Fifth Semester - Chanakya National Law University

Fifth Semester - Chanakya National Law University

Fifth Semester - Chanakya National Law University


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SYLLABUS: CODE CIVIL PROCEDURE AND LAW OF LIMITATION ACT5 th <strong>Semester</strong>Procedural laws are important for the purpose of implementing and enforcing of our rights,remedies and liabilities as provided therein in the substantive laws. Civil Procedure Code is one ofthe major and main procedural laws enforcement of civil rights and remedies through civil courts.Therefore in this semester this paper has been as a part of study. In this paper the study covershistorical survey of conceptions of civil procedure in India and provisions of the code pertaining tosuits, their institutions, pleadings, plaints, appearance and examination, judgment, decree andexecution. This course will also purse civil litigation through appellate courts, examining thecorrective steps available in civil proceedings. This course also deals with the <strong>Law</strong> of Limitation asapplicable to civil proceedings.UNIT-1 INTRODUCTIONGeneral Introduction - Historical study of Civil Procedure Code, Aim and Object of theCivil Procedure Code Principal features of the Code with reference to 1999 and 2002Amendment Types of Procedures and Importance of observance of Procedure andDefinitionsUNIT-II SUITS IN GENERALConcept of <strong>Law</strong> SuitParties to Suit, Frame of SuitInstitution of SuitsRes - Sub JudiceRes - JudicataForeign JudgmentPlace of SuingCause of Action and Jurisdictional BarsSummons OrderUNIT –III PLEADINGSGeneral Rules as to PleadingsStriking Out and Amendment of Pleadings

Plaint – Meaning, Particulars, Rejection and Return of PlaintWritten Statement, Set-Off and Counter ClaimSettlement of IssuesUNIT –IV APPEARANCE OF PARTIES, SETTING-ASIDE EX-PARTE DECREES,HEARING AND EXAMINATIONAppearance of PartiesSetting aside Ex-Parte DecreesHearing of the Suit and Examination of partiesAffidavitUNIT-V JUDGMENT, DECREE AND EXECUTIONConcept of JudgmentDecree and Interim OrdersConcept of Execution - General Principles of Execution, Mode of Execution, Procedure forExecutionEnforcement – Arrest and Detention, Sale and AttachmentUNIT –VI APPEALSGeneral Provisions relating to AppealsAppeal from Original Decree and Appellate DecreeAppeal from OrdersAppeal to the Supreme CourtRationale of CommissionsSummary SuitsSpecial ProceedingsInherent powers of Civil CourtUNIT – VI SUITS IN PARTICULAR CASESSuit by or against Government

Suit by or against Minors, persons with Unsound Mind and Indigent PersonIncidental and Supplementary ProceedingsInter-pleader SuitsUNIT –VIII LIMITATION ACT 1963Concept of LimitationGeneral Principles of LimitationExtension-sufficient causeLegal Disability-Disability-when comes to end***********

Project TopicSection-ASl.No. Roll No. Name of Students Project Topic1 502 Abhishek Kumar -I Concept of Execution- procedure for Execution2 503 Abhishek Kumar -II Inherent power of the Court3 505 Aditya Pratap Singh Suit relating to Mortgage4 506 Aditya Vaibhav Singh Suit relating to Immovable Properties5507**Aditya Veer Singh Comparative study of CPC Amendment Act 1999 with20026 508 Agriti Shrivastava Stay of Execution7 510 Aishwarya Rao Recognized Agents and Pleader8 511 Aishwarya Shree Legal incidents of Plaint9 512 Aishwarya Sinha Rejection of Plaint10 514 Ajita Patnaik Legal incidents of Written Statement11 515 Akanksha Singh Set-off12**516Akash RajCounter claim13 517 Akhil Joshi Effect of Non-Appearance of Parties14 520 Aman Choudhary Ex-parte Decree15 522 Animesh Rishi Examination of Parties16 523 Anjali Summoning of Witnesses17**524Anjali KumariAdjournments18 525 Ankit Rajan Arrest before Judgment19 526 Ankit Tripathi Attachment before Judgment20 527 Anshika Appointment of Receiver21**528Anurag AtulyaAppointment of Commissioner22 529 Anurag Dasgupta Abatement of Suit23 530 Anuraj Tirthankar Withdrawal of suit24 532 Apurva Sharma Compromise of suit25 533 Arpan Kamal Judgment26 534 Arpita Decree2728****535536Ashar AkhtarAshish AnshumanOrderGeneral principles of Limitation29 537 Binita Shankar Concept of Limitation30 538 Brajesh Kumar Pandit Sufficient Cause31 539 Debjit Bhattacharjee Legal Disability

