Volume 7, Issue 2 For And About Hebron September 1, 2008 - Gulemo

Volume 7, Issue 2 For And About Hebron September 1, 2008 - Gulemo

Volume 7, Issue 2 For And About Hebron September 1, 2008 - Gulemo


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Quest for Home Receives State GrantThanks to the support of the Connecticut Commission on Cultureand Tourism, the <strong>Hebron</strong> Historical Society has received aCulture Tourism Partnership Grant (CTPG) to partially fundthe historical drama, Quest for Home. The production will beshown on November 7 and 8 at the RHAM Auditorium, startingat 7:30 p.m.Karl Jancis, RHAM Middle School Social Studies teacher forthe Purple Team, hammers away at one of the sets to beused in the upcoming play, Quest for Home. The ConnecticutCommission on Culture and Tourism recently awarded aPartnership Grant in support of the event.Partnering with the Society on the grant were the RHAMDrama Club, <strong>Hebron</strong> Historic Properties Commission, andPatio Productions. The play, originally written by Burton Moorefor <strong>Hebron</strong>’s 250 th birthday celebrations,is being produced by the Society, anddirected by Karl Jancis of RHAM.“This is very exciting news, and we’regrateful for Culture and Tourism’s interestand assistance,” said Jancis. “Questfor Home is a complicated productionbecause of all the different scenes. Withthe CTPG grant, we will be able to addtechnical enhancements to the production,such as a rear projection screen.We’ll also be able to rent some props thatotherwise we wouldn’t have.”The grant will also cover printing costs forthe program, which is sure to become acollectible item. Local artist Diana WytheTyler has agreed to create an original watercolorscene depicting Prophet’s Rock andsome of the original founders of <strong>Hebron</strong>.Some of the scenes in Moore’s play include the legend of Prophet’sRock, the town’s application for incorporation as an officialConnecticut town, the building of the first “meetinghouse,” therole of <strong>Hebron</strong> residents in the Revolutionary War, the seizureof Cesar and Lowis Peters, the Great Fire of 1882, the town’slong-time argument over whether or not it should sell “spirits,”and the building of the first library.“Quite a few people have contacted us and indicated interestin being part of Quest,” said Jancis. “We plan to finish castingthe first part of <strong>September</strong>, so I encourage people to be part ofthis large production. A lot of work will be required to buildall the sets, so if you’re good with a hammer or a paint brush,we could use your help.”Residents and students who are interested in participating in thistheatrical event are encouraged to contact Jancis at 228-9423,or send an email to info@<strong>Hebron</strong>HistoricalSociety.org. Ticketprices are $8 for adults, $5 for seniors and $3 for students.Children 5 and under are admitted free of charge.BILL BENDERWALLCOVERING CONTRACTORWallcovering installationsInterior paintingWallpaper removalPlaster and sheetrock repairResidential ~ CommercialQuality and Integrity since 1977860-228-3974The <strong>Hebron</strong>ian <strong>September</strong> <strong>2008</strong> Page 27

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