A theta (1) algorithm for modulo addition ... - khaledelleithy.org

A theta (1) algorithm for modulo addition ... - khaledelleithy.org

A theta (1) algorithm for modulo addition ... - khaledelleithy.org


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IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 31, NO. 5, MAY 1990 629Fig. 3. A <strong>modulo</strong> sum adder.111. THE PROPOSED MODULO ADDERCarry save adder (CSA) [13] has been proved to have highspeedin multioperand <strong>addition</strong>. Basically CSA depends on theidea of not completing the <strong>addition</strong> process at a certain stage,but postponing it to the final stage. In the intermediate stagesnumbers are represented as sum and carry to avoid the complete<strong>addition</strong> process.The idea of representing a number as a carry and a sum canbe used in the <strong>modulo</strong> <strong>addition</strong> to obtain a scheme that has aconstant speed which does not depend on the number of bits.The <strong>modulo</strong> adder is used to add two numbers A and B in<strong>modulo</strong> m. Fig. 3 shows that A is represented as a pair ofnumbers (A,,A,), B is also represented as (Bs,B,), and theoutput C is represented as (C,,C,). Each number is representedas a group of sum bits and carry bits. There is no uniquerepresentation <strong>for</strong> A, and A,. The condition that needs to besatisfied isIA, + ACIm = 14,.One possible representation isA, = JAl, A, = 0.The choice of a representation has no implication on the complexityof the design. With such representation, four numbers(A,, A,, B,, B,) need to be added, and two steps of CSA arerequired. After the <strong>addition</strong> process we need to detect if - Mor 2*(- M) is required to adjust the result. The adjustingprocess takes at most three steps. Since the adder has a fixednumber of steps-five-no matter how long A and B are, itcan be used in a multioperand pipelined <strong>addition</strong> scheme [141.3.1. The Modulo Addition AlgorithmThe proposed <strong>algorithm</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>modulo</strong> m <strong>addition</strong> of two numberscan be described as follows.Algorithm <strong>modulo</strong> add (A, B, Result)Znput: Two variables A and B in <strong>modulo</strong> m,A is representedas A, and A,. B is represented as B, and B,. Allvariables are n bit numbers (2"-' < m Q 2").Output: Variable Result represented as Result. and Result,.The relation between A, B, and Result is: Result =IA + BIm.Procedure:beginDo in parallelbeginCall Sum(temp,, A,, A,, B,)Call Carry(temp,, A,, A,, B,)endDo in parallelbeginCall Carry(temp,, temp,, temp,, B,)Call Carry(temp,, temp,, temp,, B,)endCase (temp, [n + 11 -temp, [n + 11) of0: Do in parallelbeginResult, := temp,Result, := temp,endexit1: do in parallelbeginCall Sum(temp,, temp,, temp,, rn))Call Carry(temp,, temp,, temp,, (2"- rn))end2: Do in parallelbeginCall sum(temp,, temp,, temp,, 2*(2" - rn))Call CarryItemp,, temp,, temp,, 2*(2" - rn))endend caseCase (temp, [n + 11) of0: do in parallelbeginResult, temp,Result ,:= temp,endexit1: Do in parallelbeginCall Sum(temp,, temp,, temp,, (2"- rn))Call Carry(temp,, temp,, temp,, (2"- rn))endend caseCase (temp, [n + 11) of0: do in parallelbeginResult, := temp,Result, := temp,end1: Do in parallelbeginCall Sum(temp,, temp,, temp,, (2"- m))Call Carry(temp,,, tempo,, temp,, (2" - m))endDo in parallelbeginResult, := temp,Result, := temp,,endend caseend.Sum(A,B,C,D)beginDo in parallel (1 < i Q n)~[i] :=(B[i]A C[i]) V (B[i] A D[i])V (C[i] A D[il)endCarry (A, B, C, 0)beginA[1] := 0Do in parallel (1 < i < n)A[ i + 11 := B[ i] CB C[i] CBD[ i]endAn implementation of the <strong>algorithm</strong> is shown in Fig. 4.Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Bridgeport. Downloaded on February 24,2010 at 11:38:37 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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