Connectors (AreaExtends from the SeparationPlane and Forward 50.8/2.00)4 x 45˚Ø 0.762/0.030 S B A SIIView Looking ForwardFigure 5-12. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3712B PAF5-10

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00870REU0.6mmin.Chord Line30˚ ±0˚ 30'60˚ 0'+0˚ 15'-0˚ 0'+0.135.54 -0.00+0.0050.218-0.000For Section MarkedArea = 403 mm2/0.625 in.2 ±15%4 4I = 59,521 mm /0.143 in. ±15%Applicable Length, L = 25.4 mm/1.0 in.2 x R0.25 ±0.130.010 ±0.005View CFrom Figure 5-1217.480.688+0.25-0.00+0.010-0.000R 3.050.12939.80Ø37.00R 6.350.253.22 ± 0.0700.127 ± 0.0320˚±0˚ 15'7.60.30L0.76R0.030.03/0.001 - B -1.780.070+0.13-0.00+0.005-0.000-A-+0.13955.17 -0.00Ø +0.00537.605 - 0.000+0.133.56 -0.00+0.0050.140-0.000±2 x 0.2540.01063+0.13-0.00+0.005-0.000EChemical Conversion Coatper MIL-C-5541, Class 30.76R0.032.28 ±0.25R0.090 ±.010View DFrom Figure 5-12Ø 937.87 +0.13-0.00+0.00536.924- 0.0005.08+0.51-0.00+0.0200.200-0.000R 0.38/0.015 Full Relief0.64/0.025 Deep0.13+0.132 x R-0.000.005+0.005- 0.000View E7.110.280- B -23.26Ø0.91625.81Ø1.016Ø 48.671.916 minSection B-BFrom Figure 5-123.810.150Figure 5-13. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3712B PAF(Views C, D, and E and Section B-B)5-11

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00871REU0.4mm2.36954.02 +0.000/–0.1272.21 Ø–A–in. 37.560 +0.00/–0.0050.093937.108 +0.000/–0.2540.087Ø0.127/0.005 A0.050/0.002 A0.25 36.894 +0.000/–0.0100.132 X R1.520.010 63 Chemical Conversion20˚ 0' 1.400.005Coat per MIL-C-5541±0˚ 15'0.060+0˚ 0'Class 3 Gold0.05544˚–0˚ 30'6.350.03/0.0010.250–B– ±0.076R2.290.380.127 ±0.003 R7.90.090 0.31901.45Ø0.381/0.015 A3.135.490R0.12Ø 940.0537.010Ø 0.254/0.010 S A S958.85 ±0.076Ø37.750 ±0.003Do Not BreakSharp Edgesmmin.SpacecraftView AFrom Figure 5-7Figure 5-14. 3712C and 3724C PAF Detailed DimensionsDSee Figure 5-16HB00872REU0.6SeparationPlanePAF-B-Ø 0.254/0.010 M4 x Ø 76.2/3.00 Area for 200-lbfSeparation Spring (Area Extendsfrom the Separation Plane andForward 7.11/0.280)BA SSection A-A901.70 ±0.254Ø35.500 ± 0.010958.85 ±0.076Ø37.750 ± 0.0030.050/0.002C See Figure 5-16IVA0.050/0.002MS 3464E37-50S(or MS 3424E37-50S)Electrical Connectoron Spacecraft Side(Typ 2 Places)ASee Figure 5-16BB1219.20Ø48.000Keyway onOutboard Side(Typ 2 Places)IIIA22˚ 30'825.50Ø32.500AI4 x 45˚2 x Ø 182.88/7.20Area for Spacecraft/PAFElectrical Connectors (AreaExtends from the SeparationPlane and Forward 50.8/2.00)Ø0.762/0.030 S B A SIIView Looking ForwardFigure 5-15. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface 3712C and 3724C PAFs5-12

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00873REU0.6mmin.Chord Line30˚± 0˚ 30'60˚ 0'+ 0 ˚ 15'- 0˚ 0'5.540.218+0.13-0.00+0.005-0.000For Section Marked2Area = 269 mm /0.417 in. 2 ± 15%I = 11,654 mm 4 /0.028 in. 4 ± 15%Applicable Length, L = 25.4 mm/1.0 in.0.25 ± 0.132 x R0.010 ± 0.00517.480.688View CFrom Figure 5-15+0.25-0.00+0.010-0.0000.25R 2.28 ±0.090 ± .010RØ939.8037.000R 6.350.25L-B-20˚ ± 0˚15'0.03/0.0013.22 ± 0.0700.127 ± 0.00347˚ ± 0˚ 30'E0.76R0.03+0.515.08 -0.00+0.0200.200- 0.000937.87Ø6336.924Chemical Conversion Coatper MIL-C-5541, Class 3± 0.254± 0.010–A–Ø+0.13955.17-0.0037.605 +0.005- 0.000View DFrom Figure 5-15+0.131.78 -0.00+0.0050.070 -0.0003.56 +0.13-0.00+0.0050.140-0.0002 x 0.2540.010+0.13-0.00+0.005-0.0007.110.280R0.760.03- B -Ø40.891.61045.97Ø1.810R 0.38/0.015 Full Relief0.64/0.025 Deep3.810.1502 x R0.13 +0.13-0.000.005+0.005- 0.000View E5-13Ø74.72.94Section B-BFrom Figure 5-15Figure 5-16. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3712C and 3724C PAFs(View C, D, E and Section B-B)

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00770REU0.11mmin.BatteryBolt-Cutter(2 Places)See Figure 5-18C12˚ 30'III22˚ 30'BSee Figure 5-18Ordnance SequencingSystem PanelConing ControlAssemblyCBClampbandRetainer(10 Places)Keyway825.50Ø32.500NutationControl SystemThruster ArmIVII4 x 45˚ 0'2˚ 30’NutationControlSystemTankØ 1219.2048.000Clamp AssemblyTelemetry Control BoxSpacecraftElectricalDisconnectBracket(2 Places)IDSee Figure 5-19Rate GyroSpring Actuator(4 Places)Section A–ASpacecraftAAThird-StageRocket MotorPayload Attach FittingSide View of 3712 PAF WithoutMounted ComponentsFigure 5-17. 3712 PAF Interface5-14

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01149REU0.6Clamp AssemblySpacecraftClamp Retainermmin.PAF(3712A Shown)Section C-CFrom Figure 5-17(Rotated 25-deg CW)Payload RingSpring PadSeparationPlane -B-1219.2Ø48.00Spacecraft Connector Mounting PanelClamp RetainerSpacecraft Clamp Assembly2.790.110 (Max) C +1.4/0.055 )–0.38/0.015)A+0.0/0.0-1.02/0.040SeparationPlaneB ±0.380.015Separation SpringsSpacecraft ElectricalDisconnect BracketBalance Weights3712A PAF ShownRocket MotorConnectorType*Jam NutFlange MountA B C45.87 64.16 18.291.806 2.526 0.72045.87 60.60 14.731.806 2.386 0.580*See Section 5.8.2 for ConnectorsSection B-BFrom Figure 5-17(Rotated 45-deg CW)Figure 5-18. 3712A Clamp Assembly and Spring Actuator5-15

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01034REU0.3Clamp AssemblyBolt-Cutter BracketV-BlockEnd FittingCalibrated StudBolt-Cutter BracketCalibrated StudContaminationBootExplosive Bolt-CutterContaminationBootView DFrom Figure 5-17(View Rotated 90 deg CW)Figure 5-19. 3712 PAF Bolt-Cutter Detailed Assembly5.3 PAYLOAD ATTACH FITTINGS FOR TWO-STAGE MISSIONSDelta offers several PAF configurations for use on two-stage missions. The PAF for two-stagemissions has a separation system that is activated by power signal from the second stage, ratherthan by a self-contained component, as on the three-stage PAF.On two-stage configurations, the spacecraft is separated by the activation of separation nuts(for the 6019 and 6915 PAFs) or by the release of a V-band clamp (for the 6306, 5624, 3715, and4717 PAFs) followed by the action of four separation spring actuators or the second-stage helium-gasretro system. A secondary latch system comes standard with the 6019, 6306, 6915, and4717 PAFs. The secondary latch system, employed to minimize spacecraft tip-off rates, retainsthe spacecraft and second stage for a 30-sec period between activation of the separation nuts (orrelease of the V-band clamp) and activation of the helium-gas retro.5-16

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02145.3.1 The 6019 PAF AssemblyThe one-piece machined-aluminum 6019 PAF assembly (Figure 5-20) is approximately 483mm (19 in.) high and 1524 mm (60 in.) in diameter. This fitting was designed specifically tointerface with the NASA Multimission Modular Spacecraft (MMS); hence, customers shouldconsult with the Delta Program Office to ensure that the interface stiffness is adequate.HB01259REU.0Figure 5-20. 6019 PAF AssemblyThe PAF base is attached to the forward ring of the second stage. The spacecraft is fastened tothe 1524-mm (60-in.)-dia bolt-circle at three equally spaced hard points using 15.9-mm (0.625-in.)-dia bolts that are preloaded to 53,378 N (12,000 lb). Figure 5-21 shows the capability of the6019 PAF in terms of spacecraft weight and CG location above the separation plane. The capabilityfor a specific payload with its own unique mass, size, flexibility, etc. might vary from thatpresented; therefore, as the spacecraft configuration is finalized, the Delta Program will initiate acoupled-loads analysis to verify that the structural capability of the launch vehicle is not exceeded.The spacecraft interface is shown in Figures 5-22 and 5-23. Matched tooling for thespacecraft-to-PAF interface is provided upon request.5-17

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214140HB01058REU0.4Spacecraft Mass (kg)1000 20003000 4000 50003.5120Note: The capability is provided as a guidefor spacecraft design and is subject toverification by coupled loads analysis.3.0CG Distance From Separation Plane (in.)100806040Preload = 53,378 N(12,000 lb) Distance From Separation Plane (m)200.50 02000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10,000 11,000Spacecraft Weight (lb)Figure 5-21. Capability of the 6019 PAFSeparation of the spacecraft from the launch vehicle begins when the separation nuts are activated.The secondary latch system then loosely holds the spacecraft to the second stage for a periodof 30 sec. During this period, the spacecraft and second stage undergo many damped cyclesof small amplitude rattling back and forth, reducing the angular rates to small values in comparisonto that which would exist without the secondary latch system. At the end of the 30-sec ratedampingperiod, the secondary latches are released and the second stage is backed away from thespacecraft by activating the helium retro system. The second stage then performs a contaminationand collision avoidance maneuver (CCAM) to remove the second stage from the vicinity ofthe spacecraft. Note that Boeing requires access on the spacecraft side of the separation plane forinstallation of the separation bolts, bolt-catcher assemblies, and latch clip brackets, which areretained on the spacecraft after separation. The secondary latch system also requires a small latchclip bracket provided by the Delta Program to be installed on the spacecraft at each separationbolt location (Figures 5-23, 5-24, and 5-25).5-18

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01035REU0.3mmin.IMatched ToolingProvided for SpacecraftInterface Hole PatternIILeg 1Leg 37˚ 59' 7''120˚ 0'120˚ 0'Ø1524.0060.000IVIIILeg 20.254/0.010 –A–0.127/0.005Separation Plane487.6819.20–A–Figure 5-22. 6019 PAF Detailed Assembly5-19

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01150REU0.6mmin.89.93.50DiaSpacecraftASection A-A(Typ 3 Places)Secondary Latch SystemBracket—Boeing-Provided25.41.00B203.28.00Bolt-Catcher Envelope(Required for Installation)Bolt-Catcher1524.00Ø60.00SpacecraftBASide View of 6019 PAF(Ref)SeparationPlane0.127/0.005-B-17.42/0.686Ø 17.47/0.688-B- Ø 0.025/0.00160˚ 0'(Ref)15.189/0.59815.240/0.6003234.943/1.3757Ø34.950/1.3760Ø 0.127/0.005Ø 0.025/0.001ChemicalConversion Coatper MIL-C-5541,Class 32.540.1028.57/1.12514.220.5612524.1300.950M45932/1-9CL Insert, 2 Required(for 4.76/0.1875-dia Bolt)10.52/0.414 Tap Drill Depth41.21.62Ø 0.711/0.028(For Secondary Latch System)M45932/1-21CL Insert, 2 Required(for 9.53/0.375-dia Bolt)18.29/0.720 Tap Drill DepthØ 1.575/0.062Note: Constraints are the responsibilityof the customer63.502.50(Min)50.802.00(Typ)25.4027˚ 54' ±0˚ 15'(Insert bolt patternclocking is optional)1.00 (Typ) 15.240.60011.104 X R0.437(Max)63.50/2.50046.991.850Section B–B5-2031.75/1.250Note: Matchedtooling for drillinginterface holes,tolerance withinØ 0.127/0.005of toolingFigure 5-23. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 6019 PAF

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01151REU0.5HB01152REU0.6Bolt-CatcherAttach BoltBoeing-ProvidedAttach Hardware(Typical 2 places)mmin.34.666Ø34.793(Prior to Dry Lube)1.36481.369817.437/0.6865Ø17.488/0.6885LockwireCatcherAssemblyas ShownGroundProvisionsSpacecraft(Reference)SeparationPlaneSecondary LatchSystem BracketBoeing-ProvidedLatchDry Lube PerMIL-L-8937Separation Nut10.16/0.400 SeparationPlaneSecondaryLatchSystem60+0 15'- 0 00'Separation NutLatchMechanismSection D-D(Typ 3 Places for 6019)Section C-CDDCCSide ViewTop ViewFigure 5-24. 6019 PAF Spacecraft Assembly5-21Figure 5-25. 6019 PAF Detailed Dimensions

5.3.2 The 6915 PAF AssemblyDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The one-piece machined-aluminum 6915 PAF assembly (Figure 5-26) is approximately 381mm (15 in.) high and 1743 mm (68.6 in.) in diameter.The PAF base is attached to the forward ring of the second stage. The spacecraft is fastened tothe 1742.6-mm (68.6-in.)-dia PAF at four equally spaced hard-points using 15.9-mm (0.625 in.)-dia bolts that are preloaded to 53,378 N (12,000 lb). Figure 5-27 shows the capability of the PAFin terms of spacecraft weight and CG location above the separation plane. The capability for aspecific spacecraft (with its own unique mass, size, flexibility, etc.) might vary from that presented;therefore, as the spacecraft configuration is finalized, Boeing will initiate a coupled-loadsanalysis to verify that the structural capability of the launch vehicle is not exceeded. The spacecraftinterface is shown in Figures 5-28 through 5-32. Matched tooling for spacecraft interface toPAF is provided upon request.Separation of the spacecraft from the launch vehicle occurs when the explosive nuts are activated,allowing the four guided separation spring actuators to push the second stage away from thespacecraft. The second stage then performs a CCAM to ensure a safe distance to the spacecraft.For missions where a low tip-off rate is required, the four spring actuators are removed andreplaced with a secondary latch system. A small latch clip bracket, required for the latch systemand provided by the Delta Program, is installed on the spacecraft at each separation bolt location,as shown in Figures 5-30, 5-31, and 5-32. Following activation of the separation nuts, the secondarylatch system loosely holds the spacecraft to the second stage for a period of 30 sec. Duringthis period, the spacecraft and second stage undergo many damped cycles of small amplitude rattlingback and forth, reducing the angular rates to small values in comparison to that whichwould exist without the secondary latch system. At the end of the 30-sec rate-damping period,the secondary latches are released and the second stage is backed away from the spacecraft byactivating the helium retro system. Then a CCAM is performed to remove the second stage fromthe vicinity of the spacecraft. Note that the Delta Program requires access on the spacecraft sideof the separation plane for installation of the separation bolts, bolt-catcher assemblies, and latchclip brackets which are retained on the spacecraft after separation.5-22

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01250REU0.1DAC115974Figure 5-26. 6915 PAF140HB01059REU0.2Spacecraft Mass (kg)1000 20003000 4000 50003.5120Note: The capability is provided as a guidefor spacecraft design and is subject toverification by coupled loads analysis.3.0CG Distance From Separation Plane (in.)100806040Preload = 53,378 N(12,000 lb) Distance From Separation Plane (m)200.50 02000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10,000 11,000Spacecraft Weight (lb)Figure 5-27. Capability of the 6915 PAF5-23

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01153REU0.14mmin.Leg 4IIVØ 1558.9561.376Matched Tooling Provided forSpacecraft Interface Hole PatternØ 1955.877.000BBSee Figure 5-29Leg 1 1742.19Leg 3Ø68.59022.23822.1224 x Ø0.87550.8745Ø 0.127/0.005MIIIII39˚ 45'Leg Figure 5-29AActuator Support*(4 Places)-C-0.127/0.005(4 Surfaces)AElectrical Bracket*(2 Places)381.015.000A1630.8Ø64.205-B--A-*Only available with Spring Separation System.Figure 5-28. 6915 PAF Detailed Assembly5-24

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01157REU0.7Male Separation ConePAFActuator Support*Section A-AFrom Figure 5-281558.95Ø 61.376Spring SeatSpacecraftR 0.38/0.015 Full Relief0.64/0.025 Deep3.810.1508.890.350Actuator Assembly23.27Ø0.91625.81Ø1.016SeparationPlaneUmbilicalBracket48.67Ø Minimum1.916Actuator SupportPAFSection B-B(4 Places)From Figure 5-28Figure 5-29. Actuator Assembly Installation—6915 PAF5-25

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H021434.79334.666O1.36981.3648(Prior to Dry Lube)Boeing-ProvidedSpacecraft Latch Clip BracketLatch17.48817.437O0.68850.6865Dry Lube perMIL-L-893710.160.400mmin.HB5T072006.3Separation PlaneIIIII60˚ 0'+0˚ 15'-0˚ 0'CCLatch MechanismSeparation nutIVISection C-C(Typical 4 Places)Figure 5-30. 6915 PAF Detailed Dimensions5-26

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01155REU0.5Bolt-CatcherLockwireCatcherAssemblyas ShownAttach BoltMounting Hardware(Typ 2 Places)Provided by BoeingSpacecraft (Ref)Separation PlaneGroundingProvisionsSecondaryLatch SystemSection D-DDDFigure 5-31. 6915 PAF Spacecraft Assembly5-27

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01154REU0.7mmin.89.93.50DiaSpacecraftEESection E-E(Typ 4 Places)203.28.00Side View of 6915 PAFBolt-Catcher Envelope(Required for Installation)Secondary Latch SystemBracket—Boeing-Provided28.71.13Bolt-CatcherSpacecraftØ 1742.1968.590(Ref)FFSeparationPlane0.127/0.005-B-17.42/0.686Ø 17.47/0.688Ø 0.025/0.001-B-60˚ 0'(Ref)15.189/0.59815.240/0.6003234.943/1.3757Ø34.950/1.3760Ø 0.127/0.005Ø 0.025/0.001ChemicalConversion Coatper MIL-C-5541,Class 312524.1300.9502.540.10 Insert, 2 Required(for 4.76/0.1875-dia Bolt)10.52/0.414 Tap Drill DepthØ 0.711/0.028(For Secondary Latch System)M45932/1-21CL Insert, 2 Required(for 9.53/0.375-dia Bolt)18.29/0.720 Tap Drill DepthØ 1.575/0.062Note: Constraints are the responsibilityof the customer63.502.50(Min)50.802.00(Typ)25.4027˚ 54' ±0˚ 15'(Insert bolt pattern,clocking is optional)1.00 (Typ) 15.240.60011.104 X R0.437(Max)63.50/2.50046.991.850Section F-F5-2831.75/1.250Note: Matchedtooling for drillinginterface holes,tolerance withinØ 0.127/0.005of toolingFigure 5-32. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 6915 PAF

5.3.3 The 6306 PAF AssemblyDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The one-piece machined-aluminum 6306 PAF assembly (Figure 5-33) is approximately152.4 mm (6 in.) high and 1600 mm (63 in.) in diameter.The PAF base is attached to the forward ring of the second stage. The spacecraft is fastened tothe 1600-mm (63-in.) PAF mating diameter with a V-band clamp assembly that is preloaded to34,250 N (7,700 lb). Figure 5-34 shows the capability of the PAF in terms of spacecraft weight andCG location above the separation plane. The capability for a specific spacecraft (with its ownunique mass, size, flexibility, etc.) might vary from that presented; therefore, as the spacecraft configurationis finalized, the Delta Program Office will initiate a coupled-loads analysis to verify thatthe structural capability of the launch vehicle is not exceeded. The spacecraft interface is shown inFigures 5-35 through 5-40.Separation of the spacecraft from the launch vehicle begins when the V-band clamp assemblyis released. The secondary latch system loosely holds the spacecraft for a period of 30 sec, duringwhich the spacecraft and second stage undergo many damped cycles of small amplitude rattlingback and forth, resulting in low angular rates in comparison to that would exist without the secondarylatch system. At the end of the damping period, the secondary latches are released and thesecond stage is backed away from the spacecraft by activating the helium retro system. The secondstage then performs a CCAM to remove itself from the vicinity of the spacecraft. Note that the secondarylatch system requires the addition of four holes in the spacecraft interface ring (see Figures5-39 and 5-40) to mate with the PAF-mounted lateral restraints. These holes also serve as the interfacefor spacecraft-provided separation switches. When the spacecraft does not require separationswitches, Delta Program-provided damping devices, which interface directly with the aft side ofthe spacecraft interface ring, are mounted on the PAF to assist in damping the angular rates.5-29

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01254REU.0Figure 5-33. 6306 PAF Assembly140HB01060REU0.3Spacecraft Mass (kg)1000 20003000 4000 50003.5120Note: The capability is provided as a guidefor spacecraft design and is subject toverification by coupled loads analysis.3.0CG Distance From Separation Plane (in.)100806040Preload = 34,250 N(7,700 lb) Distance From Separation Plane (m)200.50 02000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10,000 11,000Spacecraft Weight (lb)Figure 5-34. Capability of the 6306 PAF5-30

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01253REU0.8IVLC Keyway48˚ 0'116˚ 30'45˚ 30'ASee BelowAIIII122˚ 0'IIC L Secondary Latch System(3 Places)(See Figure 5-40)GG See Figure 5-40Ø1604.7263.178Ø1599.0662.95575.92.99B See Figure 5-3612.20.48152.46.009.780.385– B –Ø1524.4660.01827.91.10Section A-AFigure 5-35. 6306 PAF Detailed Dimensions5-31

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Ø1604.72 ± 0.1363.178 ± 0.005-C-0.05/0.002 A+0.001599.06-0.13Ø+0.00062.955 -0.005-A-0.640.025R(15˚ 0' ± 0˚ 15')2.36/0.0932.21/0.0874 x R0.250.134 x R0.0100.0053.30.13631.52/0.0601.40/0.055Chemical ConversionCoat per MIL-C-5541 Class 38.510.335HB01037REU0.7mmin.0.08/0.0030.13/0.005B9.980.393View BFrom Figure 5-355.84 ± 0.080.230 ± 0.0032 x R 1.270.050Figure 5-36. 6306 PAF Detailed Dimensions5-32

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01038REU0.9mminC Keyway L45˚ 30'35˚ 30'IVD3 x 90˚IIIØ 1508.7659.400I19.054 x Ø 0.750Ø 0.25/0.010 S A S(Through holes forseparation switch and/orlateral restraint device)IIS/CView C-C(Looking Fwd)See Figure 5-38SeparationPlaneECPAFØ1604.72 ± 0.1363.178 ± 0.005C0.05/0.002 AChord Line60˚ 0'+0˚ 15'-0˚ 0'30˚ 0'Ø(1604.72)(63.178)-C-+0.2517.48-0.00+0.0100.688-0.0000.25/0.010 S C S+0.135.54-0.000.218+0.005-0.000C KeywayL0.380.132 X R 0.0150.005View DFigure 5-37. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 6306 PAF5-33

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01039REU0.10mmin.Ø1601.063.03For Section MarkedArea = 942 mm 2 /1.46 in. 2 ±15%I = 420,400 mm 4 /1.01 in. 4 ±15%Applicable Length L = 50.8/Ø57.872L3.560.140 60˚ 0'7.60.301.27R0.0505.84 ± 0.080.230 ± 0.0030.640.0250.08/0.00322.350.88F15˚ 0' ±15'1604.72 ± 0.13Ø63.178 ± 0.0050.05/0.002 -A--C--C-9.530.37563Chemical ConversionCoat per MIL-C-5541Class 3View EFrom Figure 5-37+0.131600.84 -0.00Ø63.025 +0.005-0.000-A-+0.134.19 -0.00+0.0050.165 -0.0001.911.780.0750.0700.840.692 x0.0330.027View F0.250.132 x R0.0100.005Figure 5-38. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 6306 PAF5-34

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214mmin.0.13/0.0050.25/0.0104.19 ±0.380.165 ±0.0154.06 +0.13–0.000.160 +0.005–0.000HB01785REU.50.13/0.005Shim adjusted (4 places) to obtain0.25/0.010separation between switch and pad4.06 +0.13Shim adjusted (3 places) to obtain–0.000.160 +0.005–0.000separation between PAF and interface ringmmin.Figure 5-39. 6306 PAF Separation Switch Pad Interface19.05Ø0.750Lateral Restraint Deviceand/or Switch PadSpacecraftSeparation ClampHB01040REU0.4Latch Pivotand GuardSecondary LatchClamp Retainer AssemblySecondaryLatch LinkageSecondary Latch Retention CableCompression SpringPAFSection G-GFrom Figure 5-35Figure 5-40. 6306 PAF Secondary Latch5-35

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02145.3.4 The 5624 PAF AssemblyThe one-piece machined-aluminum 5624 PAF assembly is approximately 609.6 mm (24 in.)high and 1422.4 mm (56 in.) in diameter.The PAF base is attached to the forward ring of the second stage. The spacecraft is fastened tothe 1422.4-mm (56-in.) PAF mating diameter with a V-band clamp assembly that is preloaded to17350 N (3900 lb). Figure 5-41 shows the capability of the PAF in terms of spacecraft weight andCG location above the separation plane. The capability for a specific spacecraft (with its ownunique mass, size, flexibility, etc.) might vary from that presented; therefore, as the spacecraft configurationis finalized, the Delta Program will initiate a coupled-loads analysis to verify that thestructural capability of the launch vehicle is not exceeded. The spacecraft interface is shown inFigures 5-42 through 5-46.This PAF design does not accommodate a secondary latch separation system. Spacecraft separationoccurs when the V-band clamp is released and four spring actuators impart a relative separationvelocity between the spacecraft and the second stage.HB01061REU0.3Spacecraft Mass (kg)500 10001500 20001403.5120Note: The capability is provided as a guidefor spacecraft design and is subject toverification by coupled loads analysis.3.0CG Distance From Separation Plane (in.)100806040Preload = 17,350 N(3,900 lb) Distance From Separation Plane (m)200.501000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 450005000Spacecraft Weight (lb)Figure 5-41. Capability of the 5624 PAF5-36

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01251REU0.3mmin.lGSee Figure 5-44G16.51Ø0.65Actuator90 deg Apart(4 Places)1327.404Ø52.2601423.162 ±0.127Ø56.030 ±0.0050.05/0.002 DllIVKeywayLocation4 X 45˚0'lllSeparation PlaneASeeFigure5-43609.624.00Figure 5-42. 5624 PAF Detailed Assembly5-37

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01159REU0.6mmin.ØØ1423.16256.030+0.0001396.111 –0.254+0.00054.965 –0.0100.127/0.005 D–0˚ 0'2.0320.0821.5900.850(13.513)(0.532)3.0480.1203.226 ±0.760.127 ±0.00314.220.563.0480.12B20˚ 0' ±0˚ 15'0.025/0.0011270.0Ø50.0000.381/0.015 DView AFrom Figure 5-42Ø+0.0001417.701–0.127+0.00055.815–0.005–D–2.3620.0932.2100.0871404.087Ø55.279Do Not BreakSharp EdgesSeparation Plane45˚ 0' +0˚ 30' 2.290.2540.0102 x R0.1270.0050.7622 x R0.03063Chemical ConversionCoat per MIL-C-5541,Class 31.5240.0601.2700.050R0.090View B6.0960.243.1R0.12Figure 5-43. 5624 PAF Detailed Dimensions5-38

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01252REU0.8Ø1327.40452.260SpacecraftRetainerSeparation PlaneClampbandSpring ActuatorPAFSection G-G from Figure 5-42Figure 5-44. 5624 PAF Clamp Assembly and Spring Actuator5-39

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214mmin.SpacecraftSee Figure 5-46FHB01160REU0.8SeparationPlanePAF-A-C1423.162 ± 0.127Ø56.030 ± 0.0050.05/0.002 DC0.05/0.002 D4 x Ø38.101.50IIArea for 170-lbfSeparation SpringØ 0.254/0.010 MAC S(Area extends from the separationplane and forward 14.986/0.590)ESeeFigure 5-46E4 x 45˚ 0'1327.404Ø52.260IIII+0.25417.628–0.000+0.0100.694–0.000IV+0.1275.537 –0.000+0.0050.218–0.000DView C-C(Looking Forward)Chord Line2 x R0.254 ± 0.1270.010 ± 0.00530˚ 0' ± 0˚ 30'+0˚ 15'60˚ 0'–0˚ 15'View DFigure 5-45. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 5624 PAF5-40

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01161REU0.7R 4.8260.190R 3.0480.127.620.30For Section MarkedArea = 214.2 mm 2 /0.332 in. 2 ±15%I = 8741 mm 4 /0.021 in. 4 ±15%Applicable Length = 25.4 mm/1.0 in.mmin.20˚ 0' ± 0˚ 15'25.41.00-A-0.025/0.001G3.226 ± 0.0760.127 ± 0.00345˚ 0'+0˚ 30'–0˚ 0'1397.000 ± 0.254Ø55.000 ± 0.010ChemicalConversionCoat per MIL-C-5541,Class 363View FFrom Figure 5-45 2 x R 0.3810.015 R 2.2860.090-C-1.778+0.13–0.000.070+0.005–0.000-A-R 0.760.03R 0.760.03Ø1418.844 +0.127–0.00055.860 +0.005–0.000-D-0.254+0.127–0.0002 x+0.0050.010–0.000+0.1273.556–0.000+0.0050.140–0.000View G14.9863.8100.59019.0500.150 Ø0.750-A-22.098Ø0.87038.10Ø1.50 MinSection E-EFrom Figure 5-45Separation PlaneFigure 5-46. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 5624 PAF5-41

