Curriculum and Instruction - SAS-WASC

Curriculum and Instruction - SAS-WASC

Curriculum and Instruction - SAS-WASC


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Finally, the question of academic honesty has been raised by students <strong>and</strong> teachers.Measures are in place to encourage academic honesty, including the use of turnitin.com, a web-based plagiarism site to which student submit their written work. Thereis also a set of consequences outlined in student h<strong>and</strong>books. The issue remains,however, <strong>and</strong> is an area for continued follow-up as we look at teaching <strong>and</strong> assessingthe <strong>SAS</strong> EAGLES.While some decisions about what baseline data to gather to measure our progresstoward achieveing the EAGLES, further refinement is called for. Continued analysisof both qualitative <strong>and</strong> quantitative evidence will be necessary to track <strong>SAS</strong>’sprogress in this area.Assessment School-wideThe school has identified assessment as an important need school-wide, beginningwith developing a school-wide assessment philosophy. A two-year plan to addressthe need, beginning in 2008-2009, is published in the <strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>and</strong> ProfessionalDevelopment H<strong>and</strong>book.In fact, however, the work on assessments has already begun. In 2007-2008, commonassessment parameters were addressed in language arts <strong>and</strong> Chinese program reviewtask forces. PRC teachers in the Chinese department undertook initial professionaldevelopment in formative <strong>and</strong> authentic assessment <strong>and</strong> how that looks in languageclassrooms. Formative assessment is built into units the group has drafted <strong>and</strong> willpilot in middle <strong>and</strong> high school in 2008-2009.In addition, in summer 2008, the school sent eighteen teachers <strong>and</strong> administratorsto the Assessment Training Institute in Portl<strong>and</strong> to begin the work of establishinga coherent assessment framework across the school, beginning with establishing aschool-wide assessment philosophy. This core group, representing all six divisions<strong>and</strong> administration, will flesh out the plan for the school’s progress on assessment<strong>and</strong> lead the process. The school is on target with its published plan, but needs todevote continued attention to assessment practices school-wide as we move forward.Areas of Strength (tied to <strong>SAS</strong> Vision points)Create programs, assessments <strong>and</strong> experiences that serve to unite the school <strong>and</strong>to celebrate the distinctiveness of each campus community.••••The school consistently shows positive external assessment resultsCollaboration on common assessments within each division is emergingacross the school.In many subject areas teachers use a variety of assessments to gauge studentprogress.Decisions in program review are based on student learning data.Areas for Follow-up (tied to <strong>SAS</strong> Vision points)Create programs, assessments <strong>and</strong> experiences that serve to unite the school <strong>and</strong>to celebrate the distinctiveness of each campus community.• Ensure that all subject areas develop common assessments <strong>and</strong> that commonassessments in place are regularly moderated, refined, <strong>and</strong> used to instructcurriculum delivery.• Provide consistency across the school in the assessment protocols <strong>and</strong>practices governing common assessments, <strong>and</strong> the variety <strong>and</strong> range ofShanghai American School Self Study Report 87

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