Notification of Works form - Composer/Author/Publisher - Samro

Notification of Works form - Composer/Author/Publisher - Samro

Notification of Works form - Composer/Author/Publisher - Samro


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COMPOSER / AUTHOR / PUBLISHER WORK REGISTRATIONName and Surname (as per ID) / or <strong>Publisher</strong> NameIdentity Number / Company Registration NumberRegistration TypeCTBOUCATSUSBUILocalLocal & AgreeCatalogueLocal PurchaseForeign SaleContact Number(s)E-mail Address

I, THE UNDERSIGNED, DECLARE, ACKNOWLEDGE AND CONFIRM THE FOLLOWING:1. I AUTHORED/COMPOSED AND/OR PUBLISHED ALL WORKS MENTIONEDHEREUNDER.2. I HAVE, BY MEANS OF A SEPARATE DEED OF ASSIGNMENT, ASSIGNED TO SAMROMY PERFORMING, AND/OR MECHANICAL RIGHTS, AND/OR FILM SYNCHRONISATIONRIGHTS IN THE SAID WORK(S).3. I HEREBY ALSO LIST ALL AUTHORS/COMPOSERS AND/OR PUBLISHERS ELIGIBLETO REGISTER AS AUTHOR/COMPOSER AND/OR PUBLISHER.4. SAMRO SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIMS OF ANY KIND ARISING FROMDISPUTES AND ACTIONS RELATING TO MY INVOLVEMENT IN THE WORKSINDICATED HEREUNDER.DateSignature<strong>Composer</strong> / <strong>Author</strong><strong>Publisher</strong>The person notifying is required to sendto SAMRO, together with this <strong>form</strong>, acopy <strong>of</strong> his/her Deed <strong>of</strong> Assignment andor Exclusive Song Writers Agreementswith the publisher only in cases where anagreement exist.Copies <strong>of</strong> contracts with film-producersshould also be sent to SAMRO.To obviate unnecessary duplication <strong>of</strong>administration, kindly keep a copy <strong>of</strong> allnotifications sent to SAMRO.FOR OFFICE USE ONLYBusiness Relations Nr:__________IPI Nr._______________________Received:____________________

1. Title Alternative TitleDuration Instrumentation Type <strong>of</strong> Work Per<strong>form</strong>ing Artist(s) / GroupIV VS ISRights Holder Name(s) Capacity / Role Code PR% MR%2. Title Alternative TitleDuration Instrumentation Type <strong>of</strong> Work Per<strong>form</strong>ing Artist(s) / GroupIV VS ISRights Holder Name(s) Capacity / Role Code PR% MR%3. TitleDuration Instrumentation Type <strong>of</strong> Work Per<strong>form</strong>ing Artist(s) / GroupIV VS ISRights Holder Name(s) Capacity / Role Code PR% MR%

4. Title Alternative TitleDuration Instrumentation Type <strong>of</strong> Work Per<strong>form</strong>ing Artist(s) / GroupIV VS ISRights Holder Name(s) Capacity / Role Code PR% MR%5. Title Alternative TitleDuration Instrumentation Type <strong>of</strong> Work Per<strong>form</strong>ing Artist(s) / GroupIV VS ISRights Holder Name(s) Capacity / Role Code PR% MR%6. TitleDuration Instrumentation Type <strong>of</strong> Work Per<strong>form</strong>ing Artist(s) / GroupIV VS ISRights Holder Name(s) Capacity / Role Code PR% MR%

7. Title Alternative TitleDuration Instrumentation Type <strong>of</strong> Work Per<strong>form</strong>ing Artist(s) / GroupIV VS ISRights Holder Name(s) Capacity / Role Code PR% MR%8. Title Alternative TitleDuration Instrumentation Type <strong>of</strong> Work Per<strong>form</strong>ing Artist(s) / GroupIV VS ISRights Holder Name(s) Capacity / Role Code PR% MR%9. TitleDuration Instrumentation Type <strong>of</strong> Work Per<strong>form</strong>ing Artist(s) / GroupIV VS ISRights Holder Name(s) Capacity / Role Code PR% MR%

1. REGISTRATION TYPE:CTB: New registration sent by composer/author (Local Work)OU: New registration sent by publisher who signed a contract withcomposer/author (Local)CAT: Catalogue from abroad with list <strong>of</strong> rights which are supposed to beused in South Africa. Can also be works sub-published by the original(foreign) publisher to a South African sub-publisher.SU: A foreign publisher sells the rights for an individual song to a SouthAfrican publisher.SUBUI: A South African publisher sells the rights for an individual song to aforeign publisher (specific agreement works).2. TITLE OF WORK: The original / <strong>of</strong>ficial title <strong>of</strong> the musical work.3. ALTERNATIVE TITLE(S): If the work has alternative title(s) or commonly usedtitle(s) please furnish these in the block.4. DURATION: The actual duration <strong>of</strong> the musical work in minutes and seconds.5. PERFORMING ARTIS(S)/GROUP: Please supply surname and name <strong>of</strong> per<strong>form</strong>ingartist in case where music was written for a specific artist or group.6. CAPACITY/ROLE CODE:A <strong>Author</strong>AD Adaptor (Text editor)AR Arranger (Music Editor)C <strong>Composer</strong>CA <strong>Composer</strong>/<strong>Author</strong>E <strong>Publisher</strong>SA Sub-<strong>Author</strong>SE Sub-<strong>Publisher</strong>7. PR %: Per<strong>form</strong>ing Rights Share Percentage.8. MR%: Mechanical Rights Share Percentage.

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