5.3.5 The 4717 PAF AssemblyDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The two-piece machined aluminum 4717 PAF assembly (Figure 5-47) is approximately418.55 mm (16.478 in.) high and 1215.01 mm (47.835 in.) in diameter.The PAF base is attached to the forward ring of the second stage. The spacecraft is fastened tothe 1215.01 mm (47.835 in.) PAF mating diameter with a SAAB 1194 V-band clamp assemblythat is preloaded to 30,000 N (6,744 lb). Figure 5-48 shows the capability of the PAF in terms ofspacecraft weight and CG location above the separation plane. The capability for a specificspacecraft (with its own unique mass, size, flexibility, etc.) may vary from that presented; therefore,as the spacecraft configuration is finalized, the Delta Program will initiate a coupled-loadsanalysis to verify that the structural capability of the launch vehicle is not exceeded. The spacecraftinterface is shown in Figures 5-49 through 5-54.Separation of the spacecraft from the launch vehicle begins when the V-band clamp assemblyis released. The secondary latch system loosely holds the spacecraft for a period of 30 sec, duringwhich the spacecraft and second stage undergo many damped cycles of small amplitude rattlingback and forth, resulting in low angular rates in comparison to what would exist without the secondarylatch system. At the end of the 30-sec rate-damping period, the secondary latches are releasedand the second stage is backed away from the spacecraft by activating the helium retrosystem. The second stage then performs a CCAM to remove itself from the vicinity of the spacecraft.Note that the secondary latch system requires the addition of four holes in the spacecraftinterface ring (Figures 5-53 and 5-54) to mate with the PAF mounted lateral restraint devices andspacecraft provided separation switches to interface with PAF mounted separation switch pads toassist in damping the angular rates. When the spacecraft does not require separation switches,Delta Program-provided damping devices, which interface directly with the aft side of the spacecraftinterface ring, are mounted on the PAF to assist in damping the angular rates.For missions where a low tip-off rate is not required, four guided separation spring actuators canbe installed in place of the secondary latch system. Spacecraft separation occurs when the V-bandclamp assembly is released and four spring actuators impart a relative separation velocity betweenthe spacecraft and second stage. The second stage will then perform a CCAM to ensure a safe distanceto the spacecraft.5-42

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072008.2Figure 5-47. 4717 PAFHB5T072009.2Spacecraft Mass (kg)900 1,400 1,900 2,400 2,900 3,400 3,900 4,400 4,9001403.5120Note 1: The capability is provided as aguide for spacecraft design and is subjectto verification by coupled loads3.0CG Distance From Separation Plane (in.)100806040Note 2: Based on the noted capability,a Peaking Factor = 1.50 is acceptableat the Spacecraft to PAF interface.(Clampband preload 6,740 lb) (30 kN) Distance From Separation Plane (m)200.50 02000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10,000 11,000Spacecraft Weight (lb)Figure 5-48. Capability of 4717 PAF5-43

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072010.43X SeparationSwitch Padø 1030.0040.551Bolt Circlemmin.IBand Reference4X Lateral RestraintDevice (See Figure 5-52)ø 1156.89Bolt Circle45.54760 deg3X 90 deg45 degSeeFigure 5-51CII2X 120 degIV2X 120 degDSeeFigure 5-52DSecondaryLatch Cable3X SecondaryLatch2X Cable CutterIIIBandReferenceLatch CableRetainer1215.0147.835 dia231.149.100A SeeFigure 5-50418.5516.4781587.4562.498 diaFigure 5-49. 4717 PAF Detailed Assembly5-44

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072011.2mmin.1215.01± 0.15Ø47.835 ± 0.006+ 0.000 Ø 0.004 B S1209.17– 0.13Ø+ 0.00047.605– 0.0052.54 ± 0.030.100 ± 0.0011194.99 ± 0.51Ø47.047 ± 0.020–D–Ø0.002 A1184.28 ± 0.51Ø46.625 ± 0.0203.990.15735.001.378B21.69 ± 0.100.854 ± 0.00412.700.50045˚ 0'1257.72 ± 0.51Ø49.517 ± 0.020View AFrom Figure 5-49Chemical Conversion Coat per MIL-C-5541, Class 363–D–1.27 ± 0.030.050 ± 0.00163–A–+0˚ 0'9˚ 0'–0˚ 15'0.0100.001/0.40 x 0.40635.72 ± 0.050.225 ± 0.0021211.20 ± 0.15Ø47.685 ± 0.006Ø 0.017 MA D SØ0.12View BFigure 5-50. 4717 PAF Detailed Dimension5-45

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072013.2SpacecraftSeparation SwitchSeparation SwitchPadSpacecraftSeparation Plane35.001.3784717 PAFSeparation SwitchBracketO1030.0040.55163.372.4951215.01O47.835Section C-CFrom Figure 5-49mmin.Figure 5-51. Spacecraft Separation Switch Interface—4717 PAF5-46

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072012.4mmin.Ø 1156.8945.5477.62Ø0.300R 1.520.060Spacecraft8.468.330.3330.3285.080.200Latch GuardLatch OpenLateral Restraint PadRod ClosedRod OpenLatch ClosedSection D-DFrom Figure 5-494717 PAFFigure 5-52. Latch Engagement Post-Clampband Separation—4717 PAF5-47

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072020.5mmin.IØ 1156.89/45.5477.62 *4X Ø0.308.39/0.330 Minimum DepthHole for Lateral RestraintDevice16.92 *3X Ø0.666Separation SwitchPad Envelopefrom PAFØ 1132.00/44.567IVIIØ 1030.02/40.5512X 120˚ 0’45˚ 0’3X 90˚ 0’*Used for SecondaryLatch System OnlyIIIView E-E(Looking Forward)SeparationPlaneS/CSee Figure 5-54FEPAFØ1215.01 ±0.1547.835 ±0.006EØ 0.102/0.004B SFigure 5-53. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 4717 PAF5-48

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214For Section MarkedArea = 430 mm 2 /0.6665 in. 2 ±15%I = 14,443 mm 4 /0.0347 in. 4 ±15%Applicable Length, L = 25.4 mm/1.0 in.1194.00Ø47.008mmin.HB5T072028.225.41.00R5.990.236R4.490.17715.00˚ +0.00˚–0.25˚R0.500.0205.71 ±0.050.225 ±0.0028.710.3431132.00Ø44.5671211.20Ø47.6851215.00Ø47.8356316.510.650G0.254/0.0100.0254/10.2 x 10.20.001/0.40 x 0.4063Chemical ConversionCoat per MIL-C-5541Class 3View FFrom Figure 5-53+0.131209.52–0.00Ø+0.00547.619–0.00013.07 ±0.020.121 ±0.00110˚10˚1.52 ±0.050.060 ±0.0020.302X R0.0121.6 1.6View G0.2 X 45˚0.76 ±0.132X0.030 ±0.0050.41 ±0.132XX 45˚0.016 ±0.005Figure 5-54. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 4717 PAF5-49

5.3.6 The 3715C PAF AssemblyDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The aluminum skin and stringer 3715C PAF assembly is approximately 389.64 mm (15.340in.) high and 958.85 mm (37.750 in.) in diameter. The 3715C PAF configuration is shown inFigures 5-59 through 5-62.The PAF base is attached on top of a 63.50 mm (2.500 in.) high direct mate adapter (DMA)interface ring to the forward ring located on top of the second stage for a standard two stage mission(Figure 5-55) or attached to a dual-payload attach fitting (DPAF) for a two stage dual payloadmission (see section 5.4). A DMA interface ring is needed to mate with the GSE DMAstructure for launch site payload processing of the combined spacecraft and PAF stack assembly.HBT5072018.13715C PAFT-0 Purge FittingDMA Interface RingPurge LineDelta II GuidanceSectionPurge InletGuidance SectionMini-SkirtFigure 5-55. 3715C Payload Attach FittingThe spacecraft is fastened to the PAF mating diameter with V-block type clamp assembly thatis secured by two instrumented studs for clampband tensioning. Spacecraft separation is initiatedby actuation of electrically initiated ordnance cutters that sever the two studs. Clamp assemblydesign is such that cutting either stud will permit spacecraft separation. Springs assist in retractingthe clamp assembly into retainers after release to prevent recontact with spacecraft. A relativeseparation velocity is imparted to the spacecraft by four spring actuators. The second stagewill then perform a CCAM to ensure a safe distance to the spacecraft. The associated spacecraftinterface requirements are shown in Figures 5-63 and 5-64.5-50

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02145.4 DUAL-PAYLOAD ATTACH FITTING (DPAF)The Delta II dual-payload attach fitting (DPAF) (Figures 5-56 and 5-57) enables Boeing to offeralternate launch solutions by combining two payloads having similar orbit requirements ontoa single launch vehicle. The DPAF is designed for use with the 3.0-m (10-ft)-dia and thestretched -10L composite fairing. The DPAF has an overall diameter of 2641.6 mm (104 in.) andan overall height to 3556.0 mm (140 in.) The PAFs for individual payloads are separate from theDPAF’s shell structure to allow for streamlined independent payload processing.Figure 5-58 shows PAF capability in terms of spacecraft weight and CG location above theseparation planes. The maximum combined mass of both spacecraft cannot exceed 5000 lb. Thecapability for a specific spacecraft (with its own unique mass, size, and flexibility) might varyfrom that presented; therefore, when the spacecraft configurations determined, Boeing will initiatea coupled-loads analysis to verify that launch vehicle structural capability is not exceeded.The payload attach fitting with associated separation mechanism for the upper and lower payloadsare derived from the flight-proven 3712 PAF and designated as the 3715C PAF configuration,shown in Figures 5-59 through 5-64.Each spacecraft is fastened to the PAF by a two-piece V-block type clamp assembly, which issecured by two instrumented studs. Spacecraft separation is initiated by actuation of electricallyinitiated ordnance cutters that sever the two studs. Clamp assembly design is such that cuttingeither stud will permit the spacecraft separation. Springs assist in retracting the clamp assemblyinto retainers after release to prevent recontact with the spacecraft. A relative separation velocityis imparted to the spacecraft by four spring actuators.The DPAF separation system splits the shell structure circumferentially at a structural joint, allowingejection of the upper portion of the DPAF using six matched spring cartridge assemblies.Access to the interior payload is through 0.61-m (24-in.)-dia access holes that are restricted tolocations as defined in Figure 5-65. Two spacecraft access holes are provided as standard andmust maintain a minimum center-to-center separation distance of 1 m (39.37 in.).The DPAF is available with the following optional services for the internal payload: T-0 GN 2purge across the separation plane, T-0 battery air-conditioning, contamination barrier, additionalspacecraft access holes, and mission-specific instrumentation.5-51

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01048REU0HB01049REU0.5Upper3715C PAFAssembly958.937.750 dia(2 places)mmin.Ø609.6Ø24.00AccessDoorDPAF LCCDSeparationSystemLower3715C PAFAssemblyUpper DPAFAssemblyDPAFSeparationCartridgeAssembly(6 places)Delta llGuidanceSectionLower DPAFAssemblyFigure 5-56. Dual-Payload Attach Fitting(DPAF)Figure 5-57. PAFs for Lower and UpperPayloads in Dual-Manifest120Payload Mass (kg)500 10001360HB01062REU0.33.0CG Distance From Separation Plane (in.)100806040Upper SpacecraftNote: The capability is provided as a guidefor spacecraft design and is subject toverification by coupled loads analysis.Lower SpacecraftPreload = 17,350 N(3,900 lb) Distance From Separation Plane (m)200.50 0500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000Payload Weight (lb)Figure 5-58. Capability of Dual-Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF)5-52

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01148REU0.7mmin.Separation ClampAssembly12˚ 30'270˚IIIFigure 5-61BSpacecraft UmbilicalBracket (2 places)BSpacecraft SeparationSpring Actuator(4 Places)4 x 45˚ 0'Ø825.5032.5000˚ /360˚IVII180˚C Keyway LAAFigure 5-6022˚ 30'1219.20Ø48.000I90˚Top ViewView Looking AftClampbandRetainer (10 Places)See Figure 5-62Spacecraft Retention ClampbandCClampbandRetainer3715C PAFBolt-Cutter BracketBolt-CutterFigure 5-59. Dual-Payload Attach Fitting 3715C PAF Interface5-53

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072007.2825.532.50 Diameter958.8537.750 DiameterPayloadRingClampRetainermmin.SeparationPlaneClampbandSeparationSpringActuator(4 Places)PayloadAttachFittingActuatorSupportBracketSection A-AFrom Figure 5-59Figure 5-60. Dual-Payload Attach Fitting 3715C PAF Separation System Interfaces5-54

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01052REU0.7mmin.60.60 ± 0.3812.386 ± 0.015Flange Mount Connectors64.16 ± 0.3812.526 ± 0.015Jam Nut ConnectorsFlush-MountedStudsSpacecraftConnectors2.7900.110Max14.732 + 1.397/-0.381(0.58 + 0.055/-0.015)Flange Mount Connectors18.288 + 1.397/-0.381(0.72 + 0.055/-0.015)Jam Nut ConnectorsSpacecraftSeparation Plane// 0.762/0.030 E45.87 + 0.000/-1.0161.806 + 0.000/-0.040-E-Payload AttachFitting ConnectorsSection B-BFrom Figure 5-59Figure 5-61. Dual-Payload Attach Fitting 3715C PAF Spacecraft Separation Interface—Electrical Connector BracketHB01053REU0.6mmin.958.85 ± 0.076Ø37.750 ± 0.003Do Not Break SharpEdges0.762R0.0300.050/0.00220˚ 0'±0˚ 15'0.025/0/0.001–E–3.23 ± 0.0760.127 ± 0.0032.29R0.090D2.362.210.0930.0871.521.270.0600.0507.870.31ØØ0.250.132 X R0.0100.00544˚954.02 +0.000/–0.12737.560 +0.00/–0.005937.108 +0.000/–0.25436.894 +0.000/–0.010+0˚ 0'–0˚ 30'Ø901.4535.490634.060.160–D–0.127/0.005DChemical ConversionCoat per MIL-C-5541Class 36.10/6.850.240/0.2700.381/0.015DView CFrom Figure 5-59R3.10.12(38˚)940.05Ø37.010Ø 0.254/0.010SDSFigure 5-62. Dual-Payload Attach Fitting 3715C PAF Detailed Dimensions5-55

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01054REU0.10SpacecraftESee Figure 5-64mmin.SeparationPlanePAF-B-Section C-C901.70 ± 0.254Ø35.500 ± 0.010958.85 ± 0.076Ø37.750 ± 0.0030.050/0.002A0.050/0.002AØ 0.254/0.010M4 x Ø 76.2/3.00 Area for200-lbf Separation Spring(Area Extends from theSeparation Plane andForward 7.11/0.280)BASIVFSee Figure 5-64MS 3464E37-50S(or MS 3424E37-50S)Electrical Connectoron Spacecraft Side(Typ 2 Places)See Figure 5-64DDØ1219.2048.000Keyway onOutboard Side(Typ 2 Places)IIIIC22˚ 30' 825.50Ø32.500C4 x 45˚2 x Ø 182.88/7.20Area for Spacecraft/PAFElectrical Connectors (AreaExtends from the SeparationPlane and Forward 50.8/2.00)Ø 0.762/0.030 S B A SIIView Looking ForwardFigure 5-63. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3715C PAF5-56

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01055REU0.9mmin.Chord Line30˚± 0˚ 30'60˚ 0'+ 0 ˚ 15'- 0˚ 0'5.540.218+0.13-0.00+0.005-0.000For Section Marked2Area = 269 mm /0.417 in. 2 ±15%I = 11,654 mm 4 /0.028 in. 4 ±15%Applicable Length, L = 25.4 mm/1.0 in.0.25 ± 0.132 x R0.010 ±0.00517.480.688View FFrom Figure 5-63+0.25-0.00+0.010-0.0000.25R 2.28 ±0.090 ± .010RØ939.8037.000R 6.350.25L-B-20˚ ± 0˚15'0.03/0.0013.22 ± 0.0700.127 ± 0.00347 ˚± 0˚ 30'G0.76R0.03+0.515.08 -0.00+0.0200.200- 0.000937.87Ø6336.924Chemical Conversion Coatper MIL-C-5541, Class 3± 0.254± 0.010–A–Ø+0.13955.17-0.0037.605 +0.005- 0.000View EFrom Figure 5-63+0.131.78 -0.00+0.0050.070 -0.0003.56 +0.13-0.00+0.0050.140-0.0002 x 0.2540.010+0.13-0.00+0.005-0.0007.110.280R0.760.03- B -Ø40.891.61045.97Ø1.810R 0.38/0.015 Full Relief0.64/0.025 Deep3.810.1500.13 +0.132 x R -0.000.005+0.005- 0.000View G5-57Ø74.72.94Section D-DFrom Figure 5-63Figure 5-64. Dimensional Constraints on Spacecraft Interface to 3715C PAF(Views C, D, E, and Section B-B)

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01056REU0.1FairingSep Rail4 x 1756.89FairingSep Rail35013.78FairingSep RailLV Sta 399.62DPAF Sta 10012 x28911.386 x46518.318 xR30011.81II180 deg197.65 deg2 x 123948.786 x1857.28III270 deg258.63 degIV360 deg/0 deg316.68 deg 17.65 degClocking (A)I90 deg78.63 deg 136.68 degII180 degLV Sta 467.50DPAF Sta 2725FairingSep Rail4 x 1756.89FairingSep Rail35013.78FairingSep RailLV Sta 399.62DPAF Sta 10012 x28911.386 x46518.313008 x R11.81 2 x 123948.786 x 1857.28IIIIIIVI180 deg 270 deg360 deg/0 deg90 deg240.81 deg 299.19 deg60.81 deg 119.19 degClocking (B)LV Sta 467.50DPAF Sta 2725II180 degFairingSep Rail4 x1756.89FairingSep Rail35013.78FairingSep RailLV Sta 399.62DPAF Sta 10012 x 28911.386 x46518.318 xR 30011.81 2 x 123948.78II180 deg223.32 degIII270 deg281.37 deg6 x 1857.28IV360 deg/0 deg342.35 deg 43.32 degClocking (C)LV Sta 467.50DPAF Sta 2725III90 deg180 deg101.37 deg 162.35 degNote: All Dimensions are inmmin.All views from outside DPAFAllowable access hole areaDPAF stayout areaSpring cartridgeassembly (SCA)stayout areaFigure 5-65. Dual-Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) Allowable Access Hole Locations5-58

5.5 SECONDARY PAYLOAD CHARACTERISTICS/INTERFACEDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Where volume permits, provisions to accommodate two types of secondary payloads—separating and nonseparating—may be provided. The allowable characteristics of generic secondarypayloads are specified in Table 5-3.Table 5-3. Characteristics of Generic Separating and Nonseparating Secondary PayloadsCharacteristic Separating NonseparatingWeight/CG distance from separation plane (not to 45.4 kg (100 lb)/12.7 cm (5.0 in.) 69.8 kg (154 lb)/17.8 cm (7.0 in)exceed)Volume (not to exceed)47.8 by 34.8 by 29.3 cm (18.82 by13.68 by 11.54 in.)47.5 by 33.6 by 35.5 cm (18.71 by13.23 by 11.96 in.)Electrical interface None NoneAttachment24.1-cm (9.5-in.)-dia clampband Bolted (see Figure 5-67)(See Figure 5-66)Coupled frequency (coupled to Delta II secondstage)>35 Hz >35 Hz002248The standard separation interface available for separating secondary payloads is shown inFigure 5-66. Each spacecraft is fastened to the PAF by a two-piece V-block type clamp assembly,which is secured by two instrumented studs. Spacecraft separation is initiated by actuation ofelectrically initiated ordnance cutters that sever the two studs. Clamp assembly design is suchthat cutting either stud will permit the spacecraft separation. The separation event is sequencedand controlled by the launch vehicle. The interface for nonseparating payloads is shown in Figure5-67. Contact the Delta Program Office for spacecraft interface definition.Figure 5-68 shows the capability of the secondary payload interface for separating payloads interms of spacecraft weight and CG location above the separation plane. The capability for a specificspacecraft (with its own unique mass, size, and flexibility) may vary from that presented inFigure 5-68. Therefore, when the spacecraft configuration is determined, the Delta Program willinitiate a coupled-loads analysis to verify that the launch vehicle structural capability is notexceeded.No electrical interface is available between the launch vehicle and the secondary payload.Secondary payloads may require a battery trickle charge through the existing fairing access doorthat will be available until fairing close-out. Charging equipment and cabling are the responsibilitiesof the secondary payload customer. The secondary payload flight mechanical interfaceswill be verified at the factory during fitcheck prior to shipping to the launch site. The fitcheckverification will also include access verification for connectors and payload installation clearanceand interference.5-59

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01787REU0.2HB01786REU0.2SeparationPlaneAngle 45 deg ±15 min238.1(9.375)dia219.1(8.625)diaSectionA-A81.9(3.225)57.2(2.250)86.44 x =(3.400)345.4(13.600)219.1 +0.127/–0.000dia(8.625) (+0.005/–0.000)238.1 ±0.08(9.375) ±0.03 diaForward313.7(12.350)C L CrossBeamStringer C L210.1dia(8.27)AA12 x Ø 5.76/(0.227)5.56/(0.219)Note: All dimensions are in mm(in.)Note: All dimensions are in mm(in.)Figure 5-66. Separating Secondary PayloadStandard Launch Vehicle InterfaceFigure 5-67. Nonseparating Secondary PayloadStandard Mounting Interface5-60

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H021415HB01063REU0.3Secondary Payload Mass (kg)20 40 6080CG Distance From Separation Plane (in.)105Lightweight Clampband(Preload = 4448 N/1000 lb)Heavyweight Clampband(Preload = 8451 N/1900 lb)Note: The capability is provided as a guidefor spacecraft design and is subject toverification by coupled loads analysis.Assumptions:1. Load Factor = ±10 g in 3 axessimultaneously.2. Four 45-lb separation springs are used.3. Secondary payload weight includesflyaway adapter.0.350.300. Distance From Separation Plane (m)0.050 020 40 6080 100 120 140 160 180Secondary Payload Weight (lb)Figure 5-68. Capability of Separating Secondary Payloads5.6 PAYLOAD ATTACH FITTING (PAF) DEVELOPMENTBoeing continuously undertakes study of PAFs of differing interface diameters in supportingour customers’ needs. The design of these PAFs takes into account the use of the separationclamp assembly interfaces that have been qualified for the Delta II launch vehicle. These clampassemblies are listed in Table 5-4. For interfaces different than those listed, please consultthe Delta Program Office.Table 5-4. Separation Clamp AssembliesApproximate diameter (mm/in.) Max flight preload (N/lb) Spacecraft PAF flange angle (deg)1143/45 30,248/6800 15002251.25.7 TEST FITTINGS AND FITCHECK POLICYA PAF test fitting can be provided to the customer to assist in conducting environmental teststhat are needed to ensure spacecraft flight readiness except for the 4717 PAF. The test fitting isreturned after testing is completed. In addition, a fitcheck can be conducted with the spacecraftusing the flight PAF. This is typically done prior to shipment of the spacecraft to the launch site.Boeing personnel will be available to conduct this activity. The fitcheck verifies the flight interfaces(mechanical and electrical) and the clearances of any attached hardware. The spacecraftmust include all flight hardware so that adequate access and clearance can be demonstrated. The5-61

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214customer will provide a support stand for the PAF and the bolts needed to secure the PAF to it.Specific detail requirements for the fitcheck will be provided by the Delta Program.5.8 ELECTRICAL DESIGN CRITERIAPresented in the following paragraphs is a description of the spacecraft/vehicle electrical interfacedesign constraints. The discussion includes remote-launch-center-to-blockhouse, blockhouse-to-spacecraftwiring, spacecraft umbilical connectors, aerospace ground equipment(AGE), the grounding system, and separation switches. The remote launch center (RLC) forCCAFS is the 1st Space Launch Squadron (1SLS) Operations Building (OB), and the remotelaunch control center (RLCC) for VAFB is in building 8510.5.8.1 Remote Launch Centers, Blockhouse-to-Spacecraft WiringProvisions are made for controlling and monitoring the spacecraft from the blockhouse orRLC. Spacecraft operations in the blockhouse are allowed after mating until second-stage propellantloading occurs, at which time all operations have to be conducted from the RLC untilliftoff. Wiring is routed from a payload console in the blockhouse through a second-stage umbilicalconnector, through fairing wire harnesses (typically), and to the spacecraft or PAF by lanyard-operatedquick-disconnect connectors (typically). Remote control of spacecraft functions isprovided through fiber optic cables during testing and launch from the RLC.For a typical vehicle, a second-stage umbilical connector (JU2) is provided for payload servicingwiring. A typical baseline wiring configuration provides up to 37 wires through each of two fairingsectors. The fairing wire harnesses terminate in lanyard disconnect connectors that mate to the PAFor directly to the spacecraft. Additional wiring can be provided by special modification. Availablewire types are twisted/shielded (up to 4 conductors), single-shielded, or unshielded (up to 4 conductors).A typical vehicle wire harness configuration is shown in Figure 5-69. Other configurationscan be accommodated.The baseline wiring configuration between the fixed umbilical tower (FUT) and the blockhouseconsists of the following. At Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), the configurationat Space Launch Complex (SLC)-17A and SLC-17B consists of 60 twisted and shieldedpairs (120 wires), 12 twisted and shielded pairs (24 wires), and 14 twisted pairs (28 wires). AtVandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), the configuration at SLC-2 consists of 30 twisted andshielded pairs (60 wires), 20 twisted and shielded pairs (40 wires), two twisted and shielded triplets(6 wires), eight 50-ohm coax cables, and six fiber-optic cables to blockhouse; or 60 twistedshielded pairs (120 wires), 28 twisted pairs (56 wires), and 8 TWINAX twisted shielded pairs78Ω controlled impedance (16 wires), to electrical equipment building (EEB).5-62

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00759REU0.2P1118 P1103 J1103JU2 P1115 P1100 J1100 JU2AWG 20AAWG 2067AWG 20AAWG 20132B76B120C77C121D57D150E43E151F44F152AWG 20GAWG 2033AWG 20GAWG 20161AWG 16HAWG 1612AWG 16HAWG 16176AWG 16JAWG 1617AWG 16JAWG 16181AWG 20KAWG 2046AWG 20KAWG 20153L65L130M66M131AWG 20NAWG 2047AWG 20NAWG 20154AWG 16PAWG 1610AWG 16PAWG 16186AWG 20RAWG 2034AWG 20RAWG 20140S54S141T55T163U35U164V36V165AWG 20WAWG 2037AWG 20WAWG 20180AWG 16XAWG 1616AWG 16XAWG 16185AWG 16YAWG 1621AWG 16YAWG 16170AWG 20Z*AAWG 202425AWG 20Z*AAWG 20170171*B26*B172*C27*C173*D15*D178179*E19*E182*F6*F183*G7*G188AWG 20*H*JAWG 2089AWG 20*H*JAWG 20189187Third-Stage/Fairing Interface (Three Stage)Delta II Payload Wiring — Quad IThird-Stage/Fairing Interface (Three Stage)Delta II Payload Wiring — Quad IIIFigure 5-69. Typical Three-Stage Delta II Wiring Configuration5-63

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Space is available in the blockhouse for installation of the ground support equipment (GSE)required for spacecraft checkout. The space allocated for the spacecraft GSE is described in Section6 for SLC-17 and Section 7 for SLC-2. There is also limited space in the umbilical J-box fora buffer amplifier or other data line conditioning modules required for data transfer to the blockhouse.The space allocated in the junction box (J-box) for this equipment has dimensions ofapproximately 303 by 305 by 203 mm (12 by 12 by 8 in.) at SLC-17A and B and 381 by 330 by229 mm (15 by 13 by 9 in.) at SLC-2.The standard interface method is as follows:A. The customer normally provides a console and a 12.2-m (40-ft) cable to interface with thespacecraft rack box in the blockhouse or EEB. Boeing will provide the interfacing cable ifrequested by the customer. Interface cable lengths and assignment of remote assists will bedetermined depending on customer needs.B. The spacecraft apogee motor safe and arm (S&A) circuit (if applicable) must interconnectwith the operations safety manager’s console (CCAFS only). The Delta Program providesa spacecraft remote control and monitoring interface between the blockhouse and remotelaunch centers (1SLS Operations Building, Eastern Range, and Remote Launch ControlCenter Bldg. 8510, Western Range).The spacecraft remote capability listed below is the same at both ranges except as noted.1. DiscreteRemote Launch CenterBlockhouse28 inputs (CCAFS) 28 contact closures (CCAFS)20 inputs (VAFB) 20 contact closures (VAFB)18 contact closures 18 inputsNote: A customer-provided high (28 VDC) at the Boeing discrete interface will result in adedicated relay contact closure at the remote location (10-amp load capability).2. AnalogRemote Launch CenterBlockhouse48 analog outputs range ±10 V 12 inputs ± 100 mV24 inputs ± 10 V12 inputs ± 100 V3. Data Bus Communication between Remote Launch Centers and Blockhousea. Fiber-optic RS232 modem/multiplexer card 4 each (CCAFS)Type:1 each (VAFB)■ Full duplex RS232 modem (13 wire) or■ 6-channel multiplexer mode modem (2 wires each)5-64

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214b. Fiber-optic RS422 modem/multiplexer card 1 eachType:■ Full duplex RS422 modem (21 wire) or■ 6-channel multiplexer mode modem (4 wires each)c. Fiber-optic RS232/RS422 dual-modem card 2 eachType:■ Up to 4 each RS232 modems (2 wire) or■ Up to 4 each RS422 modems (4 wire) or■ 2 each RS232 and 2 each RS422 modemsd. Fiber-optic RS48 modemType:■ Full duplex RS485 modem (4 wire) or■ Full duplex RS485 modem (2 wire)4. Fiber-optic ethernet campus bridge (CCAFS only) 2 each5. Fiber-optic cable between remote launch center and blockhouseSingle-mode fiber optic cable interface with up to 24 fibersNote: The number of available fibers depends on the number of fiber optic transceiversbeing used. Maximum number is 24, all terminated with ST connectors.C. A spacecraft-to-blockhouse-to RLC wiring schematic is prepared for each mission fromrequirements provided by the customer.D. To ensure proper design of the spacecraft-to-blockhouse wiring, the following information,which must comply with the above requirements, shall be furnished by the customer:■ Number of wires required.■ Pin assignments in the spacecraft umbilical connector(s).■ Shield requirements for RF protection or signal noise rejection.■ Function of each wire, including voltage, current, frequency, load type, magnitude,polarity, and maximum resistance or voltage-drop requirements. Note: There is a maximumallowable current of 10 mA per pin across the JU2 interface at liftoff.■ Voltage of the spacecraft battery and polarity of the battery ground.■ Part number and item number of the spacecraft umbilical connector(s) (compliancerequired with the standardized spacecraft umbilical connectors listed in Section 5.8.2).■ Physical location of the spacecraft umbilical connector including (1) angular location inrelation to the quadrant system, (2) station location, and (3) radial distance of the outboardface of the connector from the vehicle centerline for a fairing disconnect or connectorcenterline for PAF disconnect.■ Periods (checkout or countdown) during which hard-line-controlled/monitored systemswill be operated.5-65

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214During on-pad checkout, the spacecraft can be operated with the fairing installed or stored.Typical harness arrangements for both configurations are shown in Figure 5-70 for the ER andFigure 5-71 for the WR.Fairing SectorP1115P708Cable NetworkSpacecraftPAFP707Fairing SectorP1118HB00760REU0.2P1100J110050-ftExtensionCables*MotorSpin Table50-ftExtensionCables*J1103P1103Second Stage* Extension CablesRemoved Prior toFairing InstallationJ3AP3J2AJU2PU2P2Umbilical Adapter J-BoxJ1AP1Umbilical Tower SpacecraftInterface J-BoxTerminal Room InterconnectDistribution J-BoxBlockhouse SpacecraftRackCables Provided by Customer(12.2-m [40-ft] Long)Spacecraft ConsoleFigure 5-70. Typical Payload-to-Blockhouse Wiring Diagram for Three-Stage Missions at SLC-175-66

