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<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> <strong>GAZETTE</strong> <strong>INDEX</strong> <strong>1989</strong>DATEPAGE COLArkansas delegation supports President Bush on Panama 05/.1 2/.89 A09 1David Pryor works to get sale of soybean oil to Russia 05/il 2/89 C02 5Tommy Robinson wants Gen Manuel Noriega brought to trial now 05/13/89 A03 4Jerry Jones says he did not get job for his daughter 05/il3f89 BOl 2Tommy Robinson cannot bul ly everyone. Scott Trotter says 05fl3i89 BOB 1J P Hammerschmidt to attend inauguration of Paraguay 's pres 05/;13{89 BlO 6Dale Bumpers says Manuel Noriega no threat to Panama Canal 05/14/89 A03 5State Rep Ron Ful ler to seek seat if Robinson does not 05tl4f.89 B03 1Jimmy Carter disagrees with Tommy Robinson on Panama 05il6f89 AOl 2Tommy Robinson makes stinging reply to Jimmy Carter 051.16/:89 AOl 2Charlotte Jones' salaey justified. colleague says 05/17/,89 BOl 1Pay of Charlotte Jones attracts national media attention 05/;17/89 B02 1Poem on pay for Tommy Robinson aide Charlotte Jones 05/l&/89 BOl lSenators Bumpers and Pryor release financial disclosures 05/;2/89 BOl 2Arkansas senators' honoraria listed 05/;2/89 B08 4Ark delegation reports on assets and debts 05/23/,89 AOl 5Tom.my Robinson's assets approach $1 million. debts increase 05/.23/89 AOl 5Charlotte Jones says father had nothing to do with he?' job 05/.23/;89 A04 1Honoraria listed for each Ark representative 05/,23/89 A04 3Tommy Robinson not sorry for 'stick it ' comment to Mrs Gordon 05/:23/;89 BOl 1Beryl Anthony . Bill Alexander targets of Bipartisan Coalition 05-h25i89 BOl lBipartisan Coalition seeks election of conservatives 05/25/.89 BOl 1Tommy Robinson donated.a to Bipartisan Coalition, column says 05/.25f89 BOl 1Arkansas State Univ paid Bill Alexander for speech 05/:25/;89 BOl 2Taxpayers pick up bill for Robinson flight on J erey Jones jet 05-/26/89 AO 1 2Jerry Russell explains T Robinson role in PAC fund 05/;26/89 BOl 1David Pryor wants more money for police. not prisons 05/.26/;89 B04 4Debts of Arkansas delegation listed 05/.26/89 B07 1Tommy Robinson outraged by Gazette's rept on use of plane 05/;27/89 B02 lBeryl Anthony seeks House maj ority whip post 05/2&/89 AOl 5David Pryor. Dale Bumpers want Morris Arnold on Appeals Court 05/2&/.89 AOS 5How Tommy Robinson does things others can 't (Brummett column) 05/;2&/89 BOl 1Jerry Jones says ethics behind fare charged Robinson 05{2&/:89 B07 1Arkansas delegation moved by Jim Wright 's resignation speech 06/01/89 AlO 4Beryl Anthony pushing for House Democratic whip post 06/02/89 BOl 2Tommy Robinson says donation not for defeat of colleagues 06A03/a89 BOl 1David Pryor wants Social Security Adm made independent agent 06{0389 B04 6Tommy Robinson tells state empl oyees they deserve more 06{04/.89 BOS 4Tommy Robinson critical of George Bush on China handling 06/;06/-89 BOl 2Columnist John Brummett discusses Beryl Anthony 's ambitions 06/.07/:189 BOl 1Dale Bumpers seeks ovel!'haul of 117-yr-old mining law 06/:07/139 C02 1Ray Thornton candidacy would be welcomed. Ernest Dumas writes 06/,09189 B09 1Tommy Robinson refused Charlotte Jones' resignation offer 06/.1189 BOl 2Jerry Jones says Tommy Robinson cannot be 'fixed' 06/;11/89 AOl 2Ark Delegation varies on sanctions for China 06/.11{89 Al7 1Proposed FDA fees would burden smal l firms. Bumpers says 06/14f.89 C06 1Beeyl Anthony 's bid for House Democratic whip falls far short 06/15i89 A03 lDale Bumpers ranks low on amt of mass mailings 06/17/;89 A03 1Beryl Anthony 's defeat in whip race has positive side 06/.1&/;89 COl 1Tommy Robinson says farm ownership put him in debt 06/19-f89 AOl 2David Pryor sends interns to check federal hiring practices 06/2/89 BOl 5Article on activities delegation not likely to mention 06f.20/.89 BOS 1Beryl Anthony asserts committee debt grew unde r him 06/23/89 B06 1John P Hammerschmidt honored for pro-business votes 06/23/;89 COl 154

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