Request for Proposal - Ottawa County

Request for Proposal - Ottawa County

Request for Proposal - Ottawa County


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Srr;rl Associttion lilr lidLrcation ( rrltLrr:ll urrd lo ( fca{c S()crc{yS ir';t l.lk,rnret In Siratcl(r. .\l-llatantain ct Al Nlasjed Al-Aq'u ( haritl' I oundatiour\K,\s: .,\ I I larantain. A I Masjeci.,\ l .\t1:r. .\ I Hlramayn. Al l\1as;id. A I\qsa.Al-llar:rnrlvr. and Al Masjid Al Aqsir ( harrrrblc Foundation7. ,\l Jlalanrain lslamic Foundatiou(Al'{hrni:tan. Aibania, Bangladesh. flosnir. ( ontoros lslands, F.rhropia.Indoncsin. Kcnva, l he Ncthcrlands. l)akislal. Sonalia, l anzania, andlinitcd Sratcs )8. AI Rashid I rust9. [Jcncvo lcnce International FoundationAK,,\: Benevo lent Internarional ljund10. Ilcner olcncc Intcrnational FuntiAKA: Illl:I l. Bosanska ldcalna Futura;\KA:lJlll f . ( ommite dc Btenl'aisance et de Se cours aLrr l,alcstiniensA ssocial ron rie SecoLtrs PalestinienAKAs: Associatron firr Palestinian AitlI'alestrne R c lief ContmitteeI)a Iestin iarr Aid []ouncilPalcstinian Ard 0rganizationI)alestinian Iteltef SocietyReljcl' \:slrrrrl i, 'l lbr Palc>tincI -1. (ilobal Rclicl l.'oundationAKA: ljondation Secours Montliall,l. I I A\,li\S-related (lharirres:I Ir\N4z\S lruntlraisinglhc lloly l.and Foundation tb:-lle lieiand l)n,elopmentI 5. Inlernational lslanic Itelicl' Organ izarion(l'hilippincs and I ndonesia)AKr\s: International Islanric Relrcl .\rcnir

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