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00761REU0.2Cable NetworkSpacecraftFairing SectorP1115P708P707Fairing SectorP1118P1100J110050-ftExtensionCables*PAF50-ftExtensionCables*J1103P1103Second Stage* Extension CablesRemoved Prior toFairing InstallationJ1P1J2SpacecraftJ-BoxJU2PU2P2J3P3EEBSpacecraftRackSpacecraft Blockhouse EquipmentCables Provided by Customer(12.2-m [40-ft] Long)Figure 5-71. Typical Payload-to-EEB Wiring Diagram for Two-Stage Missions at SLC-2Each wire in the baseline spacecraft-to-blockhouse wiring configuration has a current-carryingcapacity of 6 A, wire-to-wire isolation of 50 megohms, and voltage rating of 600 VDC.Typical one-way line resistance for any wire is shown in Table 5-5.Table 5-5. Typical One-Way Line ResistanceFairing On*Fairing Off**No. ofResistanceResistanceLocationFunction Wires Length (m/ft) (ohm) Length (m/ft) (ohm)CCAFS SLC-17A Data/control 120 353/1157 3.4 384/1259 4.5CCAFS SLC-17A Data/control 24 365/1198 6.6 396/1300 7.8CCAFS SLC-17A Power 28 365/1198 1.2 396/1300 1.5CCAFS SLC-17B Data control 120 353/1157 4.5 384/1259 5.6CCAFS SLC-17B Data control 24 365/1198 6.6 396/1300 7.8CCAFS SLC-17B Data (TWINAX) 16 394/1293 13.1 425/1394 14.3CCAFS SLC-17B Power 28 365/1198 1.6 396/1300 1.9VAFB SLC-2W EEB Data/control 120 119/392 2.0 151/494 3.1VAFB SLC-2W EEB Data/(TWINAX) 16 119/392 4.3 151/494 5.5VAFB SLC-2W EEB Power 56 119/392 0.9 151/494 1.1*Resistance values are for single wires between the fixed umbilical tower and the blockhouse**Resistance values include fairing extension cable resistance002252.35-67

5.8.2 Spacecraft Umbilical ConnectorsDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214For spacecraft configurations in which the umbilical connectors interface directly with thepayload attach fitting, the following connectors (conforming to MIL-C-81703) are recommended:■ MS3424E37-50S (flange-mount receptacle).■ MS3464E37-50S (jam nut-mount receptacle).These connectors mate to a rack and panel mount interface connector (Deutsch part numberD8179E37-0PN) on the payload attach fitting.For spacecraft configurations in which the umbilical connectors interface directly with thefairing wire harnesses, the following connectors (conforming to MIL-C-81703) are recommended:■ MS3424E37-50S (flange-mount receptacle).■ MS3464E37-50S (jam nut-mount receptacle).These connectors mate to a lanyard disconnect plug (Deutsch part number D8178E37-0PN) inthe fairing.The following alternative connectors, made by Deutsch and conforming to MIL-C-81703, maybe used when spacecraft umbilical connectors interface with fairing-mounted wire harnesses orthe payload attach fitting:■ D817*E61-OSN.■ D817*E37-OSN.If “*” is 0, the receptacle is flange mounted; if 4, the receptacle is jam-nut mounted.These connectors mate to a D8178E-series lanyard disconnect plug in the fairing or D8179Eseriesrack-and-panel plug on the PAF.For spacecraft umbilical connectors that interface directly to the fairing wire harnesses, thespacecraft connector shall be installed so the polarizing key is in line with the longitudinal axisof the vehicle and facing forward (upward). The connector shall be within 5 deg of the fairingsector centerline. The face of the connector shall be within 2 deg of being perpendicular to thecenterline. A typical spacecraft umbilical connector is shown in Figure 5-72. There should be nosurrounding spacecraft intrusion within a 30-deg half-cone-angle separation clearance envelopeat the mated fairing umbilical connector (Figure 5-73). Pull forces for the lanyard disconnectplugs are shown in Table 5-6. For spacecraft umbilical connectors interfacing with the PAF, theconnector shall be installed so that the polarizing key is oriented radially outward. Spring compressionand pin retention forces for the rack-and-panel connectors are shown in Table 5-7.5-68

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00762REU0HB00763REU0.1Typical SpacecraftUmbilical OpeningUmbilicalPlugSpacecraftUmbilicalConnectorBatteryFlightPlug30 degOrdnanceArmingPlugDisconnectLanyard30 degSeparationEnvelopeSpacecraftFairingUmbilicalConnectorFigure 5-72. Typical Spacecraft Umbilical Figure 5-73. Spacecraft/Fairing UmbilicalConnectorClearance EnvelopeTable 5-6. Disconnect Pull Forces (Lanyard Plugs)Maximum engagement and disengagementMinimum force for disengagementforceConnector type Shell size (lb) (N) (lb) (N)D817X 61 7.0 31.1 49.0 217.9D817X 37 6.0 26.7 44.0 195.7002253.2Table 5-7. Disconnect Forces (Rack-and-Panel Connectors)Maximum spring compressionMaximum pin retentionConnector type Shell size (lb) (N) (lb) (N)D817X61 77 342.5 68 302.437 48 213.5 50 222.4002254.35.8.3 Spacecraft Separation SwitchTo monitor vehicle/spacecraft separation, a separation switch can be installed on the spacecraft.The configuration must be coordinated with the Delta Program Office. This switch shouldbe located to interface with the launch vehicle at the separation plane or within 25.4 mm (1 in.)below it. A special pad will be provided on the vehicle side of the interface. The design of theswitch should provide for at least 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) over-travel in the mated condition. Typicalspacecraft separation switch concepts are shown in Figure 5-74. The switch located over theseparation spring is the preferred concept. An alternative for obtaining spacecraft separationindication is by the vehicle telemetry system.5-69

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Preferred ConfigurationAlternative ConfigurationHB00764REU0.2SeparationSwitchSpacecraftSpacecraftSeparationClampPAFNote: Switch centerline to bewithin 3.56 mm (0.14 in.) ofseparation spring centerlinePAFFigure 5-74. Typical Spacecraft Separation Switch and PAF Switch Pad5.8.4 Spacecraft Safe and Arm CircuitThe spacecraft apogee motor S&A circuit (if applicable) must interconnect with the operationssafety manager’s console (OSMC) interface in the blockhouse or operations building. An interfacediagram for the spacecraft console and the OSMC is given in Figure 5-75 for the existingblockhouse configuration and Figure 5-76 for the operations building configuration. Circuits forthe S&A mechanism “arm permission” and the S&A talk-back lights are provided. This link isapplicable at SLC-17 only and is not required at SLC-2.SP06E-12-10S (MS3116P12-10S)(Provided by Boeing)HB00765REU0.1ACSR+28 VCCCustomerBlockhouseConsoleRetRetArmControlABDEFG1D91563-575ABDEFGF/O toOperationsBuildingCable LengthApproximately 6.1 m (20 ft)J204Reference ICD-MLV-J002 for Additional InformationFigure 5-75. Blockhouse Spacecraft/Operation Safety Manager’s Console Interface for SLC-175-70

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214OB–LCC OB–Computer Room BlockhouseOperation SafetyManager’s Console(OSMC)SpacecraftPermissionSafe28 VDCCCAuxiliaryControl SystemRemoteAuxiliaryControl SystemSystemRemoteSafe28VDCCCHB00766REU0.2SpacecraftRackMonitor PowerAAJ204Remote-ControlCircuitrytoBlockhouseF/OArm28VDCAAGround WhenSafeArm28 VDC ConnecttoLocationofSpacecraftGSEInterfaceB BJ304Remote-ControlCircuitry toOperationsBuildingBDBDGround WhenArmedOSMC ArmPermissionStatusEEArm PowerSpacecraftArmPermissionSwitchDEFGDEFGRange-ProvidedCableJ404SpacecraftArmPermissionJ404A J304A J204FGSP06E-12-10SFG1D91563-575Safe/Arm KeySwitch StatusOSMC S/C ArmPermissionGrantedRange CommInterfaceSpacecraft Room213Spacecraft Room2121D91563-579Remote SiteRange CommInterfaceSpacecraftConsole1D91563-577Pin APin BPin CPin DPin EPin FPin GS&A Safe Position Status input to the OSMC – The presence of a Ground Indicates Safe positionS&A Arm Position Status input to the OSMC – The presence of a Ground indicates Arm positionSpacecraft manufacturer B/H Panel 28 VDC Monitor Power input to the OSMCArm Permission Switch Position Status from OSMC – The presence of 28 VDC indicates Permission GrantedArming Power Switch input to the OSMC – The presence of 28 VDC indicates Spacecraft BlockhouseConsole Arm Power Switch is OnSafe/Arm Key Switch Position Status input to the OSMC – The presence of 28 VDC indicates SpacecraftBlockhouse Console Key Switch is in the Arm PositionOSMC Arm Permission Command to Spacecraft – The presence of 28 VDC Arms the Spacecraft Blockhouse S&AFigure 5-76. Spacecraft/Pad Safety Console Interface for SLC-17—Operations Building Configuration5-71

Section 6LAUNCH OPERATIONS AT EASTERN RANGEDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214This section presents a description of Delta launch vehicle operations associated with SpaceLaunch Complex 17 (SLC-17) at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), Florida.Delta II prelaunch processing and spacecraft operations conducted prior to launch are presented.6.1 ORGANIZATIONSThe Delta Program operates the Delta launch system and maintains a team that provideslaunch services to NASA, USAF, and commercial customers at CCAFS. The Delta Program providesthe interface to the Department of Transportation (DOT) for the licensing and certificationneeded to launch commercial spacecraft using the Delta II. The Delta Program also has an establishedworking relationship with Astrotech Space Operations that owns and operates a processingfacility for commercial spacecraft in Titusville, Florida, in support of Delta missions. Utilizationof these facilities and services is arranged by the Delta Program Office for the customer.The Delta Program interfaces with NASA at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) through the LaunchServices Program Office. NASA designates a launch site integration manager who arranges all ofthe support requested from NASA for a launch from CCAFS. The Delta Program Office has anestablished interface with the USAF Space and Missile Systems Center (USAF SMC) Delta II programoffice and the 45th Space Wing Directorate of Plans. The USAF designates a program supportmanager (PSM) to be a representative of the 45th Space Wing. The PSM serves as the officialinterface for all support and services requested. These services include range instrumentation andfacilities/equipment operation and maintenance as well as safety, security, and logistics support.Requirements are described in documents prepared using the government’s universal documentationsystem format. The Delta Program Office formally submits these documents to governmentagencies. The Delta Program Office and the customer generate the program requirements document(PRD).The organizations that support a commercial launch are shown in Figure 6-1. A spacecraft coordinatorfrom the Delta-CCAFS launch team is assigned early in the integration effort. Thespacecraft coordinator will assist the spacecraft team during the launch campaign by helping toobtain safety approval of the spacecraft test procedures and operations, integrating the spacecraftoperations into the launch vehicle activities, and serving as the interface between the spacecraftand test conductor in the launch control center during the countdown and launch.6-1

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00368REU0.2Spacecraft Customer• Processes spacecraft• Defines support requirementsNASA KSC• Provides specific base supportitemsDelta Program CCAFS• Processes launch vehicle• Ensures that spacecraftsupport requirements aresatisfied• Interfaces with government,safety, NASA, and Air Force• Encapsulates payloadAir Force45th Space Wing• Provides base support andrange services• Range Safety• Approves procedures/operations• Missile flight control• Provides government insightinto launch operationsAstrotech• Provides off-base spacecraftfacilitiesFigure 6-1. Organizational Interfaces for Commercial Users6.2 FACILITIESCommercial spacecraft will normally be processed through the Astrotech facilities. Otherfacilities on CCAFS, controlled by NASA and USAF, can be used for commercial spacecraftunder special circumstances.The spacecraft agency must provide its own test equipment for spacecraft preparations, includingtelemetry receivers and telemetry ground stations. Communications equipment, includingsome antennas, is available as base equipment for voice and data transmissions.Transportation and handling of the spacecraft and associated equipment are provided byBoeing from the spacecraft processing facilities to the launch site. Equipment and personnel arealso available for loading and unloading operations. Shipping containers and handling fixturesattached to the spacecraft are provided by the spacecraft agency.Shipping and handling of hazardous materials, such as electro-explosive devices (EEDs) andradioactive sources, are the responsibility of the customer and must be in accordance with applicableregulations. It is the responsibility of the customer to identify these items and becomefamiliar with such regulations; included are those imposed by NASA, USAF, and FAA (refer toSection 9).6-2

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02146.2.1 Astrotech Space Operations FacilitiesThe Astrotech facility is located approximately 5.6 km (3 mi) west of the Gate 3 entrance toKSC near the intersection of state roads 405 and 407 in the Spaceport Industrial Park in Titusville,Florida (Figure 6-2). A complete description of the Astrotech facilities can be found on theAstrotech Web site: www.spacehab.com/aso/reference.htm.HB00369REU0.2City ofTitusville Space Launch Complex 41To Orlando50405Indian RiverVisitorsInformationCenterVehicleAssemblyBuilding(VAB) AreaSpace Launch Complex 40John F. KennedySpace CenterSpace LaunchComplex 37To OrlandoBee-LineExpressway407AirportAstrotechInterstate 951SouthKennedy ParkwayKSCIndustrialAreaBananaRiverSkid StripCape CanaveralAir Force StationSpace Launch Complex17A/B528A1A1 Space Launch SquadronOperations BuildingCity of CocoaFigure 6-2. Astrotech Site LocationCity of Cape Canaveral6.2.2 CCAFS Operations and FacilitiesCommercial customers have the use of facilities and services on CCAFS based on “capacityavailable.” Typically, these facilities and services are arranged by Astrotech. Civil and militarypayloads arrange for the use of facilities and services through their sponsoring agencies. Typicalareas used by commercial customers are described in the following paragraphs. Mission Director Center (MDC). Launch operations and overall mission activitiesare monitored by the Mission Director (MD) and the supporting mission management team in theMDC (Figure 6-3) in building AE, where the team is informed of launch vehicle, spacecraft, andtracking network flight readiness. Appropriate real-time prelaunch and launch data are displayedto provide a presentation of vehicle launch and flight progress. During launch operations, the6-3

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T0720241 2 3 4 5 67 89101112131415161718192021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28Figure 6-3. Building AE Mission Director CenterMDC also functions as an operational communications center from which all communicationemanates to tracking and control stations.At the front of the MDC are large illuminated displays that list the tracking stations and rangestations in use and the sequence of events after liftoff. These displays are used to show presentposition and instantaneous impact point (IIP) plots. When compared to the theoretical plots,these displays give an overall representation of launch vehicle performance. Solid-Propellant Storage Area. The facilities and support equipment in this areaare maintained and operated by USAF range contractor personnel. Ordnance item transport isalso provided by range contractor personnel. Preparation of ordnance items for flight (e.g., S&Adevice installation, thermal blanket installation) is performed by spacecraft contractor personnelaccording to range safety-approved procedures. Storage Magazines. Storage magazines are concrete bunker-type structures locatedat the north end of the storage area. Only two of the magazines are used for spacecraft ordnance.One magazine, designated MAG H, is environmentally controlled to 23.9° ± 2.8°C (75° ± 5°F)with a maximum relative humidity of 65%. This magazine contains small ordnance items such asS&A devices, igniter assemblies, initiators, bolt cutters, and electrical squibs.6-4

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The second magazine, designated MAG I, is used for the storage of solid-propellant motors. It isenvironmentally controlled to 29.4° ± 2.8°C (85° ± 5°F) with a maximum relative humidity of 65%. Electrical-Mechanical Testing Facility. The electrical-mechanical testing facility(EMT) (Figure 6-4), which is operated by range contractor personnel, is used for such functionsas ordnance item bridgewire resistance checks and S&A device functional tests, as well as fortest- firing small self-contained ordnance items.HB00384REU0NTestChamberPrepBenchPrepBenchNorth PrepRoomTV CameraTVMonitorTVMonitorTVMonitorControlOrdnanceTest ConsoleControlRoomOrdnanceTest ConsoleWorkRoomLavatoryOfficePrepBenchTV CameraSouth PrepRoomTestChamberPrepBenchFigure 6-4. Electrical-Mechanical Testing Building Floor PlanElectrical cables that provide the interface between the ordnance items and the test equipmentalready exist for most devices commonly used at CCAFS. These cables are tested before eachuse, and the test data are documented. If no cable or harness exists for a particular ordnance item,it is the responsibility of the spacecraft contractor to provide the proper mating connector for theordnance item to be tested. A six-week lead time is required for cable fabrication.The test consoles contain the items listed in Table 6-1. The tests are conducted according tospacecraft contractor procedures that have been approved by range safety personnel.6-5

Resistance measurement controlsDigital current meterDigital voltmeterAuto-ranging digital voltmeterDigital multimeterHigh-current test controlsPower supply (5 V)High-current test power supplyTable 6-1. Test Console ItemsAlinco bridge and null meterResistance test selectorDigital ammeterDigital stop watchRelay power supplyTest power supplyPower control panelBlowerDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02146.2.2.5 Liquid-Propellant Storage Area. Spacecraft contractor-provided liquid propellantscan be stored in the liquid-propellant storage area on CCAFS. This climate-controlled area,operated by range contractor personnel, can store both fuel and oxidizer in Department of Transportation(DOT)-approved containers. Propellant servicing equipment can be cleaned/decontaminated in this area.6.3 SPACECRAFT TRANSPORT TO LAUNCH SITEAfter completion of spacecraft preparations and mating to the PAF in one of the payload processingfacilities (PPFs) or hazardous processing facilities (HPFs), the flight-configured spacecraftis moved to SLC-17 to join with the Delta II launch vehicle. Boeing provides a mobilehandling container to support spacecraft transfer to the launch pad.The spacecraft handling container (Figure 6-5) is supported on a foam-filled, rubber-tiredtransporter and slowly towed to the pad with a Delta Program-provided tractor. The container(commonly called the handling can) can be configured for either two- or three-stage missions.The handling can height varies according to the number of cylindrical sections required for a safeenvelope around the spacecraft. The spacecraft container is purged with GN 2 to reduce the relativehumidity of the air inside the container and to maintain a slight positive pressure. Whentransporting the spacecraft, container temperature is not controlled directly but is maintained atacceptable levels by selecting the time of day when movement occurs. The transportation environmentis monitored with recording instrumentation.0021366-6

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00385REU0.2Load Capacity (20,000 lb)60962403657.6144ExtensionLadderToolBox3048Track Width120Wheel Base4572180All dimensions are inmmin.ShackleAccessPlatform3048120 dia(Inside Skin)CoverShackleAccessPlatform3048dia120(Inside Skin)Cover1171117146.12 (Typical)46.12 (Typical) Payload (Reference)Handling Can(Shown withFive CylindricalSections)129450.93Handling Can Configurationfor Three-Stage MissionsHandling Can(Shown withFour CylindricalSections)Conical Sectionfor Three-StageMissionsAdapter RingHandling CanConfiguration forTwo-Stage MissionsDirect Mate Adapter forTwo-Stage Missions6915PAF(Ref)GSEClampDirect Mate Adapter forTwo-Stage MissionsFigure 6-5. Delta II Upper-Stage Assembly Ground-Handling Can and Transporter6-7

6.4 SLC-17, PADS A AND B (CCAFS)Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214SLC-17 is located in the southeastern section of CCAFS (Figure 6-6). It consists of two launchpads (17A and 17B), a blockhouse, ready room, shops, and other facilities needed to prepare,service, and launch the Delta II vehicle. The arrangement of SLC-17 is shown in Figure6-7 and an aerial view in Figure 6-8.Because all operations in the launch complex area involve or are conducted in the vicinity ofliquid or solid propellants and explosive ordnance devices, the number of personnel permitted inthe area, safety clothing to be worn, types of activities permitted, and equipment allowed arestrictly regulated. Adherence to all safety regulations specified in Section 9 is required. Safetybriefings on these subjects are given for those required to work in the launch complex area.A clothing change room is provided on the mobile service tower (MST) level 9 in accordancewith typical payload contamination guidelines.HB00379REU0.1AstrotechMainlandIndian RiverKSC Industrial AreaKennedy ParkwayNASA ParkwayVerticalAssemblyBuilding (VAB)Complex 39(Shuttle)KSC Nuclear Fuel StorageBanana RiverBennettCausewaySolid Propellant StorageArea EMTSAEF 2Industrial AreaDMCOArea 55Area 57Complex 37(Delta IV)Cocoa Beach1 SLSOperationsBuildingLiquidPropellantStorage AreaSpace LaunchComplex 17• Pad A • Blockhouse• Pad BCCAFSAtlantic OceanFigure 6-6. Delta Checkout Facilities6-8

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00386REU0.2MST 17BMST 17AExhaust DuctsBlockhouseDelta OperationsSupport BuildingNHorizontal ProcessingFacilityLighthouse RoadFigure 6-7. Space Launch Complex-17, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station6-9

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00767REU0Figure 6-8. Space Launch Complex 17—Aerial View6.4.1 MST Spacecraft Work LevelsThe number of personnel admitted to the MST is governed by safety requirements and by thelimited amount of work space on the spacecraft levels. The relationship of the vehicle to theMST is shown in Figure 6-9. Typical MST deck-level floor plans of pads 17A and 17B areshown in Figures 6-10A, 6-10B, 6-11A, 6-11B, 6-12A, and 6-12B.6.4.2 Space Launch Complex 17 BlockhouseMost hazardous operations, including launch, are no longer controlled from the SLC-17blockhouse but are controlled from the 1st Space Launch Squadron Operations Building (1 SLSOB). The SLC-17 blockhouse remains and has floor space allocated for remotely controlledspacecraft consoles and battery-charging equipment. Terminal board connections in the spacecraft-to-block¬housejunction box (Figure 6-11) provide electrical connection to the spacecraftumbilical wires. If desired, the Delta Program will terminate the cables for the customer. Spacecraftumbilical wires should be tagged with the terminal board location identified, as indicated inthe payload-to-blockhouse wiring diagram provided by the Delta Program in the interface controldocument.6-10

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00388REU0mAll dimensions are inin.All station numbers are in inchesExternal Hoist 20,000-lb CapacityMax Hook Ht = 171 ft 10 in.Sta 47EnvironmentalEnclosureInterior Bridge Crane12,000-lb CapacityMax Hook Ht = 163 ftSta 593.631433.25127.78Elev 151 ft 0 in.Sta 203.99Elev 149 ft 8.75 in.Sta Sta 219.2210.0-ft-diaComposite Fairing9.5-ft-dia FairingLevel 9CElev 139 ft 1 in.Sta 3473.05120SpacecraftSta 414Third Stage3.05120Sta 553.39Level 9BElev 129 ft 1 in.Sta 467Third StageSta 500Second StageLevel 9AElev 119 ft 1 in.Sta 5883.28129Level 8BElev 108 ft 4 in.Sta 717Figure 6-9. Environmental Enclosure Work Levels6-11

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214BDownrange4.57 m15 ft 0 in.C1.98 mD2.59 mE2.67 mF1.9 mG4.57 mH6 ft 6 in. 8 ft 6 in. 8 ft 9 in. 6 ft 3 in. 15 ft 0 in.HB00874REU0.24.27 m14 ft 0 in.3.66 m12 ft 0 in.VestibuleUp DownTelephone11Airlock andChangeout RoomHoist Hoist11X2III25 degN28 degTo CapeIndustrial AreaCameraAC InII9-ft-dia IIV(2) 11HoistAC InHoistCamera11FairingStorage AreaDown11 (2)DownSymbol11ItemComm Box120 VAC 1ø120/208 VAC 3øTelephoneQuantity6 Each7 Outlets1 Outlet1ElevationsHoists 1.976TV Cameras 1.86743mAbove Deckin.AC InletsComm Boxes 1.663Pneumatic Panel 1.7690.6 and 2.424 and 96Figure 6-10A. Level 9A Floor Plan, Pad 17AHB00877REU0.5BDownrange4.57 m15 ft 0 in.C1.98 mD2.59 mE2.67 mF1.9 mG4.57 mH6 ft 6 in. 8 ft 6 in. 8 ft 9 in. 6 ft 3 in. 15 ft 0 in.4.27 m14 ft 0 in.Up Down11III25 degII9-ft-diaI11 (2)FairingStorage AreaDownVestibuleN28 degIV3.66 m12 ft 0 in.Telephone 11Airlock and 11Changeout RoomTo CapeIndustrial AreaCamera(3) 11AC InAC InTelephonePneumatic Panel(GN 2 , GHe, and Air)Camera11DownTelephoneSymbol11ItemComm Box120 VAC 1ø120/208 VAC 3øTelephoneQuantity4 Each10 Outlets1 Outlet2ElevationsTV Cameras 1.86743mAbove Deckin.AC InletsComm Boxes 1.663Pneumatic Panel 1.7690.6 and 2.424 and 96Figure 6-10B. Level 9A Floor Plan, Pad 17B6-12

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214BDownrange4.57 m15 ft 0 in.C1.98 mD2.59 mE2.67 mF1.9 mG4.57 mH6 ft 6 in. 8 ft 6 in. 8 ft 9 in. 6 ft 3 in. 15 ft 0 in.HB00875REU0.34.27 m14 ft 0 in.3.66 m12 ft 0 in.VestibuleSymbol11AirlockDownCrane PendantItemComm Box120 VAC 1ø120/208 VAC 3øTelephoneRF Re-Rad J-BoxHoist HoistUp11X2N25degTo CapeIndustrial Area11 AC InQuantity6 Each7 Outlets1 Outlet128 degII12-ft-dia9-ft-diaWith InsertsIV11(2)Pneumatic Panel(GN , GHe, and Air)2ElevationsHoists 2.496Pneumatic Panel 1.353IHoistHoistCameraAC In 11mAbove Deckin.FairingStorage AreaDownAC Inlets11 (2)Auxiliary HoistControlsDoor Seal ControlsSafety BeltComm Boxes 1.663Telephone1.8 and 3.972 and 152Figure 6-11A. Level 9B Floor Plan, Pad 17AHB00878REU0.4BDownrange4.57 m15 ft 0 in.C1.98 mD2.59 mE2.67 mF1.9 mG4.57 mH6 ft 6 in. 8 ft 6 in. 8 ft 9 in. 6 ft 3 in. 15 ft 0 in.4.27 m14 ft 0 in.3.66 m12 ft 0 in.VestibuleSymbol11DownCrane PendantAirlock andChangeoutRoom11UpItemComm Box120 VAC 1ø120/208 VAC 3øTelephoneRF Re-Rad J-Box11N25degTo CapeIndustrial Area11 AC InQuantity7 Each9 Outlets4 Outlets228 degII12-ft-dia9-ft-diaWith InsertsIV11(2)Pneumatic Panel(GN , GHe, and Air)26-13CameraAC InElevations mAbove Deckin.Pneumatic Panel 1.353Figure 6-11B. Level 9B Floor Plan, Pad 17BIFairingStorage AreaDown11 (2)Auxiliary HoistControlsAC InletsDoor SealControlsComm Boxes 1.663Telephone1.8 and 3.972 and 152

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00876REU0.2DownrangeC1.98 m6 ft 6 in.D2.59 m8 ft 6 in.E2.67 m8 ft 9 in.F G H1.9 m4.57 m6 ft 3 in. 15 ft 0 in.II6.10 m20 ft 0 in.Hoist HoistDnIII25 deg12-ft-dia11-ft-diaWith InsertsN 28 degIVCamera To CapeIndustrial AreaRCAC InIAC InHoistHoistSymbolItemComm BoxTelephoneQuantity2 Each1ElevationsHoistsAC InletsComm BoxesmAbove Deckin.2.4961.8 and 3.972 and 1521.663Figure 6-12A. Level 9C Floor Plan, Pad 17AHB00879REU0.2DownrangeC1.98 m6 ft 6 in.D2.59 m8 ft 6 in.E2.67 m8 ft 9 in.F G H1.9 m4.57 m6 ft 3 in. 15 ft 0 in.II6.10 m20 ft 0 in.DnIII25 deg12-ft dia11-ft diaWith InsertsN 28 degIVTo CapeIndustrial AreaCameraAC InIAC InSymbolItemComm BoxTelephoneQuantity2 Each1ElevationsAC InletsComm BoxesmAbove Deckin.1.663Figure 6-12B. Level 9C Floor Plan, Pad 17B6-14

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02146.4.3 First Space Launch Squadron Operations Building (1 SLS OB)All launch operations are controlled from the Launch Control Center (LCC) on the secondfloor of the 1 SLS OB. The launch vehicle and GSE are controlled and monitored from the OBvia the advanced launch vehicle control system (ALCS). Also on the second floor, two spacecraftcontrol rooms and office space adjacent to the LCC are available during processing and launch(Figure 6-13). Communication equipment, located in each control room, provides signal interfacebetween the 1 SLS OB and the blockhouse (Figure 6-14). Standard bus interfaces (i.e., EIA-422, RS-485, EIA-232, and Ethernet) will be available for remote spacecraft equipment monitoringand control.The remote spacecraft rack also provides limited discrete control/feedback and handles analogdata from the blockhouse to the OB.Provisions are made to interface the spacecraft safe and arm status and arm permission to therange operations safety manager’s (OSM) console at the Auxiliary Control System Rack (ACSR)in the blockhouse and from OB spacecraft control rooms 1 and 2. The spacecraft interface withthe OSM console is defined in Boeing ICD-MLV-J002.HB00768REU0.1RampUpSpacecraft Office 1RampUpSpacecraft Office and Control Room 2Room 213Spacecraft Control Room 1Room 212Figure 6-13. Spacecraft Customer Accommodations—Launch Control Center6-15

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00395REU0.2A-CDPB-CDPTMSWorkStationsACSPanelsRoom213Room212ACS-R-OBRackPSSCS/C-BControlACS/PSSCInterface(Cu/FO)SpacecraftInterface(Discretes)(Analog232, 422,and 485)Delta144F/ODelta144F/OACS-R-BHInterface(FO/Cu)SpacecraftInterface(Discretes)(Analog232, 422,488, and 485)ACS B/HRackS&AS/C-BRackInterfaceJ-Box17BACSRackInterfaceJ-Box17B-VCR117B-VCR217B-GCRSpacecraftUmbilical1 SLS Operations Building SLC-17 BlockhouseTerminal RoomFigure 6-14. Interface Overview—Spacecraft Control Rack in 1 SLS Operations Building6.5 SUPPORT SERVICES6.5.1 Launch SupportFor countdown operations, the Delta Program launch team is located in the 1 SLS OB engineeringsupport area (ESA) and Hangar AE, with support from many other organizations. Thefollowing paragraphs describe the organizational interfaces and the launch decision process. Mission Director Center (Hangar AE). The Mission Director Center providesthe necessary seating, data display, and communications to control the launch process. Seating isprovided for key personnel from the Delta Program Office, the Eastern Range, and the spacecraftcontrol team. For NASA launches, key NASA personnel also occupy space in the Mission DirectorCenter. Government launches incorporate additional reporting and decision responsibility. Launch Decision Process. The launch decision process is conducted by the appropriatemanagement personnel representing the spacecraft, the launch vehicle, and the range.Figure 6-15 shows the typical communication flow required to make the launch decision. ForNASA missions, a Mission Director, launch management advisory team, engineering team, andquality assurance personnel will also participate in the launch decision process.6.5.2 Weather Constraints6.5.2.1 Ground-Wind Constraints. The Delta II vehicle is enclosed in the MST until approximatelyL-7 hours. The tower protects the vehicle from ground winds. The winds are measuredusing anemometers at the 9.1-m (30-ft) and 28.0-m (92-ft) levels of the tower.6-16

