May 28, 2012 - Fredericton

May 28, 2012 - Fredericton

May 28, 2012 - Fredericton


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Regular City Council Meeting – <strong>May</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2012</strong> page 11APPOINTMENT OF A BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER -DEFERREDMoved by Councillor Scott McConaghy, seconded by CouncillorEric Megarity that the report entitled “Appointment of a By-lawEnforcement Officer” be deferred. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLYAppointment of a By-LawEnforcement Officer -DeferredASSENT OF COUNCIL – STATION POINTE VILLAGEMoved by Councillor Eric Megarity, seconded by Councillor ScottMcConaghy THAT City Council adopt the following resolution:Assent of Council – StationPointe VillageBE IT RESOLVED that the final plan of subdivision prepared byGenivar, entitled “Subdivision Plan, Station Pointe VillageSubdivision, Station Road, City of <strong>Fredericton</strong>, County of York,Province of New Brunswick” receive the Assent of Councilpursuant to Section 56(2) of the Community Planning Act.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLYRESOLUTIONResolutionThe following resolution corresponds with the Planning AdvisoryCommittee report received by City Council at its regular meeting heldon March 26, <strong>2012</strong>:MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT & REZONING –MCMINNIMAN COURT EXTENSION (SPRINGHILLINFRASTRUCTURE LTD.)Moved by Councillor Steven Hicks, seconded by Councillor DavidKelly THAT WHEREAS Council has under consideration By-law No.Z-1.23, A By-law to Amend By-law No. Z-1, A By-law to Adopt aMunicipal Plan for the City of <strong>Fredericton</strong>, to redesignate a portion ofthe property located off an extension of McMinniman Court from“Future Development” and “Open Space” to “Residential”, as indicatedon Schedule “A” attached to and forming part of this resolution;Municipal PlanAmendment &Rezoning –McMinniman CourtExtension (SpringhillInfrastructure Ltd.)AND WHEREAS the public notice requirements of Section 25 of theCommunity Planning Act have been fulfilled with respect to By-lawNo. Z-1.23;AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law No. Z-2, The Zoning Bylawfor the City of <strong>Fredericton</strong>, is also required;BE IT RESOLVED that the Council hereby directs that anappropriate amendment to By-law No. Z-2 be prepared in order torezone a portion of the property located off an extension of

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