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CASE 0:11-cv-00022-DWF -AJB Document 45 Filed 01/27/11 Page 6 of 3523. Guidant LLC was convicted of two misdemeanors in this District for violationsof the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. §§ 331(q)(2) and 331(q)(1)(B), for itsconduct relating to the Prizm 2 and the Renewal and to certain of the allegations herein.24. At all times relevant to this Complaint, Guidant Corp. (now Guidant LLC) soldthe Prizm 2 and Renewal devices through its wholly-owned subsidiary, defendant GuidantSales Corporation. On July 30, 2010, Guidant Sales Corporation filed articles of conversionwith the Indiana Secretary of State to become a limited liability company, with the new name“Guidant Sales LLC.” Guidant Sales LLC has its principal place of business at 4100Hamline Ave. North, St. Paul, MN 55112.25. Defendant Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. is, upon information and belief, aMinnesota corporation with its principal place of business at 4100 Hamline Ave. North, St.Paul, MN 55112. Upon information and belief, Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. is a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of Guidant Corporation (now Guidant LLC), and was so at all times relevant tothis action. Cardiac Pacemakers, Inc. was responsible for certain submissions to the FDAfor the devices at issue in this matter, including a submission that Guidant LLC has admittedwas false and misleading.26. Defendant Boston Scientific Corporation describes itself as a worldwidedeveloper, manufacturer, and marketer of medical devices. Boston Scientific is incorporatedin the State of Delaware, with its principal executive office located in Natick, Massachusetts.In 2006, Boston Scientific acquired Guidant Corporation (now Guidant LLC) and itssubsidiaries through a stock purchase agreement in which Guidant Corporation shareholders6

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