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214SpacecraftGround StationSpacecraftGround Station(User)LaunchVehicleSystemStatusLaunch VehicleSystemsEngineering(Delta Program)EngineeringSupport Area(1 SLS OB)SpacecraftProjectManager(User)Director ofEngineering(Delta Program)LaunchControl(1 SLS OB)StatusSpacecraftStatusLaunchVehicleStatusVehicle StatusChief FieldEngineer(Delta Program)SpacecraftCoordinator(Delta Program)Mission Director CenterBuilding AESpacecraftMission Director(User)StatusStatusSpacecraftVehicleStatusMissionDirector(Delta Program)LaunchDecisionLaunchDirector(Delta Program)TOPS 1LaunchConductor(Delta Program)StatusSpacecraftNetworkStatusLaunchConcurrenceSiteController(USAF)AdvisoryStatusSpacecraftNetworkManager(User)Director(USAF)StatusStatusRange StatusCoordinator(Delta Program)• Range safety status• Eastern Rangestatus• Weather• Network statusHB00757REU0.3Spacecraft MissionControl CenterSpacecraftNetworkStatus VoiceSpacecraftMissionControl Center(User)Range OperationsControl CenterUSAF(45 SW)ControlOffice(45 SW)Figure 6-15. Launch Decision Flow for Commercial Missions—Eastern RangeThe following limitations on ground winds (including gusts) apply:A. The MST shall not be moved from the Delta II if ground winds in any direction exceed 36knots (41 mph) at the 9.1-m (30-ft) level.B. The maximum allowable ground winds at the 28.0-m (92-ft) level are shown on Figure 6-16for 792X vehicles with lengthened nozzles on the air-ignited GEMs. As noted on the figure,the constraints are a function of the predicted liftoff solid-motor-propellant bulk temperature.This figure applies to both 9.5-ft and 10-ft-dia fairing configurations. The plot combines liftoffcontrols, liftoff loads, and on-stand structural ground wind restrictions. Winds Aloft Constraints. Measurements of winds aloft are taken at the launch pad.The Delta II controls and loads constraints for winds aloft are evaluated on launch day by conductinga trajectory analysis using the measured wind. A curvefit to the wind data provides loadrelief in the trajectory analyses. The curvefit and other load-relief parameters are used to reset themission constants just prior to launch.6-17

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00397REU0.1NDelta II 7925/7925-10 Ground Wind Velocity CriteriaSix GEM Solids off the Pad, Three GEM LN Solids Air-LitER-Launch Pads 17A and 17BBetween 297 deg and 30 deg (92 ft)Temp ( °F) Wind Speed (knots)30225023330030Vehicle Configuration:Fairing Diameter:Solids:Launch Site:Minimum Solid Motor Propellant BulkTemperature RangeAnemometer Level:792X9.5 and 10 ftGEM LNER30°–50°F92 ft300No Launch60W270Launch50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50Knots90 EAngles Indicate Direction From Which WindsCome (Wind Speed Is Measured at 92 ft)35 knots (92 ft)240210180S150Pad Azimuth120 115 degBetween 135 deg and 195 deg (92 ft)Temp ( °F) Wind Speed (knots)Figure 6-16. Delta II 792X Ground Wind Velocity Criteria, SLC- Lightning Activity. The following are Delta Program procedures for operating duringlightning activity:A. Evacuation of the MST and fixed umbilical tower (FUT) is accomplished at the directionof the Boeing Test Conductor (Reference: Delta Launch Complex Safety Plan).B. First- and second-stage instrumentation may be operated during an electrical storm.C. If other vehicle electrical systems are powered when an electrical storm approaches, thesesystems may remain powered.D. If an electrical storm passes through after a simulated flight test, all electrical systems areturned on in a quiescent state, and all data sources are evaluated for evidence of damage.This turn-on is done remotely (pad clear) if any category A ordnance circuits are connectedfor flight. Ordnance circuits are disconnected and safed prior to turn-on with personnelexposed to the vehicle.303540455025262728296-18

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214E. If data from the quiescent turn-on reveal equipment discrepancies that can be attributed tothe electrical storm, a flight program requalification test must be run subsequent to thestorm and prior to a launch attempt.Spacecraft personnel can follow the same procedures (which may be more restrictive).6.5.3 Operational SafetySafety requirements are covered in Section 9 of this document. In addition, it is the operatingpolicy at both Boeing and Astrotech that all personnel will be given safety orientation briefingsprior to entrance to hazardous areas. These briefings will be scheduled by the Delta ProgramOffice spacecraft coordinator and presented by the appropriate safety personnel.6.5.4 Security6.5.4.1 Launch Complex Security. SLC-17 physical security is ensured by perimeterfencing, guards, and access badges. The MST white room is a Defense Investigative Service(DIS)-approved closed area with cypher locks on entry-controlled doors. Access can be controlledby a security guard on the MST eighth level. CCAFS Security. For access to CCAFS, U.S. citizens must provide to the Delta Programsecurity coordinator full name with middle initial if applicable, social security number,company name, and dates of arrival and expected departure. Delta Program security will arrangefor entry authority for commercial missions or for individuals sponsored by the Delta Program.Access by NASA personnel or NASA-sponsored foreign nationals is coordinated at CCAFS byNASA KSC with the USAF. Access by other U.S. government-sponsored foreign nationals iscoordinated by their sponsor directly with the USAF at CCAFS. For non-United States citizens,clearance information (name, nationality/citizenship, date and place of birth, passport numberand date/place of issue, visa number and date of expiration, and title or job description) must befurnished to the Delta Program Office not later than 45 days prior to the CCAFS entry date. Failureto comply with the deadlines may result in access to CCAFS being denied by the Air Force.Government-sponsored individuals must follow NASA or US government guidelines as appropriate.The spacecraft coordinator will furnish visitor identification documentation to the appropriateagencies. After Delta Program security receives clearance approval, entry to CCAFS willbe the same as for U.S. citizens.6-19

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02146.5.5 Field-Related ServicesBoeing employs certified propellant handlers, equipment drivers, welders, riggers, explosiveordnance handlers, and people experienced in most electrical and mechanical assembly skillssuch as torquing, soldering, crimping, precision cleaning, and contamination control. Boeing hasunder its control a machine shop, metrology laboratory, LO 2 cleaning facility, proof-load facility,and hydrostatic proof test equipment. Boeing operational team members are familiar with thepayload processing facilities at the CCAFS, KSC, and Astrotech, and can offer all of these skillsand services to the spacecraft project during the launch program.6.6 DELTA II PLANS AND SCHEDULES6.6.1 Integrated SchedulesThe schedule of spacecraft activities varies from mission to mission. The extent of spacecraftfield testing varies and is determined by the customer.Spacecraft/launch vehicle schedules are similar from mission to mission, from the time ofspacecraft weighing until launch.Daily schedules are prepared on hourly timelines for these integrated activities. These schedulestypically cover the integration effort in the HPF and launch pad activities after the spacecraftarrives. HPF tasks can include spacecraft weighing, spacecraft third-stage mate and interfaceverification, and transportation can assembly around the combined payload. The pad schedulesprovide a detailed, hour-by-hour breakdown of operations, illustrating the flow of activities fromspacecraft erection through terminal countdown and reflecting inputs from the spacecraft project.These schedules comprise the integrating document to ensure timely launch pad operations.Typical schedules of integrated activities from spacecraft weighing in the HPF until launch(Figures 6-17 through 6-29) are shown as launch minus (T-) workdays. Saturdays, Sundays, andholidays are typically not scheduled workdays and therefore are not T-days. The T-days, fromspacecraft mate through launch, are coordinated with the customer to optimize on-pad testing.All operations are formally conducted and controlled using launch countdown documents. Theschedules of spacecraft activities during that time, also called countdown bar charts, are controlledby the Boeing chief launch conductor. Tasks involving the spacecraft or tasks requiringthat spacecraft personnel be present are shaded for easy identification.Typical preparation tasks for a three-stage mission from CCAFS are as follows (stand-alonespacecraft and third-stage checkout are completed before T-11 day).6-20

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-11 Tasks include equipment verification, precision weighing of the spacecraft by Boeing, andsecuring.T-10 Spacecraft is lifted and mated to the third stage; clampband is installed, and initial clampbandtension is established.Spacecraft Tasks/Support/Witness*Lift and lowering steps to beaccomplished by spacecraft personnel.HB00399REU0.20200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400Morning Schedule BriefingBay-Opening ChecksSet Up/Check Out Precision Weigh UnitHoist Functional/Stray Voltage CheckPosition Class C WeightsWeigh Spacecraft Items To Be Installed LaterHydraset/Load Cell Linkage SetupLoad Cell Shunt ChecksClass C Weigh Lift (Verify Repeatability)Spacecraft Lift/Weigh/Lower*Spacecraft Lift/Weigh/Lower*Spacecraft Lift/Weigh/Lower* (Repeat UntilTwo Successive Trials Are Within 0.02%)Secure Lift EquipmentSecure Weigh EquipmentBallast Weights (If Required)Figure 6-17. Typical Spacecraft Weighing (T-11 Day)HB00400REU0.10200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400Spacecraft Tasks/Support/WitnessVishay Equipment WarmupMorning Schedule BriefingBay-Opening ChecksVishay/Instrumented Stud CalibrationActuator Installation and LockwireClampband PreparationsHoist Stray Voltage CheckLift/Traverse/Mate SpacecraftSpacecraft-to-PAF Gap MeasurementsClampband InstallationBand Tensioning/TappingSecuringVishay RechecksSpacecraft Third-Stage InterfaceVerification (If Required)Figure 6-18. Typical Mating of Spacecraft and Third Stage (T-10 Day)6-21

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-9 Final preparations are made prior to can-up for both spacecraft and third stage, and spacecraft/third-stage interface is verified, if required.T-8 The payload handling can is assembled around the spacecraft/third stage; handling cantransportation covers are installed; the can is placed on its trailer; and the handling can purge isset up.Spacecraft Tasks/Support/WitnessHB00411REU0.10200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400Morning Schedule BriefingBay-Opening ChecksSeparation Clampband FinalingGap Measurements End FittingsInstall Band RetainersConnect Springs to RetainersConnect/Torque ETA Into CuttersInstall Attach Bolt-Cutter BracketsLockwire Shields/Brackets ETAInstall Nonflight TagsSeparation Blanket InstallationFinal InspectionPhotograph AssemblyClean and Preassemble CylindricalSections of Transport CanInstall/Torque Four Transport CanRing Assemblies to Spin TableFigure 6-19. Typical Final Spacecraft Third-Stage Preparations (T-9 Day)HB00412REU0.20200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400Spacecraft Tasks/Support/WitnessMorning Schedule BriefingBay-Opening ChecksThird-Stage Tasks Completed Prior to This Date• Clean/Assemble/Transport Can• Clean/Disassemble/Prepare Can• Fabricate Illumalloy Bag• Clean/Move Trailer In Bay• Four-Ring Assembly Mated to Spin TableEngineering WalkdownCrane Functional ChecksCrane Stray Voltage ChecksHoist InspectionEquipment Proof Load VerificationInstall Conical ShellsInstall Temperature/Humidity RecorderInstall Cylinder ShellsBag Can AssemblyRemove Nozzle Throat PlugLift Spacecraft and PAM/Mate to TrailerTrailer Purge SetupPurge Can AssemblyAttach Impact RecorderFigure 6-20. Typical Installation of Transportation Can (T-8 Day)6-22

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-7 Tasks include transportation to the launch site, erection, and mating of the spacecraft/upperstage to the Delta II second stage in the MST cleanroom. Preparations are made for the launchvehicle flight program verification test.HB00747REU0.10000 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200Transport Briefing at Payload Processing FacilityConnect Spacecraft EquipmentTransport Spacecraft and Third StageCable Up Third StageErection PreparationsOperations Safety Set Up Hazardous Badge BoardErection Briefing (0500)Erect and Mate Spacecraft/Third Stage (Continuous Purge)LegendWhiteroom StabilizationPad OpenUncan SpacecraftFlashing Amber–Install Spin Table BoltsLimited AccessPrepare Spacecraft Air-Conditioning ShroudInstall Spacecraft Air-Conditioning ShroudFlashing Red–Pad ClosedFairing Air OnDisassemble and Stow Can (F7T1-Standard)Spacecraft ActivityRemove Can From White Room (F7T1-Option)White Room Stabilization (Option)Install Spin Tube, Spin Rate Switch Cable AssembliesAttach Spin BeamThird-Stage RotationAir-Conditioning Watch (F52T1), Third Stage/Spacecraft Second-Stage Battery InstallationPropellant Monitor (F41), Spacecraft Battery ChargeSupport:Security Escort from Payload FacilityHoist SupportOperations Safety Manager Establish Level 9B Security ControlsFire Truck and Crew(Spacecraft If Required)Communications and TV TechnicianSpacecraft SupportEnvironmental HealthArea Conditions:Air Sample (Wiltech)Figure 6-21. Typical Spacecraft Erection (T-7 Day)T-6 The launch vehicle flight program verification test is performed, followed by the vehiclepower-on stray-voltage test. Spacecraft systems powered at liftoff are turned on during the flightprogram verification test, and all data are monitored for electromagnetic interference (EMI) andradio frequency interference (RFI). Spacecraft systems to be turned on at any time between T-5day and spacecraft separation are turned on in support of the vehicle power-on stray voltage test.Spacecraft support of these two vehicle system tests is critical to meeting the scheduled launchdate.T-5 The Delta II vehicle ordnance installation/connection, preparation for fairing installation,and spacecraft closeout operations are performed.T-4,3 Spacecraft final preparations prior to fairing installation include Delta II upper-stagecloseout, preparations for second-stage propellant servicing, and fairing installation.6-23

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00748REU0.20100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300ALCS PreparationsGuidance Air OnSpacecraft Power On Stray Voltage (Internal Power)Azimuth DeterminationBriefingSecond-Stage Battery Connections and InternalPower On and Pretest PreparationsTransfer TestSpacecraft Power DownSpacecraft Power OnAzimuth Determination PreparationsEngineering Walkdown, Photos, and PartialGuidance Section Closeout (F6T4)Communications CheckVehicle Power SecureMinus Count (Abbreviated Terminal Count)Securing F6T4LegendSpacecraft In Launch ConfigurationPad OpenT-0Flashing Amber–Plus Count (Flight Program Verification Test)Limited AccessEngineering Walkdown, Partial Center Section Closeout (F6T4)Spacecraft Recycle and Preparations for Stray Voltage TestFlashing Red–Pad ClosedPower On Stray Voltage TestSpacecraft ActivitySpacecraft Battery Charge, Air-Conditioning Watch (F52T1),and Third-Stage/Spacecraft Propellant Monitor (F41)Support:Area Conditions:Environmental Health0D5530CCommunications and TV Technician on StandbyBooster and Spacecraft Frequency ClearanceSequencerOperations Safety Manager (F6T2)Sequencer (CSR)Figure 6-22. Typical Flight Program Verification and Stray-Voltage Checks (T-6 Day)HB00749REU0.203000 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 0100LegendPad OpenFlashing Amber–Limited AccessFlashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft ActivityALCS PreparationsReceive Ordnance (Phase 1)Pretest BriefingPreparationsSpacecraft Terminate Battery ChargeSafe and Arm Installation and Rotation CheckSecond Stage and PAF Preparations/Clean/Inspect (F4T1)Spacecraft Battery Charge, Air-Conditioning Watch (F52T1),Third Stage/Spacecraft Propellant Monitor (F41)Fairing Cable Assembly DisconnnectCenter Section CloseoutMST Level ConfigurationSpacecraft PrefairingInstallation CloseoutsPower Off Stray Voltage and Ordnance Connect (Phase 2)Payload Attach Fitting and Miniskirt Engineering WalkdownReconfigure Second Stage/Fairing Extension CablesCenter Section Engineering WalkdownSolid Motor Engineering WalkdownInstall Stage 1/2 Separation CoversFirst-Stage Boattail Closeout and Preparationsfor Explosive Transfer Assembly HookupCloseout Photos (F4T1)Support:Area Conditions:Deliver OrdnanceDeliver 7630 Vapor Detectors (4)Operations Safety Manager (3)Booster Frequency ClearanceEnvironmental HealthFigure 6-23. Typical Ordnance Installation and Hookup (T-5 Day)6-24

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00750REU0.50300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 0100Remove Air-Conditioning ShroudRemove StrongbacksSpacecraft CloseoutsFairing Electrical Connection and Installation (F4T2)BriefingHoist FunctionalsFairing Air OnHoist Beam/Fairing ConnectionResume Spacecraft Battery ChargeRaise Levels 9B and 9CPosition Quad III Fairing HalfGround Support Equipment Cleat InstallationLegendLower Levels 9B and 9C – North SidePad OpenPosition Quad I Fairing HalfFlashing Amber–Limited AccessFlashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft ActivityBracket Assembly InstallationLower Levels 9B and 9C – South SideMate Fairing HalvesField Joint InstallationSeparation Bolt Final TorqueSpacecraft Battery Charge, Air-Conditioning Watch (F52T1), Third-Stage/Spacecraft Propellant Monitor (F41)Support:Area Conditions:OSMDeliver Air Packs (12), Breathing Air System Trailers (2) toComplex 17, Scrubber’s Scapesuits, Breathing Air BottlesEnvironmental HealthAir Sample (Wiltech)Spacecraft Support – Level 9B and Closeout PhotosHoist SupportTV and CommunicationsTechnician on StandbyFigure 6-24. Typical Fairing Installation (T-4 Day)HB00751REU0.50300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 0100PropellantPreparationsSpacecraft Safe and Arm Checks (If Required)Third-Stage Safe and Arm Checks (F4T4)Flight Readiness Review (Typical)Fairing Finaling (Cleats) (F4T3)Preliminary Lanyards (F8T5)Alliant Solid-Motor WalkdownsBriefing (F3T1)Redline Observer's BriefingFairing Finaling (Wedges) (F4T3)LegendPad OpenFlashing Amber–Limited AccessFlashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft ActivitySet Up Vapor Detection SystemSecond-Stage BAS Preparations (F3T1)Spacecraft Battery Charge, Third-Stage/Spacecraft Propellant Monitor (F41), Air-Conditioning Watch (F52T1)Support:Area Conditions:No Activity In Proximity of Payload FairingOperations Safety Manager (Clear Pad)Environmental HealthLaunch Weather Officer Set Up Toxic Safety CorridorsFigure 6-25. Typical Propellant Loading Preparations (T-3 Day)6-25

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-2 Second-stage propellant is loaded.T-1 Tasks include C-band beacon readout and azimuth verification, followed by the vehicleclass A ordnance connection, spacecraft ordnance arming, final fairing preparations for MST removal,second-stage engine section closeout, and launch vehicle final preparations.T-0 Launch day preparations include MST gantry removal, final arming, terminal sequences,and launch. Spacecraft should be in launch configuration immediately prior to T-4 minutes andstanding by for liftoff. The nominal hold and recycle point is T-4 minutes.HB00752REU0.30100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300ALCS PreparationsBriefingLegendFinal Propellant Service Preparations and Final Breathing Air System PreparationsPad OpenOxidizer LoadFlashing Amber–Baggie Inspection and Electrical Check (Off Pad) (F2T2)Limited AccessFuel LoadFlashing Red–Mission RehearsalPad ClosedSecond-Stage Propellant SecureSpacecraft ActivityFairing Ordnance Installation (F2T3)Preparations for Tower Move (F2T4)Spacecraft Battery Charge, Air-Conditioning Watch (F52T1), Third-Stage/Spacecraft Propellant Monitor and Propellant Watch (F41)Support:Deliver N 2 O 4 Tanker to Complex 17Deliver Fairing OrdnanceOperations Safety ManagerOD5530BEnvironmental HealthFire and Medical SupportCommunications and TVTechnician on StandbyPump Station to 125 psi Through LaunchDeliver A50 Tanker to Complex 17; Remove N 2 O 4 TankerRemove A50 TankerRemove Scrubbers, Breathing Air System TrailersArea Conditions:Figure 6-26. Typical Second-Stage Propellant Loading (T-2 Day)6-26

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00753REU0.40300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 0100ALCS PreparationsGrate Removal (Option)Briefing (F3T3) (F2T1)Class A Ordnance Hookup (F2T3)Heat RP-1 RecirculatePropellant System Preparations and Line LevelingPreparations (F3T3)RP-1 (F2T1, F1T1)Azimuth Preparations (F3T3)Command Receiver DecoderFirst- and Second-Stage Turn-On (F3T3)Closed-Loop Checks(Self-Test)LegendWind Balloon BriefingPad OpenCommunications Check (F3T3)Slew ChecksFlashing Amber–Launch Readiness Review (Typical)Limited AccessBeacon Checks (F3T3)Flashing Red–Command Receiver Decoder ChecksPad ClosedAzimuth UpdateSpacecraft ActivitySecuring (F3T3)Second-Stage Engineering Walkdown (F3T3)Second-Stage Thermal BlanketInstallation (F2T2)Preliminary Engineering Walkdown (F1T1)A3 Engineering WalkdownRed-Tag InventorySpacecraft Battery Charge, Air-Conditioning Watch (F52T1),and Third-Stage/Spacecraft Propellant Watch (F41)Support:0D5530ARemove Safety Shower and Test Traction DriveBooster Frequency ClearanceCSR Communications and TV Technician on StandbyBeacon Van, OSM, FrequencyOperations Safety ManagerProtectionBooster Frequency ProtectionCSR (OSM Console Support)Remove Spare OrdnancePick Up Propellant Handling Ensemble SuitsBoresight SearchlightsArea Conditions:Environmental HealthFigure 6-27. Typical Beacon, Range Safety, and Class A Ordnance (T-1 Day)6-27

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00754REU0.31800 2000 2200 0000 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 1600Heated RP-1 RecirculateMobile Service Tower (MST) Preparations for Removal (F2T4)Spacecraft Configure for LaunchWeather BriefingBriefing (F1T1)LegendEngineering Walkdown (F1T1)Pad OpenMST Preparations for Move (F1T1)Flashing Amber-Camera SetupLimited AccessWhiteroom Air-Conditioning Off (After East Door Open)Flashing Amber-Solid-Motor Thin-Layer Explosive (TLX)Pad ClosedConnection (F1T2)Spacecraft ActivityRP-1 Load (Option)Grate Removal (F1T1) (Option)Lanyard Tensioning and Preparations for Solid-Motor Arming (F1T1)MST Removal and Securing (F1T1)Deck Plate Removal and Pad Securing (F1T1)Photo OpportunityEvacuate BlockhouseHold-Fire Checks (F1T2)Pressurize Second-Stage Helium to 1100 psi and Heat Exchanger Fill (F1T2)Built-In Hold (60 mins)Terminal Count (F1T3)Spacecraft Battery Charge, Air Conditioning Watch (F52T1), N 2H 4 and N 2O 4 Monitor and Propellant Watch (F41)Spacecraft Frequency ClearanceOD5525Operations Safety ManagerBooster Frequency ClearanceArea Conditions: Range Safety Officer, Range Communications Officer and SequencerMST SupportFigure 6-28. Typical Delta Countdown (T-0 Day)6-28

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00755REU0.1Local XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX(EST) XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX150T-Minus 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 20 10 4 4 0Terminal Countdown Initiation and Briefing60-minBuiltinHoldatT-150minPersonnel Not Involved In Terminal Count Clear Complex-17 (Sound Warning Horn)Operations Safety Manager Clear Blast Danger AreaFirst-Stage Helium and N 2 PressurizationSecond-Stage Tank, Helium, and N 2 PressurizationGuidance System Turn OnFirst-Stage Fueling (Option)C-Band Beacon ChecksWeather BriefingLO 2 LoadingAuto SlewsSlew Evaluations20-min00secBuilt-InHoldatT-20min10-min00secBuilt-InHoldatT-4minLocalUTCLaunch WindowOpen CloseXX:XX:XXXX:XX:XXXX:XX:XXXX:XX:XXXXX minutesDesired Window ± 30 secSpacecraft Configure for LaunchTop-Off Helium and N 2Command Carrier OnDestruct ChecksPressurize Fuel TankStatus ChecksSpacecraft InternalArm Destruct Safe and ArmSpacecraft Launch Ready (T-3)LaunchXXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XXUTC XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XX XXXX:XXFigure 6-29. Typical Terminal Countdown (T-0 Day)6.6.2 Launch Vehicle SchedulesOne set of facility-oriented three-week schedules is developed, on a daily timeline, to showprocessing of multiple launch vehicles through each facility: i.e., for both launch pads, DeltaMission Checkout (DMCO), hangar M, solid-motor area, and each of the three PPFs as required.These schedules are revised daily and reviewed at the twice-weekly Delta status meetings. Anotherset of launch-vehicle- specific schedules are generated, on a daily timeline, covering a twoorthree-month period to show the complete processing of each launch vehicle component. Anindividual schedule is made for each DMCO, third-stage HPF, and launch pad.6.6.3 Spacecraft SchedulesThe spacecraft project team will supply schedules to the Delta Program spacecraft coordinatorwho will arrange support as required.6-29

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02146.7 DELTA II MEETINGS AND REVIEWSDuring launch preparation, various meetings and reviews take place. Some of these will requirespacecraft customer input while others allow the customer to monitor the progress of the overallmission. The Boeing spacecraft coordinator will ensure adequate spacecraft user participation.6.7.1 Meetings6.7.1.1 Delta Status Meetings. Status meetings, generally held twice a week at the OB,include a review of the activities that are scheduled or that have been accomplished since the lastmeeting; a discussion of problems and their solutions; and a general review of the missionschedule and specific mission schedules. SLC-17 activities are also reviewed. Spacecraft userrepresentatives are encouraged to attend these meetings. Daily Schedule Meetings. Daily schedule meetings are held in the OB and conferencerooms by teleconference to provide the team members with their assignments and to summarizethe previous or current day’s accomplishments. These meetings are attended by the TestConductor, Assistant Test Conductor, technicians, inspectors, engineers, supervisors, and theSpacecraft Coordinator. These meetings are held at the beginning of the first shift. Special circumstancesmay dictate that a meeting be held at the beginning of the second shift.A daily meeting, usually at the end of the first shift, with the Delta Program launch conductor,spacecraft coordinator, and spacecraft representatives attending, is held starting approximatelythree days prior to the arrival of the spacecraft at the pad. Discussed are the status of the day’sactivities, the work remaining, problems, and the next day’s schedule. This meeting may be conductedby telephone if required. The fully coordinated countdown bar charts are delivered to thepayload customer at this meeting.6.7.2 ReviewsPeriodic reviews are held to ensure that the spacecraft and launch vehicle are ready for launch.The following paragraphs describe the Delta II readiness reviews. Postproduction Review. This meeting, conducted at Decatur, Alabama, reviewsthe flight hardware at the end of production and prior to shipment to CCAFS. Mission Analysis Review. This review is held at Huntington Beach, California, approximately3 months prior to launch, to review mission-specific designs, studies, and analyses. Pre-Vehicle-On-Stand (Pre-VOS) Review. This review is held at HuntingtonBeach subsequent to the completion of Delta mission checkout (DMCO) and prior to erection ofthe vehicle on the launch pad. It includes an update of the activities since the post-productionreview, the results of the DMCO processing, and any hardware history changes. Launch facilityreadiness is also reviewed.6-30

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02146.7.2.4 Vehicle-On-Stand Readiness Review (VRR). This review is held at the launchsite prior to first-stage erection. The status and processing history of the launch vehicle elementsand ground support equipment are presented. The primary focus of this review is on the readinessof the first stage, solid motors, interstage, second stage, and fairing for erection and mate onthe launch pad. Upon completion of this meeting and resolution of any concerns raised, authorizationis given to proceed with erection activities. Launch Site Readiness Review (LSRR). This review is held prior to erectionand mate of the spacecraft. It includes an update of the activities since the pre-VOS review andverifies the readiness of the launch vehicle, launch facilities, and spacecraft for transfer of thespacecraft to the pad. Upon completion of this meeting and resolution of any concerns raised,authorization is given to proceed with spacecraft transfer to launch pad, immediately followed byerection and mate with the second stage. Flight Readiness Review (FRR). This review, typically held on T-3 day, is anupdate of activities since the pre-VOS and is conducted to determine that checkout has shownthat the launch vehicle and spacecraft are ready for countdown and launch. Upon completion ofthis meeting, authorization is given to proceed with the loading of second-stage propellants. Thisreview also assesses the readiness of the range to support launch and provides a predictedweather status. Launch Readiness Review (LRR). This review is normally held one day prior tolaunch and provides an update of activities since the FRR. All agencies and contractors arerequired to provide a ready-to-launch statement. Upon completion of this meeting and resolutionof any concerns raised, an authorization to enter terminal countdown is given.6-31

Section 7LAUNCH OPERATIONS AT WESTERN RANGEDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214This section presents a description of Delta launch vehicle operations associated with SpaceLaunch Complex 2 (SLC-2) at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), California. Prelaunch processingof the Delta II is presented, as is a discussion of spacecraft processing and operations thatare conducted prior to launch day.7.1 ORGANIZATIONSThe Delta Program operates the Delta launch system and maintains a team that provideslaunch services to NASA, USAF, and commercial customers at VAFB. The Delta Program providesthe interface to the Department of Transportation (DOT) for the licensing and certificationneeded to launch commercial spacecraft using the Delta II.NASA is responsible for the SLC-2 launch facilities at VAFB. For NASA and NASAsponsoredlaunches, NASA operates spacecraft processing facilities at VAFB that are used insupport of Delta missions. The Delta Program interface with NASA is through the KennedySpace Center (KSC) Launch Services Program Office. NASA maintains a resident office atVAFB, and NASA designates a launch site integration manager (LSIM) who arranges all thesupport (NASA launches only) required from NASA for a launch from VAFB. The Delta ProgramOffice has established an interface with the 30th Space Wing Directorate of Plans. TheWestern Range has designated a range program support manager (PSM) to be a representative ofthe 30th Space Wing. The PSM serves as the official interface for all support and servicesrequested. These services include range instrumentation, facilities/equipment operation andmaintenance, safety, security, and logistics support. Requirements satisfied by NASA and/orUSAF are described in the government’s universal document system (UDS) format. The DeltaProgram Office and the spacecraft agency generate the program requirements document (PRD).Formal submittal of these documents to the government agencies is arranged by the DeltaProgram Office.For commercial launches, the Delta Program Office makes all the arrangements for the payloadprocessing facilities and services. The organizations that support a launch from VAFB areshown in Figure 7-1. A spacecraft coordinator from the Delta-VAFB launch team is assigned toeach mission to assist the spacecraft team during the launch campaign. The coordinator shallarrange for support of the spacecraft, assist in obtaining safety approval of the spacecraft testprocedures and operations, integrate the spacecraft operations into the launch vehicle operations,and, during the countdown and launch, serve as the interface between the spacecraft and testconductor in the remote launch control center (RLCC).7-1

