Title: NAT Testing Using the Roche COBAS Amplicor

Title: NAT Testing Using the Roche COBAS Amplicor

Title: NAT Testing Using the Roche COBAS Amplicor


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NCTVL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)<strong>Title</strong>: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay Page 1 of 12Doc. #: SOP340521 Revision: RETIRED Effective Date: 7/24/2009National Clinical Target Validation Laboratory (NCTVL)Applied Developmental DirectorateSAIC-Frederick, Inc.NCI-Frederick Cancer Research FacilityRevisionApprovalDateChange HistoryDescription Originator Approval-- 7/13/2006 New document adopted from LHTP RP JJA 10/13/2006 Format change and revision YZ JJB 9/19/2007 PBMC vial changes KL JJC 10/14/2008D 12/01/2008Merge PBMC Preparation (SOP34503) withExtraction Method (SOP34506)Updated SOP Web site, SOP title, andmoved reagent preparation to Batch Recordfor technician sign-off7/24/2009 RETIREDKGYZJJJJNOTICE:SOP340521 has been retired.• SOP340521: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay, has been separatedinto 2 SOPs;o SOP340503 outlines PBMC collection and handling, ando SOP340506 outlines protein extraction from <strong>the</strong> prepared PBMCs.Processing Samples from Patients Currently on PAR Inhibitor Clinical Trials• If some of a patient’s specimens have been collected following SOP340521, collect andprocess <strong>the</strong> remaining samples for that patient following <strong>the</strong> same SOP to ensureconsistency in sample handling.• For any new patients, use <strong>the</strong> updated PBMC Specimen Handling SOP, SOP340503, tocollect and process samples for shipment to NCTVL.Please check <strong>the</strong> DCTD Biomarkers Web sitehttp://dctd.cancer.gov/ResearchResources/ResearchResources-biomarkers.htmfor <strong>the</strong> current status of SOP340503 and SOP340506

NCTVL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)<strong>Title</strong>: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay Page 2 of 12Doc. #: SOP340521 Revision: RETIRED Effective Date: 7/24/20091.0 PURPOSETo standardize <strong>the</strong> method for preparing lysates of peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMC) to enable quantification of poly (ADP-ribose) (PAR) levels with an Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) in pharmacodynamic (PD) studies of PARpolymerase (PARP) inhibitors.2.0 SCOPEThis procedure applies to all personnel responsible for <strong>the</strong> processing of blood frompatients participating in clinical trials of PARP inhibitors to isolate PBMCs and <strong>the</strong>nprepare extracts for <strong>the</strong> analysis of PAR levels by <strong>the</strong> PAR Immunoassay (SOP340505).3.0 ABBREVIATIONSCEB = Cell Extraction BufferCPT = Cell Preparation TubeDCTD = Division of Cancer Treatment and DiagnosisELISA = Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent AssayID = IdentificationNCI = National Cancer InstitutePI = Protease InhibitorPBS = Phosphate Buffered SalinePAR = Poly (ADP-Ribose)PARP = Poly (ADP-Ribose) PolymerasePBMC = Peripheral Blood Mononuclear CellsPD = PharmacodynamicPMSF = Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluorideSOP = Standard Operating ProcedureRT = Room Temperature