32 541 Farhat Yunus Exclusion in computation of period of Limitation33 542 Gautam Kumar Singh Appeal from Original Decree34 543 Gulshan Jha Appeal from Appellate Decree35 544 Juhi Tiwari Appeal from Orders36 546 Kiran Kachhawaha Appeal to Supreme Court37**547Krishna Dev OjhaAttachment by the Court at the time of Execution38 548 Kriti Ranjan Suit by or against Minor and Unsound Person39**549Kumar SaurabhSuit by Indigent Person40 550 Kumari Mithu Rani Suit by or against Corporation41 552 Kumari Shipra Suit by or against Firm42 553 Mamta Kumari Summary Suit43 554 Manas Pandey Concept of <strong>Law</strong> Suit44 555 Mayank Sapre Mis-joinder and Non-Joinder of Parties and its Effects45 556 Mayuresh Srivastav Representative Suit46 559 Md. Shaique Framing of Suit47 560 Meenakshi Awasthi Friendly suit48 561 Minakshi Kumari Return of Plaint49 562 Nandini Affidavit50 563 Nasma Abidi Suit by or against Government51 564 Navin Anand Institution of Suit Pauper Appeal52 565 Navneet Govindam Reference53 566 Nawees Akhter Revision54**567Neeraj KumarReview55 568 Neha Miscellaneous proceedings under CPC56 569 Nidhi Kumari Restitution57 570 Nidhi Navneet Doctrine of Res-Judicata5859**5453*5463*Sankalan PalShrey ApoorvaConstructive Res-JudicataBar to Further SuitSection-BSl.No. Roll No. Name of Students Project Topic1 571 Nistha Choudhary Foreign Judgment2 572 Nitesh Mathur Jurisdiction of a Court3 573 Pinki Kumari concept of Execution-procedure for Execution4 574 Poduri Vaishnavi Suit of Civil Nature5 576 Prabhat Inter-pleader Suits6 577 Prachi Agrawal Special Proceedings7 578 Pragya Singh Garnishee Order and Percept

8 580 Pranjal Shekhar Settlement of Issues9 581 Prashant Kumar Cause of Action10 583 Prity Objections as to Jurisdiction11 584 Priyanka Kumari Transfer of Suits12 585 Priyanka Pritam Pleadings and Nature13 586 Priyanka Yadav Amendment and Striking out of Pleadings14 588 Rahi Pritam Interlocutory Order15 590 Rahul Kumar Yadav General principles for Execution of Decree16 591 Rahul Vicky Temporary Injunction17 593 Richa Kesarwani costs18 595 Rimmi Anand Power of the Execution Court19 596 Rishabh Srivastav Territorial Jurisdiction20 597 Ritu Kumari Stay of Suit21 598 Robin Kumar General provisions relating to Appeals600Rohit Kumar22 **scope of different civil courts601 Rohit Sinha Comparative study between res-subjudice and resjudicata2324 602 Rupa Kumari Imposition of Costs25 603 S. M. Samsh Quamar Subordination of Courts26 604 Sadhvi Jaiswal Decree – Holder / Judgment – Debtor605 Saksham Dwivedi Property, Movable, immovable & intangible, mesne27profit28 606 Saumya Srividya Pecuniary Jurisdiction29 607 Saurabh Kumar Attendance of Witness confined in Prison30 608 Shaleen Mishra Procedure in Execution31 609 Shatakshi Sharma Public Nuisance & Public Charity32**610Shighra KumarJoinder of Parties33 611 Shikha Rani Settlement of Disputes U/S 8934 612 Shipra Verma Arrest & detention in execution35 613 Shivam Pandey Summons & issuance of process36 614 Shivang Tripathi Preparation of Plaint & its Institution37 615 Shivanshu Shekhar Ruling on Res- judicata 1950 to 200938 616 Shourya Basu Transfer of Suits39 617 Shreeyam Jain Ruling on Res-Judicata 1909 to 195040 618 Shrey Srivastava Return of plaint41 619 Shreyali Srivastava Ruling on Stay of suit 1950 to 200942 620 Shruti Sinha Ruling on stay of suit 1909 to 1950\43 621 Shubham Sharma Foreign summons44 622 Siddhartha Singh Effects on the limitation

45 623 Snehal Gupta Acquisition of ownership by possession46 624 Snigdha Appeal by indigent person47 625 Sourabh Yadav Procedure of presentation of Memorandum of Appeal48 627 Suman Chandra Procedure of stay of proceedings and of Execution49 628 Sumit Kumar Suman Procedure on admission of appeal50 629 Surbhi Ratan General provisions relating to appeals51 630 Syed Kishwar Suit concerning Family Matters52**631Tanumoy MajumderSuit by or against Military or Naval Men or Airmen53 632 Tanya Raj Abatement of proceedings54 633 Tripti Shankar Distribution of Assets55 634 Uma Kant Kumar Resistance56 635 Utpal Kumar Execution of decree by the mode of Sale57 636 Vaibhav Kumar Discovery58 637 Vaishali Sinha Application for execution59 638 Vishnu Priya Suit by Aliens and by or against Foreign Rulers60**639YashaswiniAdjustment/compromise of suit61 640 Yogesh Suthar Disposal of suit at the first hearing62 641 Zeba Manzoor Production, impounding and Return of documents63 5413** Ashish Kumar Ranjan Rules63 5424** Khushboo Kumari Provincial/ Presidency Small Causes Courts

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