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00540REU0.6USAF 30th Space Wing• Provides Base Support andRange ServicesAir Force Safety• Approves HazardousProcedures/OperationsSpacecraft Customer• Processes Spacecraft• Defines Support RequirementsDelta Program VAFB• Processes Launch Vehicle• Ensures that SpacecraftSupport RequirementsAre Satisfied• Interfaces With Government,Safety, NASA, and USAFNASA Resident’s Office at KSC• Launch Site Facility Manager• Controls Government Launches• Adviser for Commercial Use of GovernmentFacilities• Provides Spacecraft Processing Facilities• Provides Specific Base Support ItemsNASA Quality Assurance• Provide Quality Assurance Support forSite/Launch VehicleNASA Safety• Approves Procedures/Operations• Provides Site Safety SupportFigure 7-1. Launch Base Organization at VAFB7.2 FACILITIESIn addition to the facilities required for Delta II launch vehicle processing, specialized facilitiesare provided for checkout and preparation of the spacecraft. Laboratories, cleanrooms,receiving and shipping areas, hazardous operations areas, and offices are provided for spacecraftproject personnel. A map of VAFB is shown in Figure 7-2. The commonly used facilities atVAFB for NASA or commercial spacecraft are the following:A. Spacecraft payload processing facilities (PPF):1. NASA, building 836.2. Astrotech Space Operations, building 1032.3. Spaceport Systems International, building 375.B. Hazardous processing facilities (HPFs):1. NASA, building 1610.2. Astrotech Space Operations, building 1032.3. Spaceport Systems International, building 375.While there are other spacecraft processing facilities located on VAFB that are under USAFcontrol, commercial spacecraft will normally be processed through the commercial facilities ofAstrotech Space Operations or Spaceport Systems International. Government facilities for spacecraftprocessing (USAF or NASA) can be used for commercial spacecraft only under special circumstances(use requires negotiations between the Delta Program Office, the spacecraft agency,and the USAF or NASA). The spacecraft agency must provide its own test equipment for spacecraftpreparations including telemetry receivers and telemetry ground stations.7-2

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00541REU0.5Purisima PointSLC-2NASA HazardousProcessing FacilityBuilding 1610Astrotech PayloadSpace OperationsBuilding 1032Southern Pacific RRVAFBAirfieldPine Canyon RdRLCCBuilding 8510LompocGate1VandenbergVillageNMission HillsPacific OceanNASA SpacecraftSupport AreaBuildings 836 and 840Surf RdSurfCoastGateBear CreekSLC-3SouthVAFBGateSanta YnezSolvang GateSanta Lucia Canyon RdSantaOcean AveYnez1LompocRiver246To Buelltonand SolvangSLC-4SpringCity HallPoint PedernalesSpaceport SystemsInternationalBuilding 375SLC-7Point ArguelloCoast RdSLC-5SLC-6Honda Ridge RdOil Well CanyonBoat HouseTranquillian Mtn RdSudden FlatsAFBBoundaryMiguellito Rd0 1829 36590 (6,000) (12,000)Scalem(ft)1ToSanta BarbaraandLos AngelesFigure 7-2. Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) FacilitiesAfter arrival of the spacecraft and its associated equipment at VAFB by road or by air (via theVAFB airfield), transportation to and from the payload processing facilities and to the launch sitewill be provided by the Delta Program or NASA, as appropriate. Equipment and personnel arealso available for loading and unloading operations. It should be noted that the size of the shippingcontainers often dictates the type of aircraft used for transportation to the launch site. Theair-freight carrier should be consulted for the type of freight unloading equipment that will berequired at the western range. Shipping containers and handling fixtures attached to the spacecraftare provided by the spacecraft project.Shipping and handling of hazardous materials such as electro-explosive devices, radioactivesources, etc., must be in accordance with applicable regulations. It is the responsibility of thespacecraft agency to identify these items and become familiar with such regulations. These regulationsinclude those imposed by NASA, USAF, DOT, ATF, and FAA (refer to Section 9).7-3

7.2.1 NASA Facilities on South VAFBDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214NASA spacecraft facilities are located in the NASA support area on South VAFB (SVAFB)(Figure 7-3). The spacecraft support area is adjacent to Ocean Avenue on Clark Street and is accessiblethrough the SVAFB South Gate. The support area consists of the spacecraft laboratory(building 836), NASA technical shops, NASA supply, and NASA engineering and operationsbuilding (building 840).To SLC-2Ocean AvenueNASA SpacecraftLaboratories (Bldg 836)HB00542REU0.5LompocVAFB South GateArguello BlvdNClark StreetFigure 7-3. Spacecraft Support AreaNASA Enginee ring andOperations (Bldg 840) NASA Telemetry Station and Spacecraft Laboratories. The NASA telemetrystation and spacecraft laboratories, building 836 (Figure 7-4), are divided into work and laboratoryareas and include the Mission Director Center (MDC), the Launch Vehicle Data Center(LVDC), spacecraft assembly areas, laboratory areas, cleanrooms, computer facility, officespace, conference room, and the telemetry station.Spacecraft laboratory 1 (Figure 7-5) consists of a high bay 20.4 m (67 ft) long by 9.8 m (32 ft)wide by 10.4 m (34 ft) high and an adjoining 167.2-m 2 (1800-ft 2 ) support area. Personnel accessdoors and a sliding door 3.7 m (12 ft) by 3.7 m (12 ft) connect the two portions of this laboratory.The outside cargo entrance door to the spacecraft assembly room in laboratory 1 is 6.1 m (20 ft)wide by 7.7 m (25 ft 3 in.) high. A bridge crane, with an 8.8-m (29-ft) hook height and a 4545-kg(5-ton) capacity, is available for handling spacecraft and associated equipment. Thisassembly room contains a class 10,000 horizontal laminar flow cleanroom, 10.4 m (34 ft) long by6.6 m (21.5 ft) wide by 7.6 m (25 ft) high. The front of the cleanroom opens for free entry of thespacecraft and handling equipment. The cleanroom has crane access in the front-to-reardirection only; however, the crane cannot operate over the entire length of the laboratory withoutdisassembly because its path is obstructed by the horizontal beam that serves as the cleanroom divider.Spacecraft laboratory 1 will also support computer, telemetry, and checkout equipment in7-4

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072025.1NS/C Lab 3Lab 1 – GSES/CLab 1LVDC1LVDC2MDCFigure 7-4. NASA Telemetry Station (Building 836)7-5

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00544REU0.5Ramp Up1CAir Handler/Filter BankRoom 11Laboratory 1Ground Support EquipmentLaboratory 1CleanroomComm1BComm1ARoom 100.141025501 m 5 m Scale: —m ft10 mFigure 7-5. Spacecraft Laboratory 1 (Building 836)a separate room containing raised floors and an under-floor power distribution system. This roomhas an area of approximately 167.2 m 2 (1800 ft 2 ).Spacecraft laboratory 3 (Figure 7-6) has an area of 172.8 m 2 (1860 ft 2 ). This laboratory typicallyis assigned to the NOAA Environmental Monitoring Satellite Program, but could be usedby other customers when not required by NOAA.7-6

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00546REU0.3Ramp UpRoom 35Room 31IDF3ARampUpRoom 30Room 32Room 36Room 34Room 33(Mechanical Room)01 4 10 25 501 m 5 m Scale: —ftm 10 mFigure 7-6. Spacecraft Laboratory 3 (Building 836)Launch vehicle data center 1 (LVDC-1) (Figure 7-7) is an area containing 24 consoles forDelta Program Office management and technical support personnel. These positions are mannedduring countdown and launch to provide technical assistance to the launch team in the remotelaunch control center (RLCC) and to the Mission Director in the Mission Director Center(MDC). These consoles have individually programmed communications panels for specific missionrequirements. This provides LVDC personnel with technical communications to monitorand coordinate both prelaunch and launch activities. Video data display terminals in the LVDCare provided for display of range and launch vehicle technical information.7-7

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072026Room 20B – LVDC1Room 20C – LVDC2ToMDC1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 169 10 11 12 13 14 15 161718 19 20 21 22 23 241718 19 20 21 22 23 24Figure 7-7. Launch Vehicle Data Center (Building 836)Launch vehicle data center 2 (LVDC-2), a second data center, is provided with equipmentsimilar to LVDC-1, and may also be used by spacecraft personnel.The MDC (Figure 7-8) provides 32 communication consoles for use by the Mission Director,spacecraft and launch vehicle representatives, experimenters, display controller, and communicationsoperators. These consoles have individually programmed communications for specific missionrequirements. This provides Delta Program personnel with technical communications tomonitor and coordinate both prelaunch and postlaunch activities.Video data display terminals at the MDC are provided to display range and vehicle technicalinformation. A readiness board and an events display board provide range and launch vehicle/spacecraft status during countdown and launch operations. Many TV display monitors (Figure7-8) display preselected launch activities.An observation room, separated from the MDC by a glass partition, is used for authorized visitors.Loudspeakers in the room monitor the communication channels used during the launch.The high bay is a 30.5-m (100-ft) by 61-m (200-ft) (100-ft by 200-ft) area serviced by a22,727- kg (25-ton) crane with a 7.6-m (25-ft) hook height. This area is ideal for handling heavyequipment and loading or unloading trucks. The high bay is heated and has 30.5-m (100-ft) wideby 9.1-m (30-ft) high sliding doors on both ends.7-8

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072027.1ToLVDC21 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 32Observation RoomPublicAffairsFigure 7-8. Mission Director Center (Building 836) NASA Engineering and Operations Facility. The NASA engineering andoperations facility in building 840 (Figure 7-9) is located on SVAFB at the corner of Clark andScarpino Streets. It contains the NASA offices, NASA contractor offices, conference room, andother office space.7-9

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072016.2NBuilding 840 Floor Plan , First FloorBreak RoomB107Conference RoomLobbyWomenMenBoilerRoomFigure 7-9. NASA Building 8407.2.2 NASA Facilities on North Vandenberg7.2.2.1 Hazardous Processing Facility (HPF). The NASA hazardous processing facility(building 1610) is located approximately 3.2 km (2 mi) east of SLC-2 and adjacent to TangairRoad (Figure 7-10). This facility (Figure 7-11) provides capabilities for the dynamic balancing ofspacecraft, solid motors, and combinations thereof. It is also used for fairing processing, solidmotorbuildup, spacecraft buildup, mating of spacecraft and solid motors, ordnance installation,and loading of hazardous propellants. It houses the Schenk treble dynamic balancing machineand equipment for buildup, alignment, and balancing of the third-stage solid-propellant motorsand spacecraft. Composite spin balancing of the spacecraft/third-stage combination is notrequired. The spin-balancing machine is in a pit in the floor of building 1610. The machine interfaceswith stages and/or spacecraft at floor level. Facilities consist of the hazardous processingfacility (building 1610), control room (building 1605), UPS/generator building (building 1604),guard station, and fire pumping station. Hazardous operations are conducted in building 1610,which is separated from the control room by an earth revetment 4.6 m (15 ft) high. The twobuildings are 47.2 m (155 ft) apart.7-10

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00550REU0.5EmergencyFuel SpillTank/SumpDrainagePit (H 2 O)Building 1610(Cleanroom)PropaneTanks300 kVASubtransformerBuilding 1605(Control Room)TransformerParkingDiesel TankBuilding 1604(Generator/UPS Room)Forklift Shelter(Temporary)Building 1601(Guard House)1 5 10 25 10001 m 5 m 10 mScale: —ftmNTo Tangair RoadOxidizer PitEarth BarricadeBuilding 1603(Pump House) Building 1602(Water Tank)Figure 7-10. NASA Hazardous Processing FacilityParkingHB00702REU0.5MechanicalRoomBridge Crane RailsCrane BridgeEnvelopeof CraneTravelEnvironmental Equipment RoomCleanroom(High-Bay)Feed-Thru PanelAirlockRoomEntry RoomRFandM/WEqptClean Equipment RoomN12 5 10 15 257-111 m 5 mScale: —m ftFigure 7-11. NASA Hazardous Processing Facility (Building 1610)The HPF (Figure 7-11), is an approved ordnance-handling facility and was constructed fordynamic balancing of spacecraft and solid rocket motors. It is 17.7 m (58 ft) long by 10.4 m (34 ft)wide by 13.7 m (45 ft) high with personnel access doors and a flight equipment entrance door

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214opening that is 5.2 m (17 ft) wide and 9.1 m (29 ft 9 in.) high. The facility is equipped for safe handlingof the hydrazine-type propellants used on many space vehicles for attitude control and supplementalpropulsion. In the high bay, there is an overhead bridge crane with two 4545-kg (5-ton)capacity hoists. The working hook height is 10.4 m (34 ft). The spreader beam reduces the availablehook height by 1 m (3 ft 2 in.) The HPF is a class 10,000 clean facility with positive pressure maintainedin the room to minimize contamination from the exterior atmosphere. Positive-pressure cleanair is provided by the air circulation and conditioning system located in a covered environmentalequipment room at the rear of the building. Personnel gaining entry to the cleanroom from the entryroom must wear appropriate apparel and must pass through an airlock. The airlock room has anaccess door to the exterior so that equipment can be moved into the cleanroom. Control Room Building. The control room building (Figure 7-12) contains a controlroom, an operations ready room, a fabrication room, and a mechanical/electrical room. The controlconsole for the dynamic balancing system is located within the control room. Televisionmonitors and a two-way intercommunications system provide continuous audio and visual monitoringof operations in the spin test building.1 2 5 10 15 25HB00703REU0.41 m Scale: —m ft 5 mNControl RoomOperations Ready RoomMechanicaland ElectricalRoomCCTV andCommRest RoomFabricationRoomSpinMachineConsoleBreak AreaFigure 7-12. Control Rooms (Building 1605)7-12

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02147.2.2.3 UPS/Generator Building. The UPS/generator building houses a 415-hp,autostart/autotransfer diesel generator. The generator produces 350 kVA, 240/208 VAC, 3-phase,4-wire power. It is capable of carrying the entire facility power load approximately 8 hr after aloss of commercial power without a refueling operation. A 225 kVA uninterruptible power supplyis also located in this building, which can carry all on-site power loads (except for HVAC)while the diesel is starting.7.2.3 Astrotech Space Operations FacilitiesThe Astrotech facilities are located on 24.3 hectares(60 acres) of land at Vandenberg AFB approximately3.7 km (2 mi) south of the Delta IIlaunch complex (SLC-2) along Tangair Road (Figure7-13). The complex is situated at the corner ofTangair Road and Red Road adjacent to the VandenbergAFB runway. A complete descriptionof the Astrotech facilities can be found onthe Astrotech Web site: www.spacehab.com/aso/reference.htm.7.2.4 Spaceport Systems International(SSI) FacilitiesThe SSI payload processing facility is locatedat SLC-6 on South Vandenberg adjacent to theSSI commercial spaceport. This processing facilityis called the integrated processing facility(IPF) because both booster components and payloads(satellite vehicles) can be processed in thebuilding at the same time. A complete descriptionof the SSI facilities can be found on theSpaceport Systems International Web site:www.calspace.com.SLC-6Tangair RoadSLC-2CommunicationsSupport1028FenceTechnicalSupport10361030TechnicalSupportAnnexPayloadProcessingFacilityHB00721REU0.2Warehouse10341032Figure 7-13. Astrotech Space OperationsFacilities7-13

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02147.3 SPACECRAFT TRANSPORT TO LAUNCH SITEAfter completion of preparations in one of the spacecraft processing facilities, the flightconfiguredspacecraft is installed in a transportation handling can and moved to SLC-2 to be matedto the Delta II launch vehicle. Boeing provides the transportation container (Figure 7-14) to supporttransportation of the spacecraft to the launch pad. The container (ground handling can) can beconfigured for either three-stage or two-stage missions. The height of the handling can varies accordingto the number of cylindrical sections required for a safe envelope around the spacecraft.The spacecraft, inside the handling can, is slowly transported to the launch pad on an air-ridetrailer. The trailer travels in a convoy, with Delta Program-provided tractors and security personnel.The ground handling can is purged with GN 2 to reduce the relative humidity of the air insidethe container and to maintain a slight positive pressure. Temperature is maintained at acceptablelevels when transporting the spacecraft by selecting the time of day at which movement occurs andby adding protective covers. When required by mission specifications, the transportation environmentis monitored with recording instrumentation. In addition, special handling can penetrations(feedthroughs, quick disconnects, etc.) may be provided, if required, to support customer-providedspacecraft support equipment (e.g., instrument purges, battery trickle charges).7.4 SPACE LAUNCH COMPLEX 2SLC-2 (Figure 7-15) consists of one launch pad (SLC-2W), a blockhouse, a Delta operationsbuilding, shops, a supply building, and other facilities necessary to prepare, service, and launchthe Delta vehicle. An aerial view of SLC-2 is shown in Figure 7-15.Because all operations in the launch complex involve or are conducted in the vicinity of liquidor solid propellants and/or explosive ordnance devices, the number of personnel permitted in thearea, safety clothing to be worn, type of activity permitted, and equipment allowed are strictlyregulated. Adherence to all safety regulations is required. Briefings on all these subjects aregiven to those required to work in the launch complex area.The SLC-2 MST (Figure 7-16) is a 54.3-m (178-ft)-high structure with nine working levelsdesignated as A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. An elevator gives access to eight of the levels, Athrough C and 1 through 5. The white room (spacecraft area) encloses Levels 4, 5, and 6 (Figures7-17 and 7-18). However, Level 4 is not typically used for spacecraft work. Levels 4 and 5 arefixed platforms, and Level 6 is an adjustable platform with a range of 399 cm (157 in.) (Figure7-19). The white room enclosure is constructed of RF-transparent panels. An internal bridgecrane with a 4545-kg (5-ton) capacity is used for fairing and spacecraft equipment that must bemoved within the MST. It has a maximum hook height of 9.83 m (32 ft 4 in.) above Level 5(Figure 7-20). Space is available on Level 5 for spacecraft GSE. Placement of the GSE must becoordinated with the Delta Program Office and appropriate seismic restraints provided.7-14

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Shackle AccessPlatformHandling Can(Shown with5 CylindricalSections)Shackle AccessPlatform3048dia120120 (Inside Skin)Cover1171(Typ)46.122946116Track WidthConical Section1294for Three-Stage50.93MissionsHandling Can Configuration for Three-Stage Missions3048dia120(Inside Skin)Cover117146.12 (Typ)ExtensionLadderLoad Capacity (17,800 lb)5639222HB00712REU0.13962156Wheel Base 41151626915 PAF(Ref)GSE ClampPayload(Ref)Handling Can(Shown with4 CylindricalSections)Handling Can Configuration for Two-Stage MissionsDirect Mate Adapterfor Two-Stage MissionsAll dimensions are inmmin.Figure 7-14. Second-Stage Assembly Ground Handling Can and Transporter7-15

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01065REU0.3First- and Second-StageProcessing (HPF)MSTFUTBlockhouse (1622)Delta LaunchOperations (1628)To Tangier RoadComplex Main GateFigure 7-15. Space Launch Complex-2 at VAFB—Aerial View Looking West7-16

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00715REU0Elevation 177 ft 11 in.Lightning RodExternal Bridge CraneHook Height 152 ft 0 in.Fixed Umbilical TowerFUT Level 16El 131 ft 7-1/8 in.FUT Level 15FUT Level 13El 110 ft 7-1/8 in.FUT Level 12FUT Level 11El 94 ft 7-1/8 in.FUT Level 10FUT Level 9El 78 ft 7-1/8 in.Mobile Service TowerInternal Bridge CraneHook Height 143 ft 3-1/2 in.El 131 ft 9 in.Level 6Sta 320.12Level 6 AdjustableEl 118 ft 8 in.Sta 477.12Level 6El 111 ft 0-1/2 in.Level 5Sta 568.62El 103 ft 3 in.Level 4Sta 662.12El 94 ft 4 in.Level 3Sta 769.12El 85 ft 0 in.Level 2Sta 881.12MST Level 1El 64 ft 3-1/2 in. Sta 1129.62MST Level CEl 44 ft 0 in. Sta 1373.12MST Level BEl 28 ft 10 in. Sta 1555.12MST Level AEl 16 ft 10 in. Sta 1699.12BoattailEl 14 ft 11-1/8 in. Sta 17220 ft 0 in. Ground LevelFigure 7-16. SLC-2 Mobile Service Tower/Fixed Umbilical Tower Elevations7-17

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00716REU0.4All dimensions are inmetersfeetElevatorFront Sliding Doors Ladder Up to Level 610.5degHingedPlatforms(Typ)Line of Sight to Data TransferAntenna at Building 836(148.5 deg From True North)Hatchwayto Level 48.728.7ITrue NorthIV7.5 degFairingStorage5.518.0DownrangeIIIIIDownUp2.7/9.0 diaGrounded AluminumDiamond Tread Plate2.89.256.521.23.812.5Notes:• Downrange refers to the orientation of thelaunch pad and not the Delta trajectory• The location of the spacecraft GSE onLevel 5 must be coordinated with theDelta Program Office120-volt, 20-amp, Phase-1explosion-proof outlet0 1.5 3Scale in Meters0 2 4 6 8 10Scale in FeetFigure 7-17. Level 5 of SLC-2 Mobile Service Tower—Plan View7-18

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00717REU0.6All dimensions are inmetersfeetTravel Envelope of5-ton CapacityInterior Bridge CraneFront Sliding DoorsLadder From Level 5Fairing StorageLanding at Elevation37.6 m(123 ft 4 in.)Downrange10.5 degLine of Sight to Data TransferAntenna at Building 836(148.5 deg From True North)True NorthIVOpen Downto Level 5DownI8.728.7FairingSplitLineIII7.5 deg5.518.0Downrange3.7 m(12.0 ft)Self-AdjustingStairwayGroundedAluminumDiamond TreadPlate, Typical2.89.256.521.23.812.50 1.5 3Scale in Meters0 2 4 6 8 10Scale in FeetFigure 7-18. Level 6 of SLC-2 Mobile Service Tower—Plan View7-19

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00718REU0.5Sta 203.99mmAll dimensions are inin.All station numbers are in inches.Note: SLC-2 Level 6 can be adjustedwithin the range shown withthe vehicle on stand.Level 6 (max)Sta 320.1210-ft Fairing3988157AdjustableRange ofLevel 63658144diaLevel 6 (min)Sta 477.12232491.5Sta 553.3938615.23 in.Level 5Sta 568.622743dia108Figure 7-19. Spacecraft Work Levels in SLC-2 Mobile Service Tower—VAFB7-20

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Weather EnclosureHB00719REU0.1Enclosure DoorAttached toCrane Bridge18 m tons (20-ton)Exterior Bridge Hook Height46.5 m (152 ft 0 in.)Sliding Roof3.0459.3 m(30 ft 8 in.)(max)1.8 m(5 ft 10 in.)10-ft diaSta 203.99Level 6Adjust5-tonInterior Bridge CraneHook Height Elevation43.7 m(143 ft 3-1/2 in.) (max)Level 6 (max)Elevation 40.2 m(131 ft 9 in.) Sta 320.12Landing 37.6 m(123 ft 4 in.)Third Stage/SpacecraftContainerSliding Front DoorsLevel 6 (min)Elevation 36.2 m(118 ft 8 in.) Sta 477.12Level 5Elevation 33.8 m(111 ft 0-1/2 in.)Sta 568.62Figure 7-20. Whiteroom Elevations and Hook Heights—SLC-2 Mobile Service TowerThe entire MST is constructed to meet explosion-proof safety requirements. The restriction onthe number of personnel admitted to the white room is governed by safety requirements as wellas the limited amount of work space and the cleanliness level required on the spacecraft levels.Launch operations are controlled from the blockhouse and the RLCC, which are equippedwith vehicle monitoring and control equipment. Space is allocated for use by other equipmentand spacecraft personnel in the RLCC, electrical equipment building (EEB) (Figure 7-21), andblockhouse. The EEB is located at the base of the FUT. In addition, a spacecraft console (Figure7-22) is available that will accept a standard rack-mounted panel. Terminal board connections inthe console provide electrical connections to the spacecraft umbilical wires. There are also a limitednumber of 28 VDC discrete commands circuits and discrete talkbacks circuits that providethe capability to remotely control and monitor spacecraft equipment in the EEB from the RLCC(Figure 7-23).7-21

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB5T072029.1EntranceAir Conditioning EquipmentPowerTableSV JBoxSV GSE Area50 HzSupplyTable03LV GSEmLV GSE Area0ft10LV GSELV GSEFigure 7-21. SLC-2 Electrical Equipment Building (EEB)7-22

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB01146REU0.3mmin.Spacecraft wiring is supplied by the Delta project to thespacecraft blockhouse console and terminated to a terminalstrip. Users are required to supply the cable from theirequipment in the console to the terminal strip—a distance ofapproximately 1219 mm (48 in.)—with lugs capable ofaccepting a 3.5-mm (0.138-in.)-dia machine screw.15.870.626.350.25Panel MountingHole Pattern(Typical Both Sides)CommunicationsPanel33352.515.870.6212.700.5015.870.6254621.558423.061024.0400/15.75Panel SpaceTB2Standard483/19.0Panel WidthConsole terminal block(P/N AMP 601805-1) TB1/TB2near side, TB3/TB4 far side.Spacecraft agency willprovide Burndy lugsYAEV10-T7 (n o.12 AWG) an dYAE18N1 (n o. 16 or no. 20 AWG)45718.05106742.0Figure 7-22. Spacecraft Blockhouse Console—Western Range7-23

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214To EEB Spacecraft EquipmentHB01068REU0.428-V Outputsand Feedbacksfrom RelayAssembly(28 Relays)SpacecraftConsoleBlockhouseSpacecraftInterfaceRackBlockhouse35.1 m(115-ft)20AWGACSRBlockhouseFiber-OpticLinks 12Single-ModeFibers8 miles12.9 km (8 miles)ACSRRLCC18.9 m(62-ft)20AWGSpacecraftInterfaceRackRLCCFiber-OpticFiber-OpticPatch Panel 24 Patch Panel(Blockhouse) Single-Mode (RLCC)21.3 m (70 ft) Fibers9.8 m (32 ft)Payloader InputCable MateswithM24308/4-5 J9RequiresM24308/2-5Connector28-V InputsandFeedbacksto RelayAssembly(18 Relays)PayloaderEquipmentFigure 7-23. Auxiliary Control System Rack (ACSR) Blockhouse-to-RLCC Block Diagram7-24

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Located in the EEB and FUT are the spacecraft rack and the umbilical adapter junction box(J-box), respectively (Figure 7-24).Maximum Size of Payload Equipment That Can Be Added to Umbilical Adapter InteriorUmbilical Adapter FUT Level 10Note:All locations accept 19-in. Retmastandard panels.HB01067REU0.50.457 m(18 in.)0.660 m(26 in.)May Not ExtendBeyond Backof Swing-OutFrame0.273 m(10.75 in.)Maximum Size of Payload Equipment That Can Be Added to Rack, Spacecraft EEBRack Spacecraft (EEB )0.457 m(18 in.)Note 1May Extend IntoRack 6 in. BeforeInterfering WithInternal Cables0.400 m(15.75 in.)Note 10.349 m(13.75 in.)0.457 m(18 in.)Note 2Note 2May Extend IntoRack 16.50 in.Before InterferingWith InternalCablesFigure 7-24. SLC-2 Spacecraft Rack and Umbilical Adapter J-Box7.5 SUPPORT SERVICES7.5.1 Launch SupportFor countdown operations, the launch team is located in the remote launch control center inbuilding 8510, and in the MDC and LVDC in building 836 and 840, with support from otherbase organizations.7-25

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02147.5.1.1 Mission Director Center (Building 836). The Mission Director Center describedin Section and Figure 7-8, provides the necessary seating, data display, and communicationsto control the launch process. Seating is provided for key personnel from the Delta Program,the Western Range, and the spacecraft control team. For NASA launches, key NASApersonnel will also occupy space in the mission director center. Space Launch Complex 2 Blockhouse. Prelaunch operations are controlledfrom the blockhouse, which is equipped with vehicle monitoring and control equipment. Space isalso allocated for the spacecraft blockhouse consoles and console operators. Terminal boardconnections in the spacecraft blockhouse junction box provide electrical connection to the spacecraftumbilical wires. Remote Launch Control Center (RLCC) (Rooms 147 and 314 in Building8510). Crew certification, second-stage propellant loading (approximately 3 days beforelaunch), and all subsequent launch operations are controlled from the RLCC, which is equippedwith a duplicate set of vehicle-monitoring-and-control equipment. Limited space is also allocatedfor spacecraft consoles and console operators in the RLCC. Launch Decision Process. The launch decision process is made by the appropriatemanagement personnel representing the spacecraft, launch vehicle, NASA, and range. Figure7-25 shows the communications flow required to make the launch decision. For NASA missions,a mission director, launch management advisory team, engineering team, and quality assurancepersonnel will also participate in the launch decision process.7.5.2 Operational SafetySafety requirements are covered in Section 9 of this document. In addition, it is the operatingpolicy at Boeing that all personnel will be given safety orientation briefings prior to entrance tohazardous areas such as SLC-2. These briefings will be scheduled by the Delta Program Officespacecraft coordinator and presented by the appropriate safety personnel.7.5.3 Security7.5.3.1 Astrotech Security. Physical security at the Astrotech facilities is provided bychain-link perimeter fencing, door locks, access badges, and guards. Spacecraft security requirementswill be implemented through the Delta Program security coordinator. SSI Security. Physical security at the SSI facilities is provided by chain-link perimeterfencing, a card-key entry system and cipher-locked doors, access badges, and guards. Eachpayload checkout cell security is independent of the other two cells and of the high bay. Spacecraftsecurity requirements will be implemented through the Boeing security coordinator.7-26

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00720REU0.6SpacecraftGround StationSpacecraftStatusSpacecraftGround Station(User)LaunchVehicleSystemStatusLaunch VehicleSystemsEngineer(Delta Program)SpacecraftProjectManager(User)Director ofEngineering(Delta Program)Space LaunchComplex 2BlockhouseSpacecraftStatusLaunchVehicleStatusVehicle StatusMission Director Center(Bldg 836)SpacecraftMission Director(User)SpacecraftVehicleStatusMissionDirector(Delta Program)StatusLaunchDirector(Delta Program)LaunchDecisionSpacecraftNetworkStatusLaunchConcurrenceAdvisoryStatusSpacecraftNetworkManager(User)Site Controller(NASA)Spacecraft MissionControl CenterSpacecraftNetwork StatusSpacecraftMissionControl Center(User)USAF(30 SW/CC)Launch VehicleData Center(LVDC)(Bldg 836)Chief FieldEngineer(Delta Program)SpacecraftCoordinator(Delta Program)StatusLaunchConductor(Delta Program)7-27RangeCoordinator(Delta Program)• Range Safety Status• Western Range Status• Weather• Network StatusFigure 7-25. Launch Decision Flow for Commercial Missions—Western RangeROC, RCO,SMFCO(30 SW)LOCC – LaunchOperations ControlCenter(Bldg 7000) Launch Complex Security. SLC-2 physical security is ensured by perimeter fencing,guards, access badges, and access lists. The MST white room is controlled with combinationand key locks on entry-controlled doors. Access to spacecraft can be controlled by a securityguard on the MST third level with badges and access lists. VAFB Security. For access to VAFB, U.S. citizens must provide to the Delta Programsecurity coordinator full name with middle initial if applicable, social security number,company name, and dates of expected arrival and departure. Delta Program security will arrangefor entry authority for commercial missions or for individuals sponsored by the Delta Program.Access by NASA personnel or NASA-sponsored foreign nationals is coordinated by NASA KSC(at VAFB) with the USAF at VAFB. Access by other U.S. government-sponsored foreign nationalsis coordinated by their sponsor directly with the USAF at VAFB. For non-United Statescitizens, clearance information (name, nationality/citizenship, date and place of birth, passportnumber and date/place of issue, visa number and date of expiration, and title or job description)must be furnished to the Delta Program Office not later than 2 weeks prior to the VAFB entrydate. Government-sponsored individuals must follow NASA or U.S. government guidelines asappropriate. The spacecraft coordinator will furnish visitor identification documentation to theappropriate agencies. After Delta Program security gets clearance approval, entry to VAFB willbe the same as for U.S. citizens.