NCTVL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)<strong>Title</strong>: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay Page 3 of 12Doc. #: SOP340521 Revision: RETIRED Effective Date: 7/24/20094.0 INTRODUCTIONThe PAR Immunoassay (SOP340505) has been developed to measure <strong>the</strong> impact ofPARP inhibitors on PAR levels in a variety of biospecimen types. This SOP outlines <strong>the</strong>recommended procedure for <strong>the</strong> preparation of PBMCs to ensure consistency in sampleextraction of PAR-containing macromolecules.5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES5.1 It is <strong>the</strong> responsibility of <strong>the</strong> Laboratory Supervisor/Manager to ensure that allpersonnel have documented training and certification on this SOP prior to <strong>the</strong>actual handling and processing of specimens from clinical trial patients.5.2 It is <strong>the</strong> responsibility of <strong>the</strong> Laboratory Supervisor to confirm scheduledspecimen collection time points, print all labels and data collection sheets inadvance, check documentation for accuracy, and verify that <strong>the</strong> requiredcollection tubes, supplies, and equipment are available for successful isolation andextraction of PBMCs.5.3 It is <strong>the</strong> responsibility of <strong>the</strong> Laboratory personnel to ensure timely transport andprocessing of <strong>the</strong> samples, enter and review all of <strong>the</strong> required collection andprocessing data, and archive all data sheets in <strong>the</strong> appropriate files.5.4 The Laboratory Technician responsible for <strong>the</strong> preparation and processing of <strong>the</strong>PBMCs is to follow this SOP and complete <strong>the</strong> required tasks and associateddocumentation. The Batch Record (Appendix 1) must be completed for eachexperimental run, with each page dated and initialed, and placed with <strong>the</strong> clinicalspecimen information.5.5 The responsible personnel are to check <strong>the</strong> DCTD Biomarkers Web site(http://dctd.cancer.gov/ResearchResources/ResearchResources-biomarkers.htm)to verify that <strong>the</strong> latest SOP version is being followed.6.0 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED6.1 Sorvall Legend RT centrifuge (Fisher Scientific)6.2 Sorvall Fresco centrifuge (Fisher Scientific)6.3 Ultrasonic Processor (Cole-Parmer Instruments, Model#: CP 130PB)6.4 Hemacytometer6.5 Pipettors (1000 µL, 200 µL, 20 µL) and tips6.6 Electronic pipette

NCTVL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)<strong>Title</strong>: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay Page 4 of 12Doc. #: SOP340521 Revision: RETIRED Effective Date: 7/24/20096.7 1.5-mL Sarstedt o-ring screw cap tubes (Fisher, Cat#: 72.694.005)6.8 2.0-mL Sarstedt o-ring screw cap tubes (Fisher, Cat#: 72.694.006)6.9 3-mL Falcon transfer pipette (Fisher, Cat# 13-711-6)6.10 15-mL polypropylene tubes (Fisher, Cat#: 14-959-49B or Becton Dickinson,Cat#: 352097 or 352095)6.11 Vacutainer Cell Preparation Tubes (CPT) (blue/black conventional closure;Becton Dickinson, Cat#: 362760)6.12 Plasma-Lyte A pH 7.4, USP (Baxter, NDC 0338-631703 or 0338-6317-04)6.13 Trypan Blue, 0.4%, sterile (StemCell Technologies, Cat#: 07050)6.14 Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) (Sigma, Cat#: 93482-50ML-F)6.15 Protease Inhibitor (PI) Cocktail (Sigma, Cat#: P-2714 or <strong>Roche</strong>,Cat#: 11 697 498 001)6.16 Cell Extraction Buffer (CEB; Invitrogen, Cat#: FNN0011)6.17 100% ethanol6.18 Dry ice6.19 81-cell chipboard storage boxes (Fisher, Cat#: 12-565-182)6.20 Thermoflask cooler6.21 Ice bucket6.22 -80°C freezer*If instruments and/or reagents differ from those specified above, <strong>the</strong> Laboratoryprocessing <strong>the</strong> clinical specimens must prove <strong>the</strong>ir comparability or equivalence to thoserecommended using <strong>the</strong> manufacturer’s specifications and experimental validation data.7.0 OPERATING PROCEDURES7.1 All reagents for an individual assay are to be prepared for use in one experimentalrun, and only in <strong>the</strong> amounts required for <strong>the</strong> specific assay. All excess reagentsare to be discarded following appropriate safety procedures. The buffers toprepare are listed in <strong>the</strong> Batch Record (Appendix 1, Section 1).7.2 Blood Collection and PBMC Preparation7.2.1 Ensure that <strong>the</strong> phlebotomist is using <strong>the</strong> recommended 4-mL BectonDickinson Vacutainer CPTs to draw <strong>the</strong> blood samples. If necessary,supply <strong>the</strong> phlebotomist with <strong>the</strong> correct CPTs. Four identical specimenlabels are to be prepared for each time point as defined in <strong>the</strong>Pharmacodynamic/Correlative Study section of <strong>the</strong> clinical protocol.7.2.2 The research nurse is to notify <strong>the</strong> laboratory of scheduled PD samplecollections, preferably giving at least 24-h notice. A laboratory technicianis to arrive at <strong>the</strong> blood collection site at least 5 min ahead of <strong>the</strong>

