handbook - Nampa School District #131

handbook - Nampa School District #131

handbook - Nampa School District #131


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It is the policy of the <strong>Nampa</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> No. 131 to maintain learning and workingenvironment that is free from sexual harassment. It shall be a violation of this policy for anymember of the <strong>Nampa</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> staff or student body to harass another staff member orstudent through conduct or communications of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment shall bedefined as conduct involving any unwelcome sexual advances or request for sexual favors orcomments of a sexual nature.No student or employee of the <strong>Nampa</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> No. 131 shall, because of race, color,creed, national origin, sex, disability, or religion, be excluded from participation in, be deniedthe benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted byor sanctioned by <strong>Nampa</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> No. 131. <strong>Nampa</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> No. 131 recognizesthat different treatment on the basis of race is prohibited under Title 42, §2000d, United StatesCode, in all programs and activities provided by <strong>Nampa</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> No. 131. Studentsand parents are encouraged to bring formal and informal concerns of race discrimination by<strong>District</strong> staff or student to appropriate personnel. These concerns should be made in writing.The administration is directed to establish rules and/or regulations to implement this policy,which shall include the name of an appropriate staff person, including title, office location andtelephone number, who will be charged with the responsibility for resolving any complaintsbrought pursuant to this policy.Procedures to Handle Complaints of Discrimination:Any student, employee, parent or guardian complaining of discrimination, for any reason fromone of the federally protected groups (race, color, creed, national origin, sex, disability, orreligion), may report that complaint to the student’s Building Administrator or ChiefEducational Officer, within sixty (60) days of the alleged incident. The Building Administratoror Chief Educational Officer should attempt to resolve the issues set forth in the complaint,within no more than thirty (30) days from receiving the complaint. In the event the BuildingAdministrator or Chief Educational Officer is unable to resolve the complaint of discriminationto the satisfaction of the complaining party, the complaining party will be referred to the ChiefEducational Officer within five (5) days for further action. Under the direction of the ChiefEducational Officer a thorough investigation will be made with an attempt to ascertain allrelevant facts.At the conclusion of the investigation, within no more than ninety (90) days from the previousstep, the Chief Educational Officer will meet with the complaining party and will review theresults of the investigation. In the event the Chief Educational Officer makes a finding ofdiscrimination, the Chief Educational Officer has full authority to implement all requiredprocedures to rectify that complaint of discrimination.Procedures to Handle Sexual Harassment and/or all Other Types of Harassment:A student may choose to report the complaint of harassment to any teacher or schoolcounselor. The teacher or school counselor will forward the complaint immediately to theBuilding Administrator. If the student chooses not to report the complaint to a teacher orcounselor, the student should report the complaint to the Building Administrator. In the eventan allegation of harassment involves the Building Administrator, and if the student has notchosen to report the complaint to any other teacher or counselor, the student may report thecomplaint to the Superintendent of the <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, or his/her designee.A student should be made aware that in reporting such complaints of harassment, while it isthe intent to maintain discretion and confidentiality, that in certain instances or circumstances,<strong>Nampa</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> No. 131 is required by law to report the incident either to IdahoDepartment of Health & Welfare, Law Enforcement Agencies or other persons.All reports of harassment should be reduced to writing by either the student or the personreceiving the complaint, and then signed by the student. Students must report any incidentswithin thirty (30) days so that a rapid response and appropriate action may be taken. Due tothe sensitivity of these complaints, no specific time frames is instituted for reporting sexual- 24-

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