7.5.4 Field-Related ServicesDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Boeing employs certified equipment drivers, welders, riggers, and explosive ordnance handlers,in addition to personnel experienced in most electrical and mechanical assembly skillssuch as torquing, soldering, crimping, precision cleaning, and contamination control. Boeing hasunder its control a machine shop, metrology laboratory, precision cleaning facility, and proofloadingfacility. Boeing operational team members are familiar with USAF and NASA payloadprocessing facilities at VAFB and can offer all of these skills and services to the spacecraft projectduring the launch program.7.6 DELTA II PLANS AND SCHEDULES7.6.1 Mission PlanA mission plan (Figure 7-26) is developed for each launch campaign showing major tasks on aweekly timeline format. The plan includes launch vehicle activities, prelaunch reviews, andspacecraft processing area occupancy times.HB01178REU0.3Month -3 Month -2 Month -1 Month 0-115 -108 -101 -94 -87 -80 -73 -66 -59 -55 -52 -48 -45 -41-37 -34 -31 -27 -24 -20 -17 -13 -10 -6 L-0DMCO Checkout (At CCAFS)High-Pressure Test FacilityPrevious LaunchPad RefurbishmentSolid Motor Buildup (Building 1610)Payload Fairing Processing (Building 836)First-Stage Processing (Hazardous Processing Facility)Second-Stage Processing (Hazardous Processing Facility)Pad/Aerospace Ground Equipment QualificationPre-Vehicle-on-Stand at Huntington BeachVehicle-on-Stand Readiness ReviewFairing ErectionFirst-Stage/Interstage ErectionSecond-Stage ErectionSolid Motor ErectionVehicle Systems CheckoutCrew CertificationSimflightSpacecraft Processing (Building 1610)Launch Site Readiness ReviewPayload ErectionSpacecraft TestingSpacecraft Data Link ChecksFlight Program VerificationOrdnance InstallationFairing InstallationFlight Readiness ReviewMission RehearsalSecond-Stage Propellant LoadGuidance Computer, Range Safety, Beacon ChecksLaunch Readiness ReviewLaunchFigure 7-26. Typical Mission Plan7-28

7.6.2 Integrated SchedulesDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214The schedule of spacecraft activities before integrated activities in the payload processingfacility varies from mission to mission. The extent of spacecraft field testing varies and is determinedby the spacecraft agency. Spacecraft/launch vehicle schedules are similar from mission tomission from the time of spacecraft weighing until launch.Daily schedules are prepared on hourly timelines for these integrated activities. These schedulescover 4 days of integrated effort in the payload processing facility and 8 days of launchcountdown activities. Payload processing facility tasks include spacecraft weighing, spacecraft/third-stagemate and interface verification, and transportation can assembly around thecombined payload. The countdown schedules provide a detailed hour-by-hour breakdown oflaunch pad operations, illustrating the flow of activities from spacecraft erection through terminalcountdown, and reflecting inputs from the spacecraft project. These schedules comprise theintegrating document to ensure timely launch pad operations Typical schedules of integrated activitiesfrom spacecraft weighing in the payload processing facility until launch (Figures 7-27through 7-39) are shown as launch minus (T-) workdays. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays arenot scheduled workdays and, therefore, are not T- days. The T- days, from spacecraft matethrough launch, are coordinated with each spacecraft agency to optimize on-pad testing. Alloperations are formally conducted and controlled using launch processing documents. Theschedule of spacecraft activities during that time is controlled by the Boeing launch operationsmanager. Tasks involving the spacecraft or tasks requiring that spacecraft personnel be presentare shaded for easy identification. A typical mission from VAFB is as follows; spacecraft andthird-stage (if applicable) checkout are completed before T-11 day.7-29

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-11 Tasks include equipment verification, precision weighing of spacecraft, and securing(Figure 7-27).HB00723REU0.20100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300LegendPad OpenFlashing Amber–Limited AccessPad Clear–Limited AccessFlashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft Activity* Lift and lowering steps to be accomplishedby spacecraft personnel.Weigh Spacecraft—Briefing at Building 1610Bay-Opening ChecksSet Up/Check Out PWUHoist Functional/Stray Voltage ChecksPosition Class-F WeightsWeigh Spacecraft Items To Be Installed LaterHydroset/Load-Cell Linkage SetupLoad-Cell Shunt ChecksClass-F Weight Lift (Verify Repeatability)Set Up PWU for Spacecraft WeighingLoad-Cell Shunt ChecksSpacecraft Lift/Weigh/Lower*Spacecraft Lift/Weigh/Lower*Spacecraft Lift/Weigh/Lower*Secure Lift EquipmentSecure Weigh EquipmentBallast Weights (If Required)Figure 7-27. Typical Spacecraft Weighing (T-11 Day)T-10 Spacecraft is lifted and mated to the payload attach fitting. The clampband is installed,and the initial clampband tension established (Figure 7-28).HB00724REU0.20100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300LegendPad OpenFlashing Amber–Limited AccessPad Clear–Limited AccessFlashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft ActivityCompleted Prior to This Date:* Clampband Detail Inspection/Lubrication* Engineering Walkdowns* Photograph Documentation* Workstand Clean/Move Into Position* PAF/Spacecraft Interface VerificationVishay Equipment WarmupSpacecraft/PAM Mate Briefing at Building 1610Bay-Opening ChecksVishay Instrument Stud CalibrationsActuator Installation and LockwireClampband PreparationsHoist Stray Voltage and Crane Functional TestsLift/Traverse/Mate SpacecraftSpacecraft-to-PAF Gap MeasurementsClampband InstallationClampband Tensioning/TappingSecuringVishay RechecksSpacecraft/PAM InterfaceVerification (If Required)Figure 7-28. Typical Spacecraft/Third-Stage Mate (T-10 Day)7-30

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-9 Final preparations are made prior to can-up for both spacecraft and third stage (if applicable),and spacecraft/third stage interface is verified, if required (Figure 7-29).HB00725REU0.20100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300Spacecraft/PAM Final Preparations Briefing at Building 1610Bay-Opening ChecksSeparation Clampband FinalizingLegendPad OpenGap Measurement, End FittingsFlashing Amber–Install Band RetainersLimited AccessConnect Springs to RetainersPad Clear–Limited AccessConnect/Torque ETA into CuttersFlashing Red–Install Attach Bolt-Cutter BracketPad ClosedLockwire Shields/Brackets ETASpacecraft ActivityInstall Non-Flight TagsSeparation Blanket InstallationFinal InstallationPhotograph AssemblyTrailer Purge SetupClean and Preassemble Cylindrical Sections of Transport CanInstall/Torque Four Transport Can Ring Assemblies to Spin TableFigure 7-29. Typical Spacecraft/Third-Stage Final Preparations (T-9 Day)T-8 The payload ground handling can is assembled around the spacecraft/second stage, andhandling can transportation covers are installed. The can is placed on its trailer, and the nitrogenpurge is initiated (Figure 7-30).HB00726REU0.10100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300LegendPad OpenFlashing Amber–Limited AccessPad Clear–Limited AccessFlashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft ActivityTransportation Can Installation Briefing at Building 1610Bay-Opening ChecksCrane Functional ChecksEngineering WalkdownCrane Stray Voltage ChecksHoist InspectionEquipment Proofload VerificationInstall Conical Spacecraft Can SectionsInstall Humidity/Temperature Recorder (If Required)Install Cylinder ShellsBag Can AssemblyRemove Nozzle Throat PlugLift Spacecraft and PAM and Mate to TrailerTrailer Purge SetupAttach Impact RecorderPurge Can AssemblyFigure 7-30. Typical Transportation Can Installation (T-8 Day)7-31

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-7 Tasks include transportation to the launch site, erection and mating of the spacecraft/secondstage to the Delta II vehicle in the MST whiteroom, whiteroom environment established,disassembly of the ground handling can, and removal of the can segments from the tower(Figure 7-31).HB00727REU0.20100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300(V7T1) Transport Preparations(V7T1) Erection Preparations at SLC-2Transportation Briefing at Building 1610(V7T1) Transport Spacecraft from Building 1610Erection Briefing Under the Hook at SLC-2(V7T1) Erect and Mate Spacecraft to Second Stage(V7T1) Remove Four Can Segments and De-ErectLegendPad OpenFlashing Amber–Limited AccessFlashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft ActivitySpace Vehicle Shroud Removal or Spacecraft Bag Removal(V7T2) Dispenser to Second-Stage Electrical ConnectionSecond-Stage Battery Cooling On (If Required)(V7T1) Remove DMA or Spacecraft Handling Can Conical Sections(V7T1) Bolt Dispenser to Second Stage or Spin Table to Second StageWhite-Room Doors ClosedWhite-Room Stabilization(V7T1) Vapor-Detection-System SetupsALCS Turn-On at BlockhouseV6T1 Walkdown(V44T4) Safe and Arm CheckoutWhite-Room CleaningSupport: Spacecraft Battery High-Current Charging (Full A/C Flow)Air-Conditioning and Vapor-Detection Watch (V41)OD Test 3019 (Security Escort)OD Test 3064 OD Test 3064Area Conditions:Figure 7-31. Typical Spacecraft Erection (T-7 Day)T-6 The flight program verification test is performed followed by the vehicle power-on strayvoltagetest. Spacecraft systems to be powered at liftoff are turned on during the flight programverification test, and all data are monitored for electro-magnetic interference (EMI) and radiofrequency interference (RFI). All spacecraft systems that will be turned on at any time betweenT-6 day (stray-voltage checks) and T-0 day (spacecraft separation) will be turned on in supportof the vehicle power-on stray-voltage test. Spacecraft support of these vehicle system tests iscritical in meeting the scheduled launch date. They have priority over other spacecraft testing(Figure 7-32).T-5 Tasks include Delta II vehicle ordnance installation/connection and preparation for fairinginstallation (Figure 7-33).7-32

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00728REU0.30100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300LegendPad OpenFlashing Amber–Limited AccessFlashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft ActivityAlliant Solid Motor WalkdownDCI M219 Space VehicleBlanket Clearance(V6T2) Pretest Briefing for Flight Program Verification TestGuidance Section Air OnPower-On and Pretest PreparationsAzimuth Determination PreparationsOpen-Loop CRD, First Motion, RGEA TestsCommunications Check, Flight Slews, and Minus CountSpacecraft Power in Launch Mode (T-4 minutes)(V6T2) + Count (Flight Program Verification Test)Center Section Partial Closeout and Engineering WalkdownLaunch Deck SecuringT-0First-Stage and RGEA Turn-OnAzimuth Determination and Monument ChecksHelium System SecuringPower-On Stray Voltage TestBattery ConnectionInternal TransferAzimuth UpdateWhite-Room CleaningV41 Air-Conditioning and Vapor-Detection Watch and Spacecraft Battery ChargingVehicle Power SecureGuidance Section Air SecuringGuidance Section Closeout CleaningEngineering Walkdown (V6T2)Support:Area Conditions:Beacon VanOD Test 3003FSPOCMD Carrier and Functions RequiredFigure 7-32. Typical Flight Program Verification and Stray Voltage Checks (T-6 Day)HB00729REU0.30100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300(V5T1) ADOTS Resistance Checks(V5T1) Pretest BriefingLegend(V5T1) PreparationsPad Open(V5T1) Receive Destruct Safe and ArmSafe and Arm Installation and Rotation CheckFlashing Amber–ADS SPI ConnectionLimited AccessPower-Off Stray Voltage and Ordnance ConnectFlashing Red–Engineering Walkdown (V5T1) (GEMs, First-Stage Center Section,Pad ClosedSecond-Stage Miniskirt, Dispenser)(V5T1) Boattail Checkout and Preparation for ETA HookupSpacecraft ActivityCenter Section Closeout (V5T1)Miniskirt Engineering WalkdownInstall 1/2 Separation Covers (V5T1)Vehicle Closeout Photos (V5)V4T1 Fairing Premate Preparations (Items 2, 3, and 4)Fairing Bag Removal (V4T1)Fairing to Second-Stage Spacecraft Cable Disconnect (V5T1)Second Stage and Dispenser Inspection, Stage Cleaning, Remove Catch Nets(V8T7) ECS Setups(V48) ALCS Power Transfer to RLCCWhite-Room CleaningSupport:Air-Conditioning and Vapor-Detection Watch (V41); Spacecraft Battery Trickle Charging (Full A/C Flow)Area Conditions:OD Test 3064Controlled Software/No RF Radiation PeriodFigure 7-33. Typical Ordnance Installation (T-5 Day)7-33

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-4 Spacecraft final preparations are made prior to fairing installation; included are Delta IIsecond-stage closeout, second-stage propellant servicing preparations, and fairing installation(Figure 7-34).HB00730REU0.20100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300V4T1 Fairing Premate Preparations (As Required)Briefing (V4T1)Hoist FunctionalsHoist Beam/Fairing ConnectionRaise Level 6Position Quad I Fairing HalfGSE Cleat InstallationPosition Quad III Fairing HalfDCI M219 Space Vehicle BlanketGSE Mate Assembly InstallationClearance MeasurementMate Fairing HalvesLunch BreakLegendPIP Pin InstallationFinal SecuringPad OpenFairing Air OnFlashing Amber– BriefingFairing Electrical Connection (V4T2)Limited Access (V3T1) Travel to RLCCFairing Shim Installation (As Required)Vehicle Power-On (V3T1)Flashing Red–Pad ClosedSecond-Stage Servicing Preps and BAS PrepsSet Up A-50/N 2 O 4 Sensor System (V3T1)Spacecraft ActivityComm Test 28 Redline Observers BriefingLanyard Preparations (V8T5)FRR (Building 1628)A3 Solid Motor WalkdownLoad Codes in Range AssetsTerminate Trickle ChargingV8T3 Closeout PhotosSpacecraft Battery Trickle Charging (Full A/C Flow); Air-Conditioning and Vapor-Detection Watch (V41)No Air-Conditioning FlowSupport:Spacecraft SupportLevel 6Area Conditions:B7000, CT-1, CT-6OD Test 28OD Test 3064Code Loading OD Test 3014Figure 7-34. Typical Fairing Installation (T-4 Day)7-34

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-3 Propellant is loaded into the second stage, and fairing ordnance is installed (Figure 7-35).HB00731REU0.20100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300(V3T2) BriefingLegendPad OpenFlashing Amber–Limited AccessPad Clear–Limited AccesFlashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft Activity(V3T2) Final Propellant Servicing Preparations and Final BAS PreparationsOxidizer LoadLunch BreakFuel Load(V3T2) Second-Stage Propellant SecureFairing Ordnance Installation (V2T3) (Level Clear)Vehicle Test Set Code LoadMission RehearsalCloseout and MST Preparations(V2T4—Not Interstage)Fairing Shim (As Required)Data ReviewSpacecraft Battery Trickle Charging (Full A/C Flow); Air-Conditioning and Vapor-Detection Watch (V41)Support:High-Pressure HeliumRequiredArea conditions:SLC-2OD Test 25CRD Code Loading OD Test 3014OD Test 3002PP No.1 Generator StandbyOD Test 64Figure 7-35. Typical Second-Stage Propellant Loading (T-3 Day)7-35

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-2 Tasks include launch vehicle guidance turn-on, C-band beacon readout, guidance systemazimuth update, range safety checks, and class A ordnance connection (Figure 7-36).HB00732REU0.20100 0300 0500 0700 0900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300(V3T3) Briefing(V3T3) Preparations(V3T3) First- and Second-Stage Turn-On(V3T3) Communications Check(V3T3) Slew ChecksCloseouts and MST(V3T3) Beacon ChecksPreparation (V2T4 – NOT I/S)(V3T3) Second-Stage Engineering Walkdown (First-Stage Fuel Tanks,Second-Stage Propellant and Hydraulics)CRD Closed-Loop ChecksLegendCRD Open-Loop Checks (Self-Test Only)Pad Open(V3T3) Azimuth UpdateFlashing Amber–(V3T3) SecuringLimited AccessA3 Engineering WalkdownPad Clear–Limited AccessFlashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft Activity(V2T1) Briefing(V2T1) Propellant System Preparations(V2T1) Heat RP-1Red-Tag InventoryLaunch Readiness Review (Building 1628)(V2T2) Second-Stage Thermal Blanket Installation(V2T3) Class-A Ordnance HookupCRD Closed-Loop Test (Self-Test) (V2T3)(V2T4) Interstage Closeout and MST Move PreparationsSpacecraft Battery Trickle Charge (Full A/C Flow); Air-Conditioning, Vapor-Detection and Propellant Watch (V41)Support: OD Test 3001 OD Tests 3018 and 3064Limited Switching/No RF RadiationRadar/Beacon VanFrequency Clear 416.5 MHzArea Conditions:Figure 7-36. Typical Beacon and Range Safety Checks/Class-A Ordnance Connect (T-2 Day)7-36

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-1 Final fairing and whiteroom preparations are made for MST removal, second-stage enginecloseout, launch vehicle final preparations, and tower removal (Figures 7-37 and7-38).HB00733REU0.20000 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000 1200 1400 01600 1800 2000 2200 0000Heat RP-1 (As Required)Water Systems and Air-Conditioning Setups (V1T1)MST Doors and LevelPreparations, MST ElectricalPropellant Preparations (V1T1)Disconnect (V1T1 and V2T4)30 SW Launch Readiness Review (Building 7000)Briefing (V1T1) (Building 1630)Final Spacecraft Access Prior to LaunchLegendCamera Setup (Photo Squadron)Pad OpenEngineering Walkdown (V1T1)Flashing Amber–Fairing and White-Room Preparations (V1T1)Limited AccessAir-Conditioning Preparations (V1T1)Flashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft ActivityMST Move PreparationsWeather Briefing for MST RemovalLanyard Tensioning (V1T1)MST Removal and Securing (V1T1)Prepare Solid Motor TLX Connection and ISDS Pin-Pull (V1T2)NASA Telemetry Inspection of Blockhouse RF ConfigurationSolid Motor TLX Connection and ISDS Pin-Pull (V1T2)Final Air-Conditioning SetupsSpacecraft Battery Trickle Charging (Full A/C Flow),Launch Mount Securing (V1T2)Air-Conditioning , Vapor-Detection and Propellant Watch (V41)Support:Area Conditions:OD 5400Pump Helium and N 2 (As Required)(V91)OD Test 3064Figure 7-37. Typical Countdown Preparations (T-1 Day)7-37

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214T-0 Launch day preparations include final spacecraft closeouts and fairing door installation,gantry removal, final arming, terminal sequences, and launch. Spacecraft should be in launchconfiguration immediately prior to T-4 min and standing by for liftoff. The nominal hold andrecycle point is T-4 min. Launch is typically scheduled for a Thursday (Figures 7-38 and 7-39).HB00734REU0.21200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 0000 0200 0400 0600 0800 1000LegendPad OpenFlashing Amber–Limited AccessPad Clear–Limited AccessFlashing Red–Pad ClosedSpacecraft Activity(1630) Briefing (V1T1)Final Spacecraft Access Prior to LaunchMST Door and Level Preparations (V1T1)Camera Setup (Photo Squadron)MST Move PreparationsEngineering Walkdown(V1T1)Air-Conditioning Preparations (V1T1)Fairing and White-Room Preparations (V1T1)Weather Briefing for MST RemovalLanyard Tensioning (V1T1)MST Removal and Securing (V1T1)Prepare Solid Motor TLX Connection and ISDS Pin-Pull (V1T2)NASA Telemetry Inspection of Blockhouse RF ConfigurationSolid Motor TLX Connection and ISDS Pin-Pull (V1T2)Launch Mount Securing (V1T2)Final Fairing Air-Conditioning SetupsBuilt-In Hold (60 minutes)Spacecraft Battery Trickle Charging (Full A/C Flow), Clear ComplexAir-Conditioning, Vapor-Detection and Propellant Watch (V41) (0135)(V1T3) Terminal CountSupport:Area Conditions:OD 5400PP No. 1 Generator StandbyPump Helium and N 2 (V91)OD Tests 18 and 21Limited Switching/No RF RadiationFrequency Clear 416.5, 2241.5, 5690.0, 5765.0 MHzMFCO, RCO, FSPO, ROCFigure 7-38. Typical Delta Countdown (T-1/T-0 Day)7-38

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00735REU0.2PSTH:M H:MHH:MM:SS H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M HH:MM:SST-Minus150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 20 10 4 4 0First- and Second-Stage Heat Exchanger FillTerminal Countdown Initiation and BriefingAll Personnel Clear of SLC-2 (Sound Klaxon)CSO Clear Missile Hazard AreaSecond-Stage Helium, N 2 , and Tanks PressureFirst-Stage Helium, N 2 , and Tanks PressureRIFCA Turn-OnFirst-Stage Fueling60-20-10-Weather BriefingminminminC-Band Beacon ChecksBuilt-InBuilt-Built-Air-Conditioning High-Heat OnHoldInInLO 2 Loading and Decay ChecksatHoldHoldFirst-Stage Hydraulics OnT–150atatPower and Switch VerificationsTypical Launch WindowT–20T–4Auto SlewsOpen CloseSlew EvaluationsGMT HH:MM:SS HH:MM:SSCommand Carrier OnLocal HH:MM:SS HH:MM:SSDestruct ChecksTop-Off Helium and N2Window Duration: XX hr, XX min., XX secStatus ChecksPressurize Fuel TankSpacecraft CountdownSpacecraft Launch Configuration (GSE Secured) (T-4)Spacecraft Battery Trickle Charge (Option)Arm Destruct Safe and ArmSpacecraft Launch Ready (T-3 minutes)LaunchHH:MM:SSGMTH:MH:MH:MH:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:M H:MFigure 7-39. Typical Delta Countdown (T-0 Day)H:MH:MH:MHH:MM:SSH:M7.6.3 Spacecraft SchedulesThe spacecraft project will supply schedules to the Boeing spacecraft coordinator, who willarrange support as required.7.7 DELTA II MEETINGS AND REVIEWSDuring the launch scheduling preparation, various meetings and reviews take place. Some ofthese will require user input while others allow the user to monitor the progress of the overallmission. The Boeing spacecraft coordinator will ensure adequate user participation.7.7.1 MeetingsDelta Status Meetings. Status meetings are generally held twice a week. They include areview of the activities scheduled and accomplished since the last meeting, a discussion of problemsand their solutions, and a review of the mission schedule. Spacecraft representatives areencouraged to attend these meetings.Daily Schedule Meetings. Daily schedule meetings are held to provide the team memberswith their assignments and to summarize the previous or current day’s accomplishments. Thesemeetings are attended by the launch conductor, technicians, inspectors, engineers, supervisors,7-39

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214and the spacecraft coordinator. Depending upon testing activities, these meetings are held at thebeginning and the end of the first shift.7.7.2 Prelaunch Review ProcessPeriodic reviews are held to ensure that the spacecraft and launch vehicle are ready for launch.The following paragraphs discuss the Delta II readiness reviews.Postproduction Review. This meeting, conducted at Decatur, Alabama, reviews the flighthardware at the end of production and prior to shipment to DMCO at CCAFS, or to VAFB.Mission Analysis Review. This review is held at Huntington Beach, California, approximately3 months prior to launch, to review mission-specific designs, studies, and analyses.Pre-Vehicle-On-Stand (VOS) Review. This review is held at Boeing-Huntington Beachsubsequent to the completion of Delta mission checkout (DMCO) and prior to erection of thevehicle on the launch pad. It includes an update of the launch preparation activities since Decatur,the results of the DMCO processing, and any hardware history changes.Vehicle-On-Stand Readiness Review (VRR). This review is held at the launch site priorto first-stage erection. The status and processing history of the launch vehicle elements andground support equipment are presented. The primary focus of this review is on the readiness ofthe first stage, solid motors, interstage, second stage, and fairing for erection and mate on thelaunch pad. Upon completion of this meeting and resolution of any concerns raised, authorizationis given to proceed with erection activities.Launch Site Readiness Review (LSRR). This review is held at the launch site prior toerection and mate of the second stage and spacecraft to the launch vehicle. The status and entirelaunch site processing history of the launch vehicle elements and ground support equipment arereviewed. The primary focus of this review is on the readiness of the launch vehicle for erectionand mate of the spacecraft to the second stage. Upon completion of this meeting and resolutionof any concerns raised, authorization is given to proceed with spacecraft transfer to the launchpad, immediately followed by erection and mate with the second stage.Flight Readiness Review (FRR). This review, typically held on T-3 day, is an update ofactivities since the pre-VOS and is conducted to determine that checkout has shown that thelaunch vehicle and spacecraft are ready for countdown and launch. Upon completion of thismeeting, authorization is given to proceed with the loading of second-stage propellants. Thisreview also assesses the readiness of the range to support launch and provides a predictedweather status.7-40

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Launch Readiness Review (LRR). This review is normally held one day prior to launchand provides an update of activities since the FRR. All agencies and contractors are required toprovide a ready-to-launch statement. Upon completion of this meeting and resolution of any concernsraised, an authorization to enter terminal countdown is given.7-41

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Section 8PAYLOAD INTEGRATIONThis section describes the payload integration process, the supporting documentation requiredfrom the spacecraft customer, and the resulting analyses provided by the Delta Program Office.8.1 INTEGRATION PROCESSThe integration process developed by the Delta Program is designed to support the requirementsof both the launch vehicle and the payload. We work closely with our customers to tailorthe integration activity to meet their individual program requirements. The typical integrationprocess (Figure 8-1) encompasses the entire life of the launch vehicle/payload integration activities;L-date is defined as calendar day, including workdays and scheduled non-workdays such asholidays. At its core is a streamlined series of documents, reports, and meetings that are flexibleand adaptable to the specific requirements of each program.Coupled Dynamic Loads AnalysisInterfaceControlDocumentPayload ProcessingRequirements DocumentPreliminary Mission AnalysisSpacecraft Compatibility DrawingDetailed Test Objectives (DTO)Coupled Dynamic Loads AnalysisLaunch Site ProceduresHB01032REU0.6LaunchOperations PlanL-104WeeksL-100 L-90 L-80 L-70 L-60 L-50 L-40 L-30 L-20 L-10 LaunchSpacecraftQuestionnaireSpacecraft Drawings,Fairing RequirementsSpacecraftMathematicalModelDetailed TestObjectiveRequirementsPayload ProcessingRequirementsDocument InputsPreliminary MissionAnalysis RequirementsSpacecraft Safety PackageLaunch Window(Final)Spacecraft Integrated TestProceduresFigure 8-1. Typical Mission Integration ProcessMission integration for commercial missions is the responsibility of the Delta Program Office,which is located at the Boeing facility in Huntington Beach, California. The objective of missionintegration is to coordinate all interface activities required to support the launch. This includesreaching a customer-Delta Program interface agreement and accomplishing: interface planning,requirements coordination, scheduling, and mission analyses.The Delta Program Office assigns a mission integration manager to work with the customerand coordinate all mission-related interface activities. The mission integration manager develops8-1

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214a tailored integration planning schedule for both the launch vehicle and the payload by definingthe documentation and analyses required for the mission. The mission integration manager alsosynthesizes the payload requirements, engineering design, and launch environments into a controlledinterface control document (ICD) that establishes and documents all agreed-to interfacerequirements.The integration manager ensures that all lines of communication function effectively. To thisend, all pertinent communications, including technical/administrative documentation, technicalinterchange meetings (TIM), and formal integration meetings, are coordinated through the missionintegration manager and executed in a timely manner. These data exchange lines exist notonly between the customer and the Delta Program, but also include all other agencies involved inthe Delta II launch. Figure 8-2 illustrates the relationships among agencies involved in a typicalDelta II mission.HB00899REU0.3CustomerSpacecraft OrbitalNetwork SupportSpacecraft ProcessingFacilities and ServicesDelta Program Office(Mission IntegrationManager)Launch VehicleProcessing Facilitiesand ServicesGSFCNASAKSCER/WRUSAFFAA/DOTData NetworkSupport(As Required)Launch Facilitiesand Base SupportBoeingCommunicationsand Data SupportLaunch Facilitiesand Base SupportRange Safety andAscent TrackingData Network Support(As Required)LicensingSafety CertificationFigure 8-2. Typical Delta II Agency InterfacesThe mission integration process is identical for single, dual, and/or secondary payload missions.For a co-manifested mission using the dual payload attach fitting (DPAF), the Delta Program Officewill assign a dedicated mission integration manager (MIM) to manage the integration effortassociated with both payloads. This assures that the MIM maintains an integrated understanding ofthe overall mission objectives and requirements. Similarly, a MIM is assigned to manage all integrationactivities for missions flying both primary and secondary payloads.8.2 DOCUMENTATIONEffective integration of the payload with the launch vehicle requires the diligent and timelypreparation and submittal of required documentation. When submitted, these documents8-2

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214represent the primary communication of requirements, safety data, system descriptions, etc., toeach of the launch support agencies. The Delta Program Office acts as the administrative interfaceto assure proper documentation has been provided to the appropriate agencies. All data,formal and informal, are routed through the Delta Program Office. Relationships of the variouscategories of documentation are shown in Figure 8-3.Payload Requirements• Spacecraft QuestionnaireHB00900REU0.4Safety Compliance• Missile Systems Prelaunch SafetyPackage (MSPSP)Integration Planning• Operations• DocumentationInterface Control Document• Payload and Launch VehicleDescription• Performance Requirements• Interface Definition– Payload/Launch Vehicle• Launch Vehicle/GSE (Mission-Specific)• Mission Compatibility Drawing• Spacecraft-to-Blockhouse Wiring• Requirements Verification MatrixMission Support• Operations Requirement/ProgramRequirements Document (OR/PRD)– Range and Network Support• Mission Support Request (MSR)• Launch Operations Plan (LOP)Launch Support• Launch Processing Requirements• Payload Processing RequirementsDocument (PPRD)• Launch Site Test Plan (LSTP)• Integrated Procedures• Launch Processing Documents (LPD)Environmental Test Plans• Spacecraft Qualification VerificationMission Analysis• Preliminary Mission Analysis (PMA)– Event Sequencing-Trajectory Data– Launch Vehicle Performance• Detailed Test Objectives (DTO)• Coupled Loads Analysis (CLA)• Best Estimate Trajectory (BET)Figure 8-3. Typical Document InterfacesThe required documents for a typical mission are listed in Tables 8-1 and 8-2. Table 8-3 describesthe contents of the program documents. Mission-specific schedules are established byagreement with each customer. The Spacecraft Questionnaire shown in Table 8-4 is normallycompleted by the customer 2 years prior to launch to provide an initial definition of payload characteristicsand requirements. Table 8-5 is an outline of a typical payload launch-site test plan thatdescribes the payload launch site activities and operations expected in support of the mission. Orbitdata at burnout of the final stage are needed to reconstruct the performance of the launch vehiclefollowing the mission. A complete set of orbital elements and associated estimates of 3-sigma(3-σ) accuracy required to reconstruct this performance is presented in Table 8-6.A typical integration planning schedule is shown in Figure 8-4. Each data item in Figure 8-4has an associated L-date (weeks before launch). The responsible party for each data item is identified.Close coordination with the Delta mission integration manager is required to provideproper planning of the integration documentation.8-3

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 8-1. Customer Data RequirementsDescriptionTable 8-3ReferenceNominal Due Weeks– or + LaunchSpacecraft Questionnaire 2 L104Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) License Information 2 L104Spacecraft Mathematical Model (Tested and verified) 3 L90/L-48Spacecraft Drawings (Initial/Final) 18 L86/L44Fairing Requirements 8 L86Spacecraft Environmental Test Documents 5 L84Interface Control Document Comments 4 30 days after receiptElectrical Wiring Requirements 7 L80Radiation Use Request/Authorization 10 L58Combined Spacecraft/Third-Stage Nutation Time Constant and Mass22 L54/L20Properties Statement (Initial/Final)for Three-Stage MissionsSpacecraft-Missile System Prelaunch Safety Package (MSPSP) 9 L58Preliminary Mission Analysis Requirements (PMA) 11 L54/L39Radio Frequency Application 30 L-52Mission Operational and Support Requirements for Spacecraft 12, 13 L52Payload Processing Requirements Document Inputs 14 L52Spacecraft-to-Blockhouse Wiring Diagram Review 29 L40Detailed Test Objectives (DTO) Requirements 17 L39Launch Window (Initial/Final) 16 L39, L4Vehicle Launch Insignia 15 L-39Spacecraft Launch Site Test Plan 19 L34Spacecraft Compatibility Drawing Comments 18 L29Spacecraft Integrated Operations Inputs 21 L20Spacecraft Launch Site Test Procedures 20 L18Spacecraft Environments and Loads Test Report 5 L18Best Estimate Trajectory (BET) Inputs 31 L-4Postlaunch Orbit Confirmation Data 28 L+1 day002210.8Table 8-2. Delta Program DocumentsDescriptionTable 8-3ReferenceNominal Due Weeks– or + LaunchInterface Control Document (Initial) 4 L84Coupled Dynamic Loads Analysis 6 L68, L-26Spacecraft-to-Blockhouse Wiring Diagram (Preliminary/Final) 29 L50, L24Preliminary Mission Analysis (PMA) 11 L44Payload Processing Requirements Document 14 L39Spacecraft Compatibility Drawing 18 L36, L17Detailed Test Objectives (DTO) 17 L28Spacecraft-Fairing Clearance Drawing 18 L27Launch Site ProceduresAs required*Nutation Control System Analysis (if applicable) 23 L15Spacecraft Separation Analysis 25 L12Launch Operations Plan 26 L-12/L4Integrated Countdown ScheduleL6Vehicle Information Memorandum (VIM) 27 L3Best Estimate Trajectory 31 L-1*Approximately 2 weeks prior to use002211.78-4

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 8-3. Required DocumentsItem1. Feasibility Study (Optional)A feasibility study may be necessary to define the launch vehicle's capabilities for a specific mission or toestablish the overall feasibility of using the vehicle for performing the required mission. Typical items thatmay necessitate a feasibility study are (1) a new flight plan with unusual launch azimuth or orbital requirements;(2) a precise accuracy requirement or a performance requirement greater than that available withthe standard vehicle; and (3) spacecraft that impose uncertainties with regard to vehicle stability.Specific tasks, schedules, and responsibilities are defined before study initiation, and a final report is preparedat the conclusion of the study.2. Spacecraft QuestionnaireThe Spacecraft Questionnaire (Table 8-4) is the first step in the process and is designed to provide theinitial definition of spacecraft requirements, interface details, launch site facilities, and preliminary safetydata to Delta’s various agencies. It contains a set of questions whose answers define the requirements andinterfaces as they are known at the time of preparation. The questionnaire is required not later than 2 yearsprior to launch.A definitive response to some questions may not be possible because many items are defined at a laterdate. Of particular interest are answers that specify requirements in conflict with constraints specifiedherein. Normally this document would not be kept current; it will be used to create the initial issue of themission specification (Item 4) and in support of our Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)/Department ofTransportation (DOT) launch permit.The specified items are typical of the data required for Delta II missions. The spacecraft customer is encouragedto include other pertinent information regarding mission requirements or constraints.3 Spacecraft Mathematical Model for Dynamic AnalysisA spacecraft mathematical model is required for use in a coupled loads analysis. Acceptable forms include(1) a discrete math model with associated mass and stiffness matrices or (2) a constrained normal modemodel with modal mass and stiffness and the appropriate transformation matrices to recover internal responses.Required model information such as specific format, degree-of-freedom requirements, and othernecessary information will be supplied.If the spacecraft has a propellant management device (e.g., diaphragm, bladder, baffles, etc.) the modelshould include spring-mass or pendulum parameters with maximum slosh mass, nominal slosh frequencyand uncertainty range. If there are off-centerline propellant tanks, the model should include slosh modesand elastic modes relative to a fixed base at the spacecraft interface. The fundamental slosh modes shouldbe in both directions for each off-centerline tank.4. Interface Control Document (ICD)The Delta Program ICD functions as the Delta launch vehicle interface control document and describes allmission-specific requirements. It contains the spacecraft description, spacecraft-to-blockhouse wiring diagraminterfaces, compatibility drawing, targeting criteria, special spacecraft requirements affecting the standardlaunch vehicle, description of mission-specific vehicle interfaces, a description of special aerospaceground equipment (AGE) and facilities the Delta Program Office is required to furnish, etc. The document isprovided to spacecraft customers for review and concurrence and is revised as required. The initial issue isbased on data provided in the spacecraft questionnaire and is provided approximately 84 weeks beforelaunch. Subsequent issues are published as requirements and data become available. The mission-specificrequirements documented in the ICD along with the standard interfaces presented in this manual define thespacecraft-to-launch vehicle interface.5. Spacecraft Environmental Test DocumentsThe environmental test plan documents the spacecraft customer’s approach for qualification and acceptance(pre flight screening) tests. It is intended to provide general test philosophy and an overview of thesystem-level environmental testing to be performed to demonstrate adequacy of the spacecraft for flight(e.g., static loads, vibration, acoustics, shock). The test plan should include test objectives, test specimenconfiguration, general test methods, and a schedule. It should not include detailed test procedures.Following the system-level structural loads and dynamic environment testing, test reports documenting theresults shall be provided to the Delta Program Office. These reports should summarize the testing performedto verify the adequacy of spacecraft structure for the flight loads. For structural systems not verifiedby test, a structural loads analysis report documenting the analyses performed and resulting margins ofsafety should be provided to Boeing.6. Coupled Dynamic Loads AnalysisA coupled dynamic loads analysis is performed in order to define flight loads to major vehicle and spacecraftstructure. The liftoff event, which generally causes the most severe lateral loads in the spacecraft, andthe period of transonic flight and maximum dynamic pressure, causing the greatest relative deflections betweenspacecraft and fairing, are generally included in this analysis. Output for each flight event includestables of maximum acceleration at selected nodes of the spacecraft model as well as a summary of maximuminterface loads. Worst-case space craft-fairing dynamic relative deflections are included. Close coordinationbetween the customer and the Delta Program Office is essential in order to decide on the outputformat and the actual work schedule for the analysis.ResponsibilityDelta ProgramCustomerCustomerDelta Program(input requiredfrom customer)CustomerDelta Program(input requiredfrom customer,Item 3)8-5

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 8-3. Required Documents (Continued)Item7. Electrical Wiring RequirementsThe wiring requirements for the spacecraft to the blockhouse and the payload processing facilities areneeded as early as possible. Section 5 lists the Delta capabilities and outlines the necessary details to besupplied. The Delta Program Office will provide a spacecraft-to-blockhouse wiring diagram based on thespacecraft requirements. It will define the hard ware interface from the spacecraft to the blockhouse forcontrol and monitoring of spacecraft functions after space craft installation in the launch vehicle. Close attentionto the documentation schedule is required so that production checkout of the launch vehicle includesall of the mission-specific wiring. Any requirements for the payload processing facilities are to befurnished with the blockhouse information.8. Fairing RequirementsEarly spacecraft fairing requirements should be addressed in the questionnaire and updated in the ICD.Final spacecraft requirements are needed to support the mission-specific fairing modifications during production.Any in-flight requirements, ground requirements, critical spacecraft surfaces, surface sensitivities,mechanical attachments, RF transparent windows, and internal temperatures on the ground and in flightmust be provided.9. Missile System Prelaunch Safety Package (MSPSP) (Refer to AFSPCMAN 91-710 for specificspacecraft safety requirements.)To obtain approval to use the launch site facilities and resources and for launch, a MSPSP must be preparedand submitted to the Delta Program Office. The MSPSP includes a description of each hazardoussystem (with drawings, schematics, and assembly and handling procedures, as well as any other informationthat will aid in appraising the respective systems) and evidence of compliance with the safety requirementsof each hazardous system. The major categories of hazardous systems are ordnance devices,radioactive material, propellants, pressurized systems, toxic materials and cryogenics, and RF radiation.The specific data required and suggested formats are discussed in Section 3 of AFSPCMAN 91-710. Boeingwill provide this information to the appropriate government safety offices for their approval.10. Radiation Use Request/AuthorizationThe spacecraft agency is required to specify the RF transmitted by the spacecraft during ground processingand launch intervals. A RF data sheet specifying individual frequencies will be provided. Names and qualificationsare required covering spacecraft user personnel who will operate spacecraft RF systems. Transmissionfrequency bandwidths, frequencies, radiated durations, wattage, etc., will be provided. The DeltaProgram Office will provide these data to the appropriate range/government agencies for approval.11. Preliminary Mission Analysis (PMA)This analysis is normally the first step in the mission-planning process. It uses the best available missionrequirements (spacecraft weight, orbit requirements, tracking requirements, etc.) and is primarily intendedto uncover and resolve any unusual problems inherent in accomplishing the mission objectives. Specifically,information pertaining to vehicle environment, performance capability, sequencing, and orbit dispersion ispresented. Parametric performance and accuracy data are usually provided to assist the customer in selectionof final mission-orbit requirements. The orbit dispersion data are presented in the form of variations ofthe critical orbit parameters as functions of probability level. A covariance matrix and a trajectory printoutare also included.The mission requirements and parameter ranges of interest for parametric studies are due as early as possiblebut in no case later than 54 weeks before launch. Comments to the PMA are needed no later thanlaunch minus 39 weeks for start of the detailed test objectives (DTO) (Item 17).12. Mission Operational and Support RequirementsTo obtain unique range and network support, the spacecraft customer must define any range or networkrequirements appropriate to its mission and then submit them to the Delta Program Office. Spacecraft customeroperational configuration, communication, tracking, and data flow requirements are required to supportdocument preparation and arrange required range support.13. Program Requirements Document (PRD)To obtain range and network support, a spacecraft PRD must be prepared. This document consists of a setof pre-printed standard forms (with associated instructions) that must be completed. The spacecraft agencywill complete all forms appropriate to its mission and then submit them to the Delta Program Office. TheDelta Program Office will compile, review, provide comments, and, upon comment resolution, forward thespacecraft PRD to the appropriate support agency for formal acceptance.14. Payload Processing Requirements Document (PPRD)The PPRD is prepared if commercial facilities are to be used for spacecraft processing. The spacecraftcustomer is required to provide data on all spacecraft activities to be performed at the commercial facility.This includes detailed information of all facilities, services, and support requested by the Delta ProgramOffice to be provided by the commercial facility. Spacecraft hazardous systems descriptions shall includedrawings, schematics, summary test data, and any other available data that will aid in appraising the respectivehazardous system. The commercial facility will accept spacecraft ground operations plans and/orMSPSP data as input to the PPRD.15. Launch Vehicle InsigniaThe spacecraft customer is entitled to have a mission-specific insignia placed on the launch vehicle. Thecustomer will submit the proposed design to the Delta Program Office not later than 9 months before launchfor review and approval. Following approval, the Delta Program Office will have the flight insignia preparedand placed on the launch vehicle. The maximum size of the insignia is 2.4 m by 2.4 m (8 ft by 8 ft). Theinsignia is placed on the uprange side of the launch vehicle.ResponsibilityCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerDelta Program(input requiredfrom customer)CustomerDelta Program(input requiredfrom customer)CustomerCustomer8-6

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 8-3. Required Documents (Continued)Item16. Launch WindowThe spacecraft customer is required to specify the maximum launch window for any given day. Specifically,the window opening time (preferably to the nearest minute) and the window closing time (preferably to thenearest minute) are to be specified. These final window data should extend for at least 2 weeks beyond thescheduled launch date. Liftoff is targeted to the specified window opening unless otherwise instructed bythe customer.17. Detailed Test Objectives (DTO) TrajectoryThe Delta Program Office will issue a DTO trajectory that provides the mission reference trajectory. TheDTO contains a description of the flight objectives, the nominal trajectory printout, a sequence of events,vehicle attitude rates, spacecraft and vehicle tracking data, and other pertinent information. The trajectory isused to develop mission targeting constants and represents the flight trajectory. The DTO will be availableat launch minus 28 weeks.18. Spacecraft DrawingsSpacecraft configuration drawings are required as early as possible. The drawings should show nominaland worst-case (maximum tolerance) dimensions for the Delta Program-prepared compatibility drawing,clearance analysis, fairing compatibility, and other interface details. Preliminary drawings are desired withthe spacecraft questionnaire but no later than 86 weeks prior to launch. Spacecraft drawings should besubmitted to the Delta Program Office in both 0.20 scale hardcopy and electronic formats. Suggested electronicsubmittal is CD of spacecraft model in Unigraphics, IGES, DXF, or STEP format. Details should beworked through the Delta Program Office.The Delta Program Office will prepare and release the spacecraft compatibility drawing that will becomepart of the mission specification. This is a working drawing that identifies spacecraft-to-launch vehicle interfaces.It defines electrical interfaces; mechanical interfaces, including spacecraft-to-PAF separation plane,separation springs and spring seats, and separation switch pads; definition of stay-out envelopes, bothinternal and external to the PAF; definition of stay-out envelopes within the fairing; and location and mechanicalactivation of spring seats. The spacecraft customer reviews the drawing and provides comments,and upon comment resolution and incorporation of the final spacecraft drawings, the compatibility drawingis formally accepted as a controlled interface between the Delta Program Office and the spacecraft customer.In addition, the Delta Program Office will provide a worst-case spacecraft-fairing clearance drawing.19. Spacecraft Launch Site Test PlanTo provide all agencies with a detailed understanding of the launch site activities and operations plannedfor a particular mission, the spacecraft customer is required to prepare a launch site test plan. The plan isintended to describe all aspects of the program while at the launch site. A suggested format is shown inTable 8-5.20. Spacecraft Launch Site Test ProceduresOperating procedures must be prepared for all operations that are accomplished at the launch site. Forthose operations that are hazardous in nature (either to equipment or to personnel), special instructionsmust be followed in preparing the procedures. Refer to Section 9.21. Spacecraft Integrated Operations InputsFor each mission, the Delta Program Office prepares launch site procedures for various operations thatinvolve the spacecraft after it is mated with the Delta upper stage. Included are requirements for operationssuch as spacecraft weighing, spacecraft installation to third stage and into the handling can, spacecrafttransportation to the launch complex, spacecraft hoisting into the white room, handling-can removal, spacecraft/third-stagemating to launch vehicle, fairing installation, flight program verification test, and launchcountdown. The Delta Program Office requires inputs to these operations in the form of handling constraints,environmental constraints, personnel requirements, equipment requirements, etc. Of particularinterest are spacecraft tasks/requirements during the final week before launch. (Refer to Section 6 forschedule constraints.)22. Spacecraft Mass Properties Statement and Nutation Time ConstantsThe combined spacecraft/third-stage nutation time constant for preburn and postburn conditions is requiredbefore launch so that the effects of energy dissipation relative to spacecraft separation, coning buildup, andclearance during separation can be evaluated. The data from the spacecraft mass properties report areused in spin rocket configuration, orbit error, control, performance, and separation analyses. It representsthe best current estimate of final spacecraft mass properties. These data should include any changes inmass properties while the spacecraft is attached to the Delta vehicle. Values quoted should include nominaland 3-sigma uncertainties for mass, centers of gravity, moments of inertia, products of inertia, and principalaxis misalignment, and Delta upper-stage mass properties provided in Section 4.2.23. Nutation Control System Analysis MemorandumA nutation control system (NCS) analysis is performed to verify that the system is capable of controlling thethird-stage coning motion induced by the dynamic-coupled instability. The NCS is activated at third-stageignition and remains active throughout the burn and coast until the start of NCS blowdown. The principalinputs required for the analysis are the spacecraft mass properties and nutation time constants from Item22 and the third-stage mass properties. The analysis outputs include spacecraft/third-stage rates and angularmomentum pointing prior to spacecraft separation, third-stage velocity loss and pointing error (used inorbit-dispersion analysis), and NCS propellant usage.ResponsibilityCustomerDelta Program(input requiredfrom customer)CustomerDelta ProgramCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerDelta Program8-7

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 8-3. Required Documents (Continued)Item24. RF Compatibility AnalysisA radio frequency interference (RFI) analysis is performed to verify that spacecraft RF sources are compatiblewith the launch vehicle telemetry and tracking-beacon frequencies. Spacecraft frequencies definedin the mission specification are analyzed using a frequency-compatibility software program. The programprovides a listing of all inter modulation products, which are then checked for image frequencies and intermodulationproduct interference.25. Spacecraft/Launch Vehicle Separation MemorandumAn analysis is performed to verify that there is adequate clearance and separation distance between thespacecraft and expended payload attach fitting (PAF)/third stage. The principal parameters, including datafrom Item 22, that define the separation are the motor's residual thrust, half-cone angle, and spin rate. Fortwo-stage missions this analysis verifies adequate clearance exists between the spacecraft and secondstage during separation and second-stage post-separation maneuvers.26. Launch Operations Plan (LOP)This plan is developed to define top-level requirements that flow down into detailed range requirements.The plan contains the launch operations configuration, which identifies data and communication connectivitywith all required support facilities. The plan also identifies organizational roles and responsibilities, themission control team and its roles and responsibilities, mission rules supporting conduct of the launch operation,and go/no-go criteria.27. Vehicle Information Memorandum (VIM)The Delta Program Office is required to provide a vehicle information memorandum to the U.S. SpaceCommand 15 calendar days prior to launch. The spacecraft customer will provide to the Delta ProgramOffice the appropriate spacecraft on-orbit data required for this VIM. Data required are spacecraft on-orbitdescriptions, description of pieces and debris separated from the spacecraft, the orbital parameters foreach piece of debris, spacecraft spin rates, and orbital parameter information for each different orbitthrough final orbit. The Delta Program Office will incorporate these data into the overall VIM and transmit tothe appropriate U.S. government agency.28. Postlaunch Orbit Confirmation DataTo reconstruct Delta performance, orbit data at burnout (stage II or III) are required from the spacecraftcustomer. The spacecraft customer should provide orbit conditions at the burnout epoch based on spacecrafttracking data prior to any orbit-correction maneuvers. A complete set of orbital elements and associatedestimates of 3-sigma accuracy are required (see Table 8-6).29. Spacecraft-to-Blockhouse Wiring DiagramThe Delta Program Office will provide, for inclusion in the mission specification, a spacecraft-to-blockhousewiring diagram based on the spacecraft requirements. It will define the hardware interface from the spacecraftto the blockhouse for control and monitoring of spacecraft functions after spacecraft installation in thelaunch vehicle.30. Radio Frequency ApplicationIf the customer plans, to radiate at the launch site, an FCC license should be obtained by the spacecraftcustomer. This will assure the customer that the spacecraft frequency will not be interfered with during use.The Delta Program office will assist the customer in this process.31. Best Estimate Trajectory (BET)This analysis uses assigned stage one, two, and three (if present) propulsion predictions as well as actuallaunch vehicle and spacecraft weights in a guided simulation to provide a Best Estimate Trajectory for themission. The guided simulation is based on targeting defined in the DTO trajectory (see Item 17 above),which can be adjusted slightly based on final customer inputs. The final spacecraft weight is also requiredas an input. The spacecraft is usually weighed by the Delta Program; however, if desired, a customerfurnishedcertified weight approved by the Delta Program Office may be submitted.ResponsibilityDelta ProgramDelta Program(input requiredfrom customer)Delta ProgramDelta ProgramCustomerDelta ProgramCustomerDelta Program(input requiredfrom customer)002212.88-8

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 8-4. Delta II Spacecraft QuestionnaireNote: When providing numerical parameters, please specify either English or Metric units.1 Payload Characteristics1.1 PAYLOAD DESCRIPTIONProvide a short description of the Payload, its major components, and how it is constructed.Include two views of the payload (one in launch configuration and one on-orbit/in operation deployed configuration).2 Applicable and Reference Document2.1 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSThese documents will form a part of the Interface Control Document (ICD) to the extend specified herein. In the event ofconflicts the ICD will contain the superseding requirements.2.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTSDocument that contains additional information; e.g., Delta II Payload Planners Guide, document MDC 00H0016, datedOctober 2000.3 Interface Requirements3.1 MECHANICAL/STRUCTURAL INTERFACES3.1.1 Coordinate Systems3.1.1.1 Payload Coordinate SystemProvide the spacecraft coordinate system for the moments and products of inertia and CG location.3.1.2 Payload Fairing Interfaces3.1.2.1 Payload Fairing Envelope (Refer to Chapter 3 of the Payload Planners Guide) Payload Components Within 2.0 Inches of the Fairing EnvelopeItemTable 3-1. Payload Components Within 2.0 Inches or Beyond the Fairing EnvelopeRadial DistanceLV Vertical Station from LV Payload Clocking LV Clocking Clearance from(unit)Centerline 1(degree)(degree) 2Stay-out ZoneNotes:1. Location of payload components should include maximum tolerances2. Clocking is measured from LV Quad IV (0/360°) toward LV Quad I (90°) Payload Components Beyond the Separation Plane EnvelopeItemTable 3-2. Payload Components beyond the Separation Plane EnvelopeRadial DistanceLV Vertical Station from LV Payload Clocking LV Clocking(unit)Centerline 1(degree)(degree) 2Clearance fromStay-out ZoneNotes:1. Location of payload components should include maximum tolerances2. Clocking is measured from LV Quad IV (0/360°) toward LV Quad I (90°) Access Doors and RF Windows in Fairing3. Access DoorsList known access door locations in Table 3- RF WindowsList known RF window locations in Table 3-3.Table 3-3. Access Doors and RF WindowsSize (in.) LV Station (in.) 1 LV Clocking (degree) 2 PurposeNotes:1. Doors are centered at the locations specified2. Clocking is measured from LV Quad IV (0/360°) toward LV Quad I (90°)8-9

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02143.1.3 Payload/Launch Vehicle Payload Attach Interface3.1.3.1 Payload to Launch Vehicle Adapter AssemblyProvide payload adapter assembly interface design detail. Electrical BondingSpecify if the payload complies with the electrical bonding requirements of Chapter 4 of the Payload Planner’sGuide. Separation SystemN/A if provided by Launch Vehicle.3.1.4 Purge InterfacesIf a spacecraft purge system is required while on the pad and using the fairing – mounted purge tubing, fill in tablebelow.Table 3-4. Purge InterfacesLV Station Radius (inch) Azimuth (degree) Offset From Quad I Centerline3.1.5 Special Vehicle InsigniaInclude drawing of the payload insignia, if available.3.1.6 Payload Mass Properties3.1.6.1 Weight, Moments and Products of Inertia, and CG LocationList payload mass properties in Table 3-5.Table 3-5. Payload Mass PropertiesDescription Axis Value +/- 3σ UncertaintyWeight (lb.)/(kg)N/ACenter of Gravity (unit)XYMoments of Inertia (unit)ZI XXProducts of (unit) CG Offset3.1.6.3 Principle Axis Misalignment3.1.6.4 Nutation Time Constants (3 stage missions only)3.2 ELECTRICAL INTERFACES3.2.1 Payload/Payload Attach Fitting Electrical Connectors (if required) Connector Types, Location, Orientation, and Part NumberI YYI ZZI XXI YYI ZZTable 3-6. Interface Connectors (Spacecraft/Payload Attach Fitting)Item P1 P2Vehicle connectorSpacecraft mating connectors (J1 and J2)Distance forward of spacecraft mating planeLaunch vehicle stationAzimuth 1Radial distance of connector centerline from vehiclecenterline 1Polarizing key locationMaximum connector force (+compression, -tension)Note:1. Positional tolerance defined in Chapter 5 of the Payload Planners Guide3.2.1.2 Connector Pin AssignmentsPinNo.12345Table 3-7. Pin Assignments (Payload/Payload Attach Fitting)Twisted andShielded with Function Volt AmpMax resistance to EEB(ohm)PolarityRequirement8-10

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02143.2.1.3 Payload Separation IndicationProvide any requirements related to spacecraft separation indication (breakwires). Special Payload FunctionsProvide appropriate subsections as needed for any requirements related to special spacecraft functionsrequired of the launch vehicle (e.g., discrete commands to be provided by the launch vehicle to the spacecraftvia SC/fairing connectors.) Payload Data RequirementsProvide any requirements related to special spacecraft data to be transmitted by the launch vehicleSC/fairing connectors3.2.2 Payload/Fairing Electrical Connectors (if required) Connector Types, Location, Orientation, and Part NumberTable 3-8. Interface Connectors (Payload/Fairing)Item P1 P2Vehicle connectorSpacecraft mating connectors (J1 and J2)Distance forward of spacecraft mating planeLaunch vehicle stationAzimuth 1Radial distance of connector centerline from vehiclecenterline 1Polarizing key locationMaximum connector force (+compression, -tension)Note:1. Positional tolerance defined in Chapter 5 of the Payload Planners Guide3.2.2.2 Connector Pin AssignmentsPin No.12345Table 3-9. Pin Assignments (Payload/Fairing)Twisted andShielded with Function Volt AmpMax resistance to EEB(ohm)PolarityRequirement3.2.2.3 Payload Separation Indication3.2.2.4 Special Payload Functions3.2.2.5 Payload Data Requirements3.2.3 Separation Switches3.2.3.1 Separation Switches (Payload)3.2.4 GSE Interfaces3.2.4.1 Payload GSE Electrical Interfaces3.2.4.2 Range Safety Console Interface3.3 MISSION PARAMETERS3.3.1 Orbit CharacteristicsState the type of orbit that is required. Complete Table 3-10 below.Table 3-10. Orbit CharacteristicsParameter Value ToleranceApogeePerigeeInclinationArgument of perigee at insertionRAANProbability of command shutdown3.3.2 Launch WindowsWindow Openmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ssLocal TimeTable 3-11. Launch WindowsWindow Closemm/dd/yy hh:mm:ssWindow Openmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ssGMTWindow Closemm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss8-11

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02143.3.3 Payload Constraints on Mission Parameters3.3.3.1 Sun Angle Constraints3.3.3.2 Telemetry Constraints3.3.3.3 Thermal Attitude Constraints3.3.3.4 Contamination and Collision Avoidance Maneuver Constraints3.3.4 Systems Activated Prior to Payload SeparationList all spacecraft events that will take place during the launch sequence, from liftoff to spacecraft separation, bycompleting the following chart:Table 3-12. Events During Launch PhaseEvent Time from Liftoff Constraint/Comment3.3.5 Payload Separation RequirementsTable 3-13. Separation RequirementsParameter Value ToleranceAttitude pointing (two-stage mission)Tip - off angular rate (two-stage mission)Angular momentum vector pointing error (three-stage mission)Nutation cone angle (three-stage mission)Spin rate (three-stage mission)Note: The nutation coning angle is a half angle with respect to the angular momentum vector.3.3.6 Flight Operations Requirements3.3.6.1 Payload Tracking Stations3.3.6.2 Payload Acquisition Assistance Requirements3.3.6.3 Special Payload Mission Operations Requirements3.3.6.4 Payload Uplink Requirements3.3.6.5 Payload Downlink Requirements3.4 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS3.4.1 Payload Stiffness (Frequency)Note: To prevent dynamic coupling between the launch vehicle and the Payload in the low-frequency range for thethree-stage Delta II 79XX and 79XXH configurations, the payload structural-stiffness should produce fundamental frequenciesabove 35 Hz in the thrust axis and 15 Hz in the lateral axes. For three-stage Delta II 73XX or 74XX configurations,the payload structure stiffness should produce fundamental frequencies above 35 Hz in the thrust axis and 20 Hzin the lateral axes of the payload. For all two-stage Delta II configurations, the payload structural stiffness should producefundamental frequencies above 35 Hz in the thrust axis and 12 Hz in the lateral axes. The payload should meetthese criteria, while hard-mounted at the payload separation plane (without compliance from the PAF and separationclampband). In addition, secondary structure mode frequencies should be above 35 Hz to prevent undesirable couplingwith launch vehicle modes and/or large fairing-to-payload relative dynamic deflections.3.4.2 Interface LoadsIf payload construction does not provide uniform load distribution at the launch vehicle interface, provide details.3.4.3 RF Environment3.4.3.1 RF InhibitsNote: To preclude RF fields that could be detrimental to launch vehicle ordnance or electronics, the Payloadshall be designed with two independent inhibits to prohibit inadvertent RF transmissions. RF Radiation levels (Personnel Safety)Note: Distance at which RF radiation flux density equals 1m W/cm2 for TBD antenna shall be TBD cm.3.5 PAYLOAD HANDLING AND PROCESSING REQUIRMENTS3.5.1 Facility and Ground Handling Environment (see Payload Planners Guide Chapter 4, Tables 4-1 and 4-2 for limitations)Table 3-14. Launch Pad Environmental RequirementsLocation Temperature Relative Humidity CleanlinessMobile service tower Clean roomEnvironmental shroudFairing3.5.2 Air Conditioning and Purges3.5.2.1 Air ConditioningState the required fairing airflow, maximum fairing airflow and any inspection or oversight requirements(i.e., AC air impingement restrictions or requirements). GN 2 PurgeProvide requirements related to spacecraft GN2 purges during processing and prior to launch. Typicallythis includes quality/cleanliness requirements, temperatures, and flow rate.8-12

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02143.5.3 Contamination Control3.5.3.1 Payload Environmental ShroudSpecify any requirements for use of a spacecraft environmental shroud. Cleanliness CategorySpecify the cleanliness class required during spacecraft assembly. Also, include the spacecraft and launchvehicle items that need to be cleaned prior to transport and/or prior to installation.3.5.4 Payload Weighing and Balancing3.5.4.1 Payload WeighingNote that Boeing must either witness or perform the weighing of the spacecraft. The weight must be within+/- 0.1% for two stage missions and +/-0.05% for three stage missions. Payload BalancingThree stage missions only. State if the spacecraft manufacturer or Boeing is required to perform the spinbalance test prior to integration with the Delta third stage.3.5.5 Special Handling RequirementsState any additional Boeing handling requirements in the sections below. Specifically, include the size of any supportequipments, their probable location, and any power requirements they may have. In Payload Processing Facility3.5.5.2 During Transport3.5.5.3 On Stand3.5.5.4 In Launch Support Building3.5.6 Special Boeing – Supplied Equipment or FacilitiesFor example, stands and platforms for payload access.3.5.7 Other Payload Ground Requirements3.5.7.1 Prior to Fairing InstallationList any payload ground access requirements that the payload will have prior to the fairing being installedin Table 3-15 below.Access itemTable 3-15. Payload Access Requirements before Fairing InstallationRadial Distance Number ofStation Angular Reference from Centerline PersonnelNumber (degree in LV system) (inch)RequiredActivity onLaunch MinusDay3.5.7.2 After Fairing InstallationAccess itemTable 3-16. Payload Access Requirements after Fairing InstallationRadial Distance Number ofStation Angular Reference from Centerline PersonnelNumber (degree in LV system) (inch)RequiredActivity onLaunch MinusDay4 Quality Assurance Provisions4.1 VERIFICATION METHODSThe verification methods used in the verification matrix are defined in this section.4.2 VERIFICATION MATRIXA standard format verification matrix is maintained by Boeing and provided here. All interface requirements specified inthe ICD are included in the verification matrix5 Mission InformationThis section contains information that may be included in the ICD but are not payload to launch vehicle interface requirements.5.1 PAYLOAD CONFIGURATION5.1.1 Payload Hazardous SystemsThis section will be included in the Payload Safety Approval Package Inputs as required by the range. The informationprovided here is for reference only. Propulsion SystemComplete Table 5-1 below. If the spacecraft has more than one propulsion system, create an additionaltable for each system and attribute it to its spacecraft function.8-13

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 5-1. Propulsion System 1 CharacteristicsParameterPropellant typePropellant weight, nominalPropellant fill fractionPropellant densityPropellant tank materialPropellant tank location (SC coordinates)StationAzimuthRadiusDiameterShapeInternal volumeCapacityInternal descriptionOperating pressure - flightOperating pressure - groundDesign burst pressure - calculatedFactor of safety (design burst/ground maximum expectedoperating pressure [MEOP])Proof pressure - testActual burst pressure - testPressure when Boeing personnel are exposedNumber of vessels usedValue5.1.1.2 Non-Propulsion Pressurized SystemsThis section does not include batteries – refer to Section below.Complete Table 5-2 below. If the spacecraft has more than one non-propulsion pressurized system, createan additional table for each system and attribute it to its spacecraft function.Table 5 2. Pressurized Tank 1ParameterPurposeVessel contentsTank materialCapacity - launchFill fractionOperating pressure - flightOperating pressure - groundDesign burst pressure - calculatedFactor of safety (design burst/ground MEOP)Proof pressure - testActual burst pressure - testPressure when Boeing personnel are exposedValue5.1.1.3 Payload BatteriesIf the spacecraft has more than one battery, create an additional table for each one.ParameterBattery typeBattery capacityElectrolyteCell pressure vessel materialNumber of cellsAverage voltage/cellCell pressure (ground MEOP)Specification burst pressureActual burstProof testedBack pressure control (BPC) typeTable 5-3. Payload Battery 1Value5. Voltage of the Payload Battery and Polarity of the Ground5.1.1.4 RF SystemsList the number of transmitters, receivers, and their components. RF CharacteristicsFill out Table 5-4 below and add further charts as necessary.8-14

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02145. RF Radiation Levels (Personnel Safety)Describe the operations planned for the RF system while the payload is on the pad. Deployable SystemsIdentify and state the deployable systems on your payload (e.g., antennas, solar panels), their size, locationand when they will be deployed. Radioactive DevicesState and describe all the radioactive devices on the payload.Table 5-4. Transmitters and ReceiversAntennasParameter Rcvr 1 Xmtter 2 3 4Nominal frequency (MHz)Transmitter tuned frequency (MHz)Receiver frequency (MHz)Data rates, downlink (kbps)Symbol rates, downlink (kbps)Type of transmitterTransmitter power, maximum (dBm)Losses, minimum (dB)Peak antenna gain (dB)Antenna gain 90 deg off boresight (dB)EIRP, maximum (dBm)Antenna location (base)Station (in.)Azimuth (deg)Radius (in.)1 mW/cm 2 Distances (personnel safety)Planned operation:Prelaunch: In building ________Pre-launch: Pre-fairing installationPost-launch: Before payload separation5.1.1.7 Electroexplosive Devices (EEDs)Table 5-5. Electro Explosive DevicesFiring Current (amps) BridgewireQty Type Use No Fire All Fire (ohm)WhereInstalledWhereConnectedWhereArmed5.1.1.8 Non-EED Release DevicesTable 5-6. Non-electric Ordnance and Release DevicesQty Type UseQtyExplosives Type ExplosivesWhereInstalledWhereConnectedWhereArmed5.1.1.9 Other Hazardous SystemsNote any hazardous materials or systems on the payload that have not already been identified.5.1.2 Contamination – Sensitive SurfacesTable 5-7. Contamination Sensitive SurfacesComponentSensitive To8-15

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02145.1.3 Payload Venting5.1.3.1 Ventable VolumeProvide the total ventable volume of the spacecraft in cubic feet and cubic meters, stating the percentageaccuracy of the data. Non-ventable VolumeProvide the total non-ventable volume of the spacecraft in cubic feet and cubic meters, stating the percentageaccuracy of the data.5.1.4 Payload Energy Dissipation SourcesList all components that will cause spacecraft energy dissipation (such as liquid propellants, passive nutationdampers, flexible antennas, heat pipes etc.) with a brief note so they can be identified on spacecraft drawings.5.2 FLIGHT OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS5.2.1 Location of Payload Operations Control Center6 Additional MaterialThis section contains requests for information that will not be included in the ICD. Although later documents will collect much ofthis information and individual deadlines may vary, it is to the customer’s advantage to respond in the Payload Questionnairewherever this is possible.6.1 MODELINGThe Craig – Bampton format is the requested description of the Payload dynamic model. If possible, use the NastranOP4 BCD format for the following items.For SC with liquid tanks that are located off the centerline axis of the LV, the Payload dynamic model must include theslosh characteristics.6.1.1 Mass Matrix6.1.2 Stiffness Matrix6.1.3 Response Recovery Matrix6.2 TEST6.2.1 Planning6.2.1.1 Payload Development and Test Programs6.2.1.2 Payload Development and Test SchedulesThe most current information is required and will be updated in part from the Payload Environmental Testdocument. Flow Chart and Test ScheduleThe most current information is required and will be updated in part from the Payload Environmental Testdocument. Test Schedule at Launch SiteThe most current information is required and will be updated from the Payload Launch Site Test Plan andthe Payload Integrated Test Operations Procedure Inputs documents. Operations Flow ChartThe most current information is required and will be updated from the Payload Launch Site Proceduresdocument.6.2.2 Hardware/Personnel/Facilities RequirementsThe most current information is required and will be updated in part from the Payload Environmental Test document. Test PAF RequirementsIs a test PAF required? When? Clamp Band Ordnance RequirementsIs clamp band ordnance required? When? Special Test Requirements6.2.2.4 Payload Spin Balancing6.3 PROCESSING FACILITIES LOGISTICS REQUIREMENTS6.3.1 Processing Facility Preference and Priority6.3.2 Payload Processing Facility Dwell Time6.3.3 Multishift Operation PlansState whether a multishift operation is planned and give any available details.6.3.4 Facility Crane Requirements6.3.5 Facility Electrical Requirements6.3.6 Hazardous Processing Facilities6.3.7 NASA, USAF, or Commercially Provided Support Items6.3.8 Facility Security002213.108-16

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 8-5. Typical Spacecraft Launch-Site Test Plan1 General1.1 Plan Organization1.2 Plan Scope1.3 Applicable Documents1.4 Spacecraft Hazardous Systems Summary2 Prelaunch/Launch Test Operations Summary2.1 Schedule2.2 Layout of Equipment (Each Facility) (Including Test Equipment)2.3 Description of Event at Launch Site2.3.1 Spacecraft Delivery Operations2.3.1.1 Spacecraft Removal and Transport to Spacecraft Processing Facility2.3.1.2 Handling and Transport of Miscellaneous Items (Ordnance, Motors, Batteries, Test Equipment,Handling and Transportation Equipment)2.3.2 Payload Processing Facility Operations2.3.2.1 Spacecraft Receiving Inspection2.3.2.2 Battery Inspection2.3.2.3 Reaction Control System (RCS) Leak Test2.3.2.4 Battery Installation2.3.2.5 Battery Charging2.3.2.6 Spacecraft Validation2.3.2.7 Solar Array Validation2.3.2.8 Spacecraft/Data Network Compatibility Test Operations2.3.2.9 Spacecraft Readiness Review2.3.2.10 Preparation for Transport and Transport to Hazardous Processing Facility (HPF)2.3.3 Solid Fuel Storage Area2.3.3.1 Apogee Kick Motor (AKM) Receiving, Preparation, and X-Ray2.3.3.2 Safe and Arm (S&A) Device Receiving, Inspection, and Electrical Test2.3.3.3 Igniter Receiving and Test2.3.3.4 AKM/S&A Assembly and Leak Test2.3.4 HPF2.3.4.1 Spacecraft Receiving Inspection2.3.4.2 Preparation for AKM Installation2.3.4.3 Mate AKM to Spacecraft2.3.4.4 Spacecraft Weighing (Include Configuration Sketch and Approximate Weights of Handling Equipment) Spacecraft/Third-Stage Mating2.3.4.6 Preparation for Transport Installation Into Handling Can2.3.4.7 Transport to Launch Complex2.3.5 Launch Complex Operations2.3.5.1 Spacecraft Hoisting and Removal of Handling Can2.3.5.2 Spacecraft Mate to Launch Vehicle2.3.5.3 Hydrazine Leak Test2.3.5.4 Telemetry, Tracking, and Command (TT&C) Checkout2.3.5.5 Preflight Preparations2.3.5.6 Fairing Installation2.3.5.7 Launch Countdown2.4 Launch/Hold Criteria2.5 Environmental Requirement for Facilities During Transport3 Test Facility Activation3.1 Activation Schedule3.2 Logistics Requirements3.3 Equipment Handling3.3.1 Receiving3.3.2 Installation3.3.3 Validation3.3.4 Calibration3.4 Maintenance3.4.1 Spacecraft3.4.2 Launch-Critical Mechanical Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) and Electrical AGE4 Administration4.1 Test Operations—Organizational Relationships and Interfaces (Personnel Accommodations, Communications)5 Security Provisions for Hardware6 Special Range-Support Requirements6.1 Real-Time Tracking Data Relay Requirements6.2 Voice Communications6.3 Mission Control Operations002214.28-17

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Table 8-6. Data Required for Orbit Parameter Statement1. Epoch: Stage burnout2. Position and velocity components (X, Y, Z, and X·, Y·, Z·) in equatorial inertial Cartesian coordinates.* Specify mean-of-date ortrue-of-date, etc.3. Keplerian elements* at the above epoch:Semimajor axis, aEccentricity, eInclination, iArgument of perigee, ωMean anomaly, MRight ascension of ascending node, Ω4. Polar elements* at the above epoch:Inertial velocity, VInertial flight path angle, γ 1Inertial flight path angle, γ 2Radius, RGeocentric latitude, ρLongitude, μ5. Estimated accuracies of elements and a discussion of quality of tracking data and difficulties such as reorientationmaneuvers within 6 hr of separation, etc.6. Constants used:Gravitational constant, μEquatorial radius, R EJ 2 or Earth model assumed7. Estimate of spacecraft attitude and coning angle at separation (if available).*Note: At least one set of orbit elements in Items 2, 3, or 4 is required002215.18-18

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214AgencyCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerDeltaCustomerCustomerDeltaCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerDeltaDeltaCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerDeltaDeltaCustomerCustomerDeltaDeltaDeltaDeltaCustomerCustomerCustomerCustomerDeltaDeltaDeltaDeltaDeltaCustomerDeltaDeltaCustomerDeltaMilestonesFAA License InformationSpacecraft QuestionnaireSpacecraft Mathematical ModelSpacecraft DrawingsFairing RequirementsSpacecraft Environmental Test DocumentInterface Control DocumentInterface Control Document CommentsElectrical Wiring RequirementsCoupled Dynamic Loads AnalysisRadiation Use Request/AuthorizationSpacecraft Missile System Prelaunch SafetyPackage (MSPSP)Preliminary Mission Analysis (PMA) RequirementsRadio Frequency Applications (RFA)Payload Processing Requirements Doc (PPRD) InputMission Operations and Support RequirementsSpacecraft-to-Blockhouse Wiring DiagramPreliminary Mission AnalysisSpacecraft-to-Blockhouse Wiring Diagram CommentsLaunch Vehicle InsigniaLaunch WindowDetailed Test Objectives (DTO) RequirementsPayload Processing Requirements DocumentSpacecraft Compatibility DrawingSpacecraft Launch Site Test PlanSpacecraft Compatibility Drawing CommentsDetailed Test ObjectivesSpacecraft-Fairing Clearance DrawingProgram Requirements DocumentCoupled Dynamic Loads AnalysisCombined Spacecraft/Third-Stage Nutation TimeConstant and Mass Properties StatementSpacecraft Integrated Test ProcedureSpacecraft Launch Site ProceduresSpacecraft Environments and Loads Test ReportLaunch Site ProceduresNutation Control System AnalysisSpacecraft Separation AnalysisLaunch Operations PlanIntegrated Countdown ScheduleBest Estimate Trajectory (BET) InputVehicle Information Memo (VIM)BETPostlaunch Orbit Confirmation Data(Orbital Tracking Data)Postlaunch Flight ReportHB00953REU0.7Weeks100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0L-104L-104L-90L-86 InitialL-86L-84L-84 InitialL-80L-80L-68L-58Figure 8-4. Typical Integration Planning ScheduleL-44 FinalLaunchL-58 L-39L-54L-52L-52L-52Preliminary L-50 L-24 FinalL-44L-40L-39FinalL-39 Initial L-4L-39L-39L-36 L-17 FinalL-34L-29L-28L-27L-26L-26L-54 Initial L-20 FinalL-20L-18L-18As req'dL-15L-12 FinalL-12 L-4L-6L-4L-3L-1L+1 DayL+8Launch8-19

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02148.3 LAUNCH OPERATIONS PLANNINGThe development of launch operations, range support, and other support requirements is anevolutionary process that requires timely inputs and continued support from the customer. Therelationship and submittal schedules of key controlling documents are shown in Figure 8-5.Customer InputsMission DefinitionLaunch Operation PlanRange Support RequirementsNASA Support Requirements60PreliminaryMissionRequirements-54 -52Preliminary OperationConfigurationRequirementsSpacecraft PRD InputsHB01249REU0.2PrePostWeeks50 40 30 20 10 0 +10 +20-44 PMAPI (If Required)-39DTO Mission Requirements-28 DTOLaunch-30 Days-26 PRD (Update As Required)Figure 8-5. Launch Operational Configuration Development8.4 SPACECRAFT PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS-12 Mission Support RequestThe checklist shown in Table 8-7 is provided to assist the user in identifying the requirementsat each processing facility. The requirements identified are submitted to the Delta ProgramOffice for the program requirements document (PRD). Boeing coordinates with the appropriatelaunch site agency and implements the requirements through the program requirements document/payloadprocessing requirements document (PRD/PPRD). The customer may add items tothe list. Note that most requirements for assembly and checkout of commercial payloads will bemet by the Astrotech or Spaceport Systems International (SSI) facility.8-20

1. GeneralA. Transportation of spacecraft elements/ground supportequipment (GSE) to processing facility(1) Mode of transportation _____________________(2) Arriving at _______________________________(gate, skid strip)(date) __________________________________B. Data-handling(1) Send data to (name and address) ____________(2) Time needed (real-time versus after-the-fact) ___C. Training and medical examinations for___________________________ crane operatorsD. Radiation data(1) Ionizing radiation materials _________________(2) Nonionizing radiation materials/systems ______________________________________________2. Spacecraft Processing Facility (for nonhazardous work)A. Does payload require a cleanroom?(yes) _____ (no) ____(1) Class of cleanroom required ________________(2) Special sampling techniques ________________B. Area required(1) For spacecraft ___________________________(2) For ground station ________________________(3) For office space __________________________(4) For other GSE ___________________________(5) For storage _____________________________C. Largest door size(1) For spacecraft/GSE _______________________(high) _____________ (wide) _______________(2) For ground station ________________________D. Material-handling equipment(1) Cranesa. Capacity _____________________________b. Minimum hook height __________________c. Travel _______________________________(2)Other ____________________________________E. Environmental controls for spacecraft/ground station(1) Temperature/humidity and tolerance limits ____________________________________________(2) Frequency of monitoring ____________________(3) Downtime allowable in the event of a system failure_______________________________________(4) Is a backup (portable) air-conditioning systemrequired? (yes) _____ (no) ____(5) Other___________________________________F. Electrical power for payload and ground station(1) kVA required ____________________________(2) Any special requirements such as clean/quiet power,or special phasing? Explain ________________________________________________________(3) Backup power (diesel generator) _____________a. Continuous __________________________b. During Critical Tests ___________________G. Communications (list)(1) Administrative telephone ___________________(2) Commercial telephone _____________________(3) Commercial data phones ___________________(4) Fax machines ___________________________(5) Operational intercom system ________________(6) Closed-circuit television ____________________(7) Countdown clocks ________________________(8) Timing _________________________________Note: Please specify units as applicable.Table 8-7. Spacecraft ChecklistDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214(9) Antennas ________________________________(10) Data lines (from/to where) ___________________(11) Type (wideband/narrowband) ________________H. Services general(1) Gasesa. Specification __________________________Procured by user? ________ KSC? ________b. Quantity ______________________________c. Sampling (yes)______ (no)_____(2) Photographs/Video ______ (qty/B&W/color) ____(3) Janitorial (yes) _____________ (no) __________(4) Reproduction services (yes) _______ (no) ______I. Security (yes) ________________ (no) ____________(1) Safes _________________________ (number/type)J. Storage _____________________________ (size area)__________________________________(environment)K. Other _______________________________________L. Spacecraft payload processing facility (PPF) activitiescalendar(1) Assembly and testing ______________________(2) Hazardous operations ______________________a. Initial turn-on of a high-power RF system ____b. Category B ordnance installation __________c. Initial pressurization ____________________d. Other ________________________________M. Transportation of payloads/GSE from PPF to HPF(1) Will spacecraft agency supply transportationcanister _________________________________If no, explain _____________________________(2) Equipment support, (e.g., mobile crane, flatbed)________________________________________(3) Weather forecast (yes) _________ (no) ________(4) Security escort (yes) __________ (no) ________(5) Other ___________________________________3. Hazardous Processing FacilityA. Does spacecraft require a cleanroom? (yes)__ (no) ___(1) Class of cleanroom required _________________(2) Special sampling techniques (e.g., hydrocarbonmonitoring) ______________________________B. Area required(1) For spacecraft ____________________________(2) For GSE ________________________________C. Largest door size(1) For payload ___________high __________wide(2) For GSE ______________high __________wideD. Material handling equipment(1) Cranesa. Capacity _____________________________b. Hook height ___________________________c. Travel _______________________________(2) Other ___________________________________E. Environmental controls spacecraft/GSE(1) Temperature/humidity and tolerance limits ______________________________________________(2) Frequency of monitoring ____________________(3) Down-time allowable in the event of a system failure________________________________________(4) Is a backup (portable) system required?(yes) _____ (no) ____(5) Other ___________________________________F. Power for spacecraft and GSE(1) kVA required _____________________________8-21

Table 8-7. Spacecraft Checklist (Continued)G. Communications (list)(1) Administrative telephone ___________________(2) Commercial telephone _____________________(3) Commercial data phones ___________________(4) Fax machines ___________________________(5) Operational intercom system ________________(6) Closed-circuit television ____________________(7) Countdown clocks ________________________(8) Timing _________________________________(9) Antennas _______________________________(10) Data lines (from/to where) __________________H. Services general(1) Gasesa. Specification __________________________Procured by user? ________ KSC? _______b. Quantity _____________________________c. Sampling (yes) __________ (no) _________(2) Photographs/Video _____ (qty/B&W/color) _____(3) Janitorial (yes) _____________ (no) __________(4) Reproduction services (yes) ______ (no) ______I. Security (yes) ______________ (no) _____________(1) Safes _______________________ (number/type)J. Storage ____________________________ (size area)________________________________ (environment)K. Other ______________________________________L. Spacecraft HPF activities calendar _______________(1) Assembly and testing ______________________(2) Hazardous operations _____________________a. Category A ordnance installation __________b. Fuel loading __________________________c. Mating operations (hoisting) _____________M. Transportation of encapsulated payloads to launch pad(1) Equipment support, e.g., mobile crane, flatbed_______________________________________(2) Weather forecast (yes) _________ (no)________(3) Security escort (yes) ___________ (no)________(4) Other __________________________________4. Launch Complex White Room Mobile Service Tower (MST)A. Environmental controls payload/GSE(1) Temperature/humidity and tolerance limits(2) Any special requirements such as clean/quiet power?Please detail requirements _________________Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214(3) Backup power (diesel generator)a. Continuous ___________________________b. During critical tests _____________________(4) Hydrocarbon monitoring required _____________(5) Frequency of monitoring ____________________(6) Down-time allowable in the event of a system failure________________________________________________________________________________(7) Other ___________________________________B. Power for payload and GSE(1) kVA required _____________________________(2) Any special requirements such as clean/quietpower/phasing? Explain ____________________(3) Backup power (diesel generator) _____________a. Continuous ___________________________b. During critical tests _____________________C. Communications (list)(1) Operational intercom system ________________(2) Closed-circuit television ____________________(3) Countdown clocks _________________________(4) Timing __________________________________(5) Antennas ________________________________(6) Data lines (from/to where) ___________________D. Services general(1) Gasesa. Specification __________________________Procured by user? ________ KSC? ________b. Quantity ______________________________c. Sampling (yes) __________ (no) __________(2) Photographs/Video _____ (qty/B&W/color) _____E. Security (yes) ____________ (no) ________________F. Other _______________________________________G. Stand-alone testing (does not include tests involving thelaunch vehicle)(1) Tests required ____________________________(e.g., RF system checkout, encrypter checkout)(2) Communications required for ________________(e.g., antennas, data lines)(3) Spacecraft servicing required ________________(e.g., cryogenics refill)Note: Specify units as applicable002216.48-22

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Section 9SAFETYThis section presents an overview of safety process guidelines, rules, and regulations pertainingto the design, test, and prelaunch operations of payloads to be placed in orbit by a Delta IIvehicle. These guidelines, rules, and regulations are applicable to missions from the EasternRange (Cape Canaveral Air Force Station) or the Western Range (Vandenberg Air Force Base).9.1 SAFETY REQUIREMENTSSince all payloads eventually arrive on USAF property for processing, the governing safetydocument shall always be Air Force Space Command Manual (AFSPCMAN) 91-710, RangeSafety User Requirements, 1 July 2004. Prelaunch processing facilities are described in Sections6 and 7. Depending on the type of payload and which facility will be used for processing, the followingsafety documents are also applicable:■ Astrotech, Titusville Florida■ Kennedy Space Center,Florida■ Astrotech West, VAFB■ NASA-KSC, VAFB■ California Spaceport, VAFBAstrotech Space Operations Safety Standard Operating Procedure(SOP), 1988Kennedy NASA Procedural Requirements (KNPR) 8715.3,KSC Safety Practices–Procedural Requirements, 18 November2004Astrotech Space Operations Safety Standard Operating Proceduresat VAFB, Sept 1994KNPR 8715.3, KSC Safety Practices–Procedural Requirements,18 November 2004Spaceport Systems International (SSI) Integrated ProcessingFacility Site Safety Plan (SSI Doc. IPF-95-SA01), Rev 1, May1995.Before a payload moves onto USAF property, the customer must provide the appropriateSpace Wing (SW) Safety Office with documentation verifying that the payload has been designedand tested in accordance with the requirements of AFSPCMAN 91-710, Range SafetyUser Requirements. The Space Wing Safety organizations encourage payload contractors to coordinatewith them to generate a tailored version of these requirements that is specific to eachprogram. This tailoring policy can work to the advantage of the payload contractor and greatlysimplify the safety approval process. The Delta Program provides coordination and assistance tothe payload contractor by facilitating the tailoring and approval process.9.2 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTSBoth USAF and NASA require formal submittal of safety documentation containing detailedinformation on all hazardous systems and associated operations. The 30th and 45th Space Wings9-1

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214(30 SW and 45 SW) at the Western and Eastern Ranges require preparation and submittal of aMissile System Prelaunch Safety Package (MSPSP). Document content and format requirementsare found in the AFSPCMAN 91-710, Range Safety User Requirements, and should shape thetailoring process. Data requirements for both ranges include design, test, and operational considerations.NASA requirements in almost every instance are covered by the USAF requirements;however, the spacecraft agency can refer to KNPR 8715.3 for details or additional requirements.A Ground Operations Plan must be submitted describing hazardous and safety-critical operationsfor processing spacecraft systems and associated ground support equipment (GSE).Test and Inspection Plans are required for the use of hoisting equipment and pressure vesselsat the ranges. These plans describe testing methods, analyses, and maintenance procedures ensuringcompliance with safety requirements.The requirement for diligent and conscientious preparation of the required safety documentationcannot be overemphasized. Each of the USAF launch range support organizations retainsfinal approval authority over all hazardous operations that take place within its jurisdiction.Therefore, the spacecraft agency should consider the safety requirements of Paragraph 9.1 fromthe outset of a program, follow them for design guidance, and submit the required data as earlyas possible.The safety document is submitted to the appropriate government agency, or to Boeing forcommercial missions, for review and further distribution. Sufficient copies of the original and allrevisions must be submitted by the originator to enable a review by all concerned agencies. Thereview process usually requires several iterations until the system design and its intended use areconsidered to be final and in compliance with all safety requirements. The flow of spacecraftsafety information is dependent on the range to be used, the customer, and contractual arrangements.Figure 9-1 illustrates the general documentation flow. Some differences exist dependingon whether the payload is launching from the Eastern Range or the Western Range. Contact theDelta Program Office for specific details.Each Air Force and NASA safety agency has a requirement for submittal of documentation foremitters of ionizing and nonionizing radiation. Required submittals depend on the location, use,and type of emitter and may consist of forms and/or analyses specified in the pertinent regulationsand instructions.An RF ordnance hazard analysis must be performed, documented, and submitted to confirmthat the spacecraft systems and the local RF environment present no hazards to ordnance on thespacecraft or launch vehicle.9-2

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214HB00366REU0.4Distribution When NASAPayload or Facilities Are InvolvedPayloadAgencyNASAKSCBoeing/HBReviewERNASA/KSCReview/ApprovalFirst SLSReview45 SW/SESReview/ApprovalBoeing/CCAFSReviewWRNASA/KSC-VAFBReview/Approval30 SW/SESReview/ApprovalBoeing/VAFBReviewFigure 9-1. General Safety Documentation FlowEach processing procedure that includes hazardous operations must have a written procedureapproved by Space Wing Safety (and NASA Safety for NASA facilities). Those that involveDelta Program personnel or integrated operations with the launch vehicle must also be approvedby Boeing Test and Operational Safety.9.3 HAZARDOUS SYSTEMS AND OPERATIONSThe requirements cited in the Range Safety Regulations apply for hazardous systems and operations.However, Boeing safety requirements are, in some cases, more stringent than those ofthe launch range. The design and operations requirements governing activities involving Boeingparticipation are discussed in the following paragraphs.9.3.1 Operations Involving Pressure Vessels (Tanks)In order for Delta Program personnel to be safely exposed to pressurized vessels, the vesselsmust be designed, built, and tested to meet minimum factor-of-safety requirements (ratio betweendesign burst pressure and operating pressure) in accordance with AFSPCMAN 91-710,Chapter 3. The Delta Program Office desires a minimum factor of safety of 2 to l for all pressurevessels that will be pressurized in the vicinity of Delta Program personnel. Analyses and testdocumentation verifying the pressure vessel safety factor must be included in the spacecraftsafety documentation.Any operation that requires pressurization at the launch site or after mating to Boeing equipmentmust be approved by the Delta Program Office and must be conducted remotely (no personnelexposure) after which a minimum 5-minute stabilization period must be observed prior topersonnel exposure.9-3

Delta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H02149.3.2 Nonionizing RadiationThe spacecraft nonionizing radiation systems are subject to the design criteria in the USAFand KSC manuals and the special Delta-imposed criteria as follows:■ Systems producing nonionizing radiation will be designed and operated so that the hazards topersonnel are at the lowest practical level.■ Delta Program employees are not to be exposed to nonionizing radiation above 10 mW/cm 2averaged over any 1-minute interval. Safety documentation shall include the calculated distancesat which a level of 10 mW/cm 2 (194 V/m) occurs for each emitter of nonionizing radiationeven if no operations are planned. This requirement is separate and distinct from therequirement to submit the radiation source documentation mentioned in Paragraph 9.2.■ Depending on power, frequency, and antenna locations, RF radiation (both planned and inadvertent)by the spacecraft can have a detrimental effect on launch vehicle electronics and ordnance.For this reason, all planned transmissions prior to spacecraft separation must becoordinated early to determine effects on the launch vehicle. Additionally, the Delta Programrequires that two inhibits be incorporated into spacecraft designs to prevent unplanned RFemissions prior to separation. If this is not accomplished, actual designs must be reviewed forpotential radiation and effects and approved by the Delta Program Office.9.3.3 Liquid Propellant OffloadingRange Safety Regulations require that spacecraft be designed with the capability to offloadliquid propellants from tanks during any stage of prelaunch processing. Any tank, piping, orother components containing propellants must be capable of being drained and then flushed andpurged with inert fluids should a leak or other contingency necessitate propellant offloading toreach a safe state. Spacecraft designs should consider the number and placement of drain valvesto maintain accessibility by technicians in Propellant Handler’s Equipment (PHE) or a selfcontainedatmospheric protection ensemble (SCAPE) throughout processing. Coordinate with theDelta Program Office to ensure that access can be accomplished while the payload fairing is inplace and that proper interfaces can be achieved with Delta equipment and facilities.9.3.4 Safing of OrdnanceManual ordnance safing devices (S&A or safing/arming plugs) for Range Category A ordnanceare also required to be accessible with the payload fairing installed. Consideration shouldbe given to placing such devices so that they can be reached through fairing openings and can bearmed as late in the countdown as possible, and safed in the event of an aborted/scrubbed launchif required. Early coordination with the Delta Program Office is needed to ensure that therequired fairing access door(s) can be provided.9-4

9.4 WAIVERSDelta II Payload Planners GuideDecember 200606H0214Space Wing Safety organizations discourage the use of waivers. They are normally grantedonly for spacecraft designs that have a history of proven safety. After a complete review of allsafety requirements, the spacecraft agency should determine if waivers are necessary. A waiveror Meets Intent Certification (MIC) request is required for any safety-related requirement thatcannot be met. If a noncompliant condition is suspected, coordinate with the appropriate SpaceWing Safety organization to determine whether a Waiver or Meets Intent Certification will berequired. Requests for waivers shall be submitted prior to implementation of the safety-relateddesign or practice in question. Waiver or MIC requests must be accompanied by sufficient substantiatingdata to warrant consideration and approval. It should be noted that the USAF SpaceWing Safety organizations determine when a waiver or MIC is required and have final approvalof all requests. No guarantees can be made that approval will be granted.9-5

DELTA II LAUNCH VEHICLE CONFIGURATIONS38.1 m/125 ft3-m/10-ft-diaCompositePayload Fairing2.9-m/9.5-ft-diaMetallicPayload Fairing3-m/10-ft-diaCompositePayload FairingThird Stage30.5 m/100 ftAvionicsSecond-StageEngine AJ10-118K22.9 m/75 ft2.44-m/8-ftIsogrid FuelTank15.2 m/50 ftIsogrid First-StageLiquid OxygenTank7.6 m/25 ft1016-mm/40-in.-diaGraphite-Epoxy Motors1168-mm/46-in.-diaGraphite-EpoxyMotors0RS-27AMain EngineDelta II7326-10Delta II7425-10Delta II7925-10Delta II7925-9.5 (A)Delta II7925H-10HB6T017(A) 2.9-m/9.5-ft-dia Payload Fairing compatible with all Delta II configurationsDelta Launch Vehicle ProgramsUnited Launch Alliance • 12257 South Wadsworth Boulevard • Littleton, CO 80125-8500 • (720) 922-7100 • www.ulalaunch.com

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