NCTVL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)<strong>Title</strong>: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay Page 5 of 12Doc. #: SOP340521 Revision: RETIRED Effective Date: 7/24/2009scheduled time point(s) to ensure rapid transport to <strong>the</strong> laboratory aftercollection.7.2.3 Of <strong>the</strong> 4 labels prepared for each sample, one label is placed onto <strong>the</strong>freshly collected sample CPT, and a second label is given to <strong>the</strong> researchnurse to place into <strong>the</strong> patient record sheet.7.2.4 The sample is transported at room temperature (RT) in a double containerfrom <strong>the</strong> clinical collection site to <strong>the</strong> sample processing laboratory. ABatch Record is to be started for each specimen (Appendix 1).7.2.5 The blood sample is mixed by inverting <strong>the</strong> tube gently 5 to 8 times and<strong>the</strong>n centrifuging at 1,500 x g for 30 min at 18°C to 25°C, without <strong>the</strong>brake.7.2.6 Place <strong>the</strong> third identical label onto <strong>the</strong> laboratory tracking sheet, and place<strong>the</strong> fourth label onto a sterile 15-mL conical tube.7.2.7 After centrifugation, using a 3-mL Falcon transfer pipette, carefullyremove two-thirds of <strong>the</strong> upper plasma layer and discard in biologicalwaste. Use care not to disrupt <strong>the</strong> underlying material. Change pipettetips and transfer <strong>the</strong> whitish layer that contains <strong>the</strong> PBMCs into <strong>the</strong> labeled15-mL conical tube. Discard <strong>the</strong> remaining liquid and Vacutainer CPT in<strong>the</strong> appropriate biohazardous waste container(s).7.2.8 <strong>Using</strong> a pipette, slowly add Plasma-Lyte A USP to <strong>the</strong> PBMCs in <strong>the</strong>15-mL tube to bring <strong>the</strong> total volume to 14 mL; cap, <strong>the</strong>n mix by gentleinversion 5 to 8 times.7.2.9 Centrifuge <strong>the</strong> sample at 430 x g for 10 min at 18°C to 25°C, without <strong>the</strong>brake.7.2.10 <strong>Using</strong> a sterile pipette, aspirate as much supernatant as possible withoutdisturbing <strong>the</strong> cell pellet. Discard <strong>the</strong> supernatant into biohazardous liquidwaste.7.2.11 Add 6 mL of Plasma-Lyte A USP to <strong>the</strong> tube, and resuspend <strong>the</strong> cell pelletby gently flicking <strong>the</strong> bottom of <strong>the</strong> tube with <strong>the</strong> index finger, and <strong>the</strong>ngently pipetting up and down 5 times using a 5-mL pipette.7.2.12 Immediately after resuspending <strong>the</strong> cell pellet, transfer 20 µL of sampleinto a microtube containing 60 µL Plasma-Lyte A USP and 20 µL of0.4% Trypan Blue, and set aside for a cell count.

NCTVL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)<strong>Title</strong>: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay Page 6 of 12Doc. #: SOP340521 Revision: RETIRED Effective Date: 7/24/20097.2.13 Centrifuge <strong>the</strong> remaining 5.98-mL cell suspension at 430 x g for 10 min at18°C to 25°C, without <strong>the</strong> brake. While centrifuging, after <strong>the</strong> TrypanBlue sample has incubated for 2 to 5 min, determine <strong>the</strong> total and viablecell count using a hemacytometer.7.2.14 Record <strong>the</strong> following information in Section 2 of <strong>the</strong> Batch Record(Appendix 1):• Total cell count in each hemacytometer square that was counted.• Total viable cell count in each hemacytometer square that wascounted.• Calculated viable cell concentration in <strong>the</strong> 6.0-mL cell suspension.• Viable cell yield in <strong>the</strong> remaining 5.98-mL cell suspension. Based on <strong>the</strong> total viable cell yield, proceed as follows:a. If cell yield is ≥ 6.5 x10 6 , <strong>the</strong>n calculate <strong>the</strong> volume to add in orderto make <strong>the</strong> cell concentration of PBMC suspension equal to 3 x10 6 cells/mL.b. If cell yield is < 6.5 x 10 6 , <strong>the</strong>n calculate <strong>the</strong> volume required tomake <strong>the</strong> suspension equal to 1.5 x 10 6 cells/mL.7.2.15 Without disturbing <strong>the</strong> cell pellet, remove supernatant and discard in anappropriate biohazardous waste container.7.2.16 Add to <strong>the</strong> cell pellet <strong>the</strong> volume of Plasma-Lyte A USP calculated in SOPStep 7.2.14 to yield a cell suspension containing 3 x 10 6 , or if required1.5 x 10 6 , viable PBMCs per mL. Resuspend <strong>the</strong> cell pellet by gentlyflicking <strong>the</strong> bottom of <strong>the</strong> tube with <strong>the</strong> index finger and <strong>the</strong>n gentlypipetting up and down 5 times using a 2-mL pipette for volumes of 2.5 mLor less, or a 5-mL pipette for volumes greater than 2.5 mL.7.2.17 Based on <strong>the</strong> PBMC cell suspension concentration, proceed as follows:a. For <strong>the</strong> 3 x 10 6 cells/mL suspension, aliquot <strong>the</strong> PBMC suspensioninto 2.0-mL Sarstedt tubes using 1.0-mL aliquots until <strong>the</strong> remainingvolume of cell suspension is less than 1.0 mL. Record <strong>the</strong> number of2.0-mL Sarstedt tubes that have been prepared in <strong>the</strong> Batch Record(Appendix 1). Discard <strong>the</strong> remaining cells as biohazardous waste.b. For <strong>the</strong> 1.5 x 10 6 cells/mL cell suspension, aliquot <strong>the</strong> PBMCsuspension into 1.5-mL Sarstedt tubes using 1.0 mL aliquots until<strong>the</strong> remaining volume of cell suspension is less than 1.0 mL. Record<strong>the</strong> number of 1.5-mL Sarstedt tubes that have been prepared in <strong>the</strong>

NCTVL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)<strong>Title</strong>: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay Page 7 of 12Doc. #: SOP340521 Revision: RETIRED Effective Date: 7/24/2009Batch Record (Appendix 1). Pipette <strong>the</strong> residual volume of cellsuspension remaining in <strong>the</strong> tube into a 1.5-mL Sarstedt tube, noting<strong>the</strong> actually volume. Write “partial” on <strong>the</strong> top of <strong>the</strong> tube with ablack Sharpie. Record <strong>the</strong> preparation of <strong>the</strong> single residual-volumevial in Section 3 of <strong>the</strong> Batch Record (Appendix 1).• Note: Based on <strong>the</strong> initial cell yield determined in Section 7.2.14,ei<strong>the</strong>r a 2.0-mL (3.0 x 10 6 cells/mL) or 1.5-mL (1.5 x 10 6 cells/mL)Sarstedt tube is used to differentiate <strong>the</strong> final concentration of <strong>the</strong>cell suspension.7.2.18 Centrifuge <strong>the</strong> Sarstedt tubes in Sorvall Fresco centrifuge at 12,000 rpm(12,000 x g) for 10 min at 4°C to 10°C.7.2.19 Remove and discard as much supernatant as possible without disturbing<strong>the</strong> cell pellet. Place supernatant into biohazardous waste.7.2.20 Place appropriate labels onto each Sarstedt tube, indicating specimen type,ID, and date.7.2.21 Snap-freeze <strong>the</strong> Sarstedt tube containing <strong>the</strong> PBMC cell pellets usingliquid nitrogen or a dry ice/ethanol bath.7.2.22 Store <strong>the</strong> frozen PBMC samples at -80°C until analysis.7.2.23 Complete Batch Record (Appendix 1), review, obtain required signatures,and file.7.2.24 All activities with <strong>the</strong>se specimens should be tracked and noted in <strong>the</strong>specimen file (i.e., extraction and analysis, shipment to ano<strong>the</strong>r site, etc).7.3 PBMC Cell Pellet Extraction for PAR Immunoassay7.3.1 Add 300 µL of Cell Extraction Buffer (CEB) containing 1X proteaseinhibitor (PI) cocktail and 1 mM PMSF to fresh or frozen cell pellet in a2.0-mL Sarstedt tube containing 3.0 x 10 6 cells. The appropriate ratio ofbuffer to cell number is 100 µL of CEB per 1.0 x 10 6 cells.7.3.2 Vortex tube for 3 to 5 sec at medium speed (setting 5-6 on VortexGenie 2). Ensure <strong>the</strong> cell pellet is dislodged and mixing gently in <strong>the</strong>CEB.

NCTVL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)<strong>Title</strong>: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay Page 9 of 12Doc. #: SOP340521 Revision: RETIRED Effective Date: 7/24/2009APPENDIX 1: BATCH RECORD PAGE 1Each experimental run must be accompanied by a completed Batch Record with each page datedand initialed.Lab Technician (Certification number): ( )Date: __________________Reviewer/Supervisor:Date:Lot numbers:Vacutainer CPT Product # and Lot #:______________________________________________Plasma-Lyte A USP Lot # and expiration date: ______________________________________15-mL polypropylene tubes (circle one):Fischer14-959-49BBecton Dickinson 352097 or 352095O<strong>the</strong>r: _____________Sarstedt tube Lot #:___________________________________________________________Trypan Blue Lot #_________________________ Dilution Vials______________________Serial numbers of equipment:P-100 Pipetman: P-1000 Pipetman:Processing Records:1. Preparation of ReagentsName Stock Working SolutionCell ExtractionBuffer (CEB)Protease Inhibitor(PI) CocktailPMSFPre-made 1X bufferRemove sufficient volume for number ofsamples to be processed at 500 µL/20 mgtissue.25X: 1 tablet in 2 mL ddH 2 O 1X: 40 µL 25X Stock in 1 mL CEB100 mM Manufacturer’s StockSolution1 mM: 10 µL of 100 mM Stock in 1 mLCEB (add PMSF immediately before use)INITIALSDATE:

NCTVL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)<strong>Title</strong>: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay Page 10 of 12Doc. #: SOP340521 Revision: RETIRED Effective Date: 7/24/2009BATCH RECORD PAGE 2NOTE:Record times using military time (24-h designation). Create a new BatchRecord for each patient and each patient sample.2. Isolation of PBMCsSample ID: ___________________________________________________________________Study Project ID: ______________________________________________________________Blood Volume ______________________ Time of Venous Blood Draw: ________________Time Lab Processing Begins: ____________________________________________________Time of PBMC Transfer into Plasma-Lyte A USP: ____________________________________Time of Cell Counts in Hemacytometer: ____________________________________________Record <strong>the</strong> following data:Total cell counts in each hemacytometer square counted: ____ ____ ____ ____Viable cell counts in each hemacytometer square counted: ____ ____ ____ ____Hemacytometer dilution factor: _____________________________________________Calculated viable cell concentration in suspension: ______________________________Viable cell yield remaining in <strong>the</strong> 5.98-mL cell suspension: ________________________Volume used to resuspend cell pellet to 3 x 10 6 viable PBMCs per mL: ______________INITIALSDATE:

NCTVL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)<strong>Title</strong>: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay Page 11 of 12Doc. #: SOP340521 Revision: RETIRED Effective Date: 7/24/2009BATCH RECORD PAGE 3Sample ID from Section 2 of Batch Record:3. AliquotingCHOOSE ONE of <strong>the</strong> following actions by checking <strong>the</strong> appropriate box: For PBMC yields of ≥ 6.5 x 10 6 cells, diluted to 3.0 x 10 6 cells/mL:Number of 2.0-mL Sarstedt tubes with 1.0 mL cell suspension:Location: For PBMC yields of < 6.5 x 10 6 cells, diluted to 1.5 x 10 6 cells/mL:Number of 1.5-mL Sarstedt tubes with 1.0 mL cell suspension:Location:Volume of “partial” in 1.5-mL Sarstedt tube with

NCTVL Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)<strong>Title</strong>: PBMC Specimen Processing for PAR Immunoassay Page 12 of 12Doc. #: SOP340521 Revision: RETIRED Effective Date: 7/24/2009BATCH RECORD PAGE 44. Extraction of PBMC Cell Pellet for PAR ImmunoassayNumber of PBMC vials: _____________Prepare CEB ( PBMC vials + 2) x 300 µL = µLAdd 25X PI stock _____ µL Add 100X (100 mM) PMSF _______µLAdd 300 µL or µL of CEB into each sample vial.Lyse cell pellet on ice for 30 min: Start time: ________ Stop time: ________Add 15 µL or µL of 20% SDS into each sample before boiling cell lysate for 5 min at100°C.Date of Freezing of Extract: ___________ Date of Thawing of Extract: ___________Number123456789101112131415SampleName/IDNumber ofCells/vial(x10 6 )Add CEB(µL)Add 20%SDS (µL)PBMCConcentration(10 6 /mL)INITIALSDATE:

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