wine star winners PAGE - Palm Bay International

wine star winners PAGE - Palm Bay International

wine star winners PAGE - Palm Bay International


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2011BY THE EDITORS OF WINE ENTHUSIAST MAGAZINEPulitzer Prize-winning reporterand political commentatorWalter Lippman said that “ifwe’re all thinking alike, thenno one’s thinking.” This could not be truerthan in the current American business environment,a roller coaster of triumphs andfailures—living proof that creative thinkingand innovation are required of any successfulventure. In the <strong>wine</strong> world, <strong>wine</strong> consumptionand avid interest—particularly amongnew consumers via social media—continueto grow. Yet that is no guarantee of success.Global and domestic competition is growingwhile a wobbly economy is forcing consumersto be cautious in their discretionary spending.Wine industry visionaries have shown creativityand savvy in negotiating this tricky environment.Those leaders, whose choices aredriving the direction of the <strong>wine</strong> industry today,are the honorees of this year’s 12th annualWine Star Awards. And new this year, inaddition to our Distiller of the Year category,Wine Enthusiast continues to honor leadersin the distilled spirits world with our Mixologistof the Year award.There is no single formula that makes aWine Star winner. Over the years, we’ve honoredindividuals from every corner of theglobe, representing varied mindsets, ethnicities,origins and generations, not to mentionbusiness challenges. On paper, many of these<strong>star</strong>s could not appear to be more different.But one thing binds them all: vision. And inmany cases, courage, too. A Wine Star is aforward-thinking risk taker, someone whois ten steps ahead and dedicated to bringing<strong>wine</strong> to the public in a new and impactfulway. But it’s not just about the business:Our honorees live and breathe the cultureof <strong>wine</strong>, and their passion is what drives thegrowth of our industry at a time when manyare struggling to stay afloat.The people and companies you’ll meeton the following pages will be honored ata black-tie awards gala in January in NewYork City. Today, raise a glass to these award<strong>winners</strong>—the excellence of what you’ll bedrinking is due to their creativity, drive andcourage.WineMag.